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Create the page "Pterostichus montanus" on this wiki!
- File:Zeitschrift für Entomologie (IA zeitschriftfre02vere).pdf (matches file content)9licfen*@ebirg^)^ Leistus montanus, Anchomenus ßricetj, Pterostichus rufitarsiß (cordatusj)*,, negligens, Amara erratica, Trechus sculptus, montanus, roicans, striatulus...(806 × 1,297 (28.4 MB)) - 02:57, 4 November 2022
- File:The Irish naturalist (IA irishnaturalist32roya).pdf (matches file content)1923. Janson and Wyse —A Fortnight's Entomology. 13 — were noted Pterostichus cupreus, Bolitobius exoletus, Anatis ocellata, Malthodes marginatus,...(743 × 1,231 (15.33 MB)) - 09:18, 23 July 2023
- from the use of numbers is thus avoided. LIST OF SPECIES. CARABIDiE. Pterostichus. Anillus 9453. johnsoni Ulke. 9452. cxpl;inatn> Horn. SCYDMiENID/E...(806 × 1,302 (779 KB)) - 18:04, 20 November 2021
- File:Outline descriptions of British Coleoptera (IA outlinedescripti00blac).pdf (matches file content)tedly as Sternoxi; incequalis is and in the table of Eeroniidce , Pterostichus eliminated from the object I have in view, however, means of cation...(731 × 1,197 (5.88 MB)) - 18:31, 22 September 2022
- File:Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences (IA occasionalpapers08cali).pdf (matches file content)Bembidiiim iudistinctum Dej. variegatum Say. intermedium Kby. timidium Lee. Pterostichus occidentalis Dej. lustraus Lee. spleudidulus Lee. four species undescribed...(785 × 1,364 (15.62 MB)) - 01:56, 6 January 2021
- File:Rovartani Lapok (IA rovartanilapok41buda).pdf (matches file content)ritka. Pterostichus Bielzi Fuss. régebben a Pf. hrevis Duft. válfajául tekintetett, ma lomb nem épen alatt önálló faj, Pterostichus Etelkáé ...(816 × 1,289 (1.9 MB)) - 23:34, 13 August 2024
- File:List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on habits and distribution and descriptions of new species (IA listofcoleoptera00fallrich).pdf (matches file content)indistinctum Dej. variegatum Say. intermedium Kby. timidium Lee. Pterostichus occidentalis Dej. lustrans Lee. splendidulus Lee. four species undescribed...(743 × 1,312 (36.08 MB)) - 09:47, 1 November 2020
- File:Records of the Indian Museum (IA recordsofindianm18indi).pdf (matches file content)convexiusculus euphraticus nitidus saigonensis 242 84 128 128 121, 125 montanus montanus dilutus Pectinatella davenporti Pectinibranchia Page 99 Pogonus...(966 × 1,522 (21.69 MB)) - 16:40, 11 November 2020
- File:Catalogue des insectes rapportés des environs du fleuve Amour, depuis la Shilka jusqu'a Nikolaëvsk (IA biostor-235278).pdf (matches file content)Eschh. Argutor strenuus Pz. Poecilus fulgidus Eschh. — cupreiis L. Pterostichus rapax Motsch. — confluens Fisch. L. Agonothorax latipennis Esch. minutus...(737 × 1,260 (5.32 MB)) - 02:01, 13 February 2024
- File:The Entomologist's monthly magazine (IA entomologistsmon34186668oxfo).pdf (matches file content)64 139 Plectroscelis subca3rulea 215 Psylliodes luridipcnnis 235 Pterostichus orinomus 64 65 233 64 Ptinns crenatus sub-pilosus (?) Py tho depressus...(750 × 1,258 (37.47 MB)) - 18:18, 26 May 2023
- File:Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift (IA deutscheentomolo1899deut).pdf (matches file content)russischen des Reiches und der angrenzenden Länder — — 368 398 364 Pterostichus baldensis Schrn. var. Palae Reitter, 367 400 Mausoleopsis 4-maculata...(808 × 1,331 (25.7 MB)) - 21:02, 9 August 2023
- File:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne (IA transactionsof4187072natu).pdf (matches file content)rotundatus, Payk., 1. 1. c. Dej. 43. PTEROSTICHUS, Auct. (PCECILUS, ABAX, PLATYSMA, PTEROSTICHUS, STEROPUS, OMASEUS, ARGUTOR, AND PLATYDERAS...(804 × 1,289 (36.03 MB)) - 05:46, 1 November 2020
- File:The Irish naturalist (IA irishnaturalist2319roya).pdf (matches file content)Slieve Glah, Co. Cavan, Leistus montanus, Steph. Belfast. Badister sodalis, Duft. Carabus nitens. L. — — — Pterostichus vitreus, Dej. — Slieve Donard...(800 × 1,293 (22.15 MB)) - 17:40, 21 July 2023
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA nomenclatureofbr00step).pdf (matches file content)Nic. aeruginosus mihi, viduum, 111. Pcecilus, versutum, Stu. De montanus, Dale. spinilabris, Fab. rufescens, Fab. emarginatum, Gyll. mcestum, Stu...(614 × 1,064 (5.05 MB)) - 21:34, 6 December 2023
- File:Psyche (IA psyche585919511952camb).pdf (matches file content)(below) Sierrobius could be considered a subgenus of the great genus Pterostichus ( sensu lato) but the five new species I refer to it are very homogeneous...(664 × 1,204 (24.98 MB)) - 13:19, 4 December 2022
- File:Entomological news (IA entomologicalnew05acaduoft).pdf (matches file content)Pardosa brunnea Em. PHALANGIDiE. Oligolophus montanus Bks. ms. ACARINiE. ? Rhyncolophus montanus Bks. n. sp. A NOTE ON CRYPTOHYPNUS. By Geo. H...(720 × 1,295 (17.53 MB)) - 10:24, 15 November 2022
- File:List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico (IA listofcoleoptera00hens).pdf (matches file content)Horn. 493. My as Dej. 494. coracinus Say. 495. cyanescens D^j. Pterostichus Bon. COLEOPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. 564. 10 634. COLEOPTERA OP NORTH...(741 × 1,206 (7.57 MB)) - 13:07, 20 July 2020
- File:A guide to an arrangement of British insects - being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland (IA guidetoarrangeme00curt).pdf (matches file content)*1 StriolaZl CHEPORUS Lat. XI metallicus F. 40 Anylicanns Ste. PTEROSTICHUS 196. *1 macer Mar. CLIVINA 175. *1 Fossor L. *2 collaris Herl, *2...(939 × 1,397 (10.58 MB)) - 04:49, 29 June 2023
- File:Wiener entomologische Zeitung (IA wienerentomologi41885wien).pdf (matches file content)et praestaus Pseudosoronia explanata Reitt. 18; Psilocephalus 228; Pterostichus cribratus 188, Starcki Heyd. 187; Ptinus corticinu.s Qnedins 56;...(804 × 1,322 (20.58 MB)) - 03:19, 5 January 2023
- File:A catalogue of British Coleoptera (IA catalogueofbriti00crot).pdf (matches file content)Thunh. albipes, Fabr. pallipes, Dej. oblongus, Fabr. Olisthopus, Pterostichus, Clairv. pumicatus, Panz. Platyderus, Steph. ruficoUis, Marsh. depressus...(1,089 × 1,752 (3.2 MB)) - 08:14, 28 June 2023