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- A manual for public users of the Germplasm Resources Information Network : the GRIN databank ( ) Author Plant Genetics and Germplasm Institute Title...(1,181 × 1,577 (13.31 MB)) - 15:51, 18 August 2024
- on its use... HTAS consists of 14 FORTRAN programs which run under the Primos, UNIX, or VMS operating systems" --P. 7 "May 20, 1993" BLM/SC/ST-94/007+7000...(1,225 × 1,602 (3.66 MB)) - 20:22, 17 August 2024
- File:Il crowdsourcing tra necessità di coordinamento e perdita di controllo.djvu (matches file content)insegnandomi passo dopo passo a capire e ad affrontare la complessità. Il primo ringraziamento va ai miei genitori, che mi hanno sostenuto e spronato nello...(3,306 × 4,678 (1.31 MB)) - 17:40, 11 October 2020
- File:Wikipedia e la gestione delle immagini.djvu (matches file content)Caratteristiche dell' immagine digitale 8 1.1.2. Immagini e Social Network 12 1.2. I Visual Social Media 13 1.3. Flickr, Pinterest e Instagram...(2,481 × 3,508 (861 KB)) - 04:43, 13 October 2020
- File:Training guide for solid minerals specialists - GIS (IA trainingguidefor28unit).pdf (matches file content)-'-'-:' PRIMOS Commands The PRIMOS commands most frequently used during GIS sessions are listed below. For more detailed information, see the PRIMOS Commands...(622 × 833 (11.33 MB)) - 00:01, 18 August 2024
- File:Pier Luigi Capucci, "Arte e tecnologie. Comunicazione estetica e tecnoscienze".pdf (matches file content)tecnologie 70 6. Arte e mass media. Le avanguardie tormentate 74 Global Networks 78 NOTE 80 7. Arte senza luogo 82 Arte telematica 86 NOTE 88 ...(618 × 1,002 (1.16 MB)) - 08:17, 28 October 2020
- 1992 establishing the list and identity of the units in the computerized network Animo ( ) Title 92-175-EEC- Commission Decision of 21 February 1992...(1,239 × 1,727 (1.97 MB)) - 04:54, 6 June 2023
- File:Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (New Series) Vol 10.pdf (matches file content)thrice as long as broad. Leaves hastate flowers closely packed. Network not conspicuous Network conspicuous below. Leaves rarely more than twice as long as...(4,660 × 7,272 (83.23 MB)) - 01:55, 20 March 2024
- File:Farm broadcasters letter (IA CAT82764458319).pdf (matches file content)the feedback from Greg Primo (Newsworthy, Long Island, N.Y.) about/how o**r TV programming is used on the 66-station network. VIC POWELL Chief, Radio...(756 × 1,108 (574 KB)) - 21:37, 20 August 2024
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1913-07-19- Vol 96 Iss 3 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1913-07-19 96 3).pdf (matches file content)of the ore is concentrated. Different concentrating si/stcms emploged in Primos and Wolf 'Tongue mills. .. 1’almku* entered the field, the coinhined output...(1,316 × 1,852 (19.85 MB)) - 09:25, 11 January 2023
- File:Farm broadcasters letter (IA CAT82764458306).pdf (matches file content)(Southeast Agrinet, Ocala, Fla.). Network is adding stations in Georgia and Alabama. To reflect the additions, the network is changing its name from Florida...(729 × 1,054 (562 KB)) - 06:25, 18 August 2024
- File:ItWikiCon 2020 - Community Health Metrics.pdf (matches file content)Discussioni (1) Laniado, David, et al. "When the Wikipedians talk: Network and tree structure of Wikipedia discussion pages." Proceedings of the Fifth...(1,500 × 843 (2.86 MB)) - 09:56, 29 October 2020
- File:Battaglia open weller aliprandi.pdf (matches file content)Joss Winn, Doug Clow, Katy Jordan and Cristina Costa. Posso vantare un network di amici e colleghi che regolarmente mi fanno sentire inadeguato con i...(737 × 1,179 (3.48 MB)) - 09:57, 25 March 2024
- File:Fotografa il tuo evento.pdf (matches file content)scatti adatti per le attività di comunicazione, ad esempio post sui social network, presentazioni o articoli. Questa l'ho fatta io! #1 Pensa a cosa possono...(3,000 × 1,687 (5.61 MB)) - 12:53, 3 October 2024
- File:Relazione finale Paesaggio culturale alpino su Wikipedia.pdf (matches file content)con il costante monitoraggio di SUPSI. Azione Ruoli Risultati 1 Networking Attività che ha coinvolto in particolare il team svizzero in Italia e...(1,239 × 1,752 (8.98 MB)) - 00:03, 29 August 2020
- File:GISWatch 2009 PDF.pdf (matches file content)local and global levels • Encouraging critical debate • Strengthening networking and advocacy for a just, inclusive information society. Each year the...(995 × 1,429 (6.33 MB)) - 14:11, 10 August 2024
- File:Assignement - Unit 1- What is Creative Commons (italiano).pdf (matches file content)una legge, chiamata Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (dal nome del primo firmatario della proposta, nonché produttore discografico e partner artistico...(1,239 × 1,754 (50 KB)) - 14:05, 27 September 2023
- File:Appunti di Protocolli e architetture di routing.pdf (matches file content)pacchetto di acknowledgment (ACK) del primo pacchetto arriva troppo in ritardo, la sorgente crede che il primo pacchetto sia andato perso ⇒ quando arrivano...(1,239 × 1,752 (2.27 MB)) - 02:43, 10 September 2023
- File:Immagini libere - Wikimedia.pdf (matches file content)fotografica è tutelata secondo diritti morali e patrimoniali spettanti in primo grado al fotografo. Per foto anonime o pseudonime: 70 anni dalla pubblicazione...(1,500 × 843 (1.85 MB)) - 15:22, 21 March 2024
- File:Appunti di Progetto di reti locali.pdf (matches file content)Indice I Nozioni di base sulle LAN 7 1 Introduzione alle Local Area Network 1.1 Origini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Definizione...(1,239 × 1,752 (2.27 MB)) - 02:43, 10 September 2023