The 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
August 27 - 31, 2023, Toronto, Canada (physical meeting)

For regular updates and the latest news, follow us on Twitter @cp_conf and @cp2023conf, or on Mastodon at
Sep 27th: Check out the finalised proceedings!
Sep 26th: You can find the code for the Explainable Constraint Solving tutorial here!
Sep 11th: Thanks everyone for attending CP and for all your contributions! You can find the pictures we took at the event here. See you next year!
Aug 25th: We have finalised the main conference schedule!! (possibly modulo minor changes)
Aug 25th: The DPSolve workshop has now also released its program!
Aug 24th: Check out the program for the DEI Special Event!
Aug 18th: The Optimization for Sports
and the Progress Towards the Holy Grail
workshops have also published their programs!
Aug 17th: We have uploaded more information on the Invited Talks and on the Tutorials. Check it out!
Aug 16th: Check out the program for the Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation!
Aug 15th: The program for the Workshop on Teaching Constraint Programming is now available!
Aug 15th: Don't forget to indicate your meal choice in the email you have received after registration. Deadline is today AoE!
Aug 13th: Check out the preliminary detailed schedule!
Aug 13th: Click here to find everything you need to know about the Doctoral Program.
Aug 7th: We have uploaded a preliminary schedule for CP 2023!
July 11th: Our Registration page is live!
July 11th: Check out our updated Accommodation page
to find a hotel.
July 10th: Please check out our
Call for DEI Scholarship (application deadline: 31 July, 2023).
July 4th: The abstract and paper submission deadlines
for the doctoral program have been extended! Check the
Doctoral Program CfP for more
June 28th: Check the Tutorials page for the
abstracts of this year's tutorials.
June 21st: Check the Workshop page for the submission deadlines
of this year's workshops.
April 26th: Some submission deadlines have been extended, see the Call for Papers.
CP 2023
The International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP) is the premier annual conference on all aspects of computing with constraints, including theory, algorithms, models, solvers, and a diverse range of applications in machine learning/artificial intelligence, planning, and scheduling, to name a few. This is the 29th version of the CP series organized by the Association for Constraint Programming.
The CP 2023 program will include presentations of high quality scientific papers on constraints technology, featuring multiple thematic tracks. It will be located at the beautiful Toronto, Canada, at the University of Toronto St. George campus (downtown). Apart from the Technical Program consisting of the Main track and four tracks (Applications, Machine Learning, Operations Research and Trustworthy Decision-Making), there will be invited talks, tutorials and workshops.