320 Chippewa Rd.
Muncey, Ontario. N0L 1Y0
Tel. 519-289-5555
The primary function of the Finance department is to ensure that the financial obligations of the First Nation are met. This includes processing payments to suppliers for the First Nation, Payroll, Investments, issuing of purchase orders, and the collection of payments. Finance staff ensures that all financial reporting to Government and other agencies are met in a timely manner.
In conjunction with Chief and Council a budget planning process is completed annually with our Program Managers.
The Finance committee is made up of a Portfolio Councillor appointed by Chief and Council and two committee members along with the Senior Finance Clerk as a resource person. Committee meetings are held monthly or as needed.

Brenda French
Sr. Finance Clerk ext 247
Email. [email protected]

R.Shane Fisher
Finance Assistant ext 231
Email. [email protected]

Leona Grosbeck
Jr. Finance Clerk ext 246
Email. [email protected]

Courtney Riley
BBC Trust Administration Manager Ext 222
Email. [email protected]
Auditors for the First Nation are:
MacNeil Edumundson LLP
Tel. 519 660-6060
Fax. 519-672-6416
Web. www.meb.on.ca
2019 – 2020 Audit
Audit 2019-2020
2015-2016 Audit
Audit 2015-2016
2015-2016 Council Annex Report
2015-2016 Annex B
2015-2016 Annex C
2015-2016 Health Canada Statement
Health Canada – Statement of Revenue, Expenditure and Accumulated Surplus\Deficit
2014-2015 Audit
2014 – 2015 Audit
2014-2015 Council Annex Report
Annex B 2014-2015
2013 – 2014 Audit
Audit 2013-2014
2013-14 Council Annex Report
Notes: Under Chiefs Honorarium this includes 52,326.57 for Bussing Contract with the Chippewa Education Board.
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Point of Sale Tax Exemption
When the provincial and federal governments came to an agreement to harmonize the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) with the Provincial Sales Tax in 2009, they failed to consult with First Nations on the impact this would have on the First Nations Point of Sales Tax Exemption (FN-POS). As a result, the FN-POS was slated to end on June 30, 2010. However, following extensive political advocacy and direct action by First Nations people on the ground, First Nations were successful in maintaining the point of sale tax exemption which exempts First Nations from the 8% provincial portion of the HST. When agreement was reached to continue the point of sale tax exemption, the intent was for retailers to provide the exemption at the point of sale but the province took the position that they would not force retailers to do this but would strongly encourage them to provide it. They then created a refund mechanism whereby a First Nation person wrongly charged tax at the point of sale could file for a refund with the province after the fact. Immediately following confirmation that the FN-POS exemption would continue, there were reports that many retailers were were not providing the tax exemption at the point of sale. There have been ongoing implementation issues that need to be monitored and addressed. Recently, my office received a report that a First Nation person attempted to make a purchase and obtain the point of sale tax exemption but were refused the listed price and instead advised that they had to pay a different price. This is obviously not supposed to happen and was not agreed to. I am interested in obtaining information on similar incidents where a First Nation person has been refused the tax exemption at the point of sale or were asked to pay a higher price. These issues will be reported to the Political Confederacy and a strategy to address and monitor these issues will be implemented. Please contact Pam Hunter at [email protected] if you have any information with regards to this matter.