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BMVC 2004: Cardiff, UK
- Andreas Hoppe, Sarah Barman, Tim Ellis:
British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2004, Kingston, UK, September 7-9, 2004. Proceedings. BMVA Press 2004, ISBN 1-901725-25-1
Invited talks
- Pascal Fua:
Human Shape and Motion from Video. 1-5 - Matthew Brand:
From Subspace to Submanifold Methods. 1 - John P. Collomosse, Peter M. Hall:
A Mid-Level Description of Video, with Application to Non-photorealistic Animation. 1-10
- Pragyana Mishra, Omead Amidi, Takeo Kanade:
EigenFairing: 3D Model Fairing using Image Coherence. 1-10 - Marco Zuliani, Charles S. Kenney, Sitaram Bhagavathy, Bangalore S. Manjunath:
Drums and Curve Descriptors. 1-10
- Zoltan Kato:
Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Unsupervised MRF Color Image Segmentation. 1-10 - Christopher Rasmussen:
Texture-Based Vanishing Point Voting for Road Shape Estimation. 1-10 - Pascal Vasseur, El Mustapha Mouaddib:
Central Catadioptric Line Detection. 1-10 - Matthew Harker, Paul O'Leary, Paul J. Zsombor-Murray:
Direct and Specific Fitting of Conics to Scattered Data. 1-10
- Étienne Vincent, Robert Laganière:
Junction Matching and Fundamental Matrix Recovery in Widely Separated Views. 1-10 - Dan Kong, Hai Tao:
A method for learning matching errors for stereo computation. 1-10 - Carlos Leung, Ben Appleton, Changming Sun:
Fast Stereo Matching by Iterated Dynamic Programming and Quadtree Subregioning. 1-10 - Sami S. Brandt
On the Probabilistic Epipolar Geometry. 1-10 - George Vogiatzis, Philip H. S. Torr, Steven M. Seitz, Roberto Cipolla:
Reconstructing Relief Surfaces. 1-10
Poster Session 1
- Andrea Bottino, Aldo Laurentini:
The Visual Hull of Piecewise Smooth Objects. 1-10 - Sabri Boughorbel, Jean-Philippe Tarel, François Fleuret:
Non-Mercer Kernels for SVM Object Recognition. 1-10 - Ali Shahrokni, Vincent Lepetit, Tom Drummond, Pascal Fua:
Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three--Dimensional Body Tracking in Presence of Cluttered Background. 1-10 - Abhir Bhalerao, Roland Wilson:
Affine Invariant Image Segmentation. 1-10 - Andrew Graves, Shaogang Gong:
Wavelet-based holistic sequence descriptor for generating video summaries. 1-10 - Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong:
Activity Based Video Content Trajectory Representation and Segmentation. 1-10 - Marko Heikkilä, Matti Pietikäinen, Janne Heikkilä:
A Texture-based Method for Detecting Moving Objects. 1-10 - Eric Royer, Maxime Lhuillier, Michel Dhome, Thierry Chateau:
Towards an alternative GPS sensor in dense urban environment from visual memory. 1-10 - Huang Zhong, Y. S. Hung:
Factorization-based Hierarchical Reconstruction for Circular Motion. 1-10 - Alex Leykin, Florin Cutzu, Mihran Tuceryan:
Using Multiple Views To Resolve Human Body Tracking Ambiguities. 1-10 - Mårten Björkman, Jan-Olof Eklundh:
Attending, Foveating and Recognizing Objects in Real World Scenes. 1-10 - King Yuen Wong, Lu Ye, Minas E. Spetsakis:
EM Clustering of Incomplete Data Applied to Motion Segmentation. 1-10 - Yasushi Kanazawa, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Detection of Planar Regions with Uncalibrated Stereo using Distributions of Feature Points. 1-10 - Agnès Just, Olivier Bernier, Sébastien Marcel:
HMM and IOHMM for the Recognition of Mono- and Bi-Manual 3D Hand Gestures. 1-10 - Zhen Jia, Arjuna P. Balasuriya:
Motion based 3D Target Tracking with Interacting Multiple Linear Dynamic Models. 1-10 - David Cristinacce, Timothy F. Cootes, Ian M. Scott:
A Multi-Stage Approach to Facial Feature Detection. 1-10 - Abdullah A. Al-Shaher, Edwin R. Hancock
Articulated Shape Mixtures for Object Recognition. 1-10 - Xiao Bai, Hang Yu, Edwin R. Hancock
Graph Matching using Spectral Embedding and Semidefinite Programming. 1-10 - Huang Fei, Ian Reid:
Dynamic Classifier for Non-rigid Human motion analysis. 1-10 - Francisco J. Estrada, Allan D. Jepson, Chakra Chennubhotla:
Spectral Embedding and Min Cut for Image Segmentation. 1-10 - Evgeniy Bart, Shimon Ullman:
Image normalization by mutual information. 1-10 - Peter M. Hall, Martin Owen:
Learning to detect low-level features. 1-10 - Zhenyao Mo, John P. Lewis, Ulrich Neumann:
Face Inpainting with Local Linear Representations. 1-10 - Min Li, Chandra Kambhamettu, Maureen Stone:
A General Framework for 2D Multiframe and 3D Surface-to-surface Motion Estimation. 1-10 - Himaanshu Gupta, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, Rama Chellappa:
Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular Video. 1-10 - Daniel Moldovan, Toshikazu Wada:
A Geometrically Calibrated Pinhole Camera Model for Single Omnidirectional Imaging System. 1-9 - Fernando De la Rosa T., Takeo Kanade:
Oriented Discriminant Analysis. 1-10 - Amit Chilgunde, Pankaj Kumar, Surendra Ranganath, Weimin Huang:
Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Cameras with Non-overlapping Fields of View. 1-10
Registration and Alignment
- Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo, Federico Pernici:
Image Mosaicing from Uncalibrated Views of a Surface of Revolution. 1-10 - Carole J. Twining, Stephen Marsland, Christopher J. Taylor:
Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration: The Minimum Description Length Approach. 1-10 - Marc Menem, Tomás Pajdla:
Constraints on perspective images and circular panoramas. 1-10
Statistical Modelling
- Changbo Hu, Jing Xiao, Iain A. Matthews, Simon Baker, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade:
Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to Multiple Images. 1-10 - Timothy F. Cootes, Carole J. Twining, Christopher J. Taylor:
Diffeomorphic Statistical Shape Models. 1-10 - Ralph Gross, Iain A. Matthews, Simon Baker:
Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models. 1-10
Surveillance and Monitoring
- Darrel Greenhill, John-Paul Renno, James Orwell, Graeme A. Jones:
Occlusion Analysis: Learning and Utilising Depth Maps in Object Tracking. 1-10 - Hannah M. Dee, David C. Hogg:
Detecting inexplicable behaviour. 1-10 - Somboon Hongeng:
Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Events. 1-10 - Jason Jeongsuk Yoon, Tim J. Ellis:
Real-time occupant detection system in an active illumination. 1-10
- Bouchra Abboud, Franck Davoine:
Appearance factorization for facial expression analysis. 1-10 - Xiaojun Wu, Josef Kittler, Jing-Yu Yang, Kieron Messer, Shitong Wang:
A New Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis (KDDA) Algorithm for Face Recognition. 1-11 - Thomas Heseltine, Nick E. Pears, Jim Austin:
Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Using Surface Space Combinations. 1-10 - Ognjen Arandjelovic, Roberto Cipolla:
An Illumination Invariant Face Recognition System for Access Control using Video. 1-10 - Toni Tamminen, Jouko Lampinen:
A Bayesian Occlusion Model for Sequential Object Matching. 1-10
Poster Session 2
- Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock
Underexposed Image Correction Via Approximation of the Scene Radiance Function. 1-10 - Mike Rogers, Jim Graham, Robert Tonge:
2 Dimensional Electrophoresis Gel Registration Using Point Matching and Local Image-Based Refinement. 1-10 - William A. P. Smith, Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock
Single image facial view synthesis using SFS. 1-10 - Vladimir S. Petrovic, Timothy F. Cootes:
Analysis of Features for Rigid Structure Vehicle Type Recognition. 1-10 - Fabrice Caillette, Toby Howard:
Real-Time Markerless Human Body Tracking with 3-D Voxel Reconstruction. 1-10 - Martin Brown, Nicholas Paul Costen:
Non-Linear Feature Selection for Classification. 1-10 - Grigory Begelman, Michael Lifshits, Ehud Rivlin:
Map-Based Microscope Positioning. 1-10 - Huicheng Zheng, Mohamed Daoudi
, Bruno Jedynak:
From Maximum Entropy to Belief Propagation: An application to Skin Detection. 1-10 - Sayyed Amirhassan Monadjemi, Majid Mirmehdi, Barry T. Thomas:
Restructured Eigenfilter Matching for Novelty Detection in Random Textures. 1-10 - Hossein Ragheb, Edwin R. Hancock
Fresnel Correction of the Beckmann Model. 1-10 - Omar Ait-Aider, Thierry Chateau, Jean-Thierry Lapresté:
Indoor autonomous navigation using visual memory and pattern tracking. 1-10 - Yonggang Jin, Farzin Mokhtarian:
Efficient Video Retrieval by Motion Trajectory. 1-10 - Christopher Town, Sean Moran:
Robust Fusion of Colour Appearance Models for Object Tracking. 1-10 - Jean-Bernard Hayet, Justus H. Piater
, Jacques G. Verly:
Robust incremental rectification of sports video sequences. 1-10 - Martial Sanfourche, Guy Le Besnerais, Frédéric Champagnat:
On the choice of the goodness-to-fit term for multibaseline stereovision. 1-10 - Nikolaos Nasios, Adrian G. Bors:
Segmentation of colour images using variational expectation-maximization algorithm. 1-10 - Xiaochun Cao, Hassan Foroosh:
Metrology from Vertical Objects. 1-10 - Hayley Shi-Wen Hung, Shaogang Gong:
Quantifying Temporal Saliency. 1-10 - Valérie Gouet, Bruno Lameyre:
SAP: A robust approach to track objects in video streams with Snakes And Points. 1-10 - Ada S. K. Wan, Angus M. K. Siu, Rynson W. H. Lau:
Recovering Camera Pose from Omni-directional Images. 1-10 - Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas, Andrew J. Davison, Ben Tordoff, Nicholas Molton, David William Murray:
Interaction between hand and wearable camera in 2d and 3d environments. 1-10 - François Lauze, Pierre Kornprobst, Étienne Mémin:
A Course to Fine Multiscale Approach for Linear Least Squares Optical Flow Estimation. 1-10 - François Lauze, Mads Nielsen:
A Variational Algorithm For Motion Compensated Inpainting. 1-11 - M. Pawan Kumar, Philip H. S. Torr, Andrew Zisserman:
Extending Pictorial Structures for Object Recognition. 1-10 - Vincent Chapdelaine-Couture, Sébastien Roy, Michael S. Langer, Richard Mann:
Principal Components Analysis of Optical Snow. 1-10 - Mariano Rivera, James C. Gee:
Two--level MRF Models for Image Restoration and Segmentation. 1-10 - Duncan P. Robertson, Roberto Cipolla:
An Image-Based System for Urban Navigation. 1-10 - Jinchang Ren, James Orwell, Graeme A. Jones, Ming Xu:
Real-time 3D Football Ball Tracking from Multiple Cameras. 1-10 - John-Paul Renno, James Orwell, David Thirde, Graeme A. Jones:
Shadow Classification and Evaluation for Soccer Player Detection. 1-10
Motion and Tracking
- Antonio S. Micilotta, Richard Bowden
View-based Location and Tracking of Body Parts for Visual Interaction. 1-10 - Christopher Kemp, Tom Drummond:
Multi-Modal Tracking using Texture Changes. 1-10 - Kevin Smith, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Order Matters: A Distributed Sampling Method for Multi-Object Tracking. 1-10
Optical Flow
- Nicholas Molton, Andrew J. Davison, Ian Reid:
Locally Planar Patch Features for Real-Time Structure from Motion. 1-10 - Yeon-Ho Kim, Aleix M. Martínez, Avinash C. Kak:
A Local Approach for Robust Optical Flow Estimation under Varying Illumination. 1-10 - Adrien Bartoli, Andrew Zisserman:
Direct Estimation of Non-Rigid Registration. 1-10
Techniques 1
- Neil A. Thacker, Maja Pokric, David C. Williamson:
Noise Filtering and Testing Illustrated Using a Multi-Dimensional Partial Volume Model of MR Data. 1-10 - Gary A. Atkinson, Edwin R. Hancock
Shape from Diffuse Polarisation. 1-10 - Wei Zhou, Chandra Kambhamettu:
A Unified Framework for Scene Illuminant Estimation. 1-10
Techniques 2
- Timor Kadir, Richard Bowden
, Eng-Jon Ong, Andrew Zisserman:
Minimal Training, Large Lexicon, Unconstrained Sign Language Recognition. 1-10 - Arasanathan Thayananthan, Ramanan Navaratnam, Philip H. S. Torr, Roberto Cipolla:
Likelihood Models For Template Matching using the PDF Projection Theorem. 1-10 - Svetlana Lazebnik, Cordelia Schmid, Jean Ponce:
Semi-Local Affine Parts for Object Recognition. 1-10 - Owen T. Carmichael, Martial Hebert:
A Hybrid Object-Level/Pixel-Level Framework For Shape-based Recognition. 1-10

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