Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Strigiformes
FAMILY: Strigidae
SPECIES: B. virginianu
Conservation Status

However, their size can change drastically depending on their location. For example, in Ontario and Alaska the great horned owls are much larger than the populations in Texas and California.
All great horned owls are some combination of light brown coloring underneath and duskier brown on top with complex, darker markings for camouflaging purposes. Great horned owls from the subarctic are lighter in color and the ones in warmer climates are darker.
All of these owls have the common facial disk that is reddish, gray, or brown depending on the location. The so-called horns on their head are tufts of feathers that scientists believe contribute to the owls’ communications.

Its primary diet are small-to-medium critters such as rabbits, mice, birds, reptiles, and more. Once ambushed, the great horned owl will usually kill the prey by crushing it with their feet and eating it whole.
In order to preserve food and not compete with large predators, great horned owls in the north will leave their uneaten food in the elements to freeze and then later thaw it using their body heat.
After eating prey whole, the great horned owl, like most owls, will regurgitate a pellet made of bones and other bits it can’t digest.

Great horned owls are also called the tiger owl or the hoot owl.