7th UCC 2014: Dresden, Germany


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UCC 2014: Regular Papers

Green Computing and Energy Implications


Standards & Benchmarks


Cloud Services


Storage Systems


Cloud Management


UCC 2014: Short Papers

Resource Management and Profiling

Cloud Frameworks

Data Subsystems and Mining

Virtualization and IaaS Clouds

Poster Papers

Cloud Challenge

Tutorial Papers

6th Cloud Control Workshop (Cloud Control 6)

Session: Managing Overload

Session: Modelling for Performance Control

Session: Managing Elasticity

3rd International Workshop on Clouds and (eScience) Applications Management (Cloud AM 2014)

Session: Cloud Architectures and Applications

Session: Resource Allocation and Scheduling

2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud 2014)

Session: Crowdsourcing and Gamification

Special Session: Education in the Cloud

2nd International Workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security (BDSN 2014)

1st International Workshop on Big Data, Intelligence Management, and Analytics (BDIMA 2014)

1st IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Federation Management: Identity, Resources, and Applications (CFM 2014)

1st International Workshop on Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networks for Cloud Data Centres (NVSDN 2014)

1st International Workshop on Cloud Automation, Intelligent Management, and Scalability (CAIMS 2014)

Session 1

Session 2

1st International Workshop on Smart City Clouds: Technologies, Systems, and Applications (SCCTSA 2014)

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

1st International Workshop on Green Cloud Computing (GCC 2014)

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

1st International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing Legislation, Accountability, Security, and Privacy (CLASP 2014)

1st International Workshop on Trust in Cloud Computing (IWTCC 2014)

1st International Workshop on Recomputability (Recomputability 2014)

Doctoral Symposium