Clinical Trial

Disease: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, AML, (ISRCTN14430213)

Disease info:

Leukaemia is cancer of the white blood cells which are responsible for fighting infection. In leukaemia, the bone marrow produces abnormal levels of white blood cells. Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) starts in the bone marrow but often quickly spreads into the bloodstream. AML sometimes spreads to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes, liver, central nervous system and testicles. 

Commonly, AML develops from cells other than lymphocytes that would normally develop into white blood cells. The World Health Organization (WHO) divides AML into several subtypes based off genetic association. AML is also known as acute myelocytic leukaemia, acute myelogenous leukaemia, acute granulocytic leukaemia, and acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia.


IND Enabling Pre-clinical
Phase I Safety
Phase II Safety and Dosing
Phase III Safety and Efficacy
Feb. 25, 2025

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