The Clean Water Pod

Season 2, Episode 1:

Too Much of a Good Thing: The Role of Nutrients in Water

Join podcast host Jeff Berckes as we explore the Clean Water Act!

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Photo by Pierre-Leduc.

Season two of the “Clean Water Pod” podcast will focus on nutrient-related success stories from across the country. To set the stage for this topic, host Jeff Berckes kicks off the first episode by speaking with two professors about the role of the commonly found nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, in water quality.

About our guests:

Jamie Vaudrey is an assistant research professor with the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Connecticut. She also serves as the research coordinator for NOAA’s Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve. Vaudrey is involved with EPA’s National Estuary Program, serving on Narraganset Bay’s science advisory committee and the Long Island Sound Study’s science and technical advisory committee. She received a Bachelors in biology with a minor in philosophy from Wellesley College, and completed her Ph.D. in oceanography at the University of Connecticut.

James (Jim) Cotner is a professor of ecology, evolution and behavior at the University of Minnesota. He has studied freshwater and marine ecosystems for more than 30 years, primarily focused on heterotrophic bacteria and ecological stoichiometry. Cotner holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

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About the Clean Water Pod

Through perspectives and stories from across the country, the “Clean Water Pod” explores the challenges and successes of restoring and protecting water quality. Season two of the podcast focuses on nutrient related success stories.

This podcast is funded by a grant through the U.S. EPA and produced by Flip the Field and NEIWPCC.

Share Your Clean Water Success Stories!

NEIWPCC is collecting and producing stories highlighting Clean Water Act 303(d) program successes as part of an EPA grant. Contact Livia Graham to learn more about opportunities to share your success stories.

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