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Weiwei Fang
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j38]Shan Chen, Na Meng, Haoyuan Li, Weiwei Fang:
Efficient Deep Neural Network Compression for Environmental Sound Classification on Microcontroller Units. Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 32(4): 501-515 (2024) - [j37]Qingli Wang, Weiwei Fang, Neal N. Xiong:
TLEE: Temporal-Wise and Layer-Wise Early Exiting Network for Efficient Video Recognition on Edge Devices. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(2): 2842-2854 (2024) - [j36]Qi Wang, Weiwei Fang, Liang Qian, Yanming Chen, Neal N. Xiong:
An Intelligent Co-Scheduling Framework for Efficient Super-Resolution on Edge Platforms With Heterogeneous Processors. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(10): 17651-17662 (2024) - [j35]Yanming Chen, Tong Luo, Weiwei Fang, Neal Naixue Xiong:
EdgeCI: Distributed Workload Assignment and Model Partitioning for CNN Inference on Edge Clusters. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 24(2): 10:1-10:24 (2024) - 2023
- [j34]Meixia Zou, Xiuwen Li, Jinzheng Fang, Hong Wen, Weiwei Fang:
Dynamic deep neural network inference via adaptive channel skipping. Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 31(5): 828-843 (2023) - [j33]Weiwei Fang, Wenhao Zhuo, Youyi Song, Jingwen Yan, Teng Zhou, Jing Qin:
Δfree-LSTM: An error distribution free deep learning for short-term traffic flow forecasting. Neurocomputing 526: 180-190 (2023) - [j32]Yi Ding, Weiwei Fang, Mengran Liu, Meng Wang, Yusong Cheng, Naixue Xiong:
JMDC: A joint model and data compression system for deep neural networks collaborative computing in edge-cloud networks. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 173: 83-93 (2023) - [j31]Weiwei Fang, Wenyuan Xu, Chongchong Yu, Neal N. Xiong:
Joint Architecture Design and Workload Partitioning for DNN Inference on Industrial IoT Clusters. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 23(1): 7:1-7:21 (2023) - [c16]Qi Wang, Weiwei Fang, Meng Wang, Yusong Cheng:
Classification-Based Dynamic Network for Efficient Super-Resolution. ICASSP 2023: 1-5 - [c15]Xiaodong Ma, Weiwei Fang:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-Task Automated Channel Pruning for DNNs. IJCNN 2023: 1-9 - [c14]Meng Wang, Liang Qian, Na Meng, Yusong Cheng, Weiwei Fang:
Model Parallelism Optimization for Distributed DNN Inference on Edge Devices. PAAP 2023: 1-6 - 2022
- [j30]Tian Wang, Yang Li, Weiwei Fang, Wenzheng Xu, Junbin Liang, Yewang Chen, Xuxun Liu:
A Comprehensive Trustworthy Data Collection Approach in Sensor-Cloud Systems. IEEE Trans. Big Data 8(1): 140-151 (2022) - 2021
- [j29]Weiwei Fang, Xin Li, Ping Zhou, Jingwen Yan, Dazhi Jiang, Teng Zhou:
Deep Learning Anti-Fraud Model for Internet Loan: Where We Are Going. IEEE Access 9: 9777-9784 (2021) - [j28]Wenyuan Xu, Weiwei Fang, Yi Ding, Meixia Zou, Naixue Xiong:
Accelerating Federated Learning for IoT in Big Data Analytics With Pruning, Quantization and Selective Updating. IEEE Access 9: 38457-38466 (2021) - [j27]Yibao Li, Qian Yu, Weiwei Fang, Binhu Xia, Junseok Kim:
A stable second-order BDF scheme for the three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system. Adv. Comput. Math. 47(1): 3 (2021) - [j26]Mengran Liu, Weiwei Fang, Xiaodong Ma, Wenyuan Xu, Naixue Xiong, Yi Ding:
Channel pruning guided by spatial and channel attention for DNNs in intelligent edge computing. Appl. Soft Comput. 110: 107636 (2021) - [j25]Weiwei Fang, Xue Wang, Qingli Wang, Yi Ding:
An ADMM-based incentive approach for cooperative data analysis in edge computing. Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 29(5): 2374-2384 (2021) - [j24]Weiwei Fang, Feng Xue, Yi Ding, Naixue Xiong, Victor C. M. Leung:
EdgeKE: An On-Demand Deep Learning IoT System for Cognitive Big Data on Industrial Edge Devices. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 17(9): 6144-6152 (2021) - [j23]Yunpeng Wang, Weiwei Fang, Yi Ding, Naixue Xiong:
Computation offloading optimization for UAV-assisted mobile edge computing: a deep deterministic policy gradient approach. Wirel. Networks 27(4): 2991-3006 (2021) - 2020
- [j22]Shuai Peng, Hongbo Huang, Weijun Chen, Liang Zhang, Weiwei Fang:
More trainable inception-ResNet for face recognition. Neurocomputing 411: 9-19 (2020) - [c13]Feng Xue, Weiwei Fang, Wenyuan Xu, Qi Wang, Xiaodong Ma, Yi Ding:
EdgeLD: Locally Distributed Deep Learning Inference on Edge Device Clusters. HPCC/DSS/SmartCity 2020: 613-619 - [i1]Mengran Liu, Weiwei Fang, Xiaodong Ma, Wenyuan Xu, Naixue Xiong, Yi Ding:
Channel Pruning Guided by Spatial and Channel Attention for DNNs in Intelligent Edge Computing. CoRR abs/2011.03891 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j21]Jian Su, Weiwei Fang, Qian Yu, Yibao Li:
Numerical simulation of Swift-Hohenberg equation by the fourth-order compact scheme. Comput. Appl. Math. 38(2) (2019) - [j20]Wenchen Zhou, Weiwei Fang, Yangyang Li, Bo Yuan, Yiming Li, Tian Wang:
Markov Approximation for Task Offloading and Computation Scaling in Mobile Edge Computing. Mob. Inf. Syst. 2019: 8172698:1-8172698:12 (2019) - [j19]Weiwei Fang, Shuai Ding, Yangyang Li, Wenchen Zhou, Naixue Xiong:
OKRA: optimal task and resource allocation for energy minimization in mobile edge computing systems. Wirel. Networks 25(5): 2851-2867 (2019) - [c12]Rong Chen, Yangyang Li, Weiwei Fang:
Android Malware Identification Based on Traffic Analysis. ICAIS (1) 2019: 293-303 - 2018
- [j18]Weiwei Fang, Wenchen Zhou, Yangyang Li, Xuening Yao, Feng Xue, Naixue Xiong:
A distributed ADMM approach for energy-efficient resource allocation in mobile edge computing. Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 26(6): 3336-3345 (2018) - [j17]Weiwei Fang, Xuening Yao, Xiaojie Zhao, Jianwei Yin, Naixue Xiong:
A Stochastic Control Approach to Maximize Profit on Service Provisioning for Mobile Cloudlet Platforms. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 48(4): 522-534 (2018) - 2017
- [c11]Ji Tu, Xiangyi Yu, Yangyang Li, Liu Yuan, Meng Li, Weiwei Fang:
Clustered multi-dictionary code compression method for portable medical electronic systems. Healthcom 2017: 1-6 - 2016
- [j16]Weiwei Fang, Xiaojie Zhao, Yuan An, Jing Li, Zhulin An, Qiang Liu:
Optimal scheduling for energy harvesting mobile sensing devices. Comput. Commun. 75: 62-70 (2016) - [j15]Weiwei Fang, Wei Xie, Hongbo Huang, Hongke Xia:
基于隐私保护的序列模式挖掘 (Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Privacy Preserving). 计算机科学 43(12): 195-199 (2016) - 2015
- [j14]Junyu Lai, Lei Jiang, Ming Lei, Alireza Abdollahpouri, Weiwei Fang:
Software-defined cellular networking: a practical path towards 5G. Int. J. Commun. Networks Distributed Syst. 14(1): 89-105 (2015) - [j13]Weiwei Fang, Xiaoyan Yin, Yuan An, Naixue Xiong, Qiwang Guo, Jing Li:
Optimal scheduling for data transmission between mobile devices and cloud. Inf. Sci. 301: 169-180 (2015) - [j12]Weiwei Fang, Yuan Yao, Longbo Huang, Abhishek B. Sharma, Leana Golubchik, Michael J. Neely:
A Comment on "Power Cost Reduction in Distributed Data Centers: A Two Time Scale Approach for Delay Tolerant Workloads". IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 26(5): 1495-1496 (2015) - 2014
- [j11]Weiwei Fang, Zishuo Wang, Jaime Lloret, Daqiang Zhang, Zhijun Yang:
Optimising data placement and traffic routing for energy saving in Backbone Networks. Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol. 25(9): 914-925 (2014) - [j10]Weiwei Fang, Yangchun Li, Huijing Zhang, Naixue Xiong, Junyu Lai, Athanasios V. Vasilakos:
On the throughput-energy tradeoff for data transmission between cloud and mobile devices. Inf. Sci. 283: 79-93 (2014) - [j9]Yantao Sun, Jing Cheng, Qiang Liu, Weiwei Fang:
Diamond: An Improved Fat-tree Architecture for Large-scale Data Centers. J. Commun. 9(1): 91-98 (2014) - [j8]Weiwei Fang, Zhulin An, Lei Shu, Qingyu Liu, Yongjun Xu, Yuan An:
Achieving optimal admission control with dynamic scheduling in energy constrained network systems. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 44: 152-160 (2014) - 2013
- [j7]Weiwei Fang, Xiangmin Liang, Shengxin Li, Luca Chiaraviglio, Naixue Xiong:
VMPlanner: Optimizing virtual machine placement and traffic flow routing to reduce network power costs in cloud data centers. Comput. Networks 57(1): 179-196 (2013) - [j6]Weiwei Fang, Changsheng Zhou, Bingru Yang:
Privacy preserving linear regression modeling of distributed databases. Optim. Lett. 7(4): 807-818 (2013) - [j5]Weiwei Fang:
Comment on 'Robust Cooperative Routing Protocol in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks'. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 12(8): 4222-4223 (2013) - 2012
- [j4]Weiwei Fang, Xiangmin Liang, Yantao Sun, Athanasios V. Vasilakos:
Network Element Scheduling for Achieving Energy-Aware Data Center Networks. Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control 7(2): 241-251 (2012) - [c10]Weiwei Fang, Naiqian Zhang:
Metric-based PRT set selection in tone reservation scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM systmes. BMEI 2012: 1472-1475 - [c9]Jiancheng Li, Yuan An, Baohua Wang, Weiwei Fang:
ERSVC: An Efficient Routing Scheme for Satellite Constellation Adapting Vector Composition. ANT/MobiWIS 2012: 984-991 - 2010
- [j3]Weiwei Fang, Bingru Yang, Dingli Song:
Preserving Private Knowledge In Decision Tree Learning. J. Comput. 5(5): 733-740 (2010) - [j2]Weiwei Fang, Jiming Chen, Lei Shu, Tianshu Chu, Depei Qian:
Congestion avoidance, detection and alleviation in wireless sensor networks. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. C 11(1): 63-73 (2010) - [j1]Weiwei Fang, Feng Liu, Fangnan Yang, Lei Shu, Shojiro Nishio:
Energy-efficient cooperative communication for data transmission in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron. 56(4): 2185-2192 (2010) - [c8]Tianshu Chu, Jian Dai, Depei Qian, Weiwei Fang, Yi Liu:
A Novel Scheme for High Performance Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Computations Based on GPU. ICA3PP (1) 2010: 441-453
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c7]Heng Chen, Depei Qian, Weiguo Wu, Weiwei Fang:
Link-Aware Geographic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. CSE (2) 2009: 937-942 - [c6]Yi-Ying Zhang, Xi Luo, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Lei Shu, Weiwei Fang, Myong-Soon Park:
A Compensation-Based Reliable Data Delivery for Instant Wireless Sensor Network. HPCC 2009: 243-250 - [c5]Weiwei Fang, Xin Zhao, Tianshu Chu, Yuan An, Yi Liu, Depei Qian:
RRDD: Receiver-oriented Robust Data Delivery in Mobile Sensor Networks. MASS 2009: 876-881 - 2008
- [c4]Weiwei Fang, Bingru Yang:
Privacy Preserving Decision Tree Learning over Vertically Partitioned Data. CSSE (3) 2008: 1049-1052 - [c3]Zhen Peng, Bingru Yang, Weiwei Fang:
A Learning Algorithm of Fuzzy Cognitive Map in Document Classification. FSKD (1) 2008: 501-504 - 2007
- [c2]Weiwei Fang, Yi Liu, Depei Qian:
EDDS: An Efficient Data Delivery Scheme for Address-Free Wireless Sensor Networks. ICN 2007: 7 - [c1]Weiwei Fang, Yi Liu, Jin Wu, Depei Qian:
An On-demand Address Allocation Scheme for Query based Sensor Networks. ISADS 2007: 173-179
Coauthor Index
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