Shaun T Cize - Disc One
Cize is Shaun T new workout program and it is (according to ShaunT) the end of exerCIZE.
The main Cize program comes on three discs. Disc one, the yellow disc features the first two dances.
Crazy 8s is routine number 1. It clocks in at 29:55, not including the cool down. Crazy 8 routine is made up of 8 moves that Shaun T teaches in the layered take it from the top approach.
The base or transition move is called the cize bounce. You normally go to the cize bounce prior to learning a new move or taking it from the top.
Towards the end of the workout, Shaun gives you a water break and time for you to collect yourself before you move into the Cize It Up segment. In this segment, you perform the routine to a "popular" or "contemporary" song. While you are learning the routine, the music/beat are the same throughout the teaching part of the workout. For Crazy 8s's I love the music Shaun uses to teach the routine. I felt it was something you could really dance to.
You Got This is the second routine of the Cize series. You Got This clocks in at around 43 minutes. And while I love the learning the routine music of Crazy 8s, I found the music used in You Got This very blah. It made the workout boring to me.
The routine itself contains 12 moves which Shaun teaches a layered take it from the top approach.
For the most part after Shaun teaches a new move, you take it from the top for 4 dry runs before moving on to add the next new move. I felt four times through each time too much. I felt three times through would be sufficient.
Like Crazy 8s. towards the end of the workout, there is a Cize It Up segment in which you dance the routine to a contemporary song with vocals.
Along with Shaun there are background dancers and I thought they were all pretty good and added energy to the workout.
I like both dances well enough. For me, it is probably going to be the music that will either elevate it as a workout I really like or kill it.
Crazy 8 - 4 stars
You Got This - 3 & 1/4 stars
The main Cize program comes on three discs. Disc one, the yellow disc features the first two dances.
Crazy 8s is routine number 1. It clocks in at 29:55, not including the cool down. Crazy 8 routine is made up of 8 moves that Shaun T teaches in the layered take it from the top approach.
The base or transition move is called the cize bounce. You normally go to the cize bounce prior to learning a new move or taking it from the top.
Towards the end of the workout, Shaun gives you a water break and time for you to collect yourself before you move into the Cize It Up segment. In this segment, you perform the routine to a "popular" or "contemporary" song. While you are learning the routine, the music/beat are the same throughout the teaching part of the workout. For Crazy 8s's I love the music Shaun uses to teach the routine. I felt it was something you could really dance to.
You Got This is the second routine of the Cize series. You Got This clocks in at around 43 minutes. And while I love the learning the routine music of Crazy 8s, I found the music used in You Got This very blah. It made the workout boring to me.
The routine itself contains 12 moves which Shaun teaches a layered take it from the top approach.
For the most part after Shaun teaches a new move, you take it from the top for 4 dry runs before moving on to add the next new move. I felt four times through each time too much. I felt three times through would be sufficient.
Like Crazy 8s. towards the end of the workout, there is a Cize It Up segment in which you dance the routine to a contemporary song with vocals.
Along with Shaun there are background dancers and I thought they were all pretty good and added energy to the workout.

Crazy 8 - 4 stars
You Got This - 3 & 1/4 stars
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