To see some examples of my custom quilting please scroll to the very bottom of this page. The majority of these are customer quilts who requested full custom quilting.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding having one of your quilts either freehand or custom quilted. [email protected] or call me at (403) 278-8854

Friday, August 12, 2016

Cute Little Guy

Between facebook, instagram and my blog I'm sure most of you have seen this adorable little wall quilt I appliqued. It's been hanging on my design wall for a couple of years now but I have been diligently trying to finish up a few of my UFO's the past while.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Twelve Down - Five to Go

What was I thinking when I cut all these placemats out many years ago????  Oh well, it is nice seeing these come to fruition. Not sure what I'm doing with them but it's always nice to have something around in case you need a fast gift for someone special.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2nd Monster Quilt Finished

Wow look at me go!  Those of you who know my struggle this past year will understand why I'm so happy to be in the studio accomplishing things.  This is the 2nd quilt I made out of one pre-printed panel.  Quilting done and even binding put on - by machine but no less it's on.  I love it, if I do say so myself.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

2016 Charity Project - Pieceful Quilters

Each year our guild Pieceful Quilters choose a charity and each member makes a quilt for this specific charity.  This year it is for the Flames Rotary Children's Hospice.  I always think the brighter the better and took the easy way out and cut up a cute little panel.  Good thing I have until September to get it quilted as things do not happen very fast around here anymore.

Update!  Well I even surprised myself.  I got the quilting done and even the binding (machine). Feeling real good getting this accomplished now on the the second one.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fun with Strings

Still feeling great and working on my own quilts I've had in the queue for a number of years.  This is a string quilt out of one of the Fons & Porter magazines a while back.  I decided it needed a bit of light custom quilting.  It's just fun being down in the studio again.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Pin Wheel Quilt

Every time (well quite often that is) when I get a notice that Jen at Missouri Star has a new video I have to try at least one block.  I liked this one so much that I ended up making a whole quilt  - I really like it!  Made from a layer cake that someone was kind enough to give me - thank you, sorry I don't remember who it was.   Nice cozy flannel for the backing.

Jelly Roll Quilt - destined for Ft. MacMurrey

I started to make this quilt for one of my many grandsons but decided Fort Mac was an important cause  at present and hopefully I can still get a few quilts made for my beautiful grandchildren.  Oh did I also mention great-grandchildren (second one due in June).  We are soooo blessed!
