Despite cash being the easiest money type thing in the world to use, people just aren’t carrying it. More and more often, people’s wallets are devoid of paper money, instead full of plastic rectangles. They’re thin at first, but after a few, space starts to run out and you end up sitting on a wallet George Costanza would be proud of. If he’s not exactly who you’d use as a role model, maybe you should look into Fuze Card. It’s a gadget that lets you store up to 30 different cards, including your standard credit and debit cards, but takes it a step further and includes gift, ID, and membership cards. Basically, if it has a swipeable magnetic strip, you can store it on Fuze Card. You select the card you want to use with an E-Paper display, then swipe or use the optional EMV chip add-on (coming in January 2018). The card lasts for 30 days on a single charge, comes with a power bank for longer trips or accidents and there are enough security features built in that we feel a bit like thieves of our own cards.
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