Gold Quartz Crystals

Gold Quartz Crystals

Discover the Radiant Beauty of Gold Quartz Crystals

Welcome to our exclusive collection of Gold Quartz Crystals, where each stone is a testament to nature's artistry. Dive into the golden hues of these quartz stones and pick up something new for your home decor.

Are Gold Quartz and Yellow Aventurine the Same?

Gold Quartz features pale yellow to deep orange coloration, and may appear as streaks or splotches within clear quartz. It can have translucent clear or yellow areas within the stone, or be a deep orange. Gold Quartz is sometimes referred to as Golden Azeztulite, and some collectors use the terms "Gold Quartz" and "Yellow Aventurine" interchangeably as well. This is because both Gold Quartz and Yellow Aventurine can be found as semi-translucent to opaque quartzite gems whose sunny color derives from inclusions of Hematite, so there is considerable overlap between them mineralogically. While the name Yellow Aventurine is also applied to some plagioclase feldspar varieties, and some collectors state that Yellow Aventurine stones must exhibit internal sparkles of Mica or Copper, we've used the terms side by side to allow for easier searching since many members of the crystal community use both terms to refer to the same stone.

Diversity within Quartz Stones

Quartz stones are abundant and present an array of varieties. However, gold quartz has properties that set it apart. Chiefly, its beautiful colors offer a distinct charm and value that is unmatched by other quartz stones.