INDECOM Confirms Off-Duty Officer Was Involved In Brawl At Dancing Rebel’s Party

Initial investigation by the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) has confirmed that at least one off-duty police officer was involved in the assault of two persons during a party held at Mas Camp over the weekend.
INDECOM conducted a preliminary assessment of an incident which occurred on November 30, 2024 at the Mas Camp Car Park, National Stadium in Kingston, based on concerns raised of the possible involvement of members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
“Initial indications of INDECOM’s assessment are that several civilians, as well as at least one off-duty police officer, were involved in the allegation of an assault of two persons.” a press release said.
The Police High Command launched an investigation into an online video showing a beating during entertainer Rebel’s birthday party over the weekend, allegedly involving an off-duty cop.
The release asserted that “INDECOM’s mandate does not allow for the investigation of any civilian”, however, the Commission will take all necessary steps to investigate the role of the identified police officer in the alleged altercation.
“Consequent on the above, a fulsome investigation will be conducted by the JCF, based on the number of civilians involved, with supervision and oversight by INDECOM, in accordance with section 14 of the Independent Commission of Investigations Act. This approach allows for an enquiry into the roles of both civilian and law enforcement personnel,” the release stated.
INDECOM reminds the public that any citizen who has a complaint, that an on-duty or off-duty officer, has assaulted him or her, can make a report to INDECOM.
INDECOM also made an appeal that video or other digital footage should be submitted to the Commission.
Popular promoter Romeich Major has apologized for his role in the assault of the TikTokers TJ and Moya after the party.