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1st APSCC 2006: Guangzhou, China
- Proceedings of The 1st IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2006, December 12-15, 2006, Guangzhou, China. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2751-5
Foundations of Services Computing
- Ling Song, Jun Ma, Li Lian, Zhumin Chen:
Fuzzy Similarity from Conceptual Relations. 3-10 - Shaojun Wang, Gang Wang, Guoan Gao:
Fuzzy Petri Net-Based Evaluation to the Process of ERP Implementation. 11-17 - Yi Liu, Ling Zhang, Yumin Wang:
Improved Secret Sharing with Access Structures in a Hierarchy. 18-25 - Hai Wang, Zengzhi Li:
A Semantic Matchmaking Method of Web Services Based on SHOIN^+ (D). 26-33 - Zhumin Chen, Jun Ma, Ling Song, Li Lian:
An Efficient Approach to Web Services Discovery and Composition when Large Scale Services are Available. 34-41 - Xiaoqiu Tan, Min Yao, Miaojun Xu:
An Effective Technique for Personalization Recommendation Based on Access Sequential Patterns. 42-46 - Xu E, Liangshan Shao, Xuedong Gao, Baofeng Zhai:
An Algorithm for Predicting Customer Churn via BP Neural Network Based on Rough Set. 47-50 - Hongxia Tong, Shensheng Zhang:
A Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making Algorithm for Web Services Selection Based on QoS. 51-57 - Yun Jiang, Laurent Gille:
Three Dimensional Layered Approach for Analyzing Value Chain Re-organization Cross ICT Industries for Converged Mobile Multimedia Services. 58-63 - Li Lian, Jun Ma, Zhumin Chen, Ling Song:
An Efficient Algorithm for Web Services Composition with a Chain Data Structure. 64-69 - Jiayin Qi, Yangming Zhang, Yingying Zhang, Shuang Shi:
TreeLogit Model for Customer Churn Prediction. 70-75 - Xiaohui Ren, Kenli Li, Renfa Li, Lei Yang:
An Improved Trust Model in P2P. 76-81 - WenJun Li, ChuWei Huang, QiangChao Chen, Hui Bian:
A Model-Driven Aspect Framework for Grid Service Development. 82
Business Process Management and Business Integration
- Wenfeng Feng, Zhibin Zhang, Zongpu Jia, Ziyi Fu:
Reversible Sketch Based on the XOR-Based Hashing. 93-98 - King Sing Cheung
, K. O. Chow:
Process-Based Design Verification for Systems Involving Shared Resources. 99-106 - Shaobin Wang, Na Su, Lei Hu:
Fair E-cash Payment Model on Credit Overdraft. 107-111 - Yongping Li, Rongjun Li:
A Fuzzy Neural Network Model with Application to Telecommunications Business. 112-117 - Bo Yan, Biqing Huang, Hongbo Sun, Chin E. Lin:
Cooperative Design and Development of Logistics Information System Based on Simple Factory Pattern. 118-122 - Brenda Y. Hon, Dickson K. W. Chiu
An Integration of Web Service and Workflow to a Wealth Management Order Placement System: A Case Study of International Brokerages. 123-129 - Jian-jun Shao, DaGang Ke:
Lot Sizing, Pricing and Lead Time Decisions with Time and Price Sensitive Demand. 130-137 - Jie Xue, Zhengang Zhang:
The Research on the Application Strategies of Information and Communication Technologies to Promote the Knowledge Transfer in Regional Innovation System. 138-145 - Bo Yan, Yiyun Chen, Zhiyong Zhang:
Applied Research on Logistics Grid Based on ASP. 146-152 - Li Zhang, Lili Luo, Liyong Zhang, Tiesuo Geng, Zongge Yue:
Task-Role-Based Access Control in Application on MIS. 153-159 - Trewina P. Y. Leung, Dickson K. W. Chiu
Alert-Driven E-government Service Management: A Case Study on Road Maintenance Management System. 160-167 - Fu-yuan Huang, Rong-jun Li, Liu Han-xia Liu, Rui Li:
A Modified Particle Swarm Algorithm Combined with Fuzzy Neural Network with Application to Financial Risk Early Warning. 168-173 - Guangfen Yang, Zhiping Wang, Youjun Wang:
The Win-Win Optimization for the Supply Chain Supernetwork with Electronic Commerce Based on the Variational Inequalities. 174-181 - Feng Wu, C. Liu, Peng P. Li, P. Zhao:
The Design and Implementation of Enterprise Strategy Outsourcing Decision-Making System Based on UML. 182-188 - Cuihua Zhang, Guangshu Chang, Haibin Yu:
Supply Chain Quality Control Decision under Different Product Structures. 189-193 - Su-ling Wang, Jun Xu, Qi Zeng:
Using Statistical Similarity to Identify Corresponding Attributes between Heterogeneous Spatial Databases. 194-199 - Shaoqin Wu, Chaoan Lai, Yanming Sun:
Applying Data Mining and Petri Net in Reengineering of Manufacture Management Information System. 200-206 - Feng Wu, C. Liu, Peng P. Li, L. J. Ai:
Decision Process Reengineering of Outsourcing Based on Manufacturing Specification Management. 207-212 - Zhiyong Zhang, Tao Cheng, Bo Yan:
A Portal for Logistics Service Provider to Integrate Supply Chain. 213-218 - Guangshu Chang:
The Optimization and Design of Procurement Strategy in E-commerce. 219-224 - Yong Xu:
Research on Hot Line Lottery-Ticket-Buying Project Based on PSTN SMS. 225-232 - Juan Xu, Zhixue Liu:
A Logistics Service Differentiation Decision Model Based on Service Level. 233-238 - Yan-bo Zhang, Yan-hui Wang:
The Oversea Investment Decision of a Horizontally Integrated Multinationals--A Research in View of the Monopolistic Competition Frame. 239-246 - Dong Zhuang, Jianmei Yang, Xiangdong Pan, Weiliang Tang:
The Bipartite Network Based Growth Mechanisms of Complex Company Competitive Relationship Networks. 247-252 - Yichan Lu, Zheying Li:
Integrated Design for Electronic Experimental System over Internet. 253-257 - Ye Liu, Lina Qin:
Empirical Analysis of Company's Performance and Governance Structure of Listed Companies of High-Tech in China. 258-264 - Erli Liu, Yi Cui, Ronghui Fan:
Determinants of Venture Capital-Backed Firms Performance: A Conceptual Framework. 265-271 - Tiebo Song, Wenfeng Cen, Liangxing Zhang, Xiong Chen:
The Analyses of Strategic Deterrence Effect's Impact on Strategic Alliance's Decision-Making Based on Horizontally Differentiated Product Market. 272-275 - Jing Tang, Can Yang, Xinxin Chen:
Explore New Profiting Method for TV Based on P2P Streaming Media Technology. 276-279 - Tiebo Song, Xiong Chen, Yonggang Yin, Wenfeng Cen:
The Study of Strategy of Persuasive Advertising Investment. 280-284 - Lin Zhao, Jianping Xing, Lingguo Meng:
The Research and Realization of a New Workflow Model with Step-Task Two Layers Based on Document. 285-292 - Xiaowei Wu, Xiaobei Liang, Wenguan Song:
The Research of Competitive Intelligence Organization of Dynamic Alliance (CIODA) in E-Commerce. 293-299 - Tianqing Zhu:
Suspicious Financial Transaction Detection Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition Method. 300-304 - Juan Zhu, Li Zhen Zhang:
A Sandwich Model for Business Integration in BOA (Business Oriented Architecture). 305-310 - Jen-Yin Yeh
Evaluating ERP Performance from User Perspective. 311-314 - Yi He, Zhixue Liu:
Process Computing of Complaint Service Management in Reverse Logistics. 315-322
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Guoshi Xu, Yin Luo, Huashan Yu, Zhuoqun Xu:
An Approach to SOA-Based Bioinformatics Grid. 323-328 - Jianjun Yu, Rui Chen, Hao Su, Shengmin Guo:
Web Services Publishing and Discovery on Peer-to-Peer Overlay. 329-334 - Xian-Cheng Xu, Ling Zhang, Shoubin Dong
Applying Software Component Technology to NP-based System for Novel Network Services. 335-339 - Lirong Qiu, Fen Lin, Changlin Wan, Zhongzhi Shi:
Semantic Web Services Composition Using AI Planning of Description Logics. 340-347 - Lei Ye, Bin Zhang:
Discovering Web Services Based on Functional Semantics. 348-355 - Quan Wen, Jianmin He:
Personalized Recommendation Services Based on Service-Oriented Architecture. 356-361 - Xiao-Yan Gao, Zhenwei Yu, Yin-Long Shi:
The Lagrangian Algorithm Implement of QoS-Aware Service Composition on P2P Network. 356-361 - Yanfeng Shu, Jack Fan Zhang, Xiaofang Zhou
A Grid-Enabled Architecture for Geospatial Data Sharing. 369-375 - Yueping Chen, Yongguang Zhong:
Investigating Rivalry in Tele-mobile Service Industry in China: A System Dynamics Approach. 376-383 - Qingyang Wang, Jingshu Chen, Xibin Gao, Wei Zhou, Baoping Yan:
A New Architecture of Data Access Middleware under Grid Environment. 384-391 - Guoyong Cai, Ji Gao, Bin Hu:
A Lightweight Approach towards Autonomic Service-Oriented Computing System Development. 392-399 - Peng Ran, Mao-heng Sun, You-min Zou:
ZigBee Routing Selection Strategy Based on Data Services and Energy-Balanced ZigBee Routing. 400-404 - Lei Duan, Shijun Liu, Changhe Tu, Xiangxu Meng:
A BPEL4WS-based Composite Service Modeling Solution in Manufacturing Grid. 405-410 - Jiankun Wu, Linpeng Huang, Jian Cao, Minglu Li, Xin Wang:
Research on Grid-Based Traffic Simulation Platform. 411-420
Grid/Utility Computing
- Yi Wang, Minglu Li, Jian Cao, Ying Li, Lin Chen, Xinhua Lin, Feilong Tang:
An ECA-Rule-Based Workflow Approach for Advance Resource Reservation in ShanghaiGrid. 421-426 - Lina Ge, Shaohua Tang, Qiao Kuang:
Dual-Role Based Access Control Framework for Grid Services. 427-432 - Weidong Hao, Yang Yang, Chuang Lin, Zhengli Zhai:
QoS-aware Scheduling Algorithm Based on Complete Matching of User Jobs and Grid Services. 433-439 - Sheng Di, Hai Jin, Shengli Li, Ling Chen, Chengwei Wang:
GlobalWatch: A Distributed Service Grid Monitoring Platform with High Flexibility and Usability. 440-446 - Tao Wang, Xingshe Zhou, Qiu-rang Liu, Zhiyi Yang, Yunlan Wang:
An Adaptive Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Computational Grid. 447-450 - Yingjie Xia, Guanghua Song, Yao Zheng:
Portal Access to Scientific Computation and Customized Collaborative Visualization on Campus Grid. 451-457 - Kejing He
, Shoubin Dong
, Jianfei He, Liqun Tang:
GSGCP-FEM: A General Service-Oriented Grid Computing Platform for FEM-Based Simulations. 458-465 - Zhenghua Xue, Xiaoshe Dong
, Weiguo Wu:
AOCMS: An Adaptive and Scalable Monitoring System for Large-Scale Clusters. 466-472 - Sikan Chen, Minglu Li, Feng He:
GridPPI: A Lightweight Grid-Enabled Parallel Programming Framework. 473-480 - Xiong Wen Pang, Deyu Qi, Yongjun Li:
FEISI: Towards Enterprise Information Semantic Integration. 481-485 - Xuebin Liang, Xinhua Lin, Minglu Li:
Adaptive Task Scheduling on Optical Grid. 486-491 - Yi Yang, Li Liu, Lian Li, Zhenfang Li, Rui Zhou:
MICE: An Efficient Grid Scheme for Mathematical Computing. 492-498 - Huashan Yu, Zhuoqun Xu:
Optimizing Repetitive Resource Accesses with Stateful Web Services. 499-506 - Chunmei Duan, Xiangxu Meng:
Research on the Grid/Web-Service-Based Visualization Model and Its Application. 507-511 - Anirban Chakrabarti, Shubhashis Sengupta
, Adarsh Kailash Upadhyay, Anish Damodaran:
A Systematic Approach for Application Migration in a Grid Computing Environment. 512-519 - Hongyan Mao, Linpeng Huang, Minglu Li:
Web Resource Monitoring Based on Common Information Model. 520-525 - Guofu Feng, Xiaoshe Dong
, Weizhe Liu, Ying Chu, Junyang Li:
GHIDS: Defending Computational Grids against Misusing of Shared Resources. 526-533 - Jiadi Yu, Minglu Li, Feng Hong, Guangtao Xue:
Free-Riding Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to-Peer Networks. 534-538 - Li Liu, Yi Yang, Lian Li, Wanbing Shi:
Using Ant Colony Optimization for SuperScheduling in Computational Grid. 539-545 - Xinqiao Yu, Bo Meng, Fei Yan:
Research on Association Rules Based Group Ranking Model with Fuzzy Preference Relation Structure. 546-552 - Xiangang Zhao, Bai Wang, Liutong Xu, Nan Du:
GOI-Based Information Service Architecture in Grid. 553-559 - Xiaogao Yu, Xiaopeng Yu:
The Research on an Adaptive Information Grid Architecture for Recommendation System. 560-565 - Zhenchun Huang
, Guoqing Li:
Remote Sensing Data Distribution by a Grid-Based Data Distribution System. 566-571 - Ling Huang, Fenggang Li, Lin Xing:
ICA/RBF-Based Prediction of Varying Trend in Real Exchange Rate. 572-580
Short Papers
- Mingwei Yuan, Ping Jiang, Jian Wu:
Find the Best to Share. 581-584 - Jun Tao, Dianxun Shuai:
A New Pricing Approach for Service Network Using Explicit Congestion Notification. 585-588 - Quan Wen:
EbXML-Based Application Integration in Service-Oriented Business. 589-592 - Xiang Liu, Yanhui Li:
Model and Algorithm for a Time-Constrained Regions-Integrated Distribution Problem. 593-596 - Ming Qi, Chaobo Yang:
Research and Design of Phishing Alarm System at Client Terminal. 597-600 - Tianqing Zhu:
An Outlier Detection Model Based on Cross Datasets Comparison for Financial Surveillance. 601-604 - Bin Yu, Chen Zhang, Yang Zhao:
Transform from Models to Service Description Based on MDA. 605-608 - Jing-yuan Guo, Jia Liu, Li Qiu:
Research on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation Based on DEA/AHP Model. 609-612 - Cuihua Zhang, Guangshu Chang, Yan Fan, Haibin Yu:
Coordination Strategy for Production Planning in Supply Chain Based on Lagrange Relaxation Algorithm. 613-616 - Junli Wang, Zhijun Ding, Changjun Jiang:
GAOM: Genetic Algorithm Based Ontology Matching. 617-620 - Ping Zhang, Renqing Lu, Jing Zhang:
Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Service-Oriented Robot Management System. 621-624 - Lan Liu, Jun Lin, Zhitang Li, Jiachun Li:
State Machine Based CDMA Stress Testing Service System. 625-628 - Chao Wu, Mingjun Xin, Weihua Li:
An Approach to Dynamic Model Combination on Solving Decision-Making Problem. 629-634 - Jun Xu, Qi Zeng:
Entropy Evaluation Model of Enterprises Performance Based on Supply Chain Management Theory. 635-639 - Hongli Wu, Baolin Yin, Xia Zhao, Gang Xiang:
A Workflow Model Supporting Flexible Process Based on Extensible Organization. 640-645 - Songqiao Han
, Shensheng Zhang, Yong Zhang:
Dynamic Selection and Optimization of Design Paradigms in Mobile Services. 646-649 - Kaihua Xu, Ya Wang, Wei Teng, Yuhua Liu:
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Vehicle Monitoring and Management System Based on the Multi-Net. 650-653 - Changsheng Zhou, Wei Ding, Na Yang, Zhiqiang Ma:
Double-Indexing Mechanism of Search Engine Based on Campus Net. 654-657 - Qinghua Zhang:
Research on the Preventive Strategy of Credit Risk in On-Line Auction Market. 658-662 - Yixue Li, Yu Xu, Gengzhong Feng, Wenqiang Dai:
On Loan-to-Value Ratios of Inventory Financing with Doubly Stochastic Poisson Default Processes. 663-666 - Hua-Qing Min, Yu-Ren Zhou, Yansheng Lu, Jia-zhi Jiang:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Problems. 667-670

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