27th ER 2008: Barcelona, Spain - Workshops

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CMLSA 2008 - Second International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences Applications

Conceptual Modeling of Biomedical and Health Systems

Knowledge Integration in Life Sciences

ECDM 2008 - Fifth International Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data Management

FP-UML 2008 - Fourth International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML

Keynote and UML Model Transformations

User Requirements and Their Quality Issues

M2AS 2008 - First International Workshop on Modeling Mobile Applications and Services

Adaptive Services and Interaction for Mobile Devices

Mobile Systems and Architecture

Usability, Users' Study and Application on Mobile Devices

RIGiM 2008 - Second International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling


Elicitation Issues

SeCoGIS 2008 - Second International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems

Foundational Aspects

Ontologies and Location-Based Services

Interoperability and Spatial Infrastructures

WISM 2008 - Fifth International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling

Web Information Systems

Semantic Web Information Systems