Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Leopardus
Species: L. pardalis
Conservation Status

The ocelot is a medium-sized cat with a beautifully patterned coat, consisting of white, tan, and black. Their underbelly is white with small black dots and the rest of their body is tan with black and white stripes and dots.
The ocelot reaches about 15 to 20 inches at the shoulder and weighs anywhere from 17 to 35 pounds. They are the largest of their genus and the body length measures from 21 to 39 inches. The ocelot’s tail is also quite long and can reach 18 inches! Ocelots have small round ears, pink noses, and long, slender bodies.

The ocelot is native to Mexico, Central and South America, Trinidad, Margarita, and southwestern United States. They prefer to be close to water sources with dense vegetation cover. Ocelots usually live in rainforests but also inhabit brushlands.
During the day, ocelots tend to sleep hidden away in hollow trees, on a tree branch, or in bushes. Ocelots are territorial animals. Males are known to have ranges that overlap up to 5 female territories!

The ocelot is a carnivore, mostly eating things like iguanas, rodents, land crabs, frogs, and rabbits, as well as birds and larger animals like monkeys. Ocelots have pointed fangs they use to kill their prey and sharp back teeth to tear their food. For the most part, ocelots are nocturnal and do most of their hunting at night. They have strong hearing and sight to help them catch their prey. They also follow scent trails of other animals to catch them.

Ocelots mate all throughout the year, though the peak mating season is usually in autumn or winter, depending on where it lives. Female ocelots are pregnant for about 2 to 3 months, until giving birth to 1 to 4 kittens. They will give birth in a secluded area, like a cave, hollow tree, or thick vegetation.
Kittens usually weigh 7 to 12 ounces at birth and are born blind, with the spotted and striped coat like their mothers. Mothers keep their kittens hidden anywhere from 13 to 64 days and they will venture into the outside world by 3 months. Kittens remain with their mother for up to 2 years, until establishing their own territory.

Ocelots have amazing sight. Their eyes reflect light so they can easily see much better than humans in the dark. Their long whiskers help them feel their way around. If an ocelot does not finish a meal, they will cover and hide it and return the next night.
Although they spend most of their time on land, they are also excellent swimmers, jumpers, and climbers. Ocelots communicate with each other by using scent marking, body language, and different vocalizations.