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Incorrect distance unit displayed for activity

I swam 1,150 metres. When checking this activity record on my Android phone in the Fitbit app, it showed strangely 50km. I then manuall edited the record to correct it to 1,150 metres and saved. When returning to the activity list, it showed 1,150km (notice the km instead of m). There are probably 2 bugs here at least. 

I quit out of the app and got back in, and again it reverted back to 50km in the list and 50m in the details. It seems that it’s 1) not capable of accepting manual corrections permanently (not that it’s correct that it did not record the correct distance in the first place, and yes I did track it real-time as I swam) and 2) confused about the units.

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It looks like a recent bug in the app. I also posted it on Android forum with example screenshots. Fitbit broke something again.

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This started happening to me in the last few weeks. My run and walk activities are summarizing correctly in the app but the splits are completely wrong. It's supposed to show half mile splits but is instead showing them as 0.81 mile which I did the math and is actually the KM equivalent of a half mile. 0.805 KM = 0.5 mile. Then of course the speed is calculated based on 0.81 mile so the splits are completely wrong. It thinks I'm running a 7-minute mile in my splits which I've never been able to run that fast in my whole life! The overall summary is accurately showing it at ~11 minute mile. Seems fitbit can't fix one thing without breaking 3 more things. Time to start looking at a garmin. 

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