Creating a Happy, Colorful, Handmade Home & life on the shores of lake superior

December 20, 2011

Why I'm a Bad Wife

I look shifty because I'd been pestering him before and after this shot was taken.
What was I doing?  Taking thousands of close-up photos of the sun shining through his beard. 
Apparently that is annoying.

Today Hubby & I celebrate our three year wedding anniversary!  In honour of that, here are some of the reasons I'm a bad wife:

1. Even though I'm a feminist, I vehemently argue that jobs like "figure out where the dead animal smell is coming from" is a "man's job".

2. I re-organize the cabinets and closets when he's gone but pretend I didn't.

Nope, always been there honey!

3. I leave dangerous obstacles in the shower.  I take baths so these so-called "obstacles" pose no threat to me, but apparently Hubby knocks things like this over while hurling himself in and out of the shower and rustling the shower curtain to and fro.

Hey, I'm trying to be thrifty and get the last little bit of conditioner out of the bottle.

4. I also deem centipede squishing "man's work".  All I can do is deafen them with my shrill screams.

5. I like throw pillows.  I like throw pillows that have a "right" way to being put back after someone has flung them from the sofa (zippers facing down, please) and I routinely police the putting back of pillows.

6. I introduced him to cashmere.  That was mean.  He hates spending money on clothes but once you wear cashmere you can't go back to itchy (more affordable) merino wool that easily.  Mwahahaha.

But it wants you to want its wool.

7. Changing the sheets is also a "man's job" (my arms aren't long enough).

8. I shout lengthy, "genius" ideas for him to write down while I'm in the bathroom.  The best ideas come to me when I'm in the bathtub but I forget them by the time I get out.  Keeping paper in the bathroom yielded soggy, unimpressive results. 

9. I learn the lyrics to songs that annoy him (but not on purpose).  But then I sing them all the time and off-key, kinda on purpose.

10. I'm not always looking out for him.  In my defense, in this case I was so focused on taking a good shot I didn't see the giant wave about to soak him.  P.S. Those are my flip flops he's holding.

At least he kept my flip flops dry.

Thanks for loving me anyway Hubby. 



  1. Haha, this made me laugh. I can totally relate to #1 and #5. #1 involves taking out the garbage, emptying the compost and cleaning the kitty litter and #5 drives my husband crazy! Happy Anniversary - it sounds like you are both pretty lucky! :)

  2. congrats! just found your blog! so much have a new fan.

  3. You're so sweet! Happy Anniversary!
    Great pictures. The one of the Pyrex is one of my favorites! Do you have any cleaning tips for vintage pyrex finds? :)

    P.S. I'm so happy you're on Pinterest now!

  4. lol. Congrats!
    Love the pyrex collection!

  5. This post is GREAT!! Seriously...I loved it!...many times I was nodding agreeably! lol

    For example:
    I re-organize the cabinets and closets when he's gone but pretend I didn't. ME TOO!!

    I leave dangerous obstacles in the shower. ME TOO!!

    I like throw pillows. I like throw pillows that have a "right" way to being put back after someone has flung them from the sofa (zippers facing down, please) and I routinely police the putting back of pillows. ME TOO!!

    I place all the pillows on our sectional in their right spots, right way up...quite a few items a week. lol. this post! : )

  6. and happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary! This was a very entertaining post!

    I nominated you for an award over on my blog today- check it out

  8. Happy Anniversary! That was hilarious and so much fun to read. Have a great day and to a lifetime of happiness to you two.

  9. Haha! What a hilarious tribute to your husband! Happy Anniversary!

  10. Having met you both, I can say with assurance that you're equally lucky to have each other. Happy anniversary, you two! Hugs!

  11. Happy Anniversary. I hope he spoils you anyway! xx

  12. Happy Anniversary... Um, bad wife? I think your list is perfectly reasonable! ;-)

  13. Tanya, Happy Anniversary! Let each next year of marriage be better than the previous one! And let them all be very creative, so all of your blog readers can profit together with you ;-)

  14. Ha! Love this - such a fun way to acknowledge your anniversary. Happy anniversary!

  15. Thanks everyone for all of your thoughtful comments! I'm glad this post was giggle-worthy. Hubby wants to know if he needs to make one now . . . could be interesting ;)

  16. P.S.

    Re: cleaning Pyrex. I try to buy pieces that are clean. I'm snobby. Once it's mine, I'm pretty hard on it - I put it in the dishwasher or clean with baking soda and a rag. I try to clean them right away because they can stain easily. The Pyrex Collective (under blogs I heart - to the right) will have much better answers.

  17. happy anniversary... funny list :)

  18. This post is hilarious. Happy Anniversary!

  19. Hi Tanya,

    I left you wishes yesterday but I guess it didn't work.

    Happy Anniversary :)

    I also want to wish you & yours a happy holidays and a Happy New Year ~

  20. hahahah this is fantastic! Love this post. Your hubby sounds like a great match for you - happy anniversary

  21. I just stumbled upon this post via pinterest and it made me smile. I think I'm a pretty bad wife sometimes too. But for some reason, he sticks around. It's been six years for us. I must do something right. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  22. Just in case you haven't figured out the bathtub thing.... I propose bath crayons. :D


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