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CHI 1996: Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Michael J. Tauber:
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Common Ground, CHI '96, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 13-18, 1996, Conference Companion. ACM 1996, ISBN 0-89791-832-0 - Klaus Kespohl, Gerd Szwillus:
KAP - A Prototyper for Technical Device Interfaces. 3-4 - Mark D. Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do:
Demonstrating the Electronic Cocktail Napkin: A Paper-Like Interface for Early Design. 5-6 - Masakatsu Sugimoto, Kimiyo Takahashi:
SHK: Single Hand Key Card for Mobile Devices. 7-8 - Bruce Damer, Christina Kekenes, Terrel Hoffman:
Inhabited Digital Spaces. 9-10 - Mitchel Resnick:
StarLogo: An Environment for Decentralized Modeling and Decentralized Thinking. 11-12 - Jodi Heintz Obradovich, Philip J. Smith, Stephanie A. Guerlain, Jack W. Smith, Sally Rudmann, Larry Sachs, John Svirbley, Melanie Kennedy, Patricia Strohm:
Design Concepts for an Instructional Tool: Teaching Abductive Reasoning in Antibody Identification. 13-14 - Stacie Hibino, Elke A. Rundensteiner:
MMVIS: A Multimedia Visual Information Seeking Environment for Video Analysis. 15-16 - Naomi Friedlander, Ronald Baecker, Alan J. Rosenthal, Eric Smith:
MAD: A Movie Authoring and Design System. 17-18 - Peter Lucas, Cristina C. Gomberg, Steven F. Roth:
Visage: Dynamic Information Exploration. 19-20 - Brenda J. Burkhart, Marc E. Fusco:
Using Animation to Aid Process Flow Visualization. 21-22 - Mary Beth Butler, Ericca Lahti:
Lotus Notes Database Support for Usability Testing. 23-24 - David V. Beard, Dana K. Smith, Kevin M. Denelsbeck:
QGOMS: A Direct-Manipulation Tool for Simple GOMS Models. 25-26 - Ben Anderson
Providing Explicit Support for Social Constraints: In Search of the Social Computer. 27-28 - Kevin Arthur:
Effects of Field of View on Task Performance with Head-Mounted Displays. 29-30 - Michael D. Byrne:
A Computational Theory of Working Memory. 31-32 - Steven J. Clarke:
Putting Context into Design. 33-34 - Jean E. Fox:
The Effects of Information Accuracy on User Trust and Compliance. 35-36 - David Golightly:
Harnessing the Interface for Domain Learning. 37-38 - Rebecca E. Grinter:
Understanding the Role of Configuration Management Systems in Software Development. 39-40 - Stacie Hibino:
Extending and Evaluating Visual Information Seeking for Video Data. 41-42 - Shirley J. Holst:
Directing Learner Attention with Manipulation Styles. 43-44 - Francis Jambon:
Formal Modelling of Task Interruptions. 45-46 - Dean F. Jerding:
Visualizing Patterns in the Execution of Object-Oriented Programs. 47-48 - Jürgen Koenemann:
Supporting Interactive Information Retrieval Through Relevance Feedback. 49-50 - Britta Lenzmann:
Interface Agents for Interacting with Virtual Environments. 51-52 - Stefanie N. Lindstaedt:
Towards Organizational Learning: Growing Group Memories in the Workplace. 53-54 - Richard G. McDaniel:
Improving Communication in Programming-by-Demonstration. 55-56 - Susan E. McDaniel:
Providing Awareness Information to Support Transitions in Remote Computer-Mediated Collaboration. 57-58 - Ian E. Smith:
Toolkits for Multimedia Awareness. 59-60 - Suziah Sulaiman:
Usability and the Software Production Life Cycle. 61-62 - Elaine G. Toms:
Exploring the Information Landscape. 63-64 - David Williams:
Multimedia, Mental Models and Complex Tasks. 65-66 - Jurine A. Adolf, Kritina L. Holden:
Touchscreen Usability in Microgravity. 67-68 - Edgar Matias, I. Scott MacKenzie
, William Buxton:
A Wearable Computer for Use in Microgravity Space and Other Non-Desktop Environments. 69-70 - Santosh Mathan, Arn Hyndman, Karl Fischer, Jeremiah Blatz, Douglas Brams:
Efficacy of a Predictive Display, Steering Device, and Vehicle Body Representation in the Operation of a Lunar Vehicle. 71-72 - Mihriban Whitmore, Andrea H. Berman:
Common Ground for Critical Shuttle and Space Station User Interfaces: An Independent Verification and Validation Approach. 73-74 - Catherine Ashworth:
GUI Users Have Trouble Using Graphic Conventions on Novel Tasks. 75-76 - J. M. Christian Bastien, Dominique L. Scapin, Corinne Leulier:
Looking for Usability Problems with the Ergonomic Criteria and with the ISO 9241-10 Dialogue Principles. 77-78 - Kenji Ido, Toshiki Yamaoka:
Examining Basic Items of a Screen Design. 79-80 - Suneela R. Joshi, William W. McMillan:
Case Based Reasoning Approach to Creating User Interface Components. 81-82 - Georg Michelitsch:
CockpitView: A User Interface Framework for Future Network Terminals. 83-84 - I. Lambert, Nathalie Portolan:
Multi-Skill Cooperation in User Interface Design. 85-86 - Guy A. Boy:
The Group Elicitation Method for Participatory Design and Usability Testing. 87-88 - Marilyn C. Salzman, R. Bowen Loftin, Christopher J. Dede, Deirdre McGlynn:
ScienceSpace: Lessons for Designing Immersive Virtual Realities. 89-90 - Marian G. Williams, Hyxia Villegas, J. Nicholas Buehler:
Appropriateness of Graphical Program Representations for Training Applications. 91-92 - Ellen Balka:
Gender and Skill in Human Computer Interaction. 93-94 - Martin Böcker, Werner Blohm, Lothar Mühlbach:
Anthropometric Data on Horizontal Head Movements in Videocommunications. 95-96 - Britt Jönsson, Anna Schömer, Konrad Tollmar:
The Freedom to Work from an Arbitiary Position. 97-98 - Krisela Rivera, Nancy J. Cooke, Jeff A. Bauhs:
The Effects of Emotional Icons on Remote Communication. 99-100 - Leon Watts
, Andrew F. Monk:
Remote Assistance: A View of the Work and a View of the Face? 101-102 - Steve B. Cousins:
A Task-Oriented Interface to a Digital Library. 103-104 - Nitin "Nick" Sawhney
, Arthur Murphy:
ESPACE 2: An Experimental Hyperaudio Environment. 105-106 - Nick Haddock:
Structuring Voice Records Using Keyword Labels. 107-108 - Kai Jakobs, Rob Procter
, Robin Williams
A Study of User Participation in Standards Setting. 109-110 - Kurt Partridge:
BDDTCL: An Environment for Visualizing and Manipulating Binary Decision Diagrams. 111-112 - Julie Ratner, Eric M. Grose, Chris Forsythe:
Characterization and Assessment of HTML Style Guides. 115-116 - Ivan Bretan, Per Kroon:
Concurrent Engineering for an Interactive TV Interface. 117-118 - Andrew S. Gordon, Smadar Kedar, Eric A. Domeshek:
Interfaces for Managing Access to a Video Archive. 119-120 - B. F. Johnson, Jeff K. Caird:
The Effect of Frame Rate and Video Information Redundancy on the Perceptual Learning of American Sign Language Gestures. 121-122 - Marc E. Fusco, Ellen A. White:
Science-by-Mail. 123-124 - Jean B. Gasen:
Encouraging Social Responsibility through Collaborative Team Learning. 125-126 - David R. Millen, Patricia A. Young, Perry F. Sennewald:
Community Volunteers - Getting Involved Locally. 127-128 - Steven Feiner:
Research in 3D User Interface Design at Columbia University. 129-130 - Hideyuki Tamura, Yuichi Bannai:
Real3 Communication and Aromatic Group Computing: HCI and CSCW Research at Canon Media Technology Lab. 131-132 - Chris Schmandt:
MIT Media Laboratory: A View After Ten Years. 133-134 - Lynne E. Hall:
HCI at Banc Sabadell. 135-136 - Greg Garrison, Robin Heath, Allison Jaynes:
The Usability Group at Reuters: Virtually Global. 137-138 - Tony Fernandes:
The Claris Interface Design Group: A Personal Retrospective. 139-140 - Sarah A. Bloomer, Susan J. Wolfe:
The Hiser Group: Pioneering Usability and User Interface Design in Australia. 141-142 - Norbert A. Streitz
, Heinz-Dieter Böcker:
Research on Human-Computer Interaction and Cooperative Hypermedia at GMD-IPSI. 143-144 - Peter Lucas, Susan Salis:
Taming Complexity at MAYA Design. 145-146 - Frances de Verteuil, Daniel Engelberg:
HCI Group at Computer Research Institute of Montreal. 147-148 - Jennifer Preece, Judith Ramsay, Richard David Jacques, Alessandro Barabesi:
The Center for People and Systems Interaction (CPSI). 149-150 - John M. Carroll:
Virginia Tech's Center for Human-Computer Interaction. 151-152 - Eric Bergman, Alistair D. N. Edwards, Deborah Kaplan, Greg Lowney, T. V. Raman, Earl Johnson:
Universal Design: Everyone has Special Needs. 153-154 - Ellen Isaacs, John C. Tang, James D. Foley, Jeff A. Johnson, Allan Kuchinsky, Jean Scholtz, John Bennett:
Technology Transfer: So Much Research, So Few Good Products. 155-156 - Andrew F. Monk, Jean Scholtz, William Buxton, Sara A. Bly, David M. Frohlich
, Steve Whittaker:
Criteria for Effective Groupware. 157-158 - Michael Eisenberg, Wendy E. Mackay, Allison Druin, Sheila Lehman, Mitchel Resnick:
Real Meets Virtual: Blending Real-World Artifacts with Computational Media. 159-160 - John Karat, Michael E. Atwood, Susan M. Dray, Martin Rantzer, Dennis R. Wixon:
User Centered Design: Quality or Quackery? 161-162 - Nahum D. Gershon, Keith Andrews, Stephen G. Eick, James D. Foley, William Ruh:
Visualizing the Internet: Putting the User in the Driver's Seat. 163-164 - Herbert H. Clark:
Arranging to do Things with Others. 165-167 - Betty Edwards:
A New Look at the Art of Seeing. 168 - Alan J. Dix, Devina Ramduny, Julie Wilkinson:
Long-Term Interaction: Learning the 4 Rs. 169-170 - Steinar Kristoffersen, Tom Rodden:
Walking the Walk is Doing the Work - Flexible Interaction Management in Video-Supported Cooperative Work. 171-172 - Nicole Yankelovich, Cynthia D. McLain:
Office Monitor. 173-174 - David J. Cowperthwaite, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, F. David Fracchia:
Visual Access for 3D Data. 175-176 - Kamran Sedighian, Maria M. Klawe:
An Interface Strategy for Promoting Reflective Cognition in Children. 177-178 - Douglas Super, Marvin Westrom, Maria M. Klawe:
Design Issues Involving Entertainment Click-Ons. 179-180 - Andy Cockburn, Saul Greenberg:
Children's Collaboration Styles in a Newtonian Microworld. 181-182 - Ray Bareiss, Susan M. Williams:
ASK Jasper: Performance Support for Students. 183-184 - Chris DiGiano, Michael Eisenberg:
Designing Pedagogical Screen Savers. 185-186 - Nicholas P. Wilde:
Using Cognitive Dimensions in the Classroom as a Discussion Tool for Visual Language Design. 187-188 - David M. Frohlich
, Richard Hull:
The Usability of Scribble Matching. 189-190 - Masaki Suwa, Barbara Tversky:
What Architects See in Their Sketches: Implications for Design Tools. 191-192 - James A. Landay, Brad A. Myers:
Sketching Storyboards to Illustrate Interface Behaviors. 193-194 - Jonathan Meyer:
EtchaPad - Disposable Sketch Based Interfaces. 195-196 - Ilse M. Verstijnen, Ralph Stuyver, Jim Hennessey, C. C. van Leeuwen, R. Hamel:
Considerations for Electronic Idea-Creation Tools. 197-198 - Lisa Stifelman:
Augmenting Real-World Objects: A Paper-Based Audio Notebook. 199-200 - Robert B. Terwilliger, Peter G. Polson:
Task Elaboration or Label Following: An Empirical Study of Representation in Human-Computer Interaction. 201-202 - Susan S. Kirschenbaum, Wayne D. Gray, Brian D. Ehret, Sheryl L. Miller:
When Using the Tool Interferes with Doing the Task. 203-204 - Carl Gutwin, Saul Greenberg, Mark Roseman:
Supporting Awareness of Others in Groupware. 205 - Saul Greenberg:
Peepholes: Low Cost Awareness of One's Community. 206-207 - Carl Gutwin, Saul Greenberg:
Workspace Awareness for Groupware. 208-209 - Carl Gutwin, Saul Greenberg, Mark Roseman:
Workspace Awareness Support with Radar Views. 210-211 - Saul Greenberg:
A Fisheye Text Editor for Relaxed-WYSIWIS Groupware. 212-213 - Carl Gutwin, Mark Roseman:
A Usability Study of Workspace Awareness Widgets. 214-215 - William M. Newman:
Models of Work Practice: Can They Support the Analysis of System Designs? 216 - Richard H. R. Harper
, William M. Newman:
Designing for User Acceptance Using Analysis Techniques Based on Responsibility Modelling. 217-218 - Margery Eldridge, William M. Newman:
Agenda Benders: Modelling the Disruptions Caused by Technology Failures in the Workplace. 219-220 - William M. Newman, Margery Eldridge, Richard H. R. Harper
Modelling Last-Minute Authoring: Does Technology Add Value or Encourage Tinkering? 221-222 - Alex Dennis, William Newman:
Supporting Doctor-Patient Interaction: Using a Surrogate Application as a Basis for Evaluation. 223-224 - Colin Ware:
Moving Motion Metaphors. 225-226 - Benjamin Watson, Neff Walker, Larry F. Hodges:
Effectiveness of Spatial Level of Detail Degradation in the Periphery of Head-Mounted Displays. 227-228 - Richard J. Aldridge, Karen Carr, Rupert England, John F. Meech, Tony Solomonides:
Getting a Grasp on Virtual Reality. 229-230 - Juhani O. Siira, Dinesh K. Pai:
Fast Haptic Textures. 231-232 - Kathy Lowther, Colin Ware:
Vection with Large Screen 3D Imagery. 233-234 - Gernot Schaufler, Tomasz Mazuryk, Dieter Schmalstieg:
High Fidelity for Immersive Displays. 235-236 - Scott E. Hudson, Ian E. Smith:
Electronic Mail Previews Using Non-Speech Audio. 237-238 - Kenichi Kamiya, Martin Röscheisen, Terry Winograd:
Grassroots: Providing a Uniform Framework for Communicating, Sharing Information, and Organizing People. 239-240 - John P. Chin, Gregory R. Tatchell:
The Telephony Customer Interface: Five Perspectives on Problems and Solutions. 241 - Gregory R. Tatchell:
Problems with the Existing Telephony Customer Interface: The Pending Eclipse of Touch-Tone and Dial-Tone. 242-243 - Nancy D. Griffeth:
Making a Simple Interface Complex: Tnteractions among Telephone Features. 244-245 - Dave Darville, David Hignett:
From Interactions to Interfaces: Butlers, Job Descriptions and Personal Agents. 246-247 - John P. Chin:
Personality Trait Attributions to Voice Mail User Interfaces. 248-249 - Don Xiangdong Cai, Kenneth Chan:
Technical Considerations in the Design of an Intelligent Agent Using Automated Speech Recognition (ASR). 250-251 - Gene L. Fisher, Hsin-Hui Sung, Suzanne H. Nguyen, Thang D. Nguyen:
Animation in a demonstrational interface builder. 252-253 - Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
Early prototyping based on executable task models. 254-255 - Peter Johnson:
Models that shape design. 256 - Mathilde M. Bekker, Stephanie M. Wilson:
Towards a framework of design models. 257-258 - Eamonn O'Neill:
Task model support for cooperative analysis. 259-260 - Fraser Hamilton:
Predictive evaluation using task knowledge structures. 261-262 - Michael J. Smith, Eamonn O'Neill:
Beyond task analysis: exploiting task models in application implementation. 263-264 - Thomas Elwert:
Continuous and explicit dialogue modelling. 265-266 - Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
, John L. Sibert:
Negotiating user-initiated cancellation and interruption requests. 267-268 - Tom Hinrichs, Ray Bareiss, Lawrence Birnbaum, Gregg Collins:
An interface design tool based on explicit task models. 269-270 - Saul Greenberg, Mark Roseman:
GroupWeb: a WWW browser as real time groupware. 271-272 - Brian Starr, Mark S. Ackerman, Michael J. Pazzani:
Do-I-Care: a collaborative Web agent. 273-274 - Mark Roseman, Saul Greenberg:
TeamRooms: groupware for shared electronic spaces. 275-276 - José A. Borges, Israel Morales, Néstor J. Rodríguez:
Guidelines for designing usable World Wide Web pages. 277-278 - Harold Thimbleby:
Creating user manuals for using in collaborative design. 279-280 - Erik Wistrand:
Creating image context using ImageTrees. 281-282 - Michael Mateas, Tony Salvador, Jean Scholtz, Doug Sorensen:
Engineering ethnography in the home. 283-284 - Judy Kay, Richard C. Thomas:
Visualisation of entrenched user preferences. 285-286 - Youngme Moon, Clifford I. Nass:
Adaptive agents and personality change: complementarity versus similarity as forms of adaptation. 287-288 - William Joseph King, Jun Ohya:
The representation of agents: anthropomorphism, agency, and intelligence. 289-290 - Louis Rosenberg, Scott Brave:
Using force feedback to enhance human performance in graphical user interfaces. 291-292 - Sue Long, Dietmar Aust, Gregory D. Abowd, Christopher G. Atkeson:
Cyberguide: prototyping context-aware mobile applications. 293-294 - Akira Sakai:
Flying Fingers: a tool for three-dimensional shared workspace. 295-296 - David S. Cortright:
SportScope: a user-centered design for baseball fans. 297-298 - Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Stéphane Conversy:
Auditory illusions for audio feedback. 299-300 - Daniel J. Smith, Robert A. Henning:
Stretch button scrollbar. 301-302 - Peter James Macer, Peter J. Thomas, Nouhman Chalabi, John F. Meech:
Finding the cut of the wrong trousers: fast video search using automatic storyboard generation. 303-304 - Garett O. Dworman:
Homer: a pattern discovery support system. 305-306 - Pamela Savage:
User interface evaluation in an iterative design process: a comparison of three techniques. 307-308 - Julie B. Holloway, John H. Bailey:
Don't use a product's developers for icon testing. 309-310 - Andrew Sears:
Visualizing efficiency: a technique to help designers judge interface efficiency. 311-312 - Mike Atyeo, Charanjit K. Sidhu, Gerry Coyle, Simon Robinson:
Working with marketing. 313-314 - Casey Boyd, Jennifer S. Kay
Students at CHI. 315 - Virginia Allen-Terry:
SIG summary: from technical writer to information engineer - adapting to a changing identity. 316 - Marian G. Williams, Guy A. Boy:
Worldwide HCI professional education. 317 - Bonnie A. Nardi, Gerrit C. van der Veer:
Newcomers' orientation. 318 - Marian G. Williams, Mark W. Altom:
The CHI tutorial program: building on common ground. 319 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Getting started with contextual techniques. 320 - Catherine R. Marshall, David G. Novick:
CHI ten year view: a community discussion. 321 - Alistair D. N. Edwards:
HCI and users with disabilities. 322 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Judith Ramey:
Current issues in assessing and improving documentation usability. 323 - Lora Davenport:
Corporate pioneers - lessons learned: introducing and promoting usability testing in a corporate environment. 324 - Ellen Balka:
Gender and skill in human-computer interaction. 325 - Jean Scholtz, Michael Mateas, Tony Salvador, Doug Sorensen:
User requirements analysis for the home. 326 - Brad A. Myers:
The Amulet user interface development environment. 327 - Keith A. Butler, Robert J. K. Jacob, Bonnie E. John:
Introduction & overview to human-computer interaction. 328-329 - Jakob Nielsen, Annette Wagner:
User interface design for the WWW. 330-331 - Kevin E. Mullet:
Designing visual interfaces: how to create communication-oriented solutions. 332-333 - Susan M. Dray:
Structured observation: techniques for gathering information about users in their own world. 334-335 - Michael J. Muller:
Participatory activities with users and others in the software lifecycle. 336-337 - Jonathan Grudin, Steven E. Poltrock:
CSCW, groupware and workflow: experiences, state of art, and future trends. 338-339 - Chris Esposito:
User interface issues for virtual reality systems. 340-341 - Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll:
Object-oriented design from user scenarios. 342-343 - Deborah J. Mayhew:
Managing the design of the user interface. 344-345 - Werner Kuhn, Brad Blumenthal:
Spatialization: spatial metaphors for user interfaces. 346-347 - Gary Perlman:
Practical usability evaluation. 348-349 - Hagan Heller, David Rivers:
Design lessons from the best of the World Wide Web. 350-351 - Scott Henninger, Nicholas J. Belkin:
Interface issues and interaction strategies for information retrieval systems. 352-353 - Dennis R. Wixon, Alicia Flanders, Minette A. Beabes:
Contextual inquiry: grounding your design in user's work. 354-355 - Barbee Teasley, Arnold M. Lund, Raymond W. Bennett:
Interactive television: a new challenge for HCI. 356 - John M. Carroll, Stuart Laughton, Mary Beth Rosson:
Network communities. 357-358 - Kurt J. Schmucker:
Rapid prototyping using visual programming tools. 359-360 - George Casaday, Cynthia Rainis:
Requirements, models, and prototypes for HCI design. 361-362 - Debra Herschmann:
Practical interface design: getting the most from your development budget. 363-364 - Jared M. Spool, Carolyn Snyder, Mavis Robinson:
Smarter usability testing: practical techniques for developing products. 365-366 - Thomas T. Hewett:
Cognitive factors in design: basic phenomena in human memory and problem solving. 367-368 - Pattie Maes, Alan Wexelblat:
Interface agents. 369-370 - William Horton:
Designing icons and visual symbols. 371-372 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Contextual design: using customer work models to drive systems design. 373-374 - Tom Dayton, Joseph Kramer, Al McFarland, Monica Heidelberg:
Participatory GUI design from task models. 375-376 - Ati Gropius Johansen, Hal Shubin:
Dynamics of color. 377 - Ellen Isaacs:
Interviewing customers: discovering what they can't tell you. 378-379 - Michael D. Rabin, Michael J. Burns:
Multimedia authoring tools. 380-381 - Linn Marks Collins:
Structural issues in multimedia design. 382-383 - Elliot Soloway:
Interactive learning environments: where they've come from & where they're going. 384-385 - Robin L. Kullberg:
Dynamic timelines: visualizing the history of photography. 386-387 - John Lamping, Ramana Rao:
Visualizing large trees using the hyperbolic browser. 388-389 - Lisa Tweedie, Bob Spence, Huw Dawkes, Hua Su:
The Influence Explorer (video) - a tool for design. 390-391 - Brett Milash, Catherine Plaisant, Anne Rose:
LifeLines: visualizing personal histories. 392-393 - Marti A. Hearst, Jan O. Pedersen:
Visualizing information retrieval results: a demonstration of the TileBar interface. 394-395 - Peter Lucas, Steven F. Roth:
Exploring information with Visage. 396-397 - James A. Landay:
SILK: sketching interfaces like krazy. 398-399 - Maarten W. Gribnau, Gert Pasman:
TIME: three-dimensional input, modification and evaluation. 400-401 - Joëlle Coutaz, Daniel Salber, Eric Carraux, Nathalie Portolan:
NEIMO, a multiworkstation usability lab for observing and analyzing multimodal interaction. 402-403 - Sam Hecht:
Light switch exploration video 25th June 1995. 404-405 - Christophe Ramstein, Jean-François Arcand, Martin Deveault:
Adaptive user interfaces with force feedback. 406-407 - Yin Yin Wong:
Temporal typography: a proposal to enrich written expression. 408-409 - Scott Fertig, Eric Freeman, David Gelernter:
Lifestreams: an alternative to the desktop metaphor. 410-411 - Ken Perlin, Athomas Goldberg:
Improvisational animation. 412-413 - Chris North, Flip Korn:
Browsing anatomical image databases: a case study of the visible human. 414-415 - Stuart K. Card, George G. Robertson, William York:
The WebBook and the Web Forager: video use scenarios for a World-Wide Web information workspace. 416-417 - Marc H. Brown, Robert A. Shillner:
The DeckScape web browser. 418-419 - Christine L. MacKenzie, Kellogg S. Booth:
Workshop on manipulation in virtual environments. 420 - Matt Belge, Kate Ehrlich:
The user model as a discipline for interface design. 421 - Lauren Schwartz, Heather Desurvire:
The HCI professional as consultant. 422 - Keith Instone, Steven Pemberton:
HCI issues of the World-Wide Web. 423 - Fabio Paternò, Gregory D. Abowd, Philippe A. Palanque:
Formal methods in computer human interaction: comparison, benefits, open questions. 424 - Mary Czerwinski, Laurie P. Dringus, Andrew Sears, Barbara Bernal Thomas:
Educating HCI practitioners: evaluating what industry needs and what academia delivers. 425 - Casey Boyd, Rudy Darken:
Psychological issues of virtual environment interfaces. 426 - Alison Popowicz-Toon, Eviatar Shafrir:
Towards an international information interface. 427 - Judee Humburg, Stephanie Rosenbaum, Judith Ramey:
Corporate strategy and usability research: a new partnership. 428 - Larry E. Wood, Ron Zeno:
Transforming user-centered analysis into concrete design. 429 - Catherine R. Marshall, David G. Novick:
CHI ten year view: creating and sustaining common ground. 430 - Amir Mané, Susan J. Boyce, Demetrios Karis, Nicole Yankelovich:
Designing the user interface for speech recognition applications. 431 - Ian McClelland, Bronwen Taylor, Bill Hefley
User centred design principles - how far have they been industrialised? 432 - Batya Friedman, Helen Nissenbaum:
User autonomy: who should control what and when? 433 - Stacey L. Ashlund, Steven Pemberton:
A future for e-mail. 434 - Bonnie A. Nardi, Gerrit C. van der Veer:
Retrospective on pre-conference activities. 435

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