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- File:History of America before Columbus, according to documents and approved authors (IA cu31924088419928).pdf (matches file content)sur la Nou- velle Espagne Paris, 1811. Humboldt, Friedr. Heinr. Alex, ; Kosmos 1845-48. ; Humboldt, Friedr. Heinr. Alex, von. Monuments des Peuples...(804 × 1,200 (17.18 MB)) - 09:57, 24 April 2023
- File:Books from the Library of Congress (IA directoryofmanuf00newy).pdf (matches file content)Jackson, George W., "Inc.," 169-179 \V. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Kosmos Portland Cement Co., "Inc.," 614-616 Paul Jones Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Maxwell...(427 × 927 (8.35 MB)) - 03:07, 10 May 2024
- File:Geschichte der biblischen Literatur, und des judisch-hellenistischen Schriftthums, Historisch und kritisch behandelt, Vol. I (IA dli.granth.71202).pdf (matches file content)mosaischen Zeit bis zur Griindung des israiilitischen lionigthurns (1495-1075 v. Chr.). Umfang des Schriftthums dieser Periode 284 Spatere Sagenbiicher...(706 × 1,250 (22.07 MB)) - 01:25, 17 September 2022
- File:Zentralblatt für Zoologie, allgemeine und experimentelle Biologie (IA zentralblattfr1302leip).pdf (matches file content)Association: On zoological gardens and the preservation of Fauna. 999. (Isle Kosmos, Handweiser für Naturfreunde. Theophrast von Hohenheim, Küster, Eduard...(881 × 1,350 (42.43 MB)) - 22:22, 11 November 2020
- File:Circular of the Bureau of Standards no. 502- bibliography of electron microscopy (IA circularofbureau502mart).pdf (matches file content)Wochschr. 85, 1832-1837 (1938). 51. Ruska, H. The invisible becomes visible. Kosmos 35, 346-350 (1938). 52. Ruska, E. The electron microscope. Engineering 146...(793 × 1,335 (10.21 MB)) - 14:05, 25 August 2024
- File:Cotton literature, selected references (IA CAT11085433121).pdf (matches file content)landwirtsehaf tlichen versuchs- und f orschungsanstalten in L an dsb erg/ War the. Kosmos 37(2): 27-28. Feb. 1940. (published by Franckh sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart...(1,325 × 1,897 (5.97 MB)) - 06:46, 18 August 2024
- File:Monitorul Oficial al României. Partea I 2007-03-06, nr. 158.pdf (matches file content)ALBA ALBA ALBA ALBA ALBA ALBA 163 8238289 ALBA Denumire KING ALEX SRL KOSMOS TRE SRL LANCRAJAN SRL LIN & EMA SRL M.M. INDUSTRY SRL MADO SRL MAGIC GRUP...(1,239 × 1,754 (386 KB)) - 10:01, 6 May 2023
- File:Monitorul Oficial al României. Partea I 2007-09-27, nr. 663.pdf (matches file content)175 176 177 1758080 14179039 3500230 13165060 7386945 2 KING ALEX SRL KOSMOS TRE SRL LANCRAJAN SRL LIN & EMA SRL M.M. INDUSTRY SRL MADO SRL MAGIC GRUP...(1,239 × 1,754 (588 KB)) - 10:10, 6 May 2023
- File:Abendpost 1893-11-04- Vol 5 Iss 261 (IA sim abendpost-sonntagpost 1893-11-04 5 261).pdf (matches file content)Sopraniſtin Frl. Margarethe Riſtau, welche im Verein mit Herrn Schütz von 1075 ° 1076 Xrofop | Mar, 1077 Buchb der unternehmenden Direction als Gaſt hen...(2,441 × 3,370 (16.35 MB)) - 13:48, 2 October 2024
- PUBLICACIÓN Amsterodami : Apud Henricum Hondium, 1621 DESCR. FÍSICA [16], 1075 [i.e. 1066] p. : il., map. ; fol. FUENTE DESCR. Descripción basado en el...(860 × 1,204 (67.27 MB)) - 20:10, 6 March 2021