Service Level Agreement

Touchtech provides a 98.9% Uptime guarantee, as described below, for Customers on the Business Pro plan and above (our Service Level Agreement or SLA). If we fall short of our 98.9% Uptime guarantee and your Brand Workspace is affected, we’ll apply a Platform Credits to your account for future use.

To review reporting of current and historical Uptime, visit Touchtech Status.

Downtime means the time (in minutes) during Opening Hours that Users of the Platform are not able to access the Platform due to critical or high incidents, perform ordinary functions, or use the Platform for normal business operations as a result of failure or delay where there are no reasonable workarounds.

Opening Hours” means from 24 hours per day from Monday to Friday (Central European Time), which imply 1440 minutes per day multiplied by the number of days in the applicable month.

Downtime does not include any minutes when:

  • The Platform is not available due to Planned Maintenance or a Force Majeure Event

  • Problems outside of our reasonable control (such as no electricity to the setup, user turning off the setup, faulty user configuration, failing third party software on the PC in the setup, any failing hardware component or no internet access etc.)

  • Faulty content export from the Customer’s systems or non-responsive customer specific integrations to third-party systems

  • Slowness or other performance issues with individual features (link expansions, search, file uploads, etc.)

  • Any products or features identified as pilot, alpha, beta or similar

As it is, in some cases, hard to know if the Downtime is due to technical error caused in the Platform or caused by the Customer without troubleshooting, the issues must be reported in writing to the Touchtech Support (see “Support” section below) and verified by Touchtech to be considered Downtime. In case the Downtime is caused by a failure in the Platform the total minutes of Downtime will be counted from the time the incident was reported to Touchtech.

Touchtech calculates downtime automatically using server monitoring software to measure the server-side error rate, ping test results, web server tests and website tests, which can be accessed here Touchtech Status.

Uptime guarantee
Uptime is the percentage of total possible minutes the Platform was available during a month and will be calculated using the below formula. Our commitment is to maintain at least 98.9% Uptime:

[Opening Hours] - [Downtime] / [Opening Hours] * 100% > 98.9%.

 Planned Maintenance
Means the time (in minutes) that the Platform is not available to the Customer due to maintenance, including any upgrading of any software used to provide the Platform. Touchtech will do its best to perform for maintenance outside usual Swedish business hours.

Force Majeure Event
Means any failure or delay caused by event beyond the control of a party, which could not have been avoided or corrected through the use of reasonable diligence, including but not limited to, internet limitation or slow connection, power outages, network intrusion, lawsuits, pandemics, labour disputes, loss of communications, mobilisation or large-scale military recruits, ordinances, rationing of fuel, goods or energy, and defects and delays in deliveries from subcontractors caused by any party outside the Party´s control provided that the other Party is notified immediately.

Platform Credits
If Touchtech fails to meet any of the Uptime set forth in this SLA, Touchtech will pay the Customer credits as follows (the “Platform Credits”): If the Uptime during any given month falls below 98.9%, Touchtech will provide the Customer with a Platform Credit equal to the percentage of the total monthly fee applicable to the month in which the failure occurred corresponding to the Uptime Level set forth in the chart below:

Uptime Level
99.0 - 100%                

Platform Credit
0% of the monthly Subscription fee


Uptime Level
98.5 – 98.999%               

Platform Credit
10% of the monthly Subscription fee


Uptime Level
97.0 – 98.499              

Platform Credit
15% of the monthly Subscription fee


Uptime Level
92.0 – 96.999                 

Platform Credit
25% of the monthly Subscription fee


Uptime Level
< 92%               

Platform Credit
50% of the monthly Subscription fee 

Touchtech will apply all Platform Credits, upon request by the Customer, to the invoice for the month following the month in which the Platform Credits accrue. At the end of the SLA Term, if no further invoices will be issued, Touchtech will pay such requested Platform Credits to the Customer within 30 days following the end of the SLA Term.

Touchtech will perform the support during Swedish Business hours, which is between 8AM and 5PM GMT+1. The Customer may email [email protected] or call +46 31-75 73 250 to submit a support ticket or incident report.

Below is the definition of bug reporting severity levels, response and resolution time. Should be noted that the response and resolution times only apply for Business Pro plan or above.

Severity Level
Severity Level 1 - Critical 

Definition of Severity
An emergency condition which makes the use or continued use of any one or more essential functions of the Platform impossible or significantly impaired, for 51% or more of the Users in a Brand Workspace, and which impacts the Customer’s critical business operations. The condition requires an immediate solution that is not already available to the Customer.

Response Time
Within 2 hours during Swedish business hours 

Resolution Time
Within 2 hours, during Swedish business hours, the work to resolve would initiate and with the aim to resolve within a business day


Severity Level
Severity Level 2 – High 

Definition of Severity
Any condition which makes the use or continued use of any one or more functions of the Platform difficult and whichthe Customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant timeor effort. This condition must affect 51% ormore of the users within a brand.

This is defined as all non-sales related features where a reasonable work-around is not possible.

Response Time
Within 4 hours during Swedish business hours 

Resolution Time
Within 4 hours during Swedish business hours

Initiate work with the aim to resolve within 2 business days


Severity Level
Severity Level 3 – Medium

Definition of Severity
Any condition which makes the use or continued use of any one or more functions of the Platform difficult and whichthe Customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant timeor effort. This condition must affect 51% ormore of the users within a brand.

This is defined as all non-sales related features where a reasonable work-around is not possible.

Response Time
Within 4 hours during Swedish business hours 

Resolution Time
Touchtech plans if/when it might be released according to roadmap


Severity Level
Severity Level 4 – Low

Definition of Severity
A minor problem condition or Documentation error which the Customer can easily circumvent or avoid.

Response Time
Within 4 hours during Swedish business hours 

Resolution Time
Touchtech plans if/when it might be released according to roadmap

Termination for chronic SLA failure

Touchtech is also entitled to suspend the Platform for the Customer, after informing the Customer of wrong use, with immediate effect where the Customer ’s use of the Platform jeopardizes the Platform or Touchtech’s other customers’ use of the Platform until remedied by the Customer.



As our business evolves, we may change our Service Level Agreement. Customers can review the most current version of the Service Level Agreement at any time by visiting this page.