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CIS 2006: Guangzhou, China
- Yuping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung, Hai-Lin Liu:
Computational Intelligence and Security, International Conference, CIS 2006, Guangzhou, China, November 3-6, 2006, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4456, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74376-7
Bio-inspired Computing
- Lijuan Li, Zhibin Huang, Feng Liu:
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimizer for Truss Structure Optimization. 1-10 - Hongwei Huo, Vojislav Stojkovic:
Two-Phase Quantum Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment. 11-21 - Xiaoping Luo, Wenyao Pang, Ji Huang:
A Further Discussion on Convergence Rate of Immune Genetic Algorithm to Absorbed-State. 22-28 - Yuelin Gao, Chengxian Xu, Jimin Li:
Linear Programming Relax-PSO Hybrid Bound Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems. 29-35 - Xiangpei Hu, Qiulei Ding, Yongxian Li, Dan Song:
An Improved Ant Colony System and Its Application. 36-45 - Shulin Wang, Huowang Chen, Ji Wang, Dingxing Zhang, Shutao Li:
Molecular Diagnosis of Tumor Based on Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines. 46-56 - Chen Liao, Shutao Li, Zhiyuan Luo:
Gene Selection Using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and Support Vector Machine for Cancer Classification. 57-66 - Xianjun Shen, Yuanxiang Li, Bojin Zheng, Zhifeng Dai:
General Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Simulated Annealing for Multi-specification One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. 67-76 - Quanju Zhang, Fuye Feng, Zhenghong Wei:
Neurodynamic Analysis for the Schur Decomposition of the Box Problems. 77-86 - Jingxuan Wei, Yuping Wang:
A New Model Based Multi-objective PSO Algorithm. 87-94
Evolutionary Computation
- Kata Praditwong, Xin Yao:
A New Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation Algorithm: The Two-Archive Algorithm. 95-104 - Fuyuan Hu, Hau-San Wong, Zhi Qiang Liu, Hui-yang Qu:
Labeling of Human Motion by Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithm. 105-114 - Xingwei Wang, Pengcheng Liu, Min Huang:
Genetic Algorithm and Pareto Optimum Based QoS Multicast Routing Scheme in NGI. 115-122 - Gengui Zhou, Zhenyu Cao, Jian Cao, Zhiqing Meng:
A Centralized Network Design Problem with Genetic Algorithm Approach. 123-132 - Dan Liu, Yuanda Cao:
CGA: Chaotic Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Job Scheduling in Grid Environment. 133-143 - Min-Rong Chen, Yong-Zai Lu, Genke Yang:
Population-Based Extremal Optimization with Adaptive Lévy Mutation for Constrained Optimization. 144-155 - Lixin Ding, Jinghu Yu:
An Analysis About the Asymptotic Convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms. 156-166 - Chaohua Dai
, Yunfang Zhu, Weirong Chen:
Seeker Optimization Algorithm. 167-176 - Gaoping Wang, Liyuan Bai:
Game Model Based Co-evolutionary Algorithm and Its Application for Multiobjective Nutrition Decision Making Optimization Problems. 177-183 - Xin Tan, Huaqian Yang:
A Novel Optimization Strategy for the Nonlinear Systems Identification. 184-190 - Liang Ming, Yuping Wang:
A New Schema Survival and Construction Theory for One-Point Crossover. 191-201 - Cheng Bo, Zhenyu Guo, Binggang Cao, Junping Wang:
Adaptive Parallel Immune Evolutionary Strategy. 202-208 - Lixin Ding, Yingzhou Bi:
About the Time Complexity of Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Finite Search Space. 209-219
Learning Systems and Multi-agents
- Kah Phooi Seng, Li-Minn Ang:
New Radial Basis Function Neural Network Training for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signals. 220-230 - Rangsipan Marukatat
Structure-Based Rule Selection Framework for Association Rule Mining of Traffic Accident Data. 231-239 - Zhiqing Meng, Lifang Peng, Gengui Zhou, Yihua Zhu:
A Multi-classification Method of Temporal Data Based on Support Vector Machine. 240-249 - Frank Chiang, Robin Braun
Towards a Management Paradigm with a Constrained Benchmark for Autonomic Communications. 250-258 - Fuyan Liu, Shaoyi Lu:
A Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Discernibility Matrix. 259-269 - Shilei Huang, Xiang Xie, Jingming Kuang:
Using Hybrid Hadamard Error Correcting Output Codes for Multi-class Problem Based on Support Vector Machines. 270-276 - Seyed Eghbal Ghobadi, Klaus Hartmann, Otmar Loffeld, Wolfgang Weihs:
Range Image Based Classification System Using Support Vector Machines. 277-287 - Alain Delaplace, Thierry Brouard, Hubert Cardot:
Two Evolutionary Methods for Learning Bayesian Network Structures. 288-297 - YoungAh Lee, SeokMi Hong:
Fuzzy Q-Map Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning. 298-307 - Binbin He, Cuihua Chen:
Spatial Data Mining with Uncertainty. 308-316 - Dug Hun Hong, Changha Hwang, Jooyong Shim, Kyung Ha Seok:
Locally Weighted LS-SVM for Fuzzy Nonlinear Regression with Fuzzy Input-Output. 317-325 - Chan-Yun Yang, Che-Chang Hsu, Jr-Syu Yang:
Learning SVM with Varied Example Cost: A k NN Evaluating Approach. 326-335 - Chuen-Tsai Sun, Ji-Lung Hsieh, Chung-Yuan Huang:
Using Evolving Agents to Critique Subjective Music Compositions. 336-346 - Gang Li, Yongqiang Li, Linyan Sun, Ping Ji:
Multi-agent Coordination Schemas in Decentralized Production Systems. 347-356 - Dongwon Jeong, Keunhwan Jeon, Jang-won Kim, Jinhyung Kim, Doo-Kwon Baik:
Ontology-Based RFID System Model for Supporting Semantic Consistency in Ubiquitous Environment. 357-366 - SeokMi Hong, SeungGwan Lee:
Multiagent Search Strategy for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Ant Model. 367-373
- Fuchun Guo, Zhide Chen, Yi Mu, Li Xu, Shengyuan Zhang:
Secure and Efficient Trust Negotiation. 374-384 - Masa-Aki Fukase, Hiroki Takeda, Tomoaki Sato:
Hardware/Software Co-design of a Secure Ubiquitous System. 385-395 - Yuto Kawahara, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Eiji Okamoto:
Efficient Implementation of Tate Pairing on a Mobile Phone Using Java. 396-405 - Fagen Li, Yupu Hu, Shuanggen Liu:
ID-Based ( t , n ) Threshold Proxy Signcryption for Multi-agent Systems. 406-416 - JeaHoon Park, Hoon-Jae Lee, JaeCheol Ha, YongJe Choi, Howon Kim, Sang-Jae Moon:
A Differential Power Analysis Attack of Block Cipher Based on the Hamming Weight of Internal Operation Unit. 417-426 - Mun-Kyu Lee, Dowon Hong
, Dong Kyue Kim:
Chosen Message Attack Against Mukherjee-Ganguly-Chaudhuri's Message Authentication Scheme. 427-434 - Ying Cai, Zhen Han:
Binary Sequences with Three and Four Level Autocorrelation. 435-442 - Niansheng Liu, Donghui Guo:
Security Analysis of Public-Key Encryption Scheme Based on Neural Networks and Its Implementing. 443-450 - Jiho Kim, Duhyun Bae, Sehyun Park, Ohyoung Song:
Enhanced Security Scheme for Managing Heterogeneous Server Platforms. 451-459 - Chang Han Kim, Yongtae Kim, Sung Yeon Ji, IlHwan Park:
A New Parallel Multiplier for Type II Optimal Normal Basis. 460-469 - Jian Weng
, Shengli Liu, Kefei Chen, Changshe Ma:
Identity-Based Key-Insulated Signature Without Random Oracles. 470-480 - Yong Zhang, Xiamu Niu, Juncao Li, Chun-ming Li:
Research on a Novel Hashing Stream Cipher. 481-490 - Seung Wook Jung, Souhwan Jung:
Secure Password Authentication for Distributed Computing. 491-501 - Yu-Fang Chung
, Zhen Yu Wu, Feipei Lai, Tzer-Shyong Chen
A Novel ID-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme Competent for Anonymity and Anti-forgery. 502-512 - Wei Wang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon:
Ternary Tree Based Group Key Management in Dynamic Peer Networks. 513-522 - Shuhua Wu, Yuefei Zhu:
Practical Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. 523-533 - Zehui Wang, Zhiguo Zhang:
XTR + : A Provable Security Public Key Cryptosystem. 534-544 - Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Tsz Hon Yuen, Yanming Wang:
Proxy Ring Signature: Formal Definitions, Efficient Construction and New Variant. 545-555 - Jianhong Zhang, Jian Mao:
Linkability Analysis of Some Blind Signature Schemes. 556-566
Information Processing and Intrusion Detection
- Yoon-Su Jeong, Bong-Keun Lee, Sang Ho Lee:
An Efficient Device Authentication Protocol Using Bioinformatic. 567-575 - Vidyasagar M. Potdar, Song Han, Elizabeth Chang
, Chen Wu:
Subjective and Objective Watermark Detection Using a Novel Approach - Barcode Watermarking. 576-586 - Jia Yu, Fanyu Kong, Rong Hao:
Forward Secure Threshold Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings. 587-597 - Yong-Zhen Li, Yoon-Su Jeong, Ning Sun, Sang Ho Lee:
Low-Cost Authentication Protocol of the RFID System Using Partial ID. 598-604 - Sung Bum Pan, Daesung Moon, Kichul Kim, Yongwha Chung:
A VLSI Implementation of Minutiae Extraction for Secure Fingerprint Authentication. 605-615 - Xinshan Zhu:
Image-Adaptive Watermarking Using the Improved Signal to Noise Ratio. 616-625 - Boyun Zhang, Jianping Yin, Jingbo Hao, Shulin Wang, Dingxing Zhang:
New Malicious Code Detection Based on N-Gram Analysis and Rough Set Theory. 626-633 - Goo-Rak Kwon, Seung-Won Jung
, Sung-Jea Ko:
An Efficient Watermarking Technique Using ADEW and CBWT for Copyright Protection. 634-641 - Jin Wook Shin, Ju Cheng Yang, Sook Yoon, Dong Sun Park:
An Image Protection Scheme Using the Wavelet Coefficients Based on Fingerprinting Technique. 642-651 - Jianzhong Huang, Changsheng Xie, Xu Li:
iOBS3: An iSCSI-Based Object Storage Security System. 652-660 - Hui Zhang, Bin Pang, Ke Xie, Hui Wu:
An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Search Engine Results. 661-671 - Hongyu Yang, Feng Xie, Yi Lu:
Network Anomalous Attack Detection Based on Clustering and Classifier. 672-682 - Zhu Lei, DaeHun Nyang, KyungHee Lee, Hyotaek Lim:
Fair Reputation Evaluating Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network. 683-693
Systems and Security
- Kjetil Haslum, André Årnes:
Multisensor Real-Time Risk Assessment Using Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Models. 694-703 - Alex K. S. Ng, Janet Efstathiou, Henry Y. K. Lau
A Load Scattering Algorithm for Dynamic Routing of Automated Material Handling Systems. 704-713 - Vojislav Stojkovic, Hongwei Huo
Software Agents Action Securities. 714-724 - Xiaolong Li, Yaping Lin, Siqing Yang, Yeqing Yi, Jianping Yu, Xinguo Lu:
A Key Distribution Scheme Based on Public Key Cryptography for Sensor Networks. 725-732 - Jae-Min Seol, Seong-Whan Kim:
Collision-Resilient Multi-state Query Tree Protocol for Fast RFID Tag Identification. 733-742 - Misun Moon, Dong Seong Kim
, Jong Sou Park:
Toward Modeling Sensor Node Security Using Task-Role Based Access Control with TinySec. 743-749 - Qingqi Pei, Kefeng Fan, Jinxiu Dai, Jianfeng Ma:
An Intelligent Digital Content Protection Framework Between Home Network Receiver Devices. 750-757 - Xuefei Cao, Weidong Kou, Huaping Li, Jie Xu:
An Efficient Anonymous Registration Scheme for Mobile IPv4. 758-766 - SeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai:
An Elliptic Curve Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Security. 767-777 - Kyosuke Osaka, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kenichi Yamazaki, Osamu Takahashi:
An Efficient and Secure RFID Security Method with Ownership Transfer. 778-787 - Yong-Zhen Li, Young-Bok Cho, Nam-Kyoung Um, Sang Ho Lee:
Security and Privacy on Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID. 788-794 - Jun-Cheol Park, Geonu Yu:
Securing Overlay Activities of Peers in Unstructured P2P Networks. 795-805 - Kaiyu Wan, Vasu S. Alagar:
Security Contexts in Autonomic Systems. 806-816 - Madihah Saudi, Nazean Jomhari:
Knowledge Structure on Virus for User Education. 817-823 - Bo Yang, Lin Piyuan, Zhang Wenzheng:
An Efficient Anonymous Fingerprinting Protocol. 824-832 - Jorma Kajava, Juhani Anttila, Rauno Varonen, Reijo Savola, Juha Röning
Senior Executives Commitment to Information Security - from Motivation to Responsibility. 833-838 - Mengyao Zhu, Ming Zhang, Xiaoling Chen, Ding Zhang, Zhijie Huang:
A Hierarchical Key Distribution Scheme for Conditional Access System in DTV Broadcasting. 839-846 - Jin Wang, Jia Yu, Daxing Li, Xi Bai, Zhongtian Jia:
Combining User Authentication with Role-Based Authorazition Based on Identity-Based Signature. 847-857 - Young-Gab Kim
, Dongwon Jeong, Soo-Hyun Park, Jongin Lim, Doo-Kwon Baik:
Modeling and Simulation for Security Risk Propagation in Critical Information Systems. 858-868 - Xin Lü, Zhi Ma:
Information Assurance Evaluation for Network Information Systems. 869-877 - Zhongwen Li, Yang Xiang, Dongsheng He:
Simulation and Analysis of DDoS in Active Defense Environment. 878-886 - Dong Seong Kim, Taek-Hyun Shin, Byungil Lee, Jong Sou Park:
Access Control and Authorization for Security of RFID Multi-domain Using SAML and XACML. 887-893 - Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Fangguo Zhang
, Yanming Wang:
Generalization of the Selective-ID Security Model for HIBS Protocols. 894-902 - Qing Wang, Chuan-Hua Zhou, Bao-Hua Zhao:
Discriminatively Learning Selective Averaged One-Dependence Estimators Based on Cross-Entropy Method. 903-912 - Xinshan Zhu:
Image-Adaptive Spread Transform Dither Modulation Using Human Visual Model. 913-923
Image and Signal Processing
- Ki-Hong Ko, Seong-Whan Kim:
Improvement of Film Scratch Inpainting Algorithm Using Sobel Based Isophote Computation over Hilbert Scan Line. 924-934 - Lingyu Wang, Graham Leedham:
A Watershed Algorithmic Approach for Gray-Scale Skeletonization in Thermal Vein Pattern Biometrics. 935-942 - Ronghua Li, Beihai Tan:
Estimation of Source Signals Number and Underdetermined Blind Separation Based on Sparse Representation. 943-952 - Xiangzhi Bai, Fugen Zhou:
Edge Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology and Iterative Thresholding. 953-962 - Shaoming Zhang, Ying Chen:
Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Support Vector Machine. 963-971 - Min Li, Xiangchu Feng:
Variational Decomposition Model in Besov Spaces and Negative Hilbert-Sobolev Spaces. 972-982 - Wenhui Zhou
, Zhiyu Xiang, Weikang Gu:
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Hopfield Networks for Stereo Matching. 983-990 - Cheng Ma, Chengshun Jiang:
An Improved Entropy Function and Chaos Optimization Based Scheme for Two-Dimensional Entropic Image Segmentation. 991-1000 - Li Yingchun, Guangda Su:
Face Pose Estimation and Synthesis by 2D Morphable Model. 1001-1008 - Hua Cui, Guoxiang Song:
Study of the Wavelet Basis Selections. 1009-1017
Pattern Recognition
- Yiu-ming Cheung, Hong Zeng
Feature Weighted Rival Penalized EM for Gaussian Mixture Clustering: Automatic Feature and Model Selections in a Single Paradigm. 1018-1028 - Ju Cheng Yang, Jin Wook Shin, Dong Sun Park:
Fingerprint Matching Using Invariant Moment Features. 1029-1038 - Yun Xue, Chong Sze Tong, Weipeng Zhang:
Survey of Distance Measures for NMF-Based Face Recognition. 1039-1049 - Ruijun Gu, Wenbo Xu:
Weighted Kernel Isomap for Data Visualization and Pattern Classification. 1050-1057 - Yuehui Sun, Minghui Du:
DT-CWT Feature Combined with ONPP for Face Recognition. 1058-1067 - Wencong Zhang, Hong Chen, Peng Yao, Bin Li, Zhenquan Zhuang:
Precise Eye Localization with AdaBoost and Fast Radial Symmetry. 1068-1077 - Kyoung-Sic Cho, Yong-Guk Kim, Yang-Bok Lee:
Real-Time Expression Recognition System Using Active Appearance Model and EFM. 1078-1084 - Ming Bao, Luyang Guan, Xiaodong Li, Jing Tian, Jun Yang:
Feature Extraction Using Histogram Entropies of Euclidean Distances for Vehicle Classification. 1085-1096 - Xin Li, Bin Li, Hong Chen, Xianji Wang, Zhenquan Zhuang:
Full-Space LDA With Evolutionary Selection for Face Recognition. 1097-1105 - Wen-Sheng Chen, Pong Chi Yuen, Jian-Huang Lai:
Subspace KDA Algorithm for Non-linear Feature Extraction in Face Identification. 1106-1114

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