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CVPR 2005: San Diego, CA, USA - Workshops
- IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR Workshops 2005, San Diego, CA, USA, 21-23 September, 2005. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7695-2372-2
- Alberto Broggi, Alessandra Fascioli, Paolo Grisleri, Thorsten Graf, Marc-Michael Meinecke:
Model-based validation approaches and matching techniques for automotive vision based pedestrian detection. 1 - ZhiYu Chen, Yue Zheng, Besma R. Abidi, David L. Page
, Mongi A. Abidi:
A Combinational Approach to the Fusion, De-noising and Enhancement of Dual-Energy X-Ray Luggage Images. 2 - Shinko Y. Cheng, Sangho Park, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Multiperspective Thermal IR and Video Arrays for 3D Body Tracking and Driver Activity Analysis. 3 - Xiaotao Zou, Bir Bhanu
Tracking Humans using Multi-modal Fusion. 4 - Dan Witzner Hansen, Ronald Satria, Jakob Sorensen, Riad I. Hammoud:
Improved Likelihood Function in Particle-based IR Eye Tracking. 5 - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Kernel Matched Signal Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection. 6 - Stefan Hinz, Franz J. Meyer, Andreas Laika, Richard Bamler:
Spaceborne Traffic Monitoring with Dual Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar Theory and Experiments. 7 - Firooz Sadjadi:
Comparative Image Fusion Analysais. 8 - Jingu Heo, Marios Savvides, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar:
Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition using Visual and Thermal Imagery with Advanced Correlation Filters. 9 - Zhigang Zhu
, Weihong Li, George Wolberg:
Integrating LDV Audio and IR Video for Remote Multimodal Surveillance. 10 - James W. Davis, Vinay Sharma:
Fusion-Based Background-Subtraction using Contour Saliency. 11 - Hulya Yalcin, Robert T. Collins, Martial Hebert:
Background Estimation under Rapid Gain Change in Thermal Imagery. 12 - Congxia Dai, Yunfei Zheng, Xin Li
Layered Representation for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Infrared Imagery. 13 - Leonardo Trujillo, Gustavo Olague, Riad I. Hammoud, Benjamín Hernández:
Automatic Feature Localization in Thermal Images for Facial Expression Recognition. 14 - Xiaoli Zhou, Bir Bhanu
Human Recognition Based on Face Profiles in Video. 15 - Massimo Bertozzi, E. Binelli, Alberto Broggi, Michael S. Del Rose:
Stereo Vision-based approaches for Pedestrian Detection. 16 - Ju Han, Bir Bhanu
Human Activity Recognition in Thermal Infrared Imagery. 17 - Payam Saisan, Swarup Medasani, Yuri Owechko:
Multi-View Classifier Swarms for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking. 18 - Massimo Piccardi
, Eric Dahai Cheng:
Multi-Frame Moving Object Track Matching Based on an Incremental Major Color Spectrum Histogram Matching Algorithm. 19 - Ciarán Ó Conaire, Eddie Cooke, Noel E. O'Connor, Noel Murphy, Alan F. Smeaton:
Background Modelling in Infrared and Visible Spectrum Video for People Tracking. 20 - Wei Zhang, Jana Kosecka:
Localization Based on Building Recognition. 21 - Mohammad Shorif Uddin, Tadayoshi Shioyama:
Bipolarity and Projective Invariant-Based Zebra-Crossing Detection for the Visually Impaired. 22 - Juan Manuel Sáez, Francisco Escolano, Antonio Peñalver Benavent:
First Steps towards Stereo-based 6DOF SLAM for the Visually Impaired. 23 - Vincent C. Rabaud, Serge J. Belongie
Big Little Icons. 24 - Hau T. Ngo, Li Tao, Ming Z. Zhang, Adam R. Livingston, Vijayan K. Asari:
A Visibility Improvement System for Low Vision Drivers by Nonlinear Enhancement of Fused Visible and Infrared Video. 25 - Marwan A. Mattar, Allen R. Hanson, Erik G. Learned-Miller:
Sign Classification using Local and Meta-Features. 26 - Piyanuch Silapachote, Jerod J. Weinman, Allen R. Hanson, Marwan A. Mattar, Richard S. Weiss:
Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes. 27 - Xiangrong Chen, Alan L. Yuille
A Time-Efficient Cascade for Real-Time Object Detection: With applications for the visually impaired. 28 - Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Carlo Costanzo, Pietro Lanzafame, Francesco La Rosa:
Badge3D for Visually Impaired. 29 - Bosco S. Tjan, Paul J. Beckmann, Rudrava Roy, Nicholas A. Giudice, Gordon E. Legge:
Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired. 30 - Frank Dellaert, Sarah Tariq:
A Multi-Camera Pose Tracker for Assisting the Visually Impaired. 31 - Jason Dowling
, Wageeh W. Boles, Anthony J. Maeder:
Mobility assessment using simulated Arti.cial Human Vision. 32 - Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof:
A novel performance evaluation method of local detectors on non-planar scenes. 33 - Ranjith Unnikrishnan, Caroline Pantofaru, Martial Hebert:
A Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms. 34 - Besma R. Abidi, Yue Zheng, Andrei V. Gribok, Mongi A. Abidi:
Screener Evaluation of Pseudo-Colored Single Energy X-ray Luggage Images. 35 - Kevin Smith, Daniel Gatica-Perez
, Jean-Marc Odobez
, Sileye O. Ba:
Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking. 36 - Soochahn Lee, Duck Hoon Kim, Sang Uk Lee, Il Dong Yun:
How CanWe Evaluate Object Recognition Algorithms Using a Public Object Image Database? 37 - Raghav Subbarao, Peter Meer:
Heteroscedastic Projection Based M-Estimators. 38 - Thomas S. Stepleton:
Predicting and Evaluating the Power of Shared Features. 39 - Geof H. Givens, J. Ross Beveridge, Bruce A. Draper, P. Jonathon Phillips:
Repeated Measures GLMM Estimation of Subject-Related and False Positive Threshold Effects on Human Face Verification Performance. 40 - Ping Yan, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Empirical Evaluation of Advanced Ear Biometrics. 41 - Hervé Abdi, Alice J. O'Toole, Dominique Valentin, Betty Edelman:
DISTATIS: The Analysis of Multiple Distance Matrices. 42 - Jane Mulligan, Gregory Z. Grudic:
Topological Mapping from Image Sequences. 43 - Fabien Scalzo, Justus H. Piater
Statistical Learning of Visual Feature Hierarchies. 44 - Vassilis Athitsos
, Stan Sclaroff:
Boosting nearest neighbor classifiers for multiclass recognition. 45 - Peng Zhang, Jing Peng, Norbert Riedel:
Discriminant Analysis: A Least Squares Approximation View. 46 - Dimitri A. Lisin, Marwan A. Mattar, Matthew B. Blaschko
, Erik G. Learned-Miller, Mark C. Benfield
Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object Class Recognition. 47 - Sébastien Jodogne
, Fabien Scalzo, Justus H. Piater
Task-Driven Learning of Spatial Combinations of Visual Features. 48 - Feng Wu, Haim Schweitzer:
Fast Selection of Linear Features in Image Data. 49 - Tai-Peng Tian, Rui Li, Stan Sclaroff:
Articulated Pose Estimation in a Learned Smooth Space of Feasible Solutions. 50 - Nicu Sebe, Ira Cohen, Thomas S. Huang, Theo Gevers:
Semi-Supervised Face Detection. 51 - Chiraz BenAbdelkader, Paul A. Griffin:
A Local Region-based Approach to Gender Classi.cation From Face Images. 52 - Nizar Bouguila, Djemel Ziou:
MML-Based Approach for High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning Using the Generalized Dirichlet Mixture. 53 - Ayman El-Baz
, Refaat M. Mohamed, Aly A. Farag, Georgy L. Gimel'farb:
Unsupervised Segmentation of Multi-Modal Images by a Precise Approximation of Individual Modes with Linear Combinations of Discrete Gaussians. 54 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, Xingzhi Luo:
Fast and Robust Background Updating for Real-time Traffic Surveillance and Monitoring. 55 - Thao Dang, Christian Hoffmann:
Fast Object Hypotheses Generation Using 3D Position and 3D Motion. 56 - S. Burak Goktuk, Abbas Rafii:
An Occupant Classification System Eigen Shapes or Knowledge-Based Features. 57 - Oncel Tuzel, Fatih Murat Porikli, Peter Meer:
A Bayesian Approach to Background Modeling. 58 - Joel C. McCall, Mohan M. Trivedi, David P. Wipf, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Lane Change Intent Analysis Using Robust Operators and Sparse Bayesian Learning. 59 - Christian Duchow:
A marking-based, Flexible approach to intersection detection. 60 - Tarak Gandhi, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Dynamic Panoramic Surround Map: Motivation and Omni Video Based Approach. 61 - Peng Chang, David J. Hirvonen, Theodore Camus, Ben Southall:
Stereo-Based Object Detection, Classi?cation, and Quantitative Evaluation with Automotive Applications. 62 - Mayank Bansal, Aastha Jain, Theodore Camus, Aveek Das:
Towards a Practical Stereo Vision Sensor. 63 - Junxian Wang, George Bebis, Ronald Miller:
Overtaking Vehicle Detection Using Dynamic and Quasi-Static Background Modeling. 64 - Alberto Broggi, Claudio Caraffi, Rean Isabella Fedriga, Paolo Grisleri:
Obstacle Detection with Stereo Vision for Off-Road Vehicle Navigation. 65 - Christopher Rasmussen, Thommen Korah:
On-Vehicle and Aerial Texture Analysis for Vision-Based Desert Road Following. 66 - Juhua Zhu, Ying Zhu, Visvanathan Ramesh:
Error-metrics for Camera Ego-motion Estimation. 67 - James P. Helferty, Anthony J. Sherbondy, Atilla P. Kiraly, William E. Higgins:
System for Live Virtual-Endoscopic Guidance of Bronchoscopy. 68 - Chi-Wei Chu, Isaac Cohen:
Posture and Gesture Recognition using 3D Body Shapes Decomposition. 69 - Wenhui Liao, Weihong Zhang, Zhiwei Zhu, Qiang Ji:
A Real-Time Human Stress Monitoring System Using Dynamic Bayesian Network. 70 - Jari Hannuksela, Pekka Sangi, Janne Heikkilä:
A Vision-Based Approach for Controlling User Interfaces of Mobile Devices. 71 - Ankur Agarwal, Bill Triggs:
Monocular Human Motion Capture with a Mixture of Regressors. 72 - Nikolay Stefanov, Aphrodite Galata, Roger J. Hubbold:
Real-time Hand Tracking With Variable-Length Markov Models of Behaviour. 73 - Dong Seon Cheng, Vito D'Amato, Vittorio Murino:
Wavelet-based Processing of EEG Data for Brain-Computer Interfaces. 74 - Ali Erol, George Bebis, Mircea Nicolescu, Richard D. Boyle, Xander Twombly:
A Review on Vision-Based Full DOF Hand Motion Estimation. 75 - Michel François Valstar, Ioannis Patras, Maja Pantic:
Facial Action Unit Detection using Probabilistic Actively Learned Support Vector Machines on Tracked Facial Point Data. 76 - Wei-Kai Liao, Isaac Cohen:
Classifying Facial Gestures in Presence of Head Motion. 77 - Jun Wang, Lijun Yin:
Detecting and Tracking Eyes Through Dynamic Terrain Feature Matching. 78 - Dongheng Li, David Winfield, Derrick J. Parkhurst:
Starburst: A hybrid algorithm for video-based eye tracking combining feature-based and model-based approaches. 79 - Kohsia S. Huang, Mohan M. Trivedi:
3D Shape Context Based Gesture Analysis Integrated with Tracking using Omni Video Array. 80 - Sunita Nayak, Sudeep Sarkar, Barbara L. Loeding:
Unsupervised Modeling of Signs Embedded in Continuous Sentences. 81 - Zhou Feng, Tat-Jen Cham
Video-based Human Action Classi.cation with Ambiguous Correspondences. 82 - Kooksang Moon, Vladimir Pavlovic
Estimation of Human Figure Motion Using Robust Tracking of Articulated Layers. 83 - Dashan Gao, Nuno Vasconcelos:
An Experimental Comparison of Three Guiding Principles for the Detection Salient Image Locations: Stability, Complexity, and Discrimination. 84 - Trent J. Williams, Bruce A. Draper:
An Evaluation of Motion in Arti.cial Selective Attention. 85 - Barbara Hidalgo-Sotelo, Aude Oliva, Antonio Torralba:
Human Learning of Contextual Priors for Object Search: Where does the time go? 86 - Andreas Backhaus, Dietmar Heinke, Glyn W. Humphreys:
Contextual Learning in the Selective Attention for Identification model (CL-SAIM): Modeling contextual cueing in visual search tasks. 87 - Christian Siagian, Laurent Itti:
Gist: A Mobile Robotics Application of Context-Based Vision in Outdoor Environment. 88 - Francesco Orabona
, Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini:
Object-based Visual Attention: a Model for a Behaving Robot. 89 - James Bonaiuto
, Laurent Itti:
Combining attention and recognition for rapid scene analysis. 90 - Yuri Owechko, Swarup Medasani:
A Swarm-Based Volition/Attention Framework for Object Recognition. 91 - Erdan Gu, Jingbin Wang, Norman I. Badler:
Generating Sequence of Eye Fixations Using Decision-theoretic Attention Model. 92 - Muhua Li, James J. Clark:
Selective Attention in the Learning of Invariant Representation of Objects. 93 - Lucas Paletta
, Gerald Fritz, Christin Seifert:
Cascaded Sequential Attention for Object Recognition with Informative Local Descriptors and Q-learning of Grouping Strategies. 94 - Hideaki Nii, Maki Sugimoto, Masahiko Inami
Smart Light-Ultra High Speed Projector for Spatial Multiplexing Optical Transmission. 95 - Marcelo Bernardes Vieira, Luiz Velho, Asla Medeiros Sá, Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho:
A Camera-Projector System for Real-Time 3D Video. 96 - Peng Song, Tat-Jen Cham
A Theory for Photometric Self-Calibration of Multiple Overlapping Projectors and Cameras. 97 - Mark Ashdown, Yoichi Sato:
Steerable Projector Calibration. 98 - Ross Bencina, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Sergi Jordà
Improved Topological Fiducial Tracking in the reacTIVision System. 99 - Dong Wang, Imari Sato, Takahiro Okabe, Yoichi Sato:
Radiometric Compensation in a Projector-Camera System Based Properties of Human Vision System. 100 - Philip W. Fong, Florian Buron:
Sensing Deforming and Moving Objects with Commercial Off the Shelf Hardware. 101 - Christian Früh, Avideh Zakhor:
Capturing 2 ½ D Depth and Texture of Time-Varying Scenes Using Structured Infrared Light. 102 - Richard May, Bob Baddeley:
Architecture and Performance of the HI-Space Projector-Camera Interface. 103 - Mark Hereld, Rick L. Stevens:
Pixel-Aligned Warping for Multiprojector Tiled Displays. 104 - Matthew Flagg, Jay Summet, James M. Rehg:
Improving the Speed of Virtual Rear Projection: A GPU-Centric Architecture. 105 - Cheolhwon Kim, Jiyoung Park, Juneho Yi, Matthew Turk:
Structured Light Based Depth Edge Detection for Object Shape Recovery. 106 - Ryo Furukawa, Hiroshi Kawasaki:
Dense 3D Reconstruction with an Uncalibrated Stereo System using Coded Structured Light. 107 - Ikuhisa Mitsugami
, Norimichi Ukita, Masatsugu Kidode:
Multi-Planar Projection by Fixed-Center Pan-Tilt Projectors. 108 - Andreas Butz, Christian Schmitz:
Annotating Real World objects using a Steerable Projector-Camera Unit. 109 - Jinghua Ge, Dan Sandin, Tom Peterka, Todd Margolis, Thomas A. DeFanti:
Camera Based Automatic Calibration for the Varrier-System. 110 - Shilpi Gupta, Christopher O. Jaynes:
Active Pursuit Tracking in a Projector-Camera System with Application to Augmented Reality. 111 - Paul A. Beardsley, Clifton Forlines, Ramesh Raskar, Jeroen van Baar:
Handheld Projectors for Mixing Physical and Digital Textures. 112 - Mark Fiala:
Automatic Projector Calibration Using Self-Identifying Patterns. 113 - Josef Kittler, Adrian Hilton, Miroslav Hamouz, John Illingworth:
3D Assisted Face Recognition: A Survey of 3D Imaging, Modelling and Recognition Approachest. 114 - Cristina Conde
, Ángel Serrano:
3D Facial Normalization with Spin Images and Influence of Range Data Calculation over Face Verification. 115 - Christina Grönwall, Pierre Anderson, Fredrik Gustafsson:
Least Squares Fitting Articulated Objects. 116 - Yi Sun, Lijun Yin:
3D Face Recognition Using Two Views Face Modeling and Labeling. 117 - Dirk Colbry, George C. Stockman, Anil K. Jain:
Detection of Anchor Points for 3D Face Veri.cation. 118 - Venkat R. Ayyagari, Faysal Boughorbel, Andreas F. Koschan, Mongi A. Abidi:
A New Method for Automatic 3D Face Registration. 119 - Ajmal S. Mian
, Mohammed Bennamoun
, Robyn A. Owens:
Matching Tensors for Pose Invariant Automatic 3D Face Recognition. 120 - Ping Yan, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Ear Biometrics Using 2D and 3D Images. 121 - Hui Chen, Bir Bhanu
Shape Model-Based 3D Ear Detection from Side Face Range Images. 122 - Stephen Se, Piotr Jasiobedzki:
Instant Scene Modeler for Crime Scene Reconstruction. 123 - Peter Biber, Sven Fleck, Tom Duckett:
3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for a Robotic Security Guard. 124 - Zhigang Zhu
, Hao Tang, Bing Shen, George Wolberg:
3D and Moving Target Extraction from Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Mosaics. 125 - Zhigang Zhu
, Li Zhao, Jiayan Lei:
3D Measurements in Cargo Inspection with a Gamma-Ray Linear Pushbroom Stereo System. 126 - Vítor Sequeira
, Gunnar Boström, Marco Fiocco, David Puig, João G. M. Gonçalves:
3D Site Modelling and Verification of Plant Design for Nuclear Security Applications. 127 - Jonah C. McBride, Magnús Snorrason, Thomas G. Goodsell, Ross S. Eaton, Mark R. Stevens:
Single Camera Stereo for Mobile Robot Surveillance. 128 - Vaibhav Vaish, Gaurav Garg, Eino-Ville Talvala, Emilio R. Antúnez, Bennett Wilburn, Mark Horowitz, Marc Levoy:
Synthetic Aperture Focusing using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transform. 129 - Gideon P. Stein, Elchanan Rushinek, Gaby Hayun, Amnon Shashua:
A Computer Vision System on a Chip: a case study from the automotive domain. 130 - W. James MacLean:
An Evaluation of the Suitability of FPGAs for Embedded Vision Systems. 131 - Divyang K. Masrani, W. James MacLean:
Expanding Disparity Range in an FPGA Stereo System While Keeping Resource Utilization Low. 132 - Mainak Sen, Ivan Corretjer, Fiorella Haim, Sankalita Saha, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Jason Schlessman, Wayne H. Wolf:
Computer Vision on FPGAs: Design Methodology and its Application to Gesture Recognition. 133 - Sven Fleck, Wolfgang Straßer:
Adaptive Probabilistic Tracking Embedded in a Smart Camera. 134 - Branislav Kisacanin:
Examples of Low-Level Computer Vision on Media Processors. 135 - Anthony Rowe, Charles R. Rosenberg, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
A Second Generation Low Cost Embedded Color Vision System. 136 - Hee-Jeong Jin, Bong-Kyung Chun, Hwan-Gue Cho:
Extended-Regular Sequence for Automated Analysis of Microarray Images. 137 - Ge Yang, Alexandre Matov, Gaudenz Danuser:
Reliable Tracking of Large Scale Dense Antiparallel Particle Motion for Fluorescence Live Cell Imaging. 138 - Alexander Churkin, Danny Barash:
Pattern Recognition Method to Detect Vulnerable Spots in an RNA Sequence for Bacterial Resistance to the Antibiotic Spectinomycin. 139 - Lior Wolf, Amnon Shashua, Sayan Mukherjee:
Gene Selection via a Spectral Approach. 140 - Stephane Bonneau, Maxime Dahan, Laurent D. Cohen:
Tracking Single Quantum Dots in Live Cells with Minimal Paths. 141 - Victoria Gor, Michael B. Elowitz, Tigran Bacarian, Eric Mjolsness:
Tracking Cell Signals in Fluorescent Images. 142 - Natalya Muzinich:
Discovery of Prokaryotic Relationships through Latent Structure of Correlated Nucleotide Sequences. 143 - Dong Hua, Dechang Chen, Abdou Youssef:
Identifying Genes with The Concept of Customization. 144 - Zhenqiu Liu, Dechang Chen, Jianjun Paul Tian:
Classification of Proteomic Data with Logistic Kernel Partial Least Squares Algorithm. 145 - Ya Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Chao-Hsien Chu, Xiang Ji:
Protein Interaction Inference as a MAX-SAT Problem. 146 - Peter Bajcsy:
An Overview of DNA Microarray Image Requirements for Automated Processing. 147 - Jiuzhou Z. Song, Kan-Ming Duan, Michael G. Surette:
The Wavelet Transformation for Temporal Gene Expression Analysis. 148 - Jianpeng Zhou, Jack Hoang:
Real Time Robust Human Detection and Tracking System. 149 - Marc Vaillant, G. Zang, J. Aliperti, N. Santhanam, S. Doucette, B. Hoffman, Michael I. Miller:
Computational Anatomy for Generating 3D Avatars and Boosting Face Recognition Systems. 150 - Àgata Lapedriza, David Masip, Jordi Vitrià:
Are External Face Features Useful for Automatic Face Classification? 151 - Quan Yuan, Ashwin Thangali, Stan Sclaroff:
Face Identification by a Cascade of Rejection Classifiers. 152 - Chunyan Xie, Marios Savvides, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar
Redundant Class-Dependence Feature Analysis Based on Correlation Filters Using FRGC2.0 Data. 153 - Thomas Maurer, David Guigonis, Igor Maslov, Bastien Pesenti, Alexei Tsaregorodtsev, David West, Gérard G. Medioni:
Performance of Geometrix ActiveID^TM 3D Face Recognition Engine on the FRGC Data. 154 - Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Rainer Stiefelhagen:
Evolving Effective Color Features for Improving FRGC Baseline Performance. 156 - Kyong I. Chang, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn:
Adaptive Rigid Multi-region Selection for Handling Expression Variation in 3D Face Recognition. 157 - Xiaomei Liu, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn:
Experimental Evaluation of Iris Recognition. 158 - Li Tao, Richard C. Tompkins, Vijayan K. Asari:
An Illuminance-Reflectance Model for Nonlinear Enhancement of Color Images. 159 - Ming-Jung Seow, Richard Cortland Tompkins, Vijayan K. Asari:
A New Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Technique for Pose and Lighting Invariant Face Recognition. 160 - Praveen Sankaran, Satyanadh Gundimada, Richard C. Tompkins, Vijayan K. Asari:
Pose Angle Determination by Face, Eyes and Nose Localization. 161 - Onur C. Hamsici, Aleix M. Martínez:
Evaluation of the Modelling of Local Areas and Errors of Localization in FRGC' 05. 162 - Kevin E. Gates:
Fast and Accurate Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines. 163 - Peng Wang, Matthew B. Green, Qiang Ji, James L. Wayman:
Automatic Eye Detection and Its Validation. 164 - Christine Podilchuk, Ankur Patel, Ashwath Harthattu, Saket Anand, Richard J. Mammone:
A New Face Recognition Algorithm using Bijective Mappings. 165 - S. Samsung:
Integral Normalized Gradient Image A Novel Illumination Insensitive Representation. 166 - Jiali Zhao, Haitao Wang, Haibing Ren, Seok-Cheol Kee:
LBP Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification. 167 - Melissa L. Koudelka, Mark W. Koch, Trina D. Russ:
A Prescreener for 3D Face Recognition Using Radial Symmetry and the Hausdorff Fraction. 168 - Trina D. Russ, Mark W. Koch, Charles Q. Little:
A 2D Range Hausdorff Approach for 3D Face Recognition. 169 - Junwen Wu, Mohan M. Trivedi:
A Binary Tree for Probability Learning in Eye Detection. 170 - Georgios Passalis, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, Theoharis Theoharis, George Toderici, Mohammed N. Murtuza:
Evaluation of 3D Face Recognition in the presence of facial expressions: an Annotated Deformable Model approach. 171 - Gaurav Aggarwal, Soma Biswas, Rama Chellappa:
UMD Experiments with FRGC Data. 172 - Pranab K. Mohanty, Sudeep Sarkar, Rangachar Kasturi:
Designing A.ne Transformations based Face Recognition Algorithms. 173 - Michael Hüsken, Michael Brauckmann, Stefan Gehlen, Christoph von der Malsburg:
Strategies and Benefits of Fusion of 2D and 3D Face Recognition. 174 - Gang Pan, Shi Han, Zhaohui Wu, Yueming Wang:
3D Face Recognition using Mapped Depth Images. 175

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