I am sorry, it is not working with the new version of HA, where climate component has been totally redefined
first of all i’d like to give a sincere THANK YOU @SebuZet for this component
i myself try to maintain a more-or-less-wannabe important HA component and i know how hard it is to debug/develop when you don’t own the device, so again thank you!
for those with older device that are using port 2878 (you can check by using the command nmap -sS -p 2878,8888 IP_ADDRESS
already mentioned here in the thread) the easiest/fastest way I found to get the token was using the method mentioned by @joelFORCE here
but given the fact the openssl must be a lower version to play nice with the older certificate, i quickly installed an older debian 8.11 netinstall in a VM + all the basic packages (no updates). i proceeded by installing latest version of nodejs + homebridge-plugin-samsung-air-conditioner
node package (i won’t go into details how to do all of this -> google it)
the tricky part was that running homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token <your ac's ip address>
was still throwing an error SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem_lib.c:1929
after some googleing to overcome this the command had to be run like this:
node --tls-min-v1.0 /usr/bin/homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token IP_ADDRESS
after running the command wait a bit, like 10-20 seconds, until the message Power on the device within the next 30 seconds
shows up and voilà the token is returned !
(for the reference I have an AR07HSSDBWKN device model)
PS: I would like to mention that I read this entire thread and a lot of useful information was already exposed! for those who encounter problems, don’t just ask directly for a 5-seconds-solution and start reading first… also I hope this mini-tutorial helps someone someday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
maybe any thoughts why i am getting this error :
iMac:~ andrius$ homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token
Power on the device within the next 30 seconds
Error occured: Failed authentication
@andriuskr have you tried running the command multiple times? it failed for me at some point giving various (other) errors. wouldn’t hurt to reset everything too router/AC
also are you sure you’re using a port 2878 model?
I originally thought “Power on the device” meant powering the whole system off & on (typically via a breaker) - I eventually figured out that it actually meant “turn it on to cool/heat/fan via the control panel”.
Yes, i am usring 2878 model.
running homebridge on iMac with macOs high sierra. Nothing helps
Power on the device within the next 30 seconds
Error occured: Failed authentication
have you followed my steps explained above using a virtual machine?
due to the newer version of openssl (which i highly believe HighSierra has it) or whatever ssl implementation macOS has you cannot run the homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token
Hello SebuZet I have your component with samsung ac old protocol 2878, how i can sent script for start in heat mode or cool mode?
maybe the component does not support this function?
Hi Peter!
Thanks for summarising this post. I’ve tried following your instructions with a VM using Debian 8.11 + Node + Homebridge + homebridge-plugin-samsung-air-conditioner. However, when i get to this point, the installer fails. I’ve tried several times and did a lot of googling on the errors, but I can’t get it to work. My nodejs shows version 0.10.29, npm 6.13.4
I would really appreciate if you can give me a few more details on how to do this as im really struggling to get the token. I’ve tried every single option without any success, and this is the only missing piece for my current Home Assistant configuration.
first of all you don’t need to install homebridge, the homebridge-plugin-samsung-air-conditioner
needed can run without it, it’s a nodejs executable or so
can you give more details what exactly fails, maybe posting some output? hard to tell what you’re doing there. also, unless you typed something wrong your nodejs version looks awfully low
Wow! thanks for the quick response! As expected, after a lot of frustration, when I reach out for help I make it work.
Going over the logs, I realised i was missing an access to the node_modules folder, so it wasn’t installing it properly.
I run:
sudo chown -R root:pi /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
sudo chmod -R 775 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
and I could finish the installation. I just managed to run the script but navigating to the directory:
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-samsung-air-conditioner/bin $
and running:
node ac-get-token.js
I got
Device token: 04167757-9775-M633-N858-373832354144
Happy days!!
now onto the configuration on HA, hopefully the difficult part is over.
Thanks again!
I’ve been trying for the past few days to get this working but struggling with loading the climate modules.
I’m running a Pi3 with the hassio 32bit image of HA 0.104.3
My Ac runs on the 2878 port.
I’ve successfully been able to get a token from the AC and cloned the dev version of SebuZet’s git hub to my server in config/custom_components/climate_ip. I’ve also configured the config.yaml file with the steps mentioned a few times in this post with debug on.
In the output of the log i’m getting the following:
Platform error: climate
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config.py", line 760, in async_process_component_config
platform = p_integration.get_platform(domain)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/loader.py", line 265, in get_platform
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/config/custom_components/climate_ip_old/climate.py", line 21, in <module>
from homeassistant.components.climate import (ClimateDevice, DOMAIN,
ImportError: cannot import name 'ATTR_HVAC_ACTIONS' from 'homeassistant.components.climate' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/__init__.py)
As far as i can see all the right settings are in the right place and the config file is calling the 2878.yaml file. Is there a critical step that i’m missing or is the image i’m using on the pi not compatible with this module?
Any help is appreciated!
This looks like the home assistant code has changed and broken the module. If you don’t have any new features you require you can try downgrading home assistant to version 0.9x
Thank you,
I’ll give it a go and report back
Hi all,
as per https://github.com/SebuZet/samsungrac/issues/14
you need to edit climate.py file under /config/custom_components/climate_ip and replace the 2 references on ATTR_HVAC_ACTIONS to ATTR_HVAC_ACTION
I have just made this change with version 0.105.2 and it works.
The only issue i have at the moment is that it is reading ‘Current Temperature’ as 80* C (which i believe is actually F*) but target shows as 25* C. Any ideas?
Ah thank you Nick! That seems to have done the trick!
Also seem to have the temperature showing up F*
Having a quick look around “AC_FUN_TEMPNOW” value seems to be the returned temperature, i’m struggling to find where the value is output to home assistant. was hoping to do a conversion then return that value to h.a.
properties.py seems to have mention of conversions but haven’t quite figured out how it works.
So I’ve had a look on the Saumsung smart appliance pages and found that the temp code also returns the odd vaule too…
But yet the temperature returned is correct :
So it got me looking though their javascript code and found this:
//CAC는 현재온도는 tempNow을 값에 -55도를 해야 정확한 수치가 나온다.
tempNow = (tempNow - 55);
if (tempNow < -9) //-10이하 (Lo)
tempNow = "Lo";
else if (tempNow > 40) // 41도이상(HI)
tempNow = "HI";
Google Translated the comment:
“The current temperature must be -55 degrees to tempNow value to get the correct value.”
To get the correct temperature just need to -55 from the returned value. Will post when i figure out how to change the value in code.
O wow… so it’s not F*?
That makes sense as when i converted 80*F to *C I get 26.6, which is higher than what the thermostat shows.
So, to make HA show the updated temp:
- First i looked into samsung_2878.yaml. At the very beginning of this development, Sebu addressed this issue and suggested passing the unit as part of the attribute:
type: number
status_template: '{% for key, value in device_state.items() %}{% if key == "AC_FUN_TEMPNOW" %}{{value}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}'
type: temperature #number
status_template: '{% for key, value in device_state.items() %}{% if key == "AC_FUN_TEMPNOW" %}{{value}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}'
unit_template: "F"
It didn’t work for me. So I just edited the current temperature get on climate.py, line 225:
def current_temperature(self):
return self.rac.get_property(ATTR_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE)
def current_temperature(self):
return (convert_temperature(self.rac.get_property(ATTR_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE), TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS)-2) # -2 to adjust temp offset
But after your finding, i reckon it would be more appropriate to have
def current_temperature(self):
return self.rac.get_property(ATTR_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE-55)
I’m not sure i’m 100% happy with the result as it doesn’t match the thermostat either. the (F to C) -2 conversion was a tad more accurate
Let me know how you go.
def current_temperature(self):
return (self.rac.get_property(ATTR_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE)-55)
Spot on! Now showing the correct temperature! Thank you!