Chapter 13: First Aid Basics - American CPR Care Association

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chapter 13 : First Aid Basics

There are basic guiding principles that need to be followed in all First Aid emergency situations:

  1. First, assess the scene to ensure that it is safe for you and the victim.
  2. It is essential to call for professional help promptly – dial 9-1-1 immediately!
  3. Calmly and swiftly assess the emergency, and recognize the problem.
  4. Give care based on your skills and knowledge.
  5. Stay at the scene to comfort and calm the ill or injured person until help arrives.
  6. Do not immediately move the ill or injured person. If you act inappropriately, the injury may worsen.


It is vital that you do not provide First Aid to a person that refuses to give you permission. Follow these steps:

    1. If the person is responsive, tell them that you are trained in First Aid and ask if you can help. Permission is implied if you come upon a person who is unconscious or unable to respond.
    2. If the person agrees, give First Aid.
    3. If the person refuses help, activate EMS (call 9-1-1).
  • Always check for medical tags on the ill or injured, especially on the neck, wrist, and ankle; pass the information on to the EMS.
  1. If the person is confused, assume that they want your help.

First Aid Kit:

Your company may have a specific First Aid Kit. It is important to know where this kit is located. If you have your own First Aid kit – know where it is, keep it in a watertight container, and be sure to always check that no products have expired.