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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 1965
- Robert G. Gallager:
A simple derivation of the coding theorem and some applications. 3-18 - Daniel P. Petersen, David Middleton:
Linear interpolation, extrapolation, and prediction of random space-time fields with a limited domain of measurement. 18-30 - Albert J. Seyler, Zigmantas L. Budrikis:
Detail perception after scene changes in television image presentations. 31-43 - Thomas S. Huang:
The subjective effect of two-dimensional pictorial noise. 43-53 - Jacob Ziv:
Probability of decoding error for random phase and Rayleigh fading channels. 53-61 - Fred C. Schweppe:
Evaluation of likelihood functions for Gaussian signals. 61-70 - Robert F. Daly, Craig K. Rushforth:
Nonparametric detection of a signal of known form in additive noise. 70-76 - Richard A. Roberts:
On the detection of a signal known except for phase. 76-82 - William B. Kendall:
Performance of the biased square-law sequential detector in the absence of signal. 83-90 - Julian J. Bussgang:
Some properties of binary convolutional code generators. 90-100 - Morris J. Levin:
Power spectrum parameter estimation. 100-107 - Jack J. Stiffler:
Comma-free error-correcting codes. 107-112 - L. Lorne Campbell:
Entropy as a measure. 112-114 - E. D. Banta:
On the autocorrelation function of quantized signal plus noise. 114-117 - Martin Schetzen:
Determination of optimum nonlinear systems for generalized error criteria based on the use of gate functions. 117-125 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Correction to 'The Detection and Resolution of Optical Signals'. 125 - Daniel G. Keehn:
A note on learning for Gaussian properties. 126-132 - William H. Kautz, Bernard Elspas:
Single-error-correcting codes for constant-weight data words. 132-141 - Charles F. Hobbs:
Approximating the performance of a binary group code (Corresp.). 142-144 - Terry J. Wagner:
Some remarks concerning uncertainty and the probability of error (Corresp.). 144-145 - George M. Dillard:
The binomial Marcus and Swerling test (Corresp.). 145-147 - William C. Lindsey:
Error probabilities for coherent receivers in specular and random channels (Corresp.). 147-150 - Nelson M. Blachman:
The information rate of a continued fraction (Corresp.). 150-151 - N. Thomas Gaarder:
A recursive relation for the inverse of the covariance matrix in optimal pattern classifiers (Corresp). 151-152 - Donald A. George:
Matched filters for interfering signals (Corresp.). 153-154 - Athanasios Papoulis:
Comments on 'An extension of Price's theorem' by McMahon, E. L. 154 - A. V. Balakrishnan:
Essentially band-limited stochastic processes (Corresp.). 154-156 - Julian J. Bussgang:
Review of 'The Statistical Theory of Signal Detection' (in Polish; Seidler, J.; 1963). 156
Volume 11, Number 2, April 1965
- Henry Johnston Scudder III:
Adaptive communication receivers. 167-174 - Carl Wunsch:
The multiple spectral factorization method of Wiener and Masani. 175-182 - Donald G. Childers, Irving S. Reed:
Space-time cross-correlation functions for antenna array elements in a noise field. 182-190 - Dennis C. Cooper:
The probability density function for the output of a correlator with band-pass input waveforms. 190-195 - Theodore G. Birdsall, Richard A. Roberts:
On the theory of signal detectability: An optimum nonsequential observation-decision procedure. 195-204 - W. D. Montgomery:
Reconstruction of pictures from scanned records. 204-206 - Robert Price, Edward M. Hofstetter:
Bounds on the volume and height distributions of the ambiguity function. 207-214 - Herbert H. Roth:
Linear binary shift register circuits utilizing a minimum number of mod-2 adders. 215-220 - Stanley M. Cobb:
The distribution of intervals between zero crossings of sine wave plus random noise and allied topics. 220-233 - Jean A. Develet:
Image design for terrain-mapping radar systems. 233-235 - Phillip A. Bello:
On the rms bandwidth of nonlinearly envelope detected narrow-band Gaussian noise. 236-239 - Andrew J. Viterbi:
Optimum detection and signal selection for partially coherent binary communication. 239-246 - Jack Capon:
Hilbert space methods for detection theory and pattern recognition. 247-259 - Robert M. Gagliardi, Irving S. Reed:
On the sequential detection of emerging targets. 260-263 - Willard L. Eastman:
On the construction of comma-free codes. 263-267 - Nelson M. Blachman:
The convolution inequality for entropy powers. 267-271 - John C. Hancock, Demetrios G. Lainiotis:
On learning and distribution-free coincidence detection procedures. 272-280 - Jack K. Wolf:
On codes derivable from the tensor product of check matrices. 281-284 - William H. Kautz:
Fibonacci codes for synchronization control. 284-292 - Terrence L. Fine:
Optimum mean-square quantization of a noisy input (Corresp.). 293-294 - Piero Mazzetti:
On nonindependent random pulse trains (Corresp.). 294-295 - Albert H. Nuttall:
On the envelopes of zonal filter outputs of memoryless distortions of narrow-band processes (Corresp.). 295-296 - Daniel S. Ruchkin:
Error of correlation coefficient estimates from polarity coincidences (Corresp.). 296-297 - Brian Gluss:
Correction to a result of Dobrushin (Corresp.). 297-299 - Charles L. Weber:
On optimal signal selection for M -ary alphabets with two degrees of freedom (Corresp.). 299-300 - Arthur Albert:
Estimating the frequency of a sinusoid in the presence of noise (Corresp.). 300-304 - Azriel Rosenfeld:
Perceptrons as 'figure' detectors (Corresp.). 304-305 - Thomas L. Grettenberg:
Representation theorem for complex normal processes (Corresp.). 305-306 - J. A. McFadden:
An alternate proof of Nuttall's theorem on output cross-covariances (Corresp.). 306-307 - Helmut Berndt, George R. Cooper:
An optimum observation time for estimates of time-varying correlation functions (Corresp.). 307-310 - John J. Metzner:
An interesting property of some infinite-state channels (Corresp.). 310-312 - Lawrence E. Brennan, Irving S. Reed:
A recursive method of computing the Q function (Corresp.). 312-313 - Paul W. Cooper:
Quadratic discriminant functions in pattern recognition (Corresp.). 313-315 - Eric R. Myrvaagnes:
The weight distribution of two-cyclic codes of length 73 (Corresp.). 316 - John R. Pierce:
Possibility of theoretical prediction of fading circuit error clustering (Corresp.). 317-318 - Paul W. Cooper:
Review of 'Multidimensional Gaussian Distributions' (Miller, K. S.; 1964). 323 - Anthony G. Oettinger:
Review of 'The Angel and the Wheat' (Bagno, S.; 1963). 323-324 - David Middleton:
Review of 'Topics in the Theory of Random Noise, Vol. 1' (Stratonovich, R. L.; 1963). 324-325
Volume 11, Number 3, July 1965
- Morton I. Schwartz:
On the detection of known binary signals in Gaussian noise of exponential covariance. 330-335 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Solution of the detection integral equation for stationary filtered white noise. 335-339 - Robert E. Kahn, Bede Liu:
Sampling representations and the optimum reconstruction of signals. 339-347 - S. Nishikawa, R. J. Massa, J. C. Mott-Smith:
Area properties of television pictures. 348-352 - Jack Sklansky:
Threshold training of two-mode signal detection. 353-362 - H. J. Scudder III:
Probability of error of some adaptive pattern-recognition machines. 363-371 - L. Levi:
Fitting a bandlimited signal to given points. 372-376 - Peter G. Neumann:
A note on Gilbert burst-correcting codes. 377-384 - Lars-Henning Zetterberg:
A class of codes for polyphase signals on a bandlimited Gaussian channel. 385-395 - Ivan Selin:
Detection of coherent radar returns of unknown Doppler shift. 396-400 - Peter Swerling:
Correction to 'Parameter Estimation Accuracy Formulas'. 400 - George L. Turin:
Signal design for sequential detection systems with feedback. 401-408 - L. Lorne Campbell:
A general analysis of post-detection correlation. 409-415 - James L. Massey:
Implementation of burst-correcting convolutional codes. 416-422 - Edward M. Hofstetter:
Some results on the stochastic signal parameter estimation problem. 422-429 - Jack Salz:
Spectral density function of multilevel continuous-phase FM. 429-433 - H. C. Burton, Edward J. Weldon Jr.:
Cyclic product codes. 433-439 - Albert H. Nuttall, Frank Amoroso:
Minimum Gabor bandwidth of M orthogonal signals. 440-444 - Charles V. Freiman, John P. Robinson:
A comparison of block and recurrent codes for the correction of independent errors (Corresp.). 445-449 - Norman P. Shein:
Error probability for transmission of M -ary equicorrelated signals over a phase-incoherent Rayleigh-fading channel (Corresp.). 449-450 - Frank Amoroso:
Further history of the tapped delay-line pulse shaper (Corresp.). 450 - Jan Kroszczynski:
On the optimum MTI reception (Corresp.). 451-452 - Enders A. Robinson:
Optimum weighting functions for the detection of sampled signals in noise (Corresp.). 452-453 - Clarence M. Ablow, Donna J. Kaylor:
A committee solution of the pattern recognition problem (Corresp.). 453-455 - Benoit B. Mandelbrot:
Leo Szilard and unique decipherability (Corresp.). 455-456 - Robert B. Ash:
A simple example of a channel for which the strong converse fails (Corresp.). 456-457 - Seifollah Louis Hakimi, H. Frank:
Cut-set matrices and linear codes (Corresp.). 457-458 - Terry J. Wagner:
A remark concerning the minimum distance of binary group codes (Corresp.). 458 - David Julin:
Two improved block codes (Corresp.). 459 - Peter Swerling:
More on Detection of Fluctuating Targets (Corresp.). 459-460 - Richard J. Leake:
Duality condition established in the frequency domain (Corresp.). 461 - J. V. Abbate, Donald L. Schilling:
Estimation of random phase- and frequency-modulating signals using a Bayes estimator (Corresp.). 462-463
Volume 11, Number 4, October 1965
- Raffaele Esposito, David Middleton, James A. Mullen:
Advantages of amplitude and phase adaptivity in the detection of signals subject to slow Rayleigh fading. 473-482 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Quantum limitations on the detection of coherent and incoherent signals. 482-490 - William C. Lindsey:
Error probability for incoherent diversity reception. 491-499 - Ross E. Williams:
Partially coherent processing by optical means. 499-507 - Hans Levenbach:
Approximate zero-crossing distributions using the type-B Gram-Charlier series. 507-512 - T. W. Mullikin, Ivan Selin:
The likelihood ratio filter for the detection of Gaussian signals in white noise. 513-515 - Robert E. Kahn, John B. Thomas:
Some bandwidth properties of simultaneous amplitude and angle modulation. 516-520 - Morton Kanefsky, John B. Thomas:
On adaptive nonparametric detection systems using dependent samples. 521-526 - Lee D. Davisson:
The prediction error of stationary Gaussian time series of unknown covariance. 527-532 - Solomon W. Golomb, Robert A. Scholtz:
Generalized Barker sequences. 533-537 - Kenneth Abend, Thomas J. Harley, Laveen N. Kanal:
Classification of binary random patterns. 538-544 - John D. Spragins:
A note on the iterative application of Bayes' rule. 544-549 - G. David Forney Jr.:
On decoding BCH codes. 549-557 - Thomas J. Goblick Jr.:
Theoretical limitations on the transmission of data from analog sources. 558-567 - John P. Robinson:
An upper bound on the minimum distance of a convolutional code. 567-571 - John S. Richters:
Application of Pareto error statistics to Hagelbarger codes. 571-576 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
On decoding binary Bose-Chadhuri- Hocquenghem codes. 577-579 - James L. Massey:
Step-by-step decoding of the Bose-Chaudhuri- Hocquenghem codes. 580-585 - James B. Farison:
On calculating moments for some common probability laws (Corresp.). 586-589 - Daniel P. Petersen:
Recursion formulas for sequential estimation (Corresp.). 589-590 - Lee D. Davisson:
Sufficient conditions for the regularity and nonregularity of random processes (Corresp.). 591 - Franz B. Tuteur:
Detectability of directional amplitude-modulated noise signals in an isotropic noise background of unknown power level (Corresp.). 591-593 - Athanasios Papoulis:
Truncated Taylor expansion of a stochastic process (Corresp.). 593-594 - Andrew J. Viterbi:
On the minimum mean square error resulting from linear filtering of stationary signals in white noise (Corresp.). 594-595 - Ian T. Young, J. C. Mott-Smith:
On weighted PCM (Corresp.). 596-597 - Shimshon Berkovits:
On two-regular primes (Corresp.). 597 - Eli Brookner:
Optimum clutter rejection (Corresp.). 597-599 - Bernard Elspas:
A conjecture on binary nongroup codes (Corresp.). 599-600 - Aaron D. Wyner:
On the equivalence of two convolution code definitions (Corresp.). 600-602

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