33rd COMPSAC 2009: Seattle, Washington, USA - Volume 2


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REFS 2009 Session 1: Services Requirements Modelling Specification

ESAS 2009 Session 1: Semantic Mining

ESAS 2009 Session 2: Mobile Agents

ESAS 2009 Session 3: Semantic Agent Systems

RTSOAA 2009 Session 1: RTSOAA Models

RTSOAA 2009 Session 2: RTSOAA for Cloud

RTSOAA 2009 Session 3: RTSOAA Infrastructure

ME 2009 Session 1

ME 2009 Session 2

SECASA 2009 Session 1

SECASA 2009 Session 2

SECASA 2009 Session 3

QUORS 2009 Session 1: Service Based Systems

QUORS 2009 Session 2: Design Pattern and Advanced Software Design

QUORS 2009 Session 3: Software Reuse

QUORS 2009 Session 4: Software Evolution

STPSA 2009 Session 1

STPSA 2009 Session 2

STPSA 2009 Session 3

BINDIS 2009 Session 1: Service Creation and Management

BINDIS 2009 Session 2: Service Marketing and Inoperability

CFSE 2009 Session 1: Software System Forensics

CFSE 2009 Session 2: Protection Testing and Computer Forensics

SAPSE 2009 Session 1: Service Collaboration and Access Control

SAPSE 2009 Session 2: Service Security and Protection

IWSC 2009 Session 2

IWSC 2009 Session 3

CORCS 2009 Session 1: Modeling and Optimization of Component-Based Systems

CORCS 2009 Session 2: Analyzing Complex Real-Time and Embedded Systems

IEESD 2009 Session 1

STA 2009 Session 1: Test Automation I

STA 2009 Session 2: Test Automation II