Cahoon Care Associates, LLC. | |
Norwell, MA: (781) 659-1877
133 Washington St., Norwell, MA 02061
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Sandwich, MA: (774) 994-2212
71 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563
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Ellsworth, ME: (207) 667-0870
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Introducing the Gardeen Monitoring System |
We're excited to announce the launch of the Gardeen Monitoring System, designed to track and record an individual's movement patterns and activity levels.
Gardeen is designed to be unobtrusive and easy to use, allowing individuals to wear it throughout the day without causing discomfort or disrupting their daily activities. The device uses gateways to detect and record movements such as walking, sitting, standing, and lying down, as well as other activities.
The bracelets and safety devices include features such as fall detection, emergency response buttons, and location of the individual in the home, which can provide peace of mind to users, their families, and healthcare providers. In the event of an emergency, the devices can quickly alert caregivers or emergency services, allowing for rapid response times and potentially life-saving interventions.
Learn more about Gardeen.
| What to Check After an Aging Person Falls | |
Falls by an older person shouldn't be taken lightly. Even if no injuries are apparent, and even if it seems as if the individual simply tripped and fell, it's still important to be proactive about getting the proper medical assessment after a fall.
Most doctors' visits after a fall are to check resulting injuries, but more care is warranted. Falls (even minor ones) can be warning signs of underlying new, possibly serious medical problems that need treatment to prevent future falls and/or injuries.
Below are eight things that should be included in a thorough work-up by a doctor after a fall:
Doctors should assess for underlying new illnesses. If an aging person has been feeling unwell or experiencing weakness or delirium, these symptoms could be a clue of where to start looking. Possible health problems include strokes, dehydration, urinary tract infections, anemia, pneumonia, or heart problems.
Take a blood pressure and pulse reading when sitting and when standing. This is especially useful if your loved one has been feeling lightheaded.
Read more on our blog...
| Anniversary Celebrations! |
We're celebrating some important employee anniversaries over the past two quarters:
Pippa McVarish - 9 years
Lydia Gwandaru - 7 years
Denise May - 7 years
Elorise Ascott - 6 years
Darlene Kelly - 6 years
Brianna Connors - 5 years
Emmanuella "Nuella" Ekute - 4 years
Karen Entrot - 4 years
Mary Grace - 4 years
Wendy Hammond - 4 years
Tiffany Jewett - 4 years
Jennifer Brown Sargent - 4 years
Katherine Smith - 4 years
Isa Andrade - 3 years
Gloria Finch - 3 years
Donna Levers - 3 years
Amber Ames - 2 years
Tonya Chipman - 2 years
Donna Gibson - 2 years
Denise Hilton - 2 years
Lidiia Leonchyk - 2 years
Heather Lounder - 2 years
Ty Noel - 2 years
JoAnn Ashpfaq - 1 year
Tina Boslee - 1 year
Elizabeth Dedham Campbell - 1 year
Ruth Chandler - 1 year
April Davis - 1 year
Sandra Nunes Dossantos - 1 year
Joy Ezeonugo - 1 year
Kathy Hill - 1 year
Anastasia Kamau - 1 year
Nadia Oliviera - 1 year
Scarlet Stark - 1 year
| How to Care for Veterans Living with Dementia | |
As we honor and pay tribute to the worthy U.S. military veterans in our lives, it's important to remember that their time of service may have left its mark on them physically, emotionally, psychologically, and/or socially. These "scars" may become even more apparent as the individuals age, particularly if they develop dementia and their brains begin to change.
Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia play out differently in each person, depending on the type of dementia, other health conditions, and even military background. Special challenges can arise if an individual has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), depression, anxiety, or loss of a limb. These conditions can significantly impact the progression of dementia.
Interestingly, there is a greater risk of dementia among veterans and other emergency responders (police officers, firemen, search and rescue personnel, and EMTs), largely due to traumatic experiences and/or related injuries.
If you're caring for or supporting a veteran who is living with dementia, here is a list of five things you should be aware of:
Learn more on our blog...
We're pleased to announce that Nadia Oliveira received the above employee appreciation basket for her outstanding service!
In our Maine office, the following caregivers received goody bags in appreciation of their service:
Amber Ames
Tonya Chipman
April Davis
Mary Grace
Natalie Griggs
Wendy Hammond
Mary Elizabeth Heinkel
Hailee Herbest
Denise Hilton
Dakota Jewett
Erica Lanpher
Heather Lounder
Cynthia Northrup
Jen Sargent
Jennifer Brown Sargent
Kate Smith
Shauna Smith
Daily Senior Care Tip: Constipation in Seniors -
6 Effective Home Remedies
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Constipation is an issue that many older adults deal with on a regular basis. This chronic digestive discomfort can seriously affect your older adult's life. It can cause them to not want to eat or exercise, and can make them cranky and uncooperative.
Constipation can often be solved with these six simple home remedies. But just remember that if the situation doesn't improve soon, it's important to speak to their doctor in case constipation is a symptom of a more serious health condition.
Click here for more information.
DailyCaring provides practical caregiving tips for everyday challenges even the most experienced caregivers face. We hope you enjoy the content (like the article above) as much as we do! Topics range from Alzheimer's/dementia tips to stress relief pointers.
Sign up for DailyCaring, a daily e-newsletter filled with helpful news you can use, and inspirational senior care tips! You can also follow the DailyCaring Facebook page.
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We are in the running for the Cape Cod Times' "Best on the Cape" contest as one of the top five home health care services!
It's because of your excellent work that we have this honor.
Please cast your vote here under the "Beauty and Health" category for "Home Health Care Services."
Thank you for your support!! We are grateful for all of you.
| $$$ Referral Bonus Recipients $$$ |
You may have heard our very own Allan Parker recently on the radio speak about the need for more wonderful caregivers such as you!
If you didn't, please click here and take a listen. Remember, we offer a $300 referral bonus. We know the best caregivers know the best caregivers! Please send them our way, and in turn, we'll send money your way.
Call Sheila at (207) 610-3280 in Maine, or Karen at (781) 635-4968 in Massachusetts with your referrals.
Below are recent referrals. Thank you to all who passed along a referral - and enjoy your referral payout!!
Nadia Oliviera
(referred Camila DeBarros)
Scarlet Stark
(referred Sheila Watson)
We're excited to announce 28 new members of the Cahoon Care team over the past two quarters...and some were referred by YOU:
Mindy Asch
Callie Bailey
Karina Blaquier
Erin Cochran
Selena Contreras
Shirley Craig
Larysa Davis
Camila Debaros
Marci DePaula
Cheryl Duggan
Alex Eldridge
Venessa Gilley
Lisa Giordini
Natalie Griggs
Ce-Ce Hamilton
Susan Hayes
Mary Elizabeth Heinkel
Hailee Herbest
Corina Hetu
Jenn Klemenz
Amanda Moore
Xyomara Robles
Felicia Snell
Emma Sweeney
Nadia Sydney
Camecia Thompson
Allissia West
Naomi Wilson
| Entertaining Father's Day Activities for Seniors |
Spending quality time with the important man (or men) in your life is a thoughtful way to celebrate Father's Day and let him know how much you care.
To help you plan something he'll enjoy, here are 16 entertaining Father's Day activities for seniors that will suit a wide range of interests and abilities.
Half the activity ideas are great for older adults who enjoy going out. The other half are perfect for those who enjoy staying home.
These activities can be done one-on-one or with a group of family and friends.
No matter what you plan to do, your older adult will enjoy the time you spend together.
Check out these activities.
| Click on This Shell to Find Out if You're a Winner! | Click here to play this month's fun trivia game. Email with your answers. The first three individuals who score above 80% are the winners. |
Caregiving is challenging work. Sometimes we all need to vent and get support. It's important to find an objective audience who is not as close to our experiences as we are, but who can still relate by experiencing similar situations.
If you are on Facebook, take a peek at this amazing support group. You never know - the message you need to hear may be shared there. You'll also have an opportunity to vent to people who will understand and embrace you with open arms.
Please don't forget, your team in the office at Cahoon Care is happy to help or be your sounding board.
Video Tips:
Safer Late-State Care Reposition in a Bed
If someone with dementia slides down the bed, your first tendency is to try to pull or slide him or her back up.
A better option is to first adapt the environment for optimal success. This includes preparing the bed ahead of time with a sheet placed lengthwise for someone who requires movement assistance.
Pay attention to the person's reaction to your efforts and respond by adjusting your speed, touch, and movement for comfort.
Click here or on the video above to learn other recommendations by renowned dementia care and education specialist Teepa Snow.
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What a wonderful way to welcome Spring: bidding the COVID-19 pandemic farewell! It's incredible to think it has been more than three years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that swept the world.
Despite the end of the pandemic, COVID is still out there. Just this week, CCA clients and caregivers alike were affected by COVID-19. We hear and share your frustration when you miss work because of COVID. For our clients, COVID-19 remains a dangerous, albeit less prevalent, threat.
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The protection from wearing masks outweighs the convenience and comfort of not wearing them. For this reason, the mask policy will remain in effect. As always, we invite you to contact the office with any questions or concerns.
Thank you sincerely for all you do to keep clients safe, healthy, and happy!
Warmest regards,
Margery, Carolyn, Allan, Sara, Pippa, Brianna, and Karen
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