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- Heat content of zirconium and of 5 compositions of zirconium hydride from 0-degrees-c to 900-degrees-c ( ) Author Douglas, T.B. Victor, A.C. Title...(1,114 × 1,506 (12.16 MB)) - 04:56, 14 October 2024
- wikipedia. 2007-06-30 06:29 Paul 1953 2048×1536× (1336099 bytes) Motorola MicroTAC II PLatinum.Photo was made by myself. English heading: 120.88024 degree...(1,412 × 1,390 (281 KB)) - 11:13, 28 November 2021
- School Description Currently, carbon is the preferred support material for platinum catalyst particles used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs). Carbon...(1,275 × 1,650 (3.7 MB)) - 01:56, 21 August 2024
- File:On the Occlusion of Hydrogen Gas by Metals (IA jstor-112545).pdf (matches file content)to be an association of two atoms, a hydride of hydrogen, it would follow that it is the attraction of platinum for the negative or "cchlorylous " atom...(789 × 1,222 (375 KB)) - 23:52, 11 March 2021
- File:The chemistry and manufacture of hydrogen (IA chemistrymanufac00teedrich).pdf (matches file content)hydride is decomposed by water, according to the equation CaH + 2 H 2 2 = Ca(OH) 2 + 2 H 2. Calcium hydride, unlike the metallic hydrides already...(737 × 1,212 (8.9 MB)) - 02:55, 17 May 2024
- File:Instruments and methods used in radiometry, III - The photoelectric cell and other selective radiometers (IA ins145075361919319319cobl).pdf (matches file content)potassium hydride or of pure sodium. In order to produce good contact ^^ at the cathode a layer of silver is deposited on and around the platinum terminals...(808 × 1,318 (2.78 MB)) - 22:06, 17 August 2024
- File:The chemical news. Volume 10, July - December 1864. (IA s713id13683320).pdf (matches file content)methyl, but afterwards recognised as hydride of ethyl. By the action of one volume of chlorine upon one volume of hydride of ethyl, they obtained one volume...(1,722 × 2,295 (46.74 MB)) - 19:30, 7 January 2021
- File:Researches on the Phosphorus-Bases (IA jstor-108634).pdf (matches file content)compounds of phosphorus with hydrogen, which may, in fact, be viewed as hydrides of phosphorus, the hydrogen of which is replaced by an equivalent quantity...(1,118 × 1,537 (1.29 MB)) - 13:54, 26 March 2022
- File:Note on Sodium-Ethyl and Potassium-Ethyl (IA jstor-111519).pdf (matches file content)relation to iodide of ethyl as hydride of zinc does to hydriodic acid; and consequently all attempts to produce hydride of zinc by the action of the metal...(789 × 1,222 (122 KB)) - 23:10, 22 November 2022
- File:Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensington Museum - MDCCLXXVI (IA catalogueofspeci02soutrich).pdf (matches file content)VIII. Hydride of methylsalicyl Hydride of ethylsalicyl C 8H 8 O 2 = C 9 H 10 2 = COH | C 6 H 4 (0 Me) COH | C CH 4 (OEt) IX. Hydride of salicyl...(768 × 1,189 (63.06 MB)) - 11:49, 13 February 2024
- File:Inorganic chemistry (IA inorganicchem00remsrich).pdf (matches file content)Nature Metallurgy of Copper Properties Applications Alloys Cuprous Hydride Cupric Hydride Cuprous Chloride Cupric Chloride Cuprous Iodide Cuprous Hydroxide...(739 × 1,243 (89.29 MB)) - 16:12, 25 February 2022
- File:Elements of chemistry - theoretical and practical (IA elemofchemis02millrich).pdf (matches file content)IV. Platinum 875 68 Extraction of Platinum 1169 Properties of Platinum 1170 Platinum Black ib. 1 1 878 879 880 1171 Applications of Platinum 1172...(802 × 1,272 (131.88 MB)) - 12:19, 2 January 2021
- File:On the Isolation of the Organo-Metals, Mercuric, Stannic, and Plumbic Ethyls; and Observations on Some of Their Derivatives.-Second Memoir (IA jstor-108707).pdf (matches file content)homologue, mercuric methyl. When the action is assisted by a gentle heat, hydride of ethyl is disengaged, and the crystalline sulphate or chloride of mercurous...(1,089 × 1,527 (2.91 MB)) - 04:34, 8 May 2021
- File:A manual of inorganic chemistry ... (IA b28128199 0002).pdf (matches file content)Sulphides Nickel Sulphate Nickel Nitrate Platinum Platinum Monoxide Platinum Dioxide Platinum Dichloride Platinum Tetrachloride Phosphoplatinic Compounds...(933 × 1,468 (20.89 MB)) - 15:49, 29 June 2023
- File:Lecture Notes for Chemical Students Embracing Mineral and Organic Chemistry (IA bub gb YRtIAAAAIAAJ).pdf (matches file content)radicals to their hydrides. . . Met hylic hydride, or marsh-gas Ethvlic and amylic hydrides ParafHn ...... I .. ..... ._. Hydrides of the radicals of...(625 × 977 (25.81 MB)) - 13:41, 30 December 2020
- File:Fownes' manual of chemistry, theoretical and practical (IA (matches file content)Boric Acid.220 Trisulphide—Nitride ..221 Silicon or Silicium.221 Silicon Hydride or Silicomethane.222 Halogen Compounds of Silicon— Tetrachloride—Hydrotrichloride...(656 × 1,102 (54.8 MB)) - 22:31, 16 December 2020
- File:Lecture notes for chemical students - embracing mineral and organic chemistry (IA lecturenotesforc00franrich).pdf (matches file content)radicals 243 Cyanic hydride or hydrocyanic acid 243 Oxatylic hydride or formic acid I. Hydrides of the basylous radicals Hydrides of the radicals of the...(708 × 1,106 (74.72 MB)) - 18:36, 8 December 2020
- File:Inorganic chemistry (IA b28134539).pdf (matches file content)CERIUM — THORIUM. General — Silicon — Occurrence — Preparation — Silicon Hydride Titanium — Zirconium— Thorium — Cerium— Compounds of the SILICON Elements...(808 × 1,300 (55.63 MB)) - 22:29, 6 May 2024
- File:Treatise on general and industrial inorganic chemistry (IA treatisegeneral00molirich).pdf (matches file content)Chloroanhydrides Monochloroanhydride Amino derivatives : Sulphamide Sulphimide hydride acid : : : .... : : : : : OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SELENIUM AND TELLURIUM...(729 × 1,377 (169.6 MB)) - 02:32, 13 June 2022
- File:Lecture notes for chemical students - embracing mineral and organic chemistry (IA b21922627).pdf (matches file content)Hydrides of chlorous radicals 243 Cyanic hydride or hydrocyanic acid 243 Oxatylic hydride or formic acid Hydrides of the hasylous radicals Hydi'ides of the...(1,164 × 1,695 (24.74 MB)) - 21:32, 23 July 2022