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Hi ladies and gentlemen, my son's poop has changed within a day this is the second day his poop is getting lighter. We have an appointment tomorrow with his GI specialist tomorrow... would you guys consider this white poop???


All Comments (4)
Posted 06-08-17
Back story it's been over a week he's stopped eating his puree foods and formula intake is ranging from 8-10 oz. Already seen in his primary, she prescribed vitamins but is not too concerned due to the fact he is taking fluids in... But dam from eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner and bottles in between to this... I'm freaking out.
Posted 06-09-17
He has GERD, severe.
Posted 06-09-17
He also has been struggling to poop on his own. We have to give him prunes every other day so he doesn't get constipated. It's been a whirl wind. With his poop and having to give him prunes is not normal another reason I'm getting him seen.
Posted 06-09-17
He also has been struggling to poop on his own. We have to give him prunes every other day so he doesn't get constipated. It's been a whirl wind. With his poop and having to give him prunes is not normal another reason I'm getting him seen.