28th CCECE 2015: Halifax, NS, Canada

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Session MA1: Modeling I

Session MA2: Power System Operation and Planning I

Session MA3: Optimization

Session MA4: Digital Circuits and Systems I

Session MA5: Computer Applications I

Session MA6: Biomedical Engineering I

Session MP1: Communications and Networking I

Session MP2: Power System Operation and Planning II

Session MP3: Performance & Optimization

Session MP4: Mobile Robotics I

Session MP5: Computer Applications II

Session MP6: Biomedical Engineering II

Session ME1: Control System I

Session ME2: Power Quality & Systems

Session ME3: Intelligent Transportation

Session ME4: Modelling II

Session ME5: Computer Applications III

Session ME6: Biomedical Signal Processing I

Session TA1: Image Processing I

Session TA2: Power Electronic Converters & Controls I

Session TA3: Circuit and System

Session TA4: Mobile Robotics II

Session TA5: Computer Applications IV

Session TA6: Biomedical Signal Processing II

Session TP1: Wireless Networks I

Session TP2: Power Electronic Converters & Controls II

Session TP3: Communications and Networking II

Session TP4: Control System II

Session TP5: Modelling III

Session TP6: Control Applications

Session TE1: Wireless Networks II

Session TE2: Power Electronic Converters & Controls III

Session TE3: Communications and Networking III

Session TE4: Control System III

Session TE5: Digital Circuits and Systems II

Session TE6: Human Computer Interactions

Session WA1: Image Processing II

Session WA2: Speech, Audio and Language Processing

Session WA3: Controls and Robotics I

Session WA4: Communications and Networking IV

Session WA5: Wireless Networks III

Session WA6: Digital Circuits and Systems III

Session WP1: Image Processing III

Session WP2: Artificial Intelligence

Session WP3: Controls and Robotics II

Session WP4: Current Challenges in Networked Underwater Systems

Session WP5: Smart System

Session WP6: Marine Technology