our team

Dr. Roland O’Daniel
Chief Executive Officer
“I’m very proud of our focus on providing exceptional learning experiences for every student. It drives our work daily.”
Roland has experience as a math and science teacher at Louisville’s Saint Xavier High School, where he partnered with University of Louisville professors to pilot student-centered investigative learning and wrote multiple grants to embed authentic learning opportunities into his classroom. In his years at CTL, he has served as an Instructional Technology Coordinator and Director of Programs. In these roles, he has led project implementation efforts, coordinated the work of project managers, as well as provide professional learning and technical assistance support to clients.
Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Louisville
Master of Arts in Teaching, Spalding University
Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and History, University of Louisville

Dr. Staci Eddleman
Executive Vice President of Operations
“Build stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.”
As Director of Programming, Staci is a member of the executive team and engages in strategic planning and systems alignment. She supports the program specialists and participates in the design and implementation of current and developing programs. Prior to joining the CTL team, she served as a district director of federal and state programs, principal in middle and high schools, assistant principal, and high school teacher. She appreciates the opportunity to draw on her leadership experience and instructional expertise to support school and district leaders, teams, and teachers.
Doctor of Education, Education Leadership, New York University
Professional Certificate for Instructional Leadership – School Superintendent, University of Louisville
Professional Certificate For Instructional Leadership – Principal, All Grades, Level 2, New York University
Master of Arts, Secondary Education, University of Kentucky
Bachelor of Arts, Spanish, University of Kentucky

Dr. Victoria Miller Bennett
Procedural Fluency Program Manager
Programs Specialist
“There are two versions of math in the lives of many Americans: the strange and boring subject that they encountered in classrooms and an interesting set of ideas that is the math of the world, and is curiously different and surprisingly engaging. Our task is to introduce this second version to today’s students, get them excited about math, and prepare them for the future.”
Jo Boaler
Victoria works with teachers across Kentucky at all levels to promote student engagement and understanding in mathematics. She facilitates professional learning and coaching of teachers who wish to elevate their pedagogy to promote deeper thinking. She brings over 19 years of experience at the elementary, middle, and collegiate levels to her role.
Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Louisville
National Board Certification, Early Childhood, Generalist
Master of Arts in Teaching, University of Louisville
Bachelor of Arts, Indiana University

Dr. Ashley Perkins
Artful Reading Program Manager
Programs Specialist
“We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of telling the world who we are.”
Mr. Fred Rogers
Ashley is a professional learning facilitator, program designer, blogger and literacy coach. She uses her experience as an English Language Arts classroom teacher, writing cluster leader and literacy coach to work on various projects, including co-writing Artful Reading modules and supporting the Adolescent Literacy Model.
National Board Certified Teacher in Adolescence and Young Adulthood/English Language Arts
Doctor of Education, School lmprovement with an Emphasis in Reading, University of West Georgia
Master of Arts, Secondary Education, St. Mary’s College, Leavenworth, Kansas
Bachelor of Arts, Allied Language Arts and Secondary Education, Western Kentucky University

Jennifer Wright
Program Design
Programs Specialist
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Jennifer supports teachers during their implementation of Artful Reading and Adolescent Literacy Model practices by facilitating professional learning and providing job-embedded coaching. Prior to joining CTL, Jennifer spent 10 years in the classroom and has a skillful approach to elementary literacy instruction. She works alongside teachers as they discover the power arts integration has on student learning and helps them look for opportunities to infuse arts into their daily instruction.
Jennifer also serves as the Marketing Coordinator, bringing our various instructional programs to educators across the country.
Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education, Eastern Kentucky University
Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Kentucky

Jenni Aberli
ALM Program Manager
Programs Specialist
“It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve chosen to spend your days, and whom you’ve touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.”
Patricia Palacio, Wonder
As an Educational Programs Specialist at CTL, Jenni works with teachers to provide professional learning and support around literacy-focused initiatives and programs. Prior to taking this position, she worked in public education for 26 years, most recently as the high school English Language Arts (ELA) lead for Jefferson County Public Schools where she designed curriculum frameworks and resources, professional learning opportunities, and standards-aligned support for teachers. Jenni is an EdReports Klawe Fellow and has served as an EdReports ELA reviewer/writer, a Kentucky Core Advocate with Achieve the Core, a Facing History and Ourselves ELA Advisory Board member, a Louisville Writing Project Fellow, a Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) Lead and Learn Fellow, and a twenty-year National Board Certified Teacher. She also received a Learning Forward Best Evaluation of Professional Learning Award.
National Board Certification, Adolescence and Young Adulthood English Language Arts
Specialist in Education, Educational Administration and Supervision, University of Louisville
Masters of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education, English, University of Louisville
Bachelor of Arts, English, University of Louisville
Reading Program Consultant Certification, Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board
Business Office & Program Support

Lynda Bradley Arkwright
Finance Administrative Assistant – Business Office
“It is with a sense of advocacy that makes working at CTL so important to me. My desire is to assist in lifting up a new generation of learners.”
Lynda brings a wealth of experience to CTL. Springing from a work life within various business settings, she helps the business office run smoothly and efficiently for both staff and clients.
Coursework at Elizabethtown Community & Technical College and Jefferson Community & Technical College

Martha Hack
Programming Assistant
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. And hope brings peace.”
Martha brings 14 years of experience working in nonprofit organizations as an event manager and family service coordinator. Additionally, she spent several years in a public school system as an office manager and administrative assistant. At CTL, she coordinates client orders, manages inventory, plans events, and supports the work of our program specialists.
Associates Degree in Science, English, University of Louisville
Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board
our board of directors
The CTL Board of Directors provides fiscal oversight and policy guidance to CTL as required by its non-profit status. The Board is a partner in helping CTL establish and realize its strategic plan. Term of service is three years, renewable based on President/CEO invitation and Board action.
Tarik Nally
Board Chair
Creative Principal & Founder
Kale & Flax
Louisville, KY
Billie wade, cpa
executive director, hope of kentucky, llc
kentucky Bankers Association
Louisville, KY
Roland O’Daniel Ph.D.
Collaborative for Teaching & Learning
Louisville, KY
Linda F. Hargan, Ed.D.
Founder/ President & CEO Emeritus
Collaborative for Teaching & Learning
Louisville, KY