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3rd APSCC 2008: Yilan, Taiwan
- Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2008, Yilan, Taiwan, 9-12 December 2008. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3473-2
The 3rd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008)
Grid, P2P and Cooperative Computing Technologies
- Yunfa Li
, Xianghua Xu, Jian Wan, Hai Jin, Zongfen Han:
Aeolus: Reconcilable Key Management Mechanism for Secure Group Communication in Grid. 1-7 - Lamine M. Aouad, Nhien-An Le-Khac
, M. Tahar Kechadi
Persistent Workflow on the Grid. 8-14 - Dang Minh Quan, Jörn Altmann
, Laurence Tianruo Yang:
Optimizing the Execution Time of the SLA-based Workflow in the Grid with Parallel Processing Technology. 15-20 - Haihui Zhang, Xingshe Zhou, Zhiyi Yang, Xiaojun Wu, Ning Fu:
VGID: A Virtual Hierarchical Distributed Grid Information Database. 21-26 - Chao-Chin Wu, Kuan-Chou Lai, Ren-Yi Sun:
GA-Based Job Scheduling Strategies for Fault Tolerant Grid Systems. 27-32 - Sam Verboven, Peter Hellinckx
, Frans Arickx, Jan Broeckhove:
Runtime Prediction Based Grid Scheduling of Parameter Sweep Jobs. 33-38 - Peifeng Li, Qin Ji, Yuhua Zhang, Qiaoming Zhu:
An Adaptive Chunk Self-Scheduling Scheme on Service Grid. 39-44 - Yuan-Chin Wen, Chia-Hung Chen, Sheng-De Wang:
Crossing Heterogeneous Grid Systems with a Single Sign-On Scheme Based on a P2P Layer. 45-51 - Yuhua Liu, Hongcai Chen, Chun Yang, Huaqiang Pan:
A Small World Architecture for P2P Networks. 52-56 - Liu Hong, Hu Wan
, Yu Wang, Xueguang Chen, Deqing Zou:
Extending HLA/RTI to WAN Based on Grid Service. 57-62 - Mijeom Kim, Jinsoo Park, Jaeyoung Oh, Hakjin Chong, Yoonkee Kim:
Study on Network Architecture for Traffic Information Collection Systems Based on RFID Technology. 63-68 - Wencai Guo, Chuang Lin:
A Formal Approach to Verify Grid Service Composition Based on Interaction Pattern. 69-74 - Shih-Jie Lin, Min-Chun Huang, Kuan-Chou Lai, Kuo-Chan Huang:
Design and Implementation of Job Migration Policies in P2P Grid Systems. 75-80 - Giulio Giunta
, Giuliano Laccetti
, Raffaele Montella
Five Dimension Environmental Data Resource Brokering on Computational Grids and Scientific Clouds. 81-88 - Heithem Abbes
, Christophe Cérin, Mohamed Jemni
BonjourGrid as a Decentralised Job Scheduler. 89-94 - Anna Cinzia Squicciarini
, Wonjun Lee, Elisa Bertino, Carol X. Song
A Policy-Based Accountability Tool for Grid Computing Systems. 95-100 - Jemal H. Abawajy:
An Online Credential Management Service for InterGrid Computing. 101-106
Trustworthy/Security/Privacy Computing
- Chung-Ming Ou, Chung-Ren Ou, Yao-Tien Wang:
Security of Mobile Agent-Based Web Applications. 107-112 - Shann-Chiuen Wu, Yung-Chung Ku, Tzao-Lin Lee:
Zero-Configuration Security Module for LAMP Application System. 113-116 - Charles C. Castello, Jeffrey Fan, Te-Shun Chou, Hong-Ming Kuo:
Integration and Implementation of Secured IP Based Surveillance Networks. 117-122 - Nan Guo, Tianhan Gao, Bin Zhang:
Trusted Assessment of Web Services Based on a Six-Dimensional QoS Model. 123-127
Multimedia Services and Intelligent Systems
- Yan-Haw Chen, Chong-Dao Lee, Chih-Hua Chien, S. H. Tai:
Efficient Decoding of Systematic (41, 21, 9) Quadratic Residue Code. 128-133 - Ku-Jin Kim, Sun-Mi Park, Yoo-Joo Choi:
Deciding the Number of Color Histogram Bins for Vehicle Color Recognition. 134-138 - Cha-Hwa Lin, Kai-Pei Chen, Chih-Hung Tsai:
Modeling the Examinee Ability on the Computerized Adaptive Testing Using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System. 139-144 - Jiehan Zhou
, Mika Rautiainen, Mika Ylianttila
P2P Service-Oriented Community Coordinated Multimedia: Modeling Multimedia Applications as Web Services and Experience. 145-149 - Marcelo Keese Albertini
, Kuan-Ching Li
, Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello
A Novel Approach to Quantify Novelty Levels Applied on Ubiquitous Music Distribution. 150-155
Wireless, Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks
- Ben-Jye Chang, Szu-Liang Kuo, Ying-Hsin Liang, De-Yu Wang:
Markov Chain-Based Trust Model for Analyzing Trust Value in Distributed Multicasting Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 156-161 - Marjan Naderan Tahan, Hamid R. Rabiee
, Fatemeh Saremi, Zeinab Iranmanesh:
An Overlay Multicast Protocol for Multimedia Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 162-167 - Yao-Tien Wang, Chung-Ming Ou, Hsiang-Fu Yu:
Hierarchical Genetic Algorithms for Channel Allocation in Wireless Networks. 168-173 - Uei-Ren Chen
, Bo-Sheng Chiou, Jyun-Ming Chen, Woei Lin:
An Adjustable Target Coverage Method in Directional Sensor Networks. 174-180 - Weiyu Chen, Weiwei Sun, Jiaqi Dong, Zhuoyao Zhang, Yingxiao Xu
Discovering and Selecting Reliable Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 181-186 - Zhiqiang Du, Kun Wang, Lihua Zhou:
Efficient Broadcast Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 187-192
Mobile/Network Computing
- Sahar Adabi
, Sam Jabbehdari
, Ali Rezaee, Sepideh Adabi
Distributed Fuzzy Score-Based Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 193-198 - Hung-Min Sun, Shih-Ying Chang, Shuai-Min Chen, Chien-Chien Chiu:
An Efficient Rekeying Scheme for Multicast and Broadcast (M&B) in Mobile WiMAX. 199-204 - Hung-Min Sun, Shuai-Min Chen, Yao-Hsin Chen, Heng-Jeng Chung, I-Hung Lin:
Secure and Efficient Handover Schemes for Heterogeneous Networks. 205-210 - Doug Lundquist, Aris M. Ouksel:
Dynamic Subscription Permission: Extending the Depth of Demand-Controlled Flooding. 211-216 - Jijun Cao, Jinshu Su
, Chunqing Wu:
Modeling and Analyzing the Instantaneous Stability for Application Layer Multicast. 217-224 - Bor-Jiunn Hwang, I-Shyan Hwang, Bo-Feng Guo, Ruey-Rong Su:
A Novel Radio Resource Management Scheme with HPWRR Scheduling Algorithm in Link Adaptive Mobile WiMAX Network. 225-230 - Bor-Jiunn Hwang, I-Shyan Hwang, Shao-Jyun Wun:
A Novel Hierarchical Network Selection Strategy with Adaptive QoS Level Scheme in 2-Tier Multi-rate Mobile WiMAX Networks. 231-236 - Shubhranshu Singh, Ashutosh Bhatia:
A DHCPv6 Based IPv6 Autoconfiguration Mechanism for Subordinate MANET. 237-242 - Fatemeh Saremi, Hamid Mousavi, Ali Movaghar
Performance Analysis of SLTC - A Stable Path, Low Overhead, Truthful and Cost Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs with Selfish Nodes. 243-250
Cluster, Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Chao-Chin Wu, Lien Fu Lai, Po-Hsun Chiu:
Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling for Heterogeneous Cluster Systems with Multi-core Computers. 251-256 - Blaise Omer Yenke, Jean-François Méhaut, Maurice Tchuenté:
Scheduling Deadline-Constrained Checkpointing on Virtual Clusters. 257-264 - Pitch Sajjipanon, Sudsanguan Ngamsuriyaroj:
Web Services for MPI-Based Parallel Applications on a Rocks Cluster. 265-270 - Song Wu, Jinyan Yuan, Wei Gao, Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin:
Effectively Deploying Virtual Machines on Cluster. 271-276
Service Composition, Management and Applications
- Ravi Shankar Pandey, Banshidhar D. Chaudhary:
A Cost Model for Participating Roles Based on Choreography Semantics. 277-283 - Tsukasa Takemura:
Formal Semantics and Verification of BPMN Transaction and Compensation. 284-290 - Yufeng Wang, Akihiro Nakao:
On Novel Economic-Inspired Centrality Measures in Weighted Networks. 291-296 - Kaijun Ren, Jinjun Chen, Nong Xiao, Junqiang Song, Jinyang Li:
Building Quick Service Query List Using Wordnet for Automated Service Composition. 297-302 - Aman Kumar, Preethi Raghavan, Jay Ramanathan, Rajiv Ramnath:
Enterprise Interaction Ontology for Change Impact Analysis of Complex Systems. 303-309 - Jenq-Shiou Leu, Hui-Ching Hsieh, Yen-Chiu Chen, Yuan-Po Chi:
Design and Implementation of a Low Cost DNS-Based Load Balancing Solution for the SIP-Based VoIP Service. 310-314 - Guilan Dai, Rujuan Liu, Chongchong Zhao, Changjun Hu:
Timing Constraints Specification and Verification for Web Service Compositions. 315-322 - Yung-Chih Yen, Tung-Lin Chuang, Chia-Chen Yen, Jih-Shih Hsu:
A Study in the Affect and Cognition of Consumers on Blog Usage. 323-328 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh, Shih-Min Tsai:
Combinatorial Reverse Auction Based on Lagrangian Relaxation. 329-334 - Sabah S. Al-Fedaghi:
On Information Lifecycle Management. 335-342 - JunFeng Wu, HuaiKou Miao:
A Rewriting Logic Approach to OWL-S Composite Process Formal Specification. 343-348 - Bin Wu, Shijun Liu, Lei Wu:
Dynamic Reliable Service Routing in Enterprise Service Bus. 349-354 - Weiwei Sun, Zhuoyao Zhang, Weiyu Chen, Bo Peng, Yingxiao Xu
Decentralized Execution of Composite Service in MANETs. 355-360 - Yingxiao Xu
, Weiwei Sun:
Composite Service Recovery Based on LSP Tunnel Recovery. 361-366 - Seiya Miyazaki, Nancy R. Mead
, Justin Zhan:
Computer-Aided Privacy Requirements Elicitation Technique. 367-372 - Zhaobin Liu, Wenyu Qu, Keqiu Li:
Autonomic Model for Service-Aware Storage. 373-377
Service Oriented Architecture and Modeling
- Hannu Verkasalo, Kim Lindqvist, Heikki Hämmäinen:
Scenario Analysis of the Mobile Voice Services Market. 378-384 - Jun-Lin Lin, Meng-Cheng Wei, Chih-Wen Li, Kuo-Chiang Hsieh:
A Hybrid Method for k-Anonymization. 385-390 - Xu Shao, Teck Yoong Chai, Teck Kiong Lee, Lek Heng Ngoh, Luying Zhou, Markus Kirchberg
An Integrated Telecom and IT Service Delivery Platform. 391-396 - Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei, Wan Mohd Nasir Wan-Kadir, Suhaimi Ibrahim
Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Based on AI Planning and Web Service Modeling Ontology. 397-403 - Yan Liu, Mingguang Zhuang, Qingling Wang, Guannan Zhang:
A New Approach to Web Services Characterization. 404-409 - Ali Khalili
, Shahriar Mohammadi:
Using Logically Hierarchical Meta Web Services to Support Accountability in Mashup Services. 410-415 - Cai Zhiming, Yin Jun:
The Process Conducting and Member Audit in the Distributed Enterprise Modeling. 416-420 - Cancan Liu, Weimin Zhang, Zhigang Luo, Hai Liu, Lin Xiao:
Service-Oriented Reliable Problem Solving Environment for Scientific Computation. 421-426 - Malek Smaoui
, Marc Garbey, Cendrine Mony:
Virtual Prairie: Going Green with Volunteer Computing. 427-434 - I-Ching Chen, Shueh-Cheng Hu, Dong-Her Shih:
Provision of Pedagogical Resources in Service-Oriented Instructional Environments. 435-438 - Kapil Kapani, Arobinda Gupta:
Influencing Models in Automated One-to-Many Negotiation. 439-444 - Markus Kirchberg
Abstract State Machine Models for Basic Service-Oriented Architectures. 445-452 - Sheng-Ming Wang, Fu-Mei Chen:
The Development of a Ubiquitous Geographic Information Service by Using Service-Oriented Architecture. 453-457 - Chien-Min Wang
, Hsi-Min Chen, Chun-Chen Hsu, Jonathan Lee:
Resource Selection Strategies for a CNP-Based Resource Management Model. 458-463 - Lijun Mei, Wing Kwong Chan
, T. H. Tse
A Tale of Clouds: Paradigm Comparisons and Some Thoughts on Research Issues. 464-469 - Masaki Gotou, Hirofumi Yamaki, Daisuke Yanagisawa, Masamitsu Ukai, Masahiro Tanaka, Toru Ishida
Resource Sharing by Multilingual Expression Services. 470-475 - Yanxiang He, Liang Zhao, Zhao Wu, Fei Li:
Modeling Web Services Composition with Transaction Extension for Performance Evaluation. 476-481 - Hadi Bannazadeh, Alberto Leon-Garcia:
Online Optimization in Application Admission Control for Service Oriented Systems. 482-487 - Hong Feng Lai, J. L. Hong, Wang Han Jeng:
Model E-contract Update by Coloured Activity Net. 488-493 - Hakan Hacigümüs:
Efficient Dynamic Policy Monitoring in Service Oriented Architectures. 494-499 - Azin Dehmoobad, Kamran Sartipi
Minimized Domain Knowledge for SOA-Based Interoperability. 500-506
Web Services, Technologies and Applications
- Ming-Chih Hsieh, Yung-Wei Kao, Shyan-Ming Yuan
Web 2.0 Toolbar: Providing Web 2.0 Services for Existence Web Pages. 507-512 - Animesh Tripathy, Prashanta Kumar Patra:
A Web Mining Architectural Model of Distributed Crawler for Internet Searches Using PageRank Algorithm. 513-518 - Yingyuan Xiao, Hua Zhang:
SHTM: A Semantic Hierarchy Transaction Model for Web Services Transactions. 519-523 - Wing Lok Yeung:
A Formal Basis for Cross-Checking ebXML BPSS Choreography and Web Service Orchestration. 524-529 - Ivan Madjarov, Abdelkader Bétari:
Adaptive Learning Sequencing for Course Customization: A Web Service Approach. 530-535 - Masahiro Tanaka, Yohei Murakami
, Toru Ishida
Towards Service Supervision for Public Web Services. 536-541 - Xuanhua Shi, Zhao Chen, Hai Jin, Song Wu, Ke Fan:
WAGA: A Flexible Web-Based Framework for Grid Applications. 542-547 - Zobeideh Aliannezhadi, Mohammad Abdollahi Azgomi
Modeling and Analysis of a Web Service Firewall Using Coloured Petri Nets. 548-553 - Nuno Laranjeiro
, Marco Vieira
, Henrique Madeira
Timing Failures Detection in Web Services. 554-559 - Wanita Sherchan, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Seng Wai Loke:
EADRM: A Framework for Explanation-Aware Distributed Reputation Management of Web Services. 560-567 - Wen Ouyang, Min-Lang Chen:
An Optimal Web Services Integration Using Greedy Strategy. 568-573
Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing/RFID Technologies
- Chun-Feng Liao
, Ya-Wen Jong, Li-Chen Fu
PSMP: A Fast Self-Healing and Self-Organizing Pervasive Service Management Protocol for Smart Home Environments. 574-579 - Wei-Chung Teng, Yu-Chun Pao, Sheng-Luen Chung:
Design of MyServer: A Residential Server in Smart Home Systems. 580-586 - Pravin Pawar, Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Hermie J. Hermens, Dimitri Konstantas:
Analysis of Context-Aware Network Selection Schemes for Power Savings. 587-594 - Ching-Hu Lu, Yung-Ching Lin, Li-Chen Fu
Hide and Not Easy to Seek: A Hybrid Weaving Strategy for Context-Aware Service Provision in a Smart Home. 595-600 - Kuen-Fang Jea, Jen-Ya Wang:
An RFID Encoding Method for Supply Chain Management. 601-606 - Hung-Yu Chien:
Varying Pseudonyms-Based RFID Authentication Protocols with DOS Attacks Resistance. 607-614 - Hung-Yu Chien:
DOS Attacks on Varying Pseudonyms-Based RFID Authentication Protocols. 615-622
Poster Papers (I)
- Fu-Chien Kao, Yun-Sheng Tsai, Andy S. Chiou, Shinping R. Wang, Chang-Yu Huang:
The Design of Intelligent Sensor Network Based on Grid Structure. 623-630 - Ayman Mansour Murad, Bassam Al-Mahadeen, Nuha Mansour Murad:
Adding Quality of Service Extensions to the Associativity Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). 631-637 - Aminul Haque Chowdhury, Muhammad Ikram
, Ki-Hyung Kim:
Secure and Survivable Group Communication over MANET Using CRTDH Based on a Virtual Subnet Model. 638-643 - Wei Wei, Yong Qi, Xin He, Wei Wang, Ruidong Li
, Hui He:
Improving the Survivability of WSNs with Biological Characters Based on Rejuvenation Technology. 644-649 - Yue-Shan Chang, Yu-Cheng Luo, Pei-Chun Shih:
AIR: Agent and Ontology-Based Information Retrieval Architecture for Mobile Grid. 650-655 - Seung-Hee Oh, Deok-Gyu Lee, Jong Wook Han:
The Mechanism and Requirements for Detecting the Cross-Service Attack. 656-661 - Wen-Kung Lin, Chieh-Peng Lin, Chou-Kang Chiu
Understanding Cyber Trust Using a Triadic Functioning Analysis. 662-667 - Do-Hoon Kim, Taek Lee, Hoh Peter In:
Effective Security Safeguard Selection Process for Return on Security Investment. 668-673 - Heithem Abbes
, Roberto Barbera, Mohamed Jemni
, Sadok Mazigh:
Towards the Interoperability between GTRS and EUMEDGRID. 674-679 - Guangtao Xue, Jinsheng Feng, Minglu Li:
A Passive Geographical Routing Protocol in VANET. 680-685 - Chiou-Yng Lee
, Pramod Kumar Meher:
Efficient Bit-Parallel Multipliers in Composite Fields. 686-691 - Hongmei Chi, Edward L. Jones, Lang Zhao:
Implementation of a Security Access Control Model for Inter-organizational Healthcare Information Systems. 692-696
Poster Papers (II)
- Wenjing Li, Yucheng Guo, Weizhi Liao, Rongwei Hang:
Research on Ontology Component Description Model Based on the Semantic Web. 697-702 - Huai-Jen Liu, Pang-Shih Liu:
Hierarchical Routing Architecture for Integrating IPv4 and IPv6 Networks. 703-706 - Linlan Liu, Jian Shu, Binquan Chen, Shuangjian Liang:
An Load Balancing Strategy of FTP Server-Cluster Based on JXTA. 707-711 - Chin-Hsing Chen, Wen-Tzeng Huang, You-Yin Chen, Yuan-Jen Chang:
An Integrated Service Model for Telecare System. 712-717 - Morrakot Raweewan, William G. Ferrell Jr.
How "Hard Science" and Engineering Enhance Service-Dominant Economy. 718-723 - A. A. Moiz Qyser
, Ramachandram Sirandas
, Asshar Farhan:
A Staged Capability Improvement Model for Software Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). 724-729 - Chih-Yung Wang, Chun-Yi Tsai, Tzao-Lin Lee:
Detecting Media Format Support of the Media Renderer with Microsoft DirectShow. 730-732 - Chun-Mei Chou, Chien-Hua Shen, Yu-Je Lee:
The Skills of Electronic Commerce for Students in Departments of Business Management in University Science and Technological Schools. 733-738 - Jau-Ling Shih, Ting-Yen Huang, Yu-Chen Wang:
A 3D Model Retrieval System Using the Derivative Elevation and 3D-ART. 739-744 - Chih-Hsun Chou, Pang-Hsin Liu, Bingjing Cai:
On the Studies of Syllable Segmentation and Improving MFCCs for Automatic Birdsong Recognition. 745-750 - Chang-Hsing Lee
, Jau-Ling Shih, Kun-Ming Yu, Hwai-San Lin, Ming-Hui Wei:
Fusion of Static and Transitional Information of Cepstral and Spectral Features for Music Genre Classification. 751-756
The 2008 International Symposium on Modeling, Assembly and Management for Service Oriented Engineering (MamSOE-08)
Cluster, Grid, P2P and Cooperative Computing Technologies
- Huajian Zhang, Xiaoliang Fan, Ruisheng Zhang, Jiazao Lin, Zhili Zhao, Lian Li:
Extending BPEL2.0 for Grid-Based Scientific Workflow Systems. 757-762 - Ali Rezaee, Amir Masoud Rahmani
, Sahar Adabi
A Fuzzy-Based Adaptive Agent for Grid Services. 763-768 - Chao-Tung Yang
, Chiu-Hsiung Chen, Ming-Feng Yang, Wen-Chung Chiang:
MIFAS: Medical Image File Accessing System in Co-allocation Data Grids. 769-774 - Chao-Tung Yang
, Fang-Yie Leu, Wen-Jen Hu:
A Network Bandwidth-Aware Job Scheduling with Dynamic Information Model for Grid Resource Brokers. 775-780 - Makoto Yoshida, Kenji Sakamoto:
Performance Comparison of Load Balancing Algorithms through Code Migration in Distributed Desktop Computing Grids. 781-788 - Donghui Lin
, Toru Ishida
Interorganizational Workflow Collaboration Based on Local Process Views. 789-794 - Lasheng Yu, Emmanuel Masabo, Chantal Mutimukwe
Nash Equilibrium: Better Strategy for Agents Coordination. 795-800 - Yuan Zheng, Ming Liu, Jiannong Cao
RSQS: Resource-Saving Multi-query Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks. 801-806 - Tyng-Yeu Liang, Siou-Ying Wang, I-Han Wu:
Using Frequent Workload Patterns in Resource Selection for Grid Jobs. 807-812 - Bruce Spencer, Sandy Liu:
Modelling the Sharing of Resources across Collaborative Sessions. 813-818 - Chao-Tung Yang
, Wen-Feng Hsieh, Hung-Yen Chen:
Implementation of a Diskless Cluster Computing Environment in a Computer Classroom. 819-824
Trustworthy/Security/Privacy Computing
- Chin-Feng Lee, Lin-Yi Chuang, Chin-Chen Chang:
Hiding Information Employing Reduplicating Embedding. 825-828 - Hung-Yu Chien:
Highly Efficient ID-Based Ring Signature from Pairings. 829-834 - Jian Wang, Haihang Wang, Chengxiang Tan:
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an 'Efficient Remote Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement'. 835-840 - Kenichi Takahashi, Akihiro Sakai, Kouichi Sakurai:
Invalidation of Mailing List Address to Block Spam Mails. 841-846 - Shann-Chiuen Wu, Yung-Chung Ku, Tzao-Lin Lee:
Zero-Configuration Personal Firewall for DLNA DMS. 847-850 - Chwen-Yea Lin, Chien-Chung Tu, Kwoting Fang:
Modeling the Trust with ECT in E-auction Loyalty. 851-855 - Navya Sidharth, Jigang Liu:
Intrusion Resistant SOAP Messaging with IAPF. 856-862
Multimedia and Intelligent Systems
- Rung-Huei Liang
, Yin-Huan Chen:
Planning Locative Media within Physical Space and Collaborative Workspace. 863-868 - Yingwei Luo, Xiaolin Wang, Xinpeng Liu, Zhou Xing, Xiao Pang, Haibo Wang:
A Rule-Based Event Handling Model. 869-875 - Ku-Jin Kim, Sun-Mi Park, Yoo-Joo Choi:
Clothing Identification Based on Edge Information. 876-880 - Chun-Liang Hsu, Sheng-Yuan Yang, Wei-Bin Wu:
Implementing Speech-Recognition Microprocessor into Intelligent Control-System of Home-Appliance. 881-885 - Chun-Yi Tsai, Tzao-Lin Lee:
Implementation and Evaluation of Minimal UPnP Scheduled Recording. 886-889 - Dan Yu, Gang Ye, Shilong Ma, Naixue Xiong, Laurence Tianruo Yang:
The Spacecraft Automatic Testing System Based on Workflow. 890-895 - Chih-Lun Fang, Tsung-Han Tsai, Ren-Chih Kuo:
Design and Implementation of a Videotext Extractor on Dual-Core Platform. 896-900
Wireless, Sensor and Ad Hoc Network
- Hui-Feng Huang, Kuo-Ching Liu:
A New Dynamic Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. 901-906 - You-Yin Chen, Wen-Tzeng Huang, Chin-Hsing Chen, Yuan-Jen Chang:
Development of a Novel Bidirectional Control Telecare System over a Wireless Sensor Network and the Internet. 907-913 - Karim Djouani
, Jun Chen, Abdellah Akharraz, Kamel Barkaoui:
An Effective Link Adaptation Method in Cooperative Wireless Networks. 914-919 - Ashutosh Bhatia, Shubhranshu Singh:
A Distributed Prefix Allocation Scheme for Subordinate MANET. 920-925 - Chi-Hsiang Yeh:
Binary Countdown for Quality of Service in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 926-930
Pervasive/Mobile/Network Computing
- Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Bo-Fu Chen, Chih-Lun Chou:
Fairness-Based Scheduling Algorithm for TDD Mode IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Systems. 931-936 - Chung-Hsin Liu:
The Study of the Handoff for the Wireless Network. 937-941 - Chung-Hsin Liu, Chih-Chieh Fan:
Zigbee- Research into Integrated Real-Time Located Systems. 942-947 - Wenjing Ma, Mei Song, Yong Zhang, Xin Lin, Huan Zhang:
An Optimization Method to Develop AAA Architectures with MIPv6 Mobility Support. 948-952 - Cherng-Ying Ing, Tzao-Lin Lee:
USB Device Sharing Server for Office Environment. 953-956 - Wen-Hsing Kao, Jason C. Hung, Victoria Hsu:
Using Data Mining Techniques in Development of MURA Geometric Prediction Module for Large Area Photomask. 957-962
Service Composition, Management and Applications
- Lee-kuo Lin, Chiu-Ching Tuan, Che-jen Cnen:
Application and Evaluation of Wireless Transmission Technique at Construction Job-site. 963-968 - Dengwen Wei, Zaobin Gan, Xiongbo Xia:
A Unified Framework for Digital Content Management Business Model-Ring-Tone Download as Case Study. 969-974 - Jen Wel Chen, Dershing Luo, Ching-Cha Hsieh:
An Institutional Analysis on the Vicissitudes of a Micro-payment Platform. 975-980 - Kang-Lin Peng
, Ming-Chu Lin:
Providing Service Innovation for Creative Life. 981-986 - Chung C. Chang, Li-Wei Sung:
Integration and Application of Web-Service-Based Expert System and Computer Maintenance Management Information System. 987-992 - Shuchuan Lo, Chingching Lin, Yao-Chang Chuang:
Using Support Vector Machine and Sequential Pattern Mining to Construct Financial Prediction Model. 993-998 - Zhao Wu, Yanxiang He, Haowen Liu, Liang Zhao, Hua Shen:
A Stochastic Performance Model Supporting Time and Non-time QoS Matrices for Web Service Composition. 999-1004 - Thomas Neubauer, Jan Pichler, Christian Stummer
A Case Study on the Multicriteria Selection of Software Components. 1005-1012
Service Oriented Architecture and Modeling
- Chun-Hsiu Yeh, Tsui-Ping Chang, Wei-Cheng Shen:
Developing Continuous Audit and Integrating Information Technology in E-business. 1013-1018 - Yuan Hui Tsai, Chieh-Peng Lin, Chou-Kang Chiu
Modeling the Mediating Role of Online Social Capital in Social Support and Service IT Usage. 1019-1023 - Chung-Chi Shen, Jyh-Shen Chiou
The Internet Service Provider's Dilemma: User Friendly Design or Robust Security Mechanism? 1024-1025 - Changjun Hu, Feng Jiao, Chongchong Zhao, Huayu Li:
A Service-Oriented Modeling Technique for Domain-Specific Software. 1026-1031 - Huiping Lin, Sheng Liu, Yushun Fan:
Service-Oriented Enterprise Cooperation: Modeling Method and System. 1032-1037 - Vahid Rahimian, Jafar Habibi:
MPaySmart: A Customer Centric Approach in Offering Efficient Mobile Payment Services. 1038-1043 - Chien-Chung Tu, Chwen-Yea Lin, Kwoting Fang:
Customers' Perception on Attitude Towards E-auction. 1044-1048
Web Services, Technologies and Applications
- Chun-Hsiu Yeh, Tsui-Ping Chang, Wei-Cheng Shen:
Developing the Continuous Assurance Embedded Continuous Audit Web Services. 1049-1054 - Sheng-Yuan Yang, Chun-Liang Hsu:
Ontology-Supported Portal Architecture for Scholar's Webpages. 1055-1060 - Phi Nguyen, Sam Chung:
Generating Semantic Web Services Using Lattices and SAWSDL. 1061-1068 - Sheping Zhai, Hai Wang, Juanli Wei:
A Pragmatics Web Service Oriented Approach to Understanding the Semantics of Concepts. 1069-1074 - Gunnar Thies, Gottfried Vossen:
Web-Oriented Architectures: On the Impact of Web 2.0 on Service-Oriented Architectures. 1075-1082 - Zhengdong Zhu, Xuehan Dong, Yahong Hu, Weiguo Wu, Zengzhi Li:
A Minimum Coverage Dynamic Adaptive Method for Concurrent Web Service Composition. 1083-1088 - A. K. Bhattacharjee, R. K. Shyamasundar:
ScriptOrc: A Specification Language for Web Service Choreography. 1089-1096 - Gibson Lam, David Rossiter:
A SOAP-Based Streaming Content Delivery Framework for Multimedia Web Services. 1097-1102 - Manish Godse
, Rajendra M. Sonar, Shrikant Mulik
Web Service Selection Based on Analytical Network Process Approach. 1103-1108 - Changjun Hu, Huayu Li, Xiaoming Zhang:
A Framework of Web Services Description and Discovery Based on OWL-S and Domain Ontology. 1109-1113
The First International Workshop on Wireless Network Algorithms (WiNA-08)
Session I Sensor Networks
- Ashay Dhamdhere, Vijay Sivaraman, Vidit Mathur, Shuo Xiao:
Algorithms for Transmission Power Control in Biomedical Wireless Sensor Networks. 1114-1119 - Jehn-Ruey Jiang, Jih-Wei Wu, Guan-Shien Du:
Energy-Efficient and Traffic-Dispersive Event Contour Tracking in Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Networks. 1120-1126 - Tzu-Hsuan Shan, Chuan-Ming Liu:
Enhancing the Key Pre-distribution Scheme on Wireless Sensor Networks. 1127-1131
Session II Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
- Rei-Heng Cheng, Shiuan-Yea Peng, Chiming Huang:
A Gradient-Based Dynamic Load Balance Data Forwarding Method for Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Networks. 1132-1137 - Daniele Messina, Marco Ortolani
, Giuseppe Lo Re
Adaptive Collision Avoidance through Implicit Acknowledgments in WSNs. 1138-1143 - Israat Tanzeena Haque
Non-deterministic Geographic Forwarding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1144-1149 - Yao-Nan Lien, Yi-Fan Yu:
Hop-by-Hop TCP over MANET. 1150-1155
Session III Mobile Networks and WLAN
- Ulf Wehling, Steffen Rothkugel:
Improving the Bandwidth Consumption of File Sharing in Mobile Networks through Clustering. 1156-1161 - Chiapin Wang, Tsungnan Lin
A Cross-Layer Link Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 WLAN with Multiple Nodes. 1162-1167 - Yaw-Wen Kuo, Tung-Lin Tsai:
On Achieving Maximum Channel Utilization for IEEE 802.11n WLAN. 1168-1172 - Chi-Kuang Hwang, Hung-Min Yuan:
Partitioning Scheme Based on Convolution Characteristic Values of RSS Measuring from APs. 1173-1176
The 2008 International Workshop on E-Commerce Services and Applications (ECSA 2008)
Session I
- Che-hui Lien
, Jyh-Jeng Wu:
An Empirical Study of Sellers' Information Manipulation in the Online Auction Market. 1177-1180 - Yu Zhang, Huajun Chen, Xiaohong Jiang, Hao Sheng, Linhua Zhou, Tong Yu:
Content-Based Trust Mechanism for E-commerce Systems. 1181-1186 - Chih-Chien Wang
, Yu-Tzu Chen:
The Influence of Passion and Compulsive Buying on Online Auction Addiction. 1187-1192 - Ying-Hueih Chen, I-Chieh Hsu, Yu-Chung Chen:
The Strategic Impact of Inter-organizational Information Systems - A Dynamic Capabilities Analysis. 1193-1198
Session II
- Gen-Yih Liao, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh:
Analyzing Security of RFID Tag Reading Protocols Based on Binary Tree Traversal. 1199-1201 - Hui-Jiun Hu, Jen Yen, Shing-Sheng Guan:
A Study on the Interface Usability of B2C Hypermarket E-commerce Website. 1202-1207 - Mei-Yu Wu, Chih-Kun Ke, Wen-Ling Tzeng:
Applying Context-Aware RBAC to RFID Security Management for Application in Retail Business. 1208-1212 - Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin
, Chien-Liang Chen:
Mining Negative Sequential Patterns for E-commerce Recommendations. 1213-1218
The 2008 International Workshop on Dependable and Secure Services Computing (DSSC 2008)
- Felix Salfner, Katinka Wolter:
Service Availability of Systems with Failure Prevention. 1219-1224 - Manabu Hirano, Takahiro Shinagawa
, Hideki Eiraku, Shoichi Hasegawa, Kazumasa Omote, Kouichi Tanimoto, Takashi Horie, Kazuhiko Kato, Takeshi Okuda, Eiji Kawai, Suguru Yamaguchi:
Introducing Role-Based Access Control to a Secure Virtual Machine Monitor: Security Policy Enforcement Mechanism for Distributed Computers. 1225-1230 - Yanguo Liu, Issa Traoré, Alexander M. Hoole:
A Service-Oriented Framework for Quantitative Security Analysis of Software Architectures. 1231-1238 - Alexander M. Hoole, Issa Traoré:
Contract-Based Security Monitors for Service Oriented Software Architecture. 1239-1245 - Chi-Yi Lin, Szu-Chi Wang:
Beyond Smart: Enabling Cognition in a Wireless Home Network Environment. 1246-1251 - Ching-Huang Lin
, Chih-Hao Chen, Chi-Sung Laih:
A Study and Implementation of Vulnerability Assessment and Misconfiguration Detection. 1252-1257
The 2008 International Workshop on Services Integration and Management for Modern Service Industry (SIM4MSI-08)
- Gexin Li, Haijiang Hai, Zhiwen Hu
A Flexible Framework for Semi-automatic Web Services Composition. 1258-1262 - Hao Hu, Wenan Zhou, Shu Zhang, Junde Song:
A Novel Network Selection Algorithm in Next Generation Heterogeneous Network for Modern Service Industry. 1263-1268 - Jianfeng Qian, Jianwei Yin, Dongcai Shi, Jinxiang Dong:
Exploring a Semantic Publish/Subscribe Middleware for Event-Based SOA. 1269-1275 - Bin Wu, ShuiGuang Deng, Jian Wu, Ying Li, Li Kuang
, Jianwei Yin:
Service Behavioral Adaptation Based on Dependency Graph. 1276-1281 - Jian Wu, Zhimin Huang:
Proxy-Based Web Service Security. 1282-1288 - Jinhua Jiang, Gang Chen, Lidan Shou, Ke Chen:
OTJFast: Processing Ordered XML Twig Join Fast. 1289-1294 - Lihua Tian, Nanning Zheng, Jianru Xue, Tao Xu:
A CAVLC-Based Blind Watermarking Method for H.264/AVC Compressed Video. 1295-1299 - Lin Bai, Jun Wei:
A Flexible Transformation Scheme between the 'OR' of BPMN and 'Link' of BPEL. 1300-1307 - Yuyu Yin
, Ying Li, ShuiGuang Deng
, Wu Jian:
Verifying Consistency of Web Services Behavior. 1308-1314
The First International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems (MPIS '08)
Session I
- Fan-Chei Cheng, Yu-Kumg Chen:
Effective Sigma-Delta Background Estimation for Video Background Generation. 1315-1321 - Mohammad Tanvir Parvez, Adnan Abdul-Aziz Gutub
RGB Intensity Based Variable-Bits Image Steganography. 1322-1327 - Fu-Hao Yeh, Greg C. Lee, Yu-Tzu Lin:
Removable Visible Watermarking in JPEG Compression Domain. 1328-1331 - Shyong Jian Shyu, Ying-Ru Chen:
Threshold Secret Image Sharing by Chinese Remainder Theorem. 1332-1337
Session II
- Jie Jia, Hae-Kwang Kim:
Redundant Picture Coding Using Residual-Adaptive Polyphase Downsampling for H.264 Error Resiliency. 1338-1343 - Alain Durand, Marc Joye, Mohamed Karroumi:
Laundering and Repackaging of Multimedia Content in Content Distribution Systems. 1344-1351 - Nishat Ahmad, Youngan An, Jong-An Park:
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Localized Line Segment Groupings. 1352-1357 - Zhengdao Zhang, Zhumiao Peng, Zhiping Zhou:
The Study of Intrusion Prediction Based on HsMM. 1358-1363
Session III
- Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Kush Mathur, Saransh Jain, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang:
Privacy Concealments: Detective Strategies Unveiling Cyberstalking on Internet. 1364-1368 - Raylin Tso
Signcryption Scheme with Standardized Verification Algorithm. 1369-1374 - Atsushi Koide, Raylin Tso
, Takeshi Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto:
A Restricted Undeniable Designated Verifier Signature. 1375-1380 - Peishun Wang, Huaxiong Wang, Josef Pieprzyk
Improvement of a Dynamic Accumulator at ICICS 07 and Its Application in Multi-user Keyword-Based Retrieval on Encrypted Data. 1381-1386
Session IV
- Andreas Pashalidis:
Measuring the Effectiveness and the Fairness of Relation Hiding Systems. 1387-1394 - Shu-Ching Wang, Tzu-Chih Chung, Kuo-Qin Yan:
Machine-to-Machine Technology Applied to Integrated Video Services Via Context Transfer. 1395-1400 - Wushi Dong, Niansheng Chen, Qiang Sun:
A QoS Routing Protocol Supporting Unidirectional Links in MANETs. 1401-1405 - Ting-Kuo Liu, Chung-Huang Yang:
Design and Implementation of Campus Gate Control System Based on RFID. 1406-1411 - Su-Yun Chiang, Gwo-Gauang Wong, Yiming Li, Hsiao-Cheng Yu:
A Dynamic Competition Analysis on the Personal Computer Shipments in Taiwan Using Lotka-Volterra Model. 1412-1417
2008 International Workshop on Computational Engineering and Management (CEM-08)
Session A
- Louis Y. Y. Lu, Chih-Chyi Chiang:
Prediction Model for Warranty Costs: A Case Study of a LCD Monitor Company. 1418-1423 - Chia-Han Yang, Joseph Z. Shyu, Yimin Li:
A Symbiosis Model for New Product Development through Open Innovation Process. 1424-1429 - Kuang Yu Huang
, Chuen-Jiuan Jane:
An Automatic Stock Market Forecasting and Portfolio Selection Mechanism Based on VPRS, ARX and Grey System. 1430-1435 - Ching Chang, Shih-Ming Ou, Zong-Wei Zhu:
Distance Effect and Cognitive Proximity: A Study of Space Competition Strategy in Tourism Industry. 1436-1440
Session B
- Bi-Huei Tsai:
The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on the Efficiency of Taiwanese Firms. 1441-1446 - Shih-Ching Lo:
Equal Area Estimation of Three-Parameter Logistic Model for Item Response Theory. 1447-1452 - Chien-Yen Chang, Chai-Chun Li:
Visual and Operational Impacts of Variable Speed Limit Signs on Bus Drivers on Freeways Using Driving Simulator. 1453-1458 - Ying Lee, Chien-Hung Wei:
A Computerized Feature Reduction Using Cluster Methods for Accident Duration Forecasting on Freeway. 1459-1464
Session C
- Tsu-Feng Ho, Shyong Jian Shyu, Yi-Ling Wu:
Material Acquisitions in Academic Libraries. 1465-1470 - Pi-Shan Hsu, Te-Jeng Chang, Chien-Pen Chuang, Ming-Hsiung Wu:
A Dynamic, Real Time and Non-interference Quantitative Measurement Technique on Diagnosing Instructional Condition for Adaptive E-learning. 1471-1476 - Mei-Ying Wu, Han-Ping Chou, Yung-Chien Weng, Yen-Han Huang:
A Study of Web 2.0 Website Usage Behavior Using TAM 2. 1477-1482 - Ruey-Ming Chao, Yu-An Ho, Yen-Ping Chu:
Data Hiding Scheme Using Covering Codes in Halftone Images Based on Error Diffusion. 1483-1488 - Qingyu Xu, Mingxing He, Lein Harn:
An Improved Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme. 1489-1494
The First International Workshop on Ubiquitous Network Computing (UNC-08)
Session I
- Wei Xiong, Xu Xianbing:
A Tender Algorithm of Improved Distributed System Resource Management. 1495-1499 - Xinrong Hu, Naixue Xiong, Shuqin Cui, Wang Hui, Jianchun Wang:
A Color Clustering Algorithm for Cloth Image. 1500-1505 - Shuichi Nakanishi, Muneyuki Shimokura, Tadashi Ohta:
Web Service Programs Described in a Rule-Based Language. 1506-1511 - Xinyi Wu, Yong Zhu, Xiaolong Deng:
Design and Implementation of Embedded SNMP Network Management Manager in Web-Based Mode. 1512-1516
Session II
- Chao Ma, Yanxiang He, Naixue Xiong:
MPACP: An Approach for Automatic Matching of Parallel Application Communication Patterns. 1517-1522 - Li Fan, Jiang WeiJian:
Research on Mobile-Agent Based Data Access Model in Pervasive Computing Environment. 1523-1526 - Jeong-In Ju, Jong Chul Lee, Kyoung Jun Lee
Ubiquitous Business Model by Seamless Integration of Photo and Location Information. 1527-1532 - Jungho Jun, Kyoung Jun Lee
Design of Tag Match Advertising System and the Evaluation of the Business Model. 1533-1537
Session III
- Hui-Na Chua, Patrick Legrand, Karyn Wei-Ju Khoo, Simon Ringland, Bruno Legat:
Innovative Call Routing: Concept and Experimental Observations. 1538-1543 - Wuqing Zhao, Xianbin Xu, Naixue Xiong, Zhuowei Wang:
A Weight-Based Dynamic Replica Replacement Strategy in Data Grids. 1544-1549 - Yong Zhu, Naixue Xiong, Ruhan He:
A Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method Based on Watershed and Fuzzy C-Means. 1550-1555 - Weiguang Kong:
Web-Based Request Behavior Comprehension. 1556-1559 - Yuyu Yin
, Jianwei Yin, Ying Li, ShuiGuang Deng:
Verifying Consistency of Web Services Behavior Using Type Theory. 1560-1567
Session IV
- Jiao Feng, Naixue Xiong, Shuoben Bi:
X-ray Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet Transform. 1568-1573 - Youcong Ni, Shi Ying, Jing Wen, Linlin Zhang, Peng Ye, Jiajing Zhang:
Study on Weaving Process at Software Architectural level. 1574-1577 - Nara Yang, Gilsang Yoon, Jeonghwan Lee, Intae Hwang, Cheol Hong Kim, Jong-Myon Kim:
Loop Detection for Energy-Aware High Performance Embedded Processors. 1578-1583 - Ruhan He, Kaiming Liu, Naixue Xiong, Yong Zhu:
Garment Image Retrieval on the Web with Ubiquitous Camera-Phone. 1584-1589
The First International Workshop on Vechicular Networking (VON-08)
VON Routing
- Brijesh Kadri Mohandas, Amiya Nayak
, Kshirasagar Naik, Nishith Goel:
ABSRP- A Service Discovery Approach for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1590-1594 - Shang-Pin Sheng, Ben-Yue Chang, Hung-Yu Wei
Access Gateway Discovery and Selection in Hybrid Multihop Relay Vehicular Network. 1595-1599 - Takashi Kato, Kohei Kadowaki, Takahiro Koita, Kenya Sato
Routing and Address Assignment Using Lane/Position Information in a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. 1600-1605 - Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Pratap Kumar Sahu, Jagruti Sahoo:
Destination Discovery Oriented Position Based Routing in VANET. 1606-1610
VON System, Security, Applications
- Ming-Chin Chuang, Jeng Farn Lee:
LMAM: A Lightweight Mutual Authentication Mechanism for Network Mobility in Vehicular Networks. 1611-1616 - Boncheol Gu, Junyoung Heo
, Sangchul Oh
, Namhoon Park, Gwangil Jeon, Yookun Cho:
An SDR-Based Wireless Communication Gateway for Vehicle Networks. 1617-1622 - Tobias Queck, Björn Schünemann, Ilja Radusch
, Christoph Meinel:
Realistic Simulation of V2X Communication Scenarios. 1623-1627 - Daniel Câmara, Nikolaos Frangiadakis, Fethi Filali
, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro, Nick Roussopoulos:
Virtual Access Points for Stream Based Traffic Dissemination. 1628-1632 - Brijesh Kumar Chaurasia, Shekhar Verma
Optimizing Pseudonym Updation for Anonymity in VANETS. 1633-1637

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