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- expansion of gases: memoirs by Gay-Lussac, Joule, and Joule and Thomson; ( ) Author Ames, Joseph Sweetman, 1864-1943 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 1778-1850 Kelvin...(747 × 1,181 (13.27 MB)) - 17:35, 3 August 2022
- Luigi Galvani English: Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac Hrvatski: Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac Français: Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac English: Werner Heisenberg Deutsch: Werner...23 KB (1,048 words) - 14:47, 8 June 2023
- File:Address Delivered before the Royal Society (IA jstor-111117).pdf (matches file content)Esq. On the Foreign, List. H. M. D. de Blainville. I Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac. auliters. Def Charles Dickson Archibald, Esq. Right Hon. the Earl of MountJohn...(789 × 1,222 (2.61 MB)) - 06:15, 10 July 2023
- File:Antiseptic surgery (electronic resource) - its principles, practice, history and results (IA b21303162).pdf (matches file content)FERMENTATION ( Continued ). ON THE FERMENTATION OF UNBOILED SUBSTANCES. — Gay-Lussac Van tier Brooch — Pasteur — Huberts) blood Van dor Brooch — Pasteur — Burden-...(975 × 1,668 (34.95 MB)) - 11:15, 7 September 2023
- File:Oeuvres complètes. Publiées sous la direction de J.-A. Barral (IA oeuvrescomplte03araguoft).pdf (matches file content)chambre où Gay-Lussac étudiait avec son frère, moins âgé d'un an. Le désir de GAY-LUSSAC. t goûter au fruit défendu s'empare de Gay-Lussac. momentanément...(766 × 1,218 (37.56 MB)) - 14:46, 26 April 2024
- File:Œuvres complètes de François Arago (IA bub gb E2QSAAAAIAAJ).pdf (matches file content)— SON ADMISSION A L'ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE. ENFANCE DE GAY-LUSSAC. Joseph -Louis Gay-Lussac, un des savants illustres dont France puisse se la 6 septembre...(625 × 981 (50.01 MB)) - 08:01, 12 February 2022
- File:Arago - Œuvres complètes de François Arago, secrétaire perpétuel de l’académie des sciences, tome 3.djvu (matches file content)18S5 1. VDUVIU fUaWIUHW* 11L– m. 4 NOTICES BIOGRAPHIQUES GAY-LUSSÀC ` WOOfUFHlE U» EN 8ÉAKCR TOBUQOB DIS t’ACABÈSIS DIB SOEKCEB, IX V) «tCUSBE...(1,735 × 2,079 (15.98 MB)) - 23:46, 10 September 2023
- The life of Sir Robert Christison, bart. .. ( ) Author Christison, Robert, Sir, 1797-1882 Title The life of Sir Robert Christison, bart. .. Volume...(641 × 1,025 (17.52 MB)) - 23:36, 6 June 2021
- The life of Sir Robert Christison, bart. .. ( ) Author Christison, Robert, Sir, 1797-1882 Title The life of Sir Robert Christison, bart. .. Publisher...(718 × 1,260 (22.57 MB)) - 01:00, 16 February 2023
- In memoriam : Sir Robert Christison ( ) Title In memoriam : Sir Robert Christison Publisher [Edinburgh?] : [Oliver & Boyd?] Description 16 pages Reprinted...(1,204 × 2,108 (1.52 MB)) - 11:01, 31 December 2022
- File:A history of chemical theory from the age of Lavoisier to the present time (IA b24850007).pdf (matches file content)1869 . a CONTENTS PAG* INTRODUCTION 1 LAVOISIER 5 DALTON AND GAY-LUSSAC 2-7 BERZELIUS 46 LAURENT AND GERÏÏARDT 83 THEORIES OF THE PRESENT...(1,062 × 1,514 (11.47 MB)) - 07:42, 29 June 2023
- File:Antiseptic surgery; its principles, practice, history, and results (IA antisepticsurger00chey).pdf (matches file content)fermentations Living ferments Various views on fermentation Lavoisier Fa\ppert Gay-Lussac's experiments and conclusions broni Tlienard Caignard-Latour Schwann, heated...(804 × 1,275 (38.06 MB)) - 11:15, 7 September 2023
- File:Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal (IA edinburghnewphil541852185).pdf (matches file content)DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS THE IN SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. CONDUCTED BT ROBERT JAMESON, BEGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND...(706 × 1,258 (27.12 MB)) - 11:19, 11 June 2022
- File:The phase rule and its applications (IA cu31924003891078).pdf (matches file content)with experimental data arrived at by Gay-Lussac in the year 1808. In conjunction with Humboldt, Gay-Lussac had redis- covered about three years' before...(689 × 1,089 (10.32 MB)) - 07:06, 30 March 2022
- File:Physical chemistry for beginners (IA physicalchemistr00deverich).pdf (matches file content)of Gay Lussac on the combination of elements in a gaseous state 15 CHAPTER III. THE PROPERTIES OF 10. Law GASES. of Boyle-Gay-Lussac n. Gay-Lussac's...(725 × 1,125 (17.15 MB)) - 07:51, 18 December 2020
- File:The century's progress in chemistry (IA (matches file content)theory. same years the rising auFrench chemical world, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, was conducting experiments with gases, which he had undertaken at first...(935 × 1,418 (1.38 MB)) - 03:16, 2 January 2021
- File:An outline of the sciences of heat and electricity (IA outlineofscience00thomrich).pdf (matches file content)little from the estimate of Gay-Lussac. According to Dalton, the expansion for 1 is while Mr. TST, according to Gay-Lussac, it is Crichton's result gives...(802 × 1,270 (131.53 MB)) - 09:07, 9 August 2023
- File:Stoichiometry (IA stoichiometry00younrich).pdf (matches file content)of Matter, n. Boyle's Law, 12. Gay Lussac's Law, 13. Perfect Gases, 18. Deviations from Boyle's and Gay Lussac's Laws, 18. Behaviour of Gases 18; under...(668 × 1,070 (38.66 MB)) - 22:27, 11 May 2024
- File:(untitled) The Belfast Monthly Magazine, (1808-11-01), pages 212-215 (IA jstor-30072085).pdf (matches file content)Fasci'ulus first, Memoir second; telati.on qf an Aerostatic Voyage, by iL. Gay Lussac. Belfast, p.p. 14 M AN, after having made the elements of tire and water...(975 × 1,500 (518 KB)) - 16:19, 8 September 2024
- File:Antiseptic surgery (electronic resource) - its principles, practice, history and results (IA b20409928).pdf (matches file content)fermentation Lavoisier FaVarious Living ferments experiments and conclusions Gay-Lussac's ippert broni Thenard Caignard-Latour Schwann, heated air inert Schulze...(1,060 × 1,645 (33.4 MB)) - 11:15, 7 September 2023