The sphere of movement has been a piece which I have been sketching on my studio walls for months if not years. At its heart was a wish to embody something which is intangible. I was struck (whilst thinking!) about the nature of thought and how it is a universal truth that every action begins with a thought. How to represent ‘a thought’ was not immediately apparent; it is scientifically part of the material world – physical patterns of electricity generated by the neurons in our brains, but the result of a thought can be beauty or chaos or everything in between.
I too wished to create something in the material world, an object that could be conceptually conceived of as a thought, but something which by its nature also allowed space for thought or indeed was a vessel for contemplation.
Complexity in nature and apparent design have been recurring themes within my work, the physical world and the laws of physics, symmetry, pattern, the unseen forces of nature; how complex systems of action and reaction can lead to incredible beauty and harmony. However, a thought is outside of the raw natural world, yet metaphysically bound by nature. This notion of a thought being ‘within’ and being the essence of an individual but inextricably bound to the external was the intangible idea I hoped to represent. The ‘circle’ being a universal symbol of ‘oneness’ and the individual, and the ever changing movement within being the thought, floating, free to roam but bound by the laws of nature.
“Why must art be static? You look at an abstraction, sculptured or painted, an entirely exciting arrangement of planes, spheres, nuclei, entirely without meaning. It would be perfect, but it is always still. The next step in sculpture is motion”. Alexander Calder