3150 South Campus Dining Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Newsroom: 301-314-8200 (4:30 p.m. to midnight, Mondays through Thursdays)
Advertising: 301-276-5770 (normal business hours, Mondays through Fridays)
Editor in chief: Apurva Mahajan
[email protected]
Managing editors: Lizzy Alspach & Olivia Borgula
Assistant managing editors: Chelsea Collier & Zachary Intrater
News and general assignment editors: Akshaj Gaur & Marijke Friedman
[email protected]
Assistant news and general assignment editors: Marwa Barakat & Natalie Weger
Data editor: Mario Morais
Sports editors: Eli Cohen, Harrison Rich & Brandon Schwartzberg
[email protected]
Diversions editors: Sofia Appolonio & Jade Tran
[email protected]
Opinion editors: Rohin Mishra
[email protected]
Guest column submissions should be between 450 and 750 words with all factual information cited with links in footnotes.
The Diamondback also accepts letters to the editor that are fewer than 300 words and relate directly to an article or opinion column we have published in the last two weeks. We do not accept open letters or pieces that have been submitted elsewhere. Please email submissions to [email protected] with your full name and affiliation to the university or the city.
DBK en español editor: Maria Matas
[email protected]
Tabloid editor: Adam Hudacek
[email protected]
Photo editors: Giuseppe LoPiccolo & Neelay Sachdeva
[email protected]
Video editor: Elana Mutnick
Design editor: Sydney Theis
[email protected]
Engagement editor: Abigail Warwick
[email protected]
Digital product manager: Esha Singhai
Copy chiefs: Isabella Carrero-Baptista & Alexa Taylor
[email protected]
Equity coordinator: Hailey Closson
Apurva Mahajan, editor in chief, is a sophomore journalism and government and politics major.
He has worked as a copy editor and managing editor.
Lizzy Alspach, managing editor, is a sophomore journalism major.
She has worked as a copy editor and copy desk chief.
Olivia Borgula, managing editor, is a sophomore journalism and information science major.
She has worked as a copy editor and assistant managing editor.
Ravi Panguluri, opinion editor, is a junior computer science major.
He has worked as a columnist.
Rohin Mishra, opinion editor, is a senior economics and government and politics major.
He has worked as a columnist.
Email: [email protected]