Cahoon Care Associates, LLC.
Norwell, MA: (781) 659-1877
133 Washington St., Norwell, MA 02061
Sandwich, MA: (774) 994-2212
71 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563
Ellsworth, ME: (207) 667-0870
We are excited to recognize Erik Moulton as the Cahoon Care Employee of the Quarter!
Erik is a caregiver associated with the Ellsworth, Maine office. During his high school years, he trained at a vocational school in Connecticut and received his CNA certification. Erik's career path eventually led him into project management with a pharmaceutical consulting firm for over a decade. In July of 2021 he decided to make the shift back to his roots and passion for in-person care. We could not be more excited to have Erik on the team. He is a true caregiver in every sense of the word, providing compassion and dignity to clients with all that he does.
Erik's education, experience, and caregiving skills are a unique recipe in which he provides a warm, genuine experience catered to each client and their distinctive care needs and personality style. He is frequently sought after, with many clients requesting he become a permanent fixture on their care team. Erik does a great job managing work/life balance. As we are all too aware, balancing special requests of our time for clients, along with our personal obligations, is no easy task. Erik's project management experience certainly comes in handy as he agrees with a smile and great attitude to lend a helping hand; whether it's a fill-in shift for a call out, or an unexpected appointment for a client.
It's also not unusual for family members to compliment his work and remind us that Cahoon Care is lucky to have Erik. We don't need the reminder, but it sure is nice to see others recognize that he is exceptional!
In his spare time, Erik enjoys traveling, hiking, sightseeing, and off-grid glamping with his dog, Kitty. When he's not out and about, he enjoys relaxing time at home with family.
Erik, thank you for being so compassionate, helpful, and flexible. You clearly have a passion for caregiving and have found your calling. We are grateful to have you on our team!
Anniversary Celebrations!
Cahoon Care is fortunate in many ways, not the least of which are the amazing team members we have in the field, caring for clients in their special, caring, and compassionate ways. This provides clients with dignity, purpose, and peace of mind. You are all a gift - we celebrate all of you and give special thanks and recognition to those celebrating anniversaries!
We call attention to one very special anniversary. Office Manager, Sara Bartels, (photo above) celebrates 10 years with Cahoon Care! Most of you know Sara as the cheerful voice on the phone when you call the office during business hours, or as the voice of calm and compassionate support when she is on call after hours. What you may not know, is that Sara joined the Cahoon Care family in September 2011 as a caregiver.
As a caregiver, Sara consistently established a great trusting rapport with clients and family members. It was quickly evident that she has a true heart for caregiving. There are too many examples of times when Sara has gone above and beyond for us to share all of them, but here is one of many heartwarming stories. A client desperately wanted to attend his 60th reunion at Harvard University with his wife, but it appeared to be an impossible feat. Sara understood that this was a very important milestone for her client, so she made it happen. It was by no means easy, since the client was frail, and his wife suffered from dementia. Nonetheless, Sara was able to coordinate logistics and accompany both husband and wife to the reunion. She made her efforts appear seamless, and this amazing couple was able to enjoy an incredible event, celebrating a grand milestone.
Sara consistently exemplifies the values Cahoon Care embraces and in 2015 was promoted to the position of Client Care Manager. She has been a natural as she continues her journey with CCA. Sara's compassion and dignity for clients, family, and caregivers alike in her role as liaison is inspirational.
This year, Sara's position has evolved to Office Manager as she now oversees all aspects of our office. Sara consistently brings incredible things to the CCA team! She not only has great ideas, but also provides solutions. One of Sara's greatest strengths and passions, is organization. Seriously, she puts Marie Kondo to shame! It is no wonder she is the glue that brings all projects together at Cahoon Care.
All who came into the office after Sara, express heartfelt appreciation for her continued support and mentorship.
Sara, thank you for your 10 years of service and dedication to Cahoon Care. Our clients, their families, caregivers, and the office team are all better for knowing you!
Other important anniversaries we celebrate this quarter:
Marjorie Williams - 5 years
Robinah Katumba - 5 years
Darlene Kelly - 4 years
Sheila Eloi - 3 years
Pamela Jewers - 2 years
Billie Bates - 2 years
Joanne St. Pierre - 2 years
Wendy Hammond - 2 years
Valentina Eaton - 2 years
Michelle Campbell - 2 years
Debra Gray - 2 years
Terry Bassett - 2 years
Cathy Watts - 2 years
Cynthia Northrup - 1 year
Mimi Matthes Lipman - 1 year
Suzana Rosa - 1 year
Christine Salvato - 1 year
Genna Romiza - 1 year
Paula Calkins - 1 year
Arlene Eaton - 1 year
Kerrin Place - 1 year
Why is There
a Caregiver Shortage?
While it has become noticeably more difficult to find qualified caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic, this current shortage pales in comparison to the looming caregiver crisis facing America over the next decade.
Any crisis usually has multiple and complex causes and explanations, but in this case, the number one reason behind the increasing lack of good caregivers to meet the needs of the elderly is the rapid aging of the U.S. baby boomer population.
Approximately 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day. Our senior population is expected to double in the next 20 years and swell to 88 million by 2050.
Find Out Who
Is Earning $$
Through Referrals!
Referrals are a great way to earn EASY MONEY! You can earn up to $300 per referral. Call Karen at (781) 635-4968 for details.
Below are recent referrals. Thank you to all who passed along a referral - and enjoy your referral payout!!
Kara Perkins
(referred Kate Dahlquist)
Donna Levers
(referred Cassandra Stewart-Palmer)
Pam Jewers
(referred Kayla Durkee)
Maria Luz Walsh
(referred Heather Huyser)
Ashley Eisenhauer
(referred Cori Livingstone)
We're excited to announce eight new members of the Cahoon Care team this past quarter...and more than half were referred by YOU:
Jo Schofield
Anette Roberts
Cheryl Newenham
Ashley Eisenhauer
Gina Hicks
Cori Livingstone
Kate Dahlquist
Heather Huyser
Teepa Snow
Video Tips:
Using Hand-under-Hand to Assist with Getting Dressed (Shirts & Coats)
Unquestionably, one of the most challenging things we do is care for individuals with brain change. Whether it's Alzheimer's or anything else under the dementia umbrella, Teepa Snow is one of the most widely-respected experts on brain change.
Teepa has put together amazing short videos demonstrating examples of successfully completing tasks for someone with brain change. In the videos she first demonstrates intuitive ways of performing these tasks (which are often less effective), and then shows the "Teepa way," using subtle differences that are highly effective.
Our recruiting manager, Karen Cavaca, is admittedly a Teepa "super fan" and watches her on TikTok religiously. (Yes, we poke fun at her for finding relaxation in learning about work, after work hours!)
Look for more amazing Teepa Snow video tips on YouTube and TikTok. (Check out this one on TikTok featuring more dressing tips.)
Click on This Shell to Find Out if You're a Winner!
Last quarter's shell game winners were:
Mimi Matthes Lipman
Ruth Brittain
Ashley Eisenhauer
Sara Bartels
Kerrin Place
We hope you had fun playing and enjoyed your treat!
Caregiving is challenging work. Sometimes we all need to vent and get support. It's important to find an objective audience who is not as close to our experiences as we are, but who can still relate by experiencing similar situations.
If you are on Facebook, take a peek at this amazing support group. You never know - the message you need to hear may be shared there. You'll also have an opportunity to vent to people who will understand and embrace you with open arms.
Daily Senior Care Tip: Bed Sore Prevention
and Treatment
Seniors with limited mobility are at risk of developing painful bed sores. Sitting or lying in the same position for long periods of time can cause these potentially life-threatening sores to form on their bodies.
Since bed sore prevention is far easier than healing them, here are three tips for preventing them from developing, as well as two common treatments.
There's always something new to learn as a caregiver, and let's face it - most of us do not have the time to research the latest breakthroughs and caregiving techniques.
DailyCaring provides practical caregiving tips for everyday challenges even the most experienced caregivers face. We hope you enjoy the content (like the article above) as much as we do! Topics range from Alzheimer's/dementia tips to stress relief pointers.
Sign up for DailyCaring, a daily e-newsletter filled with helpful news you can use, and inspirational senior care tips! You can also follow the DailyCaring Facebook page.
This message has been sent to all clients and client families. If a gentle reminder is needed for visitors, please give the office a call. And remember, you must wear your mask when with clients, regardless of their - and your - vaccination status.