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Araucaria araucana

Araucaria araucana


Monkey Puzzle, Chile Pine. Native of Chile and S.W. Argentina on the West slopes of the Andes. Frost tender when very young in areas of very severe frosts. Likes moist, loamy to gravely soil. When growing at low altitude needs well drained site. Has a very long life. Formal shape. Pyramidal when young. More round topped when mature as can be seen by the crown of this mature female tree. 3 cm seeds are edible. 30 to 50 metres high in its natural habitat. 6.5 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our nursery/garden.

Grade Available:
Plant size: 30cm high
Pot size: 1.5 ltr


Monkey Puzzle, Chile Pine. Native of Chile and S.W. Argentina on the West slopes of the Andes. Frost tender when very young in areas of very severe frosts. Likes moist, loamy to gravely soil. When growing at low altitude needs well drained site. In Araucana’s natural habitat most rainfall occurs in the winter when up to 400 cm (4 metres) can fall and much of this is in the form of snow. Where Araucana are growing naturally in high rainfall areas, it is at a high altitude where high summer night temperatures do not occur. Rainfall can be as high as 150 cm to 250 cm annually but the summers are dry. In areas in N.Z. where rain falls in summer and night temperatures are above 16 degrees Celsius – plant with a cool root run or, in the southern hemisphere, on south facing hillside. Trees are dioecious mostly. Occasionally monoecious. Seed is not produced every year-maybe intervals of 3 or 4 years between crops. This is the only Conifer we know that is almost stock proof. i.e. too prickly for any animal to eat – goats may be the exception.

Has a very long life. Formal shape. Pyramidal when young. More round topped when mature as can be seen by the crown of this mature female tree. 3 cm seeds are edible. 30 to 50 metres high in its natural habitat. 6.5 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our nursery/garden.

Grade Available:
Plant size: 30cm high
Pot size: 1.5 ltr