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AICT 2008: Athens, Greece
- Denis Collange, Tülin Atmaca, Michael D. Logothetis, Herwig Mannaert, James T. Yu, Cosmin Dini:
The Fourth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2008, 8-13 June 2008, Athens, Greece. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3162-5
Networking (1)
- Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman:
The Asymmetrical Architecture of New Optical Switch Device. 1-6 - Ishita Mukhopadhyay, Hélia Pouyllau:
Distributed Optimization Algorithms for X-Domain End-to-End QoS Negotiation. 7-12 - Jeroen Famaey
, Tim Wauters, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester:
Towards Efficient Service Placement and Server Selection for Large-Scale Deployments. 13-18 - Jianxi Yang, Yuan Wang, Liang Chu:
A Novel Semi-blind Channel Estimation Algorithm with Low Complexity. 19-22
Networking (2)
- Dimitris C. Vasiliadis
, George E. Rizos, Costas Vassilakis
Improving Performance of Finite-Buffered Blocking Delta Networks with 2-Class Priority Routing through Asymmetric-Sized Buffer Queues. 23-29 - Joseph Victor Maher Halim, Hesham M. El-Badawy
, Hadia M. El-Hennawy
Performance Assessment for the Selection Transmit Diversity in Adaptive Polarized MIMO Pre-RAKE System. 30-35 - Shizhong Yang, Chang-yong Li, Hailin Cao, Cheng-chang Zhang, Wei Chi:
Research on Pulse Radiation of Planar Equiangular Spiral Antennas. 36-41 - J. Nateghi, L. Mohammady, Esrafil Jedari:
Analysis of the TE21 Mode Monopulse Tracking Technique in LEO Satellite Systems. 42-45 - André Ribeiro Cardoso, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Erick Aguiar Donato, Joaquim Celestino Jr., Mikaël Salaün:
An Infrastructure of Programmable Networks for Peer-to-Peer Applications. 46-51
Networking (3)
- Antonio D. Reis
, José F. Rocha, Atílio Gameiro, José P. Carvalho:
Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Symbol Synchronizers. 52-55 - Bruno Bogaz Zarpelão, Leonardo de Souza Mendes, Mario Lemes Proença Jr.
Anomaly Detection Using DSNS and a Dependency Graph for SNMP Objects. 56-63 - Serban Georgica Obreja, Eugen Borcoci:
Overlay Topology Based Inter-domain Qos Paths Building. 64-70 - Youngmee Shin, Chorong Yu, Seunghwa Chung, Sangki Kim:
End-User Driven Service Creation for Converged Service of Telecom and Internet. 71-76 - Dae-Woo Kim, Hyun-Min Lim, Jae-Hyoung Yoo, Sang-Ha Kim
Analysis of Service Transaction Flow Based on User's Actions to Develop KQIs for WiBro Service. 77-84
Networking (4)
- Yousef Abdelmalek, Osama Hussien, Tarek N. Saadawi:
S-RARE; a Simplified Receiver Assisted Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks. 85-90 - Antonio D. Reis
, José F. Rocha, Atílio Gameiro, José P. Carvalho:
High Speed Synchronizers Operating Internally at Submultiples Rate. 91-94 - Dimitrios Georgoulas, Keith J. Blow:
Intelligent Mobile Agent Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Real Time Application Case Study. 95-100 - Fernando Barreto, Emílio C. G. Wille
, Luiz Nacamura Jr.
Fast Recovery Paths: Reducing Packet Loss Rates during IP Routing Convergence. 101-110
- John D. Garofalakis, Eleftherios Stergiou:
A General Analytical Method for the Performance Evaluation of Multistage Interconnection Networks Supporting Multi-class Priority Traffic. 111-119 - Chandi Pani, Iti Saha Misra:
MPLS Based Mobility Model for 3G/WLAN Integrated Networks and Its Performance Evaluation. 120-125 - Justus F. M. Broß, Christoph Meinel:
Can VoIP Live up to the QoS Standards of Traditional Wireline Telephony? 126-132 - Lucian Ioan, Grazziela Niculescu:
Bit Loss Probability versus Loss Probability in the Admission Control Process of Non-Elastic Traffic Sources. 133-137
3G and 4G (1)
- Sergei Semenov:
Modification of the D-TxAA Scheme for Fading Channel. 138-142 - Andres Arjona, Cédric Westphal, Antti Ylä-Jääski, Martin Kristensson:
Towards High Quality VoIP in 3G Networks - An Empirical Study. 143-150 - Subhalakshmi Datta, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Costas Tzaras:
Uplink Coverage-Capacity Estimation Using Analysis and Simulation. 151-156 - Stephan R. Sutor, Florian Matusek, Reda Reda:
WSSU: High Performance Wireless Self-Contained, Surveillance Unit; an Ad Hoc Video Surveillance System. 157-161
3G and 4G (2)
- Seppo Heikkinen:
Attaching an IMS Subscriber to an Unknown Foreign Network. 162-167 - G. Tselikis:
Cross-Layer Protocol Design of a 3G-RNC Simulator. 168-172 - Vassilios G. Vassilakis, Georgios A. Kallos, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Michael D. Logothetis:
On the Handoff-Call Blocking Probability Calculation in W-CDMA Cellular Networks. 173-179 - Inès El Korbi, Leïla Azouz Saïdane:
Analytical Model of the Earliest Deadline First Policy over 802.11. 180-187
Protocol (1)
- Martin J. Fischer, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi, John F. Shortle:
Approximating Low Latency Queueing Buffer Latency. 188-194 - Khalid A. Farhan:
On the Scalability and Reliability of Network Sender Multicast Routing Protocol (NSMRP). 195-198 - Sema F. Oktug
, Anar Khalilov, Hakan Tezcan:
3D Coverage Analysis under Heterogeneous Deployment Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks. 199-204 - Qasim M. Chaudhari, Erchin Serpedin
Clock Drift Estimation in Networks with Symmetric Exponential Link Delays. 205-208 - Tapio Väärämäki, Jani Puttonen, Gábor Fekete:
Next Generation Network Related Standardization - Enablers for the Convergence. 209-214
Protocol (2)
- Mariusz Glabowski
, Adam Kaliszan
, Maciej Stasiak
Convolution Algorithm for State-Passage Probabilities Calculation in Limited-Availability Group. 215-220 - Thaere Eido, Dung-Tuan Nguyen, Tülin Atmaca:
Packet Filling Optimization in Multiservice Slotted Optical Packet Switching MAN Networks. 221-226 - Lei Guo
, Xingwei Wang, Xuetao Wei, Ting Yang, Weigang Hou, Tengfei Wu:
A New Link-Based Hamiltonian Cycle Protection in Survivable WDM Optical Networks. 227-231 - Rong Zhao, Hanjie Liu, Ralf Lehnert:
Topology Design of Hierarchical Hybrid Fiber-VDSL Access Networks with ACO. 232-237
Information Theory (1)
- Jiann-Liang Chen, Shih-Hsien Wei, Yao-Chung Chang, Yi-Wei Ma:
Design and Implementation of an Embedded Linux-Based Mobile Router for Telematics Computing. 238-243 - Vasiliki L. Kakali, Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Petros Nicopolitidis, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
A New Class of Adaptive Wireless Push Systems Using Multiple Smart Antennas. 244-248 - Symeon Chatzinotas
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Costas Tzaras:
Information Theoretic Uplink Capacity of the Linear Cellular Array. 249-254
Information Theory (2)
- Artur Binczewski, Lech Marian Grzesiak
, Eoin Kenny
, K. Stanecki, Maciej Stroinski, R. Szuman, S. Trocha, Jan Weglarz
Effective and Open System for Wavelengths Monitoring. 255-260 - Claunir Pavan
, Rui Manuel Morais, Abel Ricardo Correia, Armando Nolasco Pinto
Dimensioning of Optical Networks with Incomplete Information. 261-264 - Alisson Barbosa de Souza
, Antônio Sérgio de S. Vieira, Jéssyca Alencar L. e Silva, Ana Luiza B. P. Barros, Gustavo Augusto L. de Campos, Joaquim Celestino Júnior, Laure W. N. Mendouga:
GEAP: A Fault Management Scheme in Optical Networks. 265-270 - Chibiao Liu, James T. Yu:
Rogue Access Point Based DoS Attacks against 802.11 WLANs. 271-276
Information Theory (3)
- Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Tz-Heng Hsu:
A Reactive Tunneling (RT) Scheme to Improve Handover Latency over the Mobile Network Environment. 277-282 - Ghosheh Abed Hodtani
The Capacity Region for Broadcast Channels with Conditionally Independent Message Sets. 283-286 - Dimitrios Kaltakis, Efstathios Katranaras, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Costas Tzaras:
Capacity of Cellular Uplink with Multiple Tiers of Users and Path Loss. 287-292 - S. Ananthi, K. Visalakshi, S. Rajakumari:
A New Efficient Convolutional Decoder for GSM Communication Standard with Fuzzy Logic. 293-298
Web Services Communications
- Michael Sutterer, Olaf Drögehorn, Klaus David:
User Profile Selection by Means of Ontology Reasoning. 299-304 - Kruawan Wongpanya, Keattisak Sripimanwat, Kanok Jenjerapongvej:
Simplification of Frequency Test for Random Number Generation Based on Chi-Square. 305-308 - Chunmei Gui, Quanyuan Wu, Huaimin Wang, Jian Qiang:
On Trustworthy Reputation Evidence Establishment: Rating Analysis and Defense against Dishonesty. 309-314 - Jie Guo, Bo Cheng, Junliang Chen, Lei Zhang:
A Template-Based Orchestration Framework for Hybrid Services. 315-320 - Bo Cheng, Jie Guo, Junliang Chen, Xiangtao Lin:
A Preliminary Practice for BPEL Based Multimedia Conference Web Services Orchestration. 321-326
Communication Theory/Signal Processing (1)
- Shoko Kuroda, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada:
Performance Validation of Carrier Super-Positioning Satellite System with Multi-component Code. 327-332 - Aymen Ayari, Hatem Boujemaa, Mohamed Siala:
BER and Complexity Comparisons of the MPIC Receiver and the Linear Chip Equalizer. 333-336 - Antonio D. Reis
, José F. Rocha, Atílio Gameiro, José P. Carvalho:
A New Method to Measure the Jitter of a Signal. 337-340 - Qinghua Chen, Xianzhong Xie:
A Technique for Blind Identification of Uplink Signals in Multibeam Smart Antenna. 341-345
Communication Theory/Signal Processing (2)
- Andrei Alexandru Enescu, Silviu Ciochina, Constantin Paleologu:
Efficient ML Decoder for Quasi-orthogonal Space-Time Codes When Using QAM Constellation. 346-349 - A. Azizzadeh, L. Mohammadi:
Degradation of BER by Group Delay in Digital Phase Modulation. 350-354 - Niyazi Odabasioglu:
Cooperative Diversity with Orthogonal Space Time Coded MSK. 355-359 - Xu He, Xiaoyong Peng, Yue Xiao, Shaoqian Li:
A Novel Time and Frequency Synchronization Technique for MIMO-OFDM System. 360-363
Communication Theory/Signal Processing (3)
- Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Mohd Faisal Ibrahim, Ashrani Aizzuddin Abd. Rahni
Thermal Noise Effect in FTTH Communication Systems. 364-370 - John S. Vardakas
, Vassilios G. Vassilakis, Michael D. Logothetis:
Blocking Analysis in Hybrid TDM-WDM PONs Supporting Elastic Traffic. 371-376 - Haifeng Zhou, Ziwei Gen, Zuojian Song, Yoshitaka Takasaki:
Application of Hunting-free Codes to Novel Asynchronous Multiplexing. 377-380 - Zuojian Song, Haifeng Zhou, Ziwei Gen, Yoshitaka Takasaki:
Dependence of Jitter Accumulation on Line Codes for Clock Recovery with Minimal Filtering. 381-385 - Arezoo Modiri, Leila Mohammady
, Nader Molanian:
Less Faulty and Simpler Statistical Prediction of Sun-Synchronous Polar LEO Satellite Visions for Ground Stations. 386-391
Communication Theory/Signal Processing (4)
- L. Mohammady, A. R. Eskandari, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh:
An Improved Method for Analyzing & Compensating of Group Delay Variations in Broadband Satellite Signals. 392-397 - Christian Minge, Rong Zhao, Mathias Schweigel:
Improved Optical Network Topology Redesign Ensuring Biconnectivity. 398-403 - Xu He, Qingsong Wen
, Yue Xiao, Shaoqian Li:
A Novel Method for Reducing the Side Information of MSR-OFDM System. 404-407 - Sevki S. Erdogan, Ted Shaneyfelt, Geok See Ng, Abdul Wahab:
Fault Tolerant Hardware for High Performance Signal Processing. 408-412
Optical Communications
- Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman:
The OSNR Study on Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer (OXADM): With Limitation Highlight. 413-419 - Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Mohd Faisal Ibrahim, Ashrani Aizzuddin Abd. Rahni
, Sahbudin Shaari
, Kasmiran Jumari:
Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer: An Analytical Approach. 420-427 - M. Ali Aydin
, Tülin Atmaca, Abdül Halim Zaim, Özgür Can Turna
, Viet Hung Nguyen:
Performance Study of OBS Reservation Protocols. 428-433 - V. Vgenopoulou, Ioannis Roudas, K. P. Ho, Ioannis P. Chochliouros, George Agapiou, Tilemachos Doukoglou:
Asymptotic Approximation of the Probability Density Function of the Nonlinear Phase Noise Using the Method of Steepest Descent. 434-437 - Amer Alhabsi, Hadj Bourdoucen:
Improvement of WDM Transmission Perfromance by Enhancement of Signal Detection. 438-441

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