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- File:Abendpost 1900-01-05- Vol 12 Iss 4 (IA sim abendpost-sonntagpost 1900-01-05 12 4).pdf (matches file content)Kapftadt it ausſchließlich für ſich anzumaßen. War ſäſſige Schenkwirth Gus. Nielſon hat wurden, jind heute nach) der belgiichen | feinen Revolver hervor, und...(2,429 × 3,289 (21.14 MB)) - 02:00, 3 July 2023
- File:Ionization in the plasma of a copper arc (IA jresv66An2p169).pdf (matches file content)of the drift velocities of electrons in air at 273 OK have been made by Nielson and Bradbury [26]. They present their data as a function of E /p in v/cm/mm...(1,108 × 1,495 (8.15 MB)) - 18:07, 20 August 2024
- File:The Glendale Evening News 1923-08-24 (IA cgl 005082).pdf (matches file content)rep o rters are adm itted to see G riffis or his com panion, Vic to r Nielson, who is also in jail in W urzburg. They m anaged to com m unicate th e...(2,618 × 3,537 (56.19 MB)) - 01:29, 10 February 2023
- File:Skizzen zur Geschichte der Unterbindung einiger grössern Arterien - Inaugural-Abhandlung (IA b22308660).pdf (matches file content)Jameson wegen eines aneur. femor. mit unglücklichem Erfolge 1821, J. Nielson wegen Verletzung der art. femor. mit glücklichem Erfolge 1821, Beclard...(1,327 × 2,120 (1.3 MB)) - 16:56, 17 February 2023
- File:2010 Census Urbanized Area Reference Map for Saratoga Springs, New York - DPLA - a91a4d8fb0a6d3a20ddfd88357d8b85b.pdf (matches file content)Milto n Rd 3 SYMBOL Crk Caldwell Rd Dr W oss Ave e ra s Cr k Nielson Rd Saratoga town 65244 lwy l so nR Rowle yR d ud dH an are De rk...(5,404 × 4,800 (860 KB)) - 20:59, 30 March 2024
- File:Spatially linking basinwide stream inventories to arcs representing streams in a geographic information system (IA CAT10823551).pdf (matches file content)LEFT_LEN LEN_VGST_L LEN_VGUS_L LEN_UVST_L LEN_UVUS_L RITE_LEN LEN_VGST_R LEN_VGUS_R LEN_UVST_R LEN_UVUS_R LEN_UCUT_L LEN_UCUT_R LEN_GNTL_L LEN_GNTL_R...(1,193 × 1,547 (1.53 MB)) - 20:17, 17 August 2024
- File:De Curaçaosche courant 18-04-1818 (IA ddd 010334028 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Luitenant LEMUEL BOURNE. Charley. This is to request that the said H. NIELSON, vessel maybe detained in any port she arTweede Timmerman. rives at, and...(1,422 × 2,364 (404 KB)) - 15:50, 28 December 2021
- File:Middelburgsche courant 10-07-1830 (IA ddd 010270027 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)etablissementen der marine in oogenschouw genomen. (Na. Brodre, kapt. C. T. Nielson. van Riga, met hennepzaad ; Martha, dere berigten, wegens de ontvangst...(1,608 × 2,893 (475 KB)) - 10:12, 17 September 2022
- File:Koninklijke courant 07-06-1809 (IA ddd 010239782 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)de voorloopige lijding , dat, op laatstleUe.n .iden aanf/ekomen Samuel Nielson, Prins Fredrick, van Fredricï. ',ïtiiie I Eijholm d« en en Jan Jansen Delers...(1,570 × 2,660 (1.63 MB)) - 18:43, 25 December 2021
- File:Middelburgsche courant 24-10-1840 (IA ddd 010275357 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)MOESHOF Gothenburg, alle vijf met annexe ERF en SCHUUR, ; EinigtJiedcn, B. Nielson, naar ballast; Jean de Locqttenheim , C. Peters, naar Konstantino- alles...(2,010 × 2,906 (711 KB)) - 09:20, 8 October 2024
- File:The Enterprise - 1913-12 (IA cstr 000324).pdf (matches file content)and each girl in turn told of the best Christmas she had spent, Miss Nielson’s story last but not least, was the following: 44Christmas in Sweden. ’’...(1,791 × 1,312 (31.27 MB)) - 22:06, 26 July 2022
- File:Middelburgsche courant 03-10-1839 (IA ddd 010275192 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Schouwen, distrikt Flaauwers, van Amsterdam , met stukgoederen; Dido , Th. Nielson , van met wederzijdsche steenen-vleugels, beschoeijingen , storteNerva...(2,008 × 2,893 (697 KB)) - 13:10, 17 November 2024
- File:De Curaçaosche courant 25-04-1818 (IA ddd 010334029 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Drukker van Zyne Majesteit d,n Koning der Nederlanden. Curaçio den 03«len April 1818. .n- '-f- kooi', I*l. BAUK ZOEK. " voor ,-...,'.■■...(1,422 × 2,364 (1.23 MB)) - 15:50, 28 December 2021
- File:Abendpost 1893-01-20- Vol 5 Iss 16 (IA sim abendpost-sonntagpost 1893-01-20 5 16).pdf (matches file content)Thermometer um * | Klage von dem No. 107 W. Erie Str, wohnhaften J. Nielſon angeſtrengt. — — — der Räumungs- :Derfauf. | 1&.C Entſchieden der...(2,458 × 3,418 (16.11 MB)) - 01:28, 3 July 2023
- File:Opregte Haarlemsche Courant 05-07-1853 (IA ddd 010516804 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Glasgow; Nelly tif Arthur, Mitne, Boness, Ouse, Banks, Newhaven ; Eagle Nielson , Dart, Doughty, beiden van Grangemouth ; Edit, Murck, Newcastle; Echo...(1,797 × 2,945 (1.16 MB)) - 18:25, 26 December 2021
- File:Opregte Haarlemsche Courant 20-10-1848 (IA ddd 010519507 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Lyon. Muc Intosh, B. de Mesquiia , J. J. de dlesquita , de Niefeld , Nielson. Vppenheimer, Penard, Robles, J.F. Roux, H.G.Roux, RuhiHunn, Soesman, Tirion...(1,818 × 2,850 (1.56 MB)) - 04:38, 6 December 2022
- File:Reflection of electromagnetic waves from thin ionized gaseous layers (IA jresv66Dn1p73).pdf (matches file content)small in comparison with /its height. The!:, TJ functions are the Hankel-Nielson Bessel functions defined in the above referenced paper. y = 211"(R + H){A...(1,093 × 1,497 (8.04 MB)) - 20:26, 19 August 2024
- File:Sonoma Valley Expositor 1905-11-03 (IA casomvhs 000230).pdf (matches file content)protect those who are de Francisco was the guest of Mrs. November 13; Nielson vs Riebli to ceased leaves a wife and seven pendent upon them. November...(3,158 × 4,083 (28.69 MB)) - 13:11, 24 February 2023
- File:Duluth Herald Vol 38 No 175 1920-11-05.pdf (matches file content)after by-laws of the association were read to him. He admitted also Minnie Nielson and Miss Ruth John- that this code requires that all members son for stat'^...(4,095 × 5,302 (30.04 MB)) - 22:23, 12 June 2022
- File:The Oak Leaf Vol. 19 (January 4 - December 20, 1957) (IA TheOakLeaf1957January4December20).pdf (matches file content)one headlight working . . . It was "international night" when Margaret Nielson gave a dinner party during the holidays. Her guests were Polish, Scotch...(1,918 × 3,000 (57.67 MB)) - 13:35, 24 August 2024