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44th HICSS 2011: Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- 44th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-44 2011), Proceedings, 4-7 January 2011, Koloa, Kauai, HI, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2011, ISBN 978-0-7695-4282-9
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
- Margaret Kersten, Trudy O'Brien:
A Cross-Cultural Collaborative Learning Project: Learning about Cultures and Research Methods. 1-9 - David J. Nickles, Daniel D. Suthers:
A Study of Structured Lecture Podcasting to Facilitate Active Learning. 1-10 - Joyce Lucca, Ramesh Sharda
, J. Ruffner, Upton Shimp, David P. Biros, A. Clower:
Ammunition Multimedia Encyclopedia (AME): A Case Study. 1-10 - Angela Usha Ramnarine-Rieks, Lee W. McKnight
, Ruth V. Small:
Collaborative Learning through Wireless Grids. 1-10 - Victor Kaptelinin:
Designing Technological Support for Meaning Making in Museum Learning: An Activity-Theoretical Framework. 1-10 - Babak Abedin
Investigating the Trend of Non-Task Social Interactions in Online Collaborative Learning Environments. 1-8 - Margit Kastner
, Brigitte Stangl:
Mapping Learning Aids and Introducing Learning Styles as a Moderator. 1-10 - Andreas U. Kuswara, Debbie Richards
Matching the Affordances of Wikis to Collaborative Learning: A Case Study of IT Project Students. 1-10 - Christopher R. Slade
, Daniel D. Suthers:
Using Interactive Graphical Tools to Overcome the "Collage Effect" in Collaborative Learning Environments. 1-10 - Amit Rudra, Bjørn Jæger
, Ashley M. Aitken, Vanessa Chang, Berit Helgheim:
Virtual Team Role Play Using Second Life for Teaching Business Process Concepts. 1-8
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Cognitive Perspectives on Collaboration
- Birud Sindhav, Bruce A. Reinig
, Robert O. Briggs
A Field Investigation of the Nostalgia Effect. 1-8 - Lynne P. Cooper:
A Team Mental Model Perspective of Pre-Quantitative Risk. 1-10 - Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten:
Cognitive Load in Collaboration - Brainstorming. 1-9 - Pedro Antunes
, Antonio Ferreira
Developing Collaboration Awareness Support from a Cognitive Perspective. 1-10 - J. Alberto Espinosa, Frank Armour, Wai Fong Boh
The Role of Group Cognition in Enterprise Architecting. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Collaboration and Competition in Global Software Development
- Kai Spohrer
, Armin Heinzl, Yan Li:
Antecedents of ISD Offshoring Outcomes: Exploring Differences between India and China. 1-10 - Gang Peng, Rammohan Kasuganti:
On Bilateral Effort Contribution to IT Outsourcing. 1-8 - Suling Zhang:
Onshore-Offshore Competition: A Stage Model. 1-8
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Collaboration in Virtual Worlds and Metaverses
- Richard D. Bergin, Bryan J. Hudgens, Mark E. Nissen:
Examining Work Performance in Immersive Virtual Environments versus Face-to-Face Physical Environments through Laboratory Experimentation. 1-10 - Samuel H. Goh, Tom E. Yoon:
If You Build It Will They Come? An Empirical Investigation of Facilitators and Inhibitors of Hedonic Virtual World Acceptance. 1-9 - Samuel H. Goh, Molly McLure Wasko:
Leader-Member Relationships in Virtual World Teams. 1-11
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Collaborative Modeling
- Bent Bruun Kristensen
, Daniel C. M. May, Palle Nowack:
Collaboration and Modeling in Ambient Systems: Vision, Concepts and Experiments. 1-6 - Josune Hernantes
, Ana Laugé, Leire Labaka, Eliot H. Rich, Finn Olav Sveen, Jose Mari Sarriegi, Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano, Jose J. Gonzalez:
Collaborative Modeling of Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection. 1-10 - Christian Bartelt:
Conflict Analysis at Collaborative Development of Domain Specific Models using Description Logics. 1-9 - William Acar, Douglas A. Druckenmiller:
Philosophical Requirements of a Comprehensive D.I. System for Collaborative Modeling. 1-9
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Creativity in Teams and Organizations
- Elahe Javadi, Wai-Tat Fu, Judith Gebauer:
Attention-Experience Disparities and the Influence of Idea Visibility on Idea Integration in Electronic Brainstorming: A Computational Model. 1-10 - Graham Horton, Rene Chelvier, Stefan Werner Knoll
, Jana Görs:
Idea Engineering: A Case Study of a Practically Oriented University Course in Innovation. 1-7 - Deanna M. Kennedy
Team Creative Processes: The Importance of Complementary and Shared Mental Models. 1-10 - Stefan Werner Knoll
, Graham Horton:
The Impact of Stimuli Characteristics on the Ideation Process: An Evaluation of the Change of Perspective 'Analogy'. 1-10 - John E. Ettlie, Kevin S. Groves, Charles M. Vance:
The Role of Thinking Style and Innovative Intentions for Optimal Creativity and Innovation in Organizations. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
- Xiao Tang, Chung-Yean Chiang, Zhenyu Liu, Jianzong Lin:
Application Service Provider (ASP) in China: An Empirical Study of System and Service Satisfaction. 1-10 - Karin Väyrynen, Marianne Kinnula
Investigating the Differences between Success Factors of Conventional IS Outsourcing and Quasi-Outsourcing. 1-10 - Dong-Heon Kwak, Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy:
IOS Resources, Electronic Cooperation and Performance: A Conceptual Model. 1-10 - Imed Boughzala, Robert O. Briggs
Knowledge Sharability in Cross-Organizational Collaboration: An Exploratory Field Study. 1-10 - Mark Borman, Frank Ulbrich:
Managing Dependencies in Inter-Organizational Collaboration: The Case of Shared Services for Application Hosting Collaboration in Australia. 1-10 - Robert Hartmann, Martin Wiener
, Ulrich Remus
The Amount of Control in Offshore Software Development Projects: An Investigation of Twelve Projects. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making--Opportunities and Challenges
- JoAnne Yong-Kwan Lim, Laku Chidambaram:
A Longitudinal Comparison of Leader-Follower Relationships between High and Low Performing Self-Managed Work Teams in Virtual Settings. 1-10 - Michael R. Ryan, Claudia Cogliser:
Ambassadorial Leader Behavior and Its Relationship with Virtual Team Performance. 1-10 - Nathan W. Twyman
, Jeffrey L. Jenkins
, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Katherine Carl:
Knowledge Sourcing and Knowledge Consumption in Computer-Mediated Complex Decision Making. 1-8 - Yuko Murayama, Carl Hauser, Yasuhiro Fujihara, Dai Nishioka, Atushi Inoue:
The Comparison Study between the US and Japan on the Sense of Security, Anshin, with Non-Computer-Science Students. 1-9
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Global Virtual Teams
- Norhayati Zakaria
, Derrick L. Cogburn:
A Culturally-Attuned Distributed Decision Making Model of Global Virtual Teams in World Summit on the Information Society. 1-10 - Derrick L. Cogburn, Alecia M. Santuzzi, Fatima K. Espinoza Vasquez:
Developing and Validating a Socio-Technical Model for Geographically Distributed Collaboration in Global Virtual Teams. 1-10 - Saggi Nevo, InduShobha N. Chengalur-Smith:
Enhancing the Performance of Software Development Virtual Teams through the Use of Agile Methods: A Pilot Study. 1-10 - Erik Wende, Tom Philip:
Instant Messenger in Offshore Outsourced Software Development Projects: Experiences from a Case Study. 1-10 - Yi-Te Chiu
, D. Sandy Staples
The Effect of Personal Disclosure within Teams: Can Faultlines in Geographically-Dispersed Teams Be Bridged? 1-10 - Céline Péréa, Caroline Mothe, Sebastien Brion:
The Impact of Team Virtuality and Task Complexity on NPD Coordination Modes. 1-10 - Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Rosalie J. Ocker:
Trust over Time and Distance in Global Partially Distributed Teams. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Ana Ortiz de Guinea, Jane Webster:
A Model of Coping with Technological Interruptions. 1-10 - Arnold Kamis
, Jonathan Frank:
An Explanatory Model of Collaborative Online Travel Planning by Millennials. 1-11 - Sarah Henderson, Ananth Srinivasan:
Filing, Piling & Structuring: Strategies for Personal Document Management. 1-10 - Xiaoyan Bai, David C. White, David Sundaram:
Purposeful Visualization. 1-10 - Hermann Kaindl
, Roman Popp
, David Raneburger, Dominik Ertl, Jürgen Falb, Alexander Szep, Cristian Bogdan:
Robot-Supported Cooperative Work: A Shared-Shopping Scenario. 1-10 - Amin Roudaki, Mohsen Doroodchi, Juan Li:
Showing a Progress Bar While Executing Stored Procedures! 1-10 - Dong-Heon Kwak, Donna McAlister Kizzier, Euisung Jung:
Spyware Knowledge in Anti-Spyware Program Adoption: Effects on Risk, Trust, and Intention to Use. 1-10 - Victor Perotti, Neil Hair:
User Experience in Online Social Networks: A Qualitative Analysis of Key Activities and Associated Features. 1-10 - Damon E. Campbell, D. Veena Parboteeah, Alexander Dipascal:
What Are Your Intentions: An Empirical Analysis of the Distinction between Behavioral Intentions and Behavioral Goals? 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Negotiation Support Systems and Emergency Response Information Systems
- Gregory E. Kersten
, Shikui Wu
, Clemens Oertel:
Extrinsic or Intrinsic Motivation of E-Negotiation Experiments' Participants. 1-10 - Adriana Giret
, Pablo Noriega
On Grievance Protocols for Conflict Resolution in Open Multi-Agent Systems. 1-10 - Michael Lewis, Katia P. Sycara:
Network-Centric Control for Multirobot Teams in Urban Search and Rescue. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Processes and Systems for Collaboration Support
- Azamatbek Mametjanov
, Douglas Kjeldgaard, Todd Pettepier, Conan C. Albrecht, Stephan G. Lukosch
, Robert O. Briggs
ARCADE: Action-Centered Rapid Collaborative Application Development and Execution. 1-10 - Jens Fähling, Jan Marco Leimeister, Helmut Krcmar:
Collaboration Engineering for Innovation Design Processes Using the Outcome-Driven Approach. 1-10 - Alexandra Petrakou, Patrik Brandt, Rune Gustavsson, Päivi Jokela:
Collaborative e-Marketplaces Containing Clusters of SMEs: Drivers and Barriers in the Local Food Sector. 1-10 - Xuesong Zhang, Bradley Dorn, William Jester, Jason Van Pelt, Guillermo Gaeta, Daniel Firpo:
Design and Implementation of Java Sniper: A Community-Based Software Code Review Web Solution. 1-10 - John M. Carroll
, Jing Wang:
Designing Effective Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems. 1-10 - Alok Sharma, Les Miller, Sree Nilakanta
Managing Knowledge for Organization-Wide Ad Hoc Committees. 1-10 - Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Stephan G. Lukosch
, Mamadou D. Seck:
Simulating Collaboration Processes to Understand and Predict Group Performance. 1-8 - Carsten Ritterskamp:
The Collaborative Nature of Interruption Handling. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Social Networks and Collaboration -- From Universities to YouTube
- Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann
, Junseok Hwang:
An Analysis of the Openness of the Web2.0 Service Network Based on Two Sets of Indices for Measuring the Impact of Service Ownership. 1-11 - Katarina Elevant, Marko Turpeinen
Improving Weather and Climatic Information Quality with User-Generated Observations. 1-10 - Priscilla Arling, Bradley N. Doebbeling, Rebekah L. Fox:
Leveraging Social Network Analysis to Improve the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices and Systems in Healthcare. 1-10 - Alireza Abbasi
, Jörn Altmann
On the Correlation between Research Performance and Social Network Analysis Measures Applied to Research Collaboration Networks. 1-10 - Devan Rosen, Daniel D. Suthers:
Stigmergy and Collaboration: Tracing the Contingencies of Mediated Interaction. 1-10 - Michael Steve Stanley Laine, Gunes Ercal, Bo Luo
User Groups in Social Networks: An Experimental Study on YouTube. 1-10 - Peter Ractham
, Daniel Firpo:
Using Social Networking Technology to Enhance Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study Using Facebook. 1-10 - James Folkstad, Stephen C. Hayne
Visualization and Analysis of Social Networks of Research Funding. 1-10
Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track: Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare (* cross-listed in Healthcare Track)
- Tara Sampalli, Michael A. Shepherd, Jack Duffy:
A Patient Profile Ontology in the Heterogeneous Domain of Complex and Chronic Health Conditions. 1-10 - Fatemeh (Hoda) Moghimi, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
, Hossein Seif Zadeh:
An Intelligence Risk Detection Framework to Improve Decision Efficiency in Healthcare Contexts: The Example of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease. 1-8 - Nilmini Wickramasinghe
, Suresh Chalasani, Steve Goldberg, Sridevi Koritala:
Applying a Pervasive Technology Solution to Facilitate Better Healthcare Delivery to Native American Patients: The Example of DiaMonD. 1-10 - Paul J. Fortier, Brendon Puntin, Osama Aljaroudi:
Improved Patient Outcomes through Collaborative Monitoring and Management of Subtle Behavioral and Physiological Health Changes. 1-10 - Amir Talaei-Khoei, Pradeep Ray
, Nandan Parameswaran:
Policy-Based Awareness: Implications in Rehabilitation Video Games. 1-10
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Advanced Analytics for Managerial Decision Support
- Joseph Thomas, David P. Biros:
A Conceptual Model of Real World, High Stakes Deception Detection. 1-10 - Sule Balkan, Michael Goul:
A Portfolio Theoretic Approach to Administering Advanced Analytics: The Case of Multi-Stage Campaign Management. 1-10 - Kun Chen
, Zonghang Yang, Huaiqing Wang, Libo Liu:
Commonsense Knowledge Supported Intelligent News Analysis for Portfolio Risk Prediction. 1-9 - Jozef M. Zurada, K. Niki Kunene:
Comparisons of the Performance of Computational Intelligence Methods for Loan Granting Decisions. 1-10 - Shing-Hwang Doong, Shu-Chun Ho:
Construct a Sequential Decision-Making Model: A Dynamic Bayesian Network Perspective. 1-10 - Hai-Guang Li, Gong-Qing Wu, Xuegang Hu, Jing Zhang, Lian Li, Xindong Wu:
K-Means Clustering with Bagging and MapReduce. 1-8
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Information Security and Cyber Crime
- Xukai Zou, Mingrui Qi, Feng Li, Yan Sui, Kai Wang:
A New Scheme for Anonymous Secure Group Communication. 1-9 - Lei Gao, Theodore J. Mock, Rajendra P. Srivastava:
An Evidential Reasoning Approach to Fraud Risk Assessment under Dempster-Shafer Theory: A General Framework. 1-10 - Raghavendra Rajkumar, Andrew Wang, Jason Hiser, Anh Nguyen-Tuong, Jack W. Davidson, John C. Knight:
Component-Oriented Monitoring of Binaries for Security. 1-10 - Jason Jaskolka
, Ridha Khédri:
Exploring Covert Channels. 1-10 - Richard C. Linger, Kirk Sayre, Tim Daly, Mark G. Pleszkoch:
Function Extraction Technology: Computing the Behavior of Malware. 1-9 - Kara Nance, Raffael Marty:
Identifying and Visualizing the Malicious Insider Threat Using Bipartite Graphs. 1-9 - Heli Tervo, Timo Wiander:
Information Technology Failures: What the Media Says and Managers Know. 1-9 - Stephen Groat, Matthew Dunlop, Randy C. Marchany, Joseph G. Tront:
IPv6: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide. 1-10 - Justin Myers, Michael R. Grimaila, Robert F. Mills:
Log-Based Distributed Security Event Detection Using Simple Event Correlator. 1-7 - Jack Harris, Raquel L. Hill:
StaticTrust: A Practical Framework for Trusted Networked Devices. 1-10 - Robert K. Abercrombie
, Frederick T. Sheldon
, Ali Mili:
Validating Cyber Security Requirements: A Case Study. 1-10
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Information Systems for Sustainable Development
- Ralf Denzer, Sascha Schlobinski, Lars Gidhagen:
A Decision Support System for Urban Climate Change Adaptation. 1-10 - Jing Lin, Sahra Sedigh
, Ann Miller:
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Decision Support for Intelligent Water Distribution. 1-10 - Ralf Denzer, Sascha Schlobinski, Reiner Güttler, Pascal Dihé, Martin Scholl, Sebastian Puhl:
A Service Access Control Framework for a Sensor Service Architecture. 1-10 - Yulia Wati, Chulmo Koo:
An Introduction to the Green IT Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic IT Management System. 1-10 - Eric Paulos, James Pierce:
Citizen Energy: Towards Populist Interactive Micro-Energy Production. 1-10 - Abdullah Alrazgan, Ajay Nagarajan, Alexander Brodsky, Nathan E. Egge:
Learning Occupancy Prediction Models with Decision-Guidance Query Language. 1-10 - Ralf Isenmann, Jorge Marx Gómez, Daniel Süpke:
Making Stakeholder Dialogue for Sustainability Issues Happen - Benefits, Reference Architecture and Pilot Implementation for Automated Sustainability Reporting a La Carte. 1-11 - Hendrik Hilpert, Lars Thoroe, Matthias Schumann:
Real-Time Data Collection for Product Carbon Footprints in Transportation Processes Based on OBD2 and Smartphones. 1-10 - Omar F. El-Gayar
, Amit V. Deokar
, Lucas Michels, Gene Fosnight:
The Development of an EDSS: Lessons Learned and Implications for DSS Research. 1-10 - Robert S. Brewer, George E. Lee, Philip M. Johnson:
The Kukui Cup: A Dorm Energy Competition Focused on Sustainable Behavior Change and Energy Literacy. 1-10 - Michael Schwind, Andreas Stenger, Susanne Aponte:
Electronic Transportation Marketplaces: How Can Green-IS Help to Promote Sustainable Logistics? 1-8
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Xing Tan, Jian Li, Petre Stoica:
Centralized Cooperative Positioning for Underwater Sensor Networks: A Weighted Gradient Approach. 1-9 - Dirk C. Mattfeld
, Jiayi Yang:
Decision Support for Bids in Process Plant Engineering. 1-10 - Julia Pahl
, Stefan Voß
, David L. Woodruff:
Discrete Lot-Sizing and Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times and Costs Including Deterioration and Perishability Constraints. 1-10 - Benjamin P.-C. Yen, Bingcong Zeng:
Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chain Risk System under the Influence of Partners' Collaboration. 1-10 - James F. Campbell
, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Optimal Arrangements for Assembling a Network in an Emergency. 1-10 - Alexander Brodsky, Nathan E. Egge, Xiaoyang Sean Wang:
Reusing Relational Queries for Intuitive Decision Optimization. 1-9 - Hannu Kivijärvi, Petri Hallikainen, Esko Penttinen
Supporting the Supplier Scheduling Decisions in the E-Invoicing Implementation Projects - An Application of the ANP Method. 1-12 - Christoph Goebel, Oliver Günther
The Information Value of Item-Level RFID in Retail Supply Chain Operations. 1-10 - Manjunath Kamath, Sandeep Srivathsan
, Ricki G. Ingalls, Guoqiang Shen, P. Simin Pulat:
TISCSoft: A Decision Support System for Transportation Infrastructure and Supply Chain System Planning. 1-9
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Mobile Business and Services--Development, Use and Value Creation
- Anya Savikhin, Hon Cheong Lam, Brian D. Fisher
, David S. Ebert
An Experimental Study of Financial Portfolio Selection with Visual Analytics for Decision Support. 1-10 - Brad McKenna
, Tuure Tuunanen, Lesley A. Gardner
Exploration of Location-Based Services Adoption. 1-10 - Susanne J. B. Niklas, Stefan Strohmeier:
Exploring the Impact of Usefulness and Enjoyment on Mobile Service Acceptance: A Comparative Study. 1-10 - Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Tuure Tuunanen:
IISIn - A Model for Analyzing ICT Intensive Service Innovations in n-Sided Markets. 1-10 - Benjamin L. Schooley, Brian N. Hilton, Yousef Abed, Yoonmi Lee, Thomas A. Horan:
Process Improvement and Consumer-Oriented Design of an Inter-Organizational Information System for Emergency Medical Response. 1-10 - Mark Jeffrey Keith
, Jeffrey S. Babb Jr., Christopher P. Furner, Amjad Abdullat:
The Role of Mobile Self-Efficacy in the Adoption of Location-Based Applications: An iPhone Experiment. 1-10 - Alexander Bogislav Herzfeldt
, Robert O. Briggs
, Aaron Read, Helmut Krcmar:
Towards a Taxonomy of Requirements for Hybrid Products. 1-10 - Yrjö Raivio, Sakari Luukkainen, Saku Seppala:
Towards Open Telco - Business Models of API Management Providers. 1-11
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Multi-criteria Decision Support Systems
- Khalid Alodhaibi, Alexander Brodsky, George A. Mihaila
A Randomized Algorithm for Maximizing the Diversity of Recommendations. 1-10 - Chen-Kuo Pai, Ronald M. Lee, David Hinds, Weidong Xia
, Bruce Seaton:
How Do People Resolve Dilemmas? Eliciting Subjective Decision Factors. 1-10 - Ronald K. Klimberg, George P. Sillup, Kevin J. Boyle, Ira Yermish:
The Development and Application of a Multiple Criteria Model to Creating Teams. 1-10
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME)
- Yu-Qian Zhu, Houn-Gee Chen:
An Integrative Model of Consumer's Adoption of RFID Credit Card Service. 1-9 - Yuting Lin, Soe-Tsyr Yuan:
Coopetition Based Interaction Design for Optimal Customer Attraction. 1-10 - Patrick Stacey
, Elif Bascavusoglu-Moreau, Bruce S. Tether
Empathic Service Systems: 'Designing' Emotion in a Cancer Care Service System. 1-10 - Jaap Gordijn
, Pieter De Leenheer, Iván S. Razo-Zapata
Generating Service Value Webs by Hierarchical Configuration: A Case in Intellectual Property Rights Clearing. 1-10 - Jyun-Cheng Wang, Cheng-Hsin Chiang, Ching-Hui Chang, Pei-Wen Chung:
Groupsona: A Method for Discovering the Needs of Social Interaction Embedded Services. 1-11 - Kar Way Tan
, Na Fu, Hoong Chuin Lau
Improving Service through Just-in-Time Concept in a Dynamic Operational Environment. 1-9 - Jörg Becker
, Daniel Beverungen, Ralf Knackstedt, Martin Matzner
, Oliver Müller:
Information Needs in Service Systems - A Framework for Integrating Service and Manufacturing Business Processes. 1-10 - Yu-Chen Yeh, Pei-Hung Hsieh, Soe-Tsyr Yuan:
Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building. 1-11 - Gerhard Satzger
, Axel Kieninger:
Risk-Reward Sharing in IT Service Contracts - A Service System View. 1-8 - Axel Kieninger, Jens Westernhagen, Gerhard Satzger
The Economics of Service Level Engineering. 1-10
Decision Technology, Mobile Technologies, and Service Science Track: Service Systems and Cloud Computing Services
- David Carrell:
A Strategy for Deploying Secure Cloud-Based Natural Language Processing Systems for Applied Research Involving Clinical Text. 1-11 - Sean R. Marston, Zhi Li, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Anand Ghalsasi:
Cloud Computing - The Business Perspective. 1-11 - Henrik Brocke, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
Customizing IT Service Agreements as a Self Service by means of Productized Service Propositions. 1-10 - Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Ramesh Bharadwaj, Hasan Davulcu:
Functional "AJAX" in Secure Synchronous Programming. 1-10 - Ofir Turel
, Catherine E. Connelly, Glenda M. Fisk:
Service with an E-Smile: Employee Authenticity and Customer Usage of Web-Based Services. 1-10 - Liwei Liu, Nikolay Mehandjiev, Ling Xu:
Using Contextual Information for Service Recommendation. 1-9
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Digital Divide/s and Inclusion/s
- David J. Yates, Girish J. Gulati, Joseph W. Weiss:
Different Paths to Broadband Access: The Impact of Governance and Policy on Broadband Diffusion in the Developed and Developing Worlds. 1-10 - Allison Terry, Ricardo Gómez
Gender and Public Access Computing: An International Perspective. 1-11 - Sunil Wattal, Yili Hong, Munir Mandviwalla, Abhijit Jain:
Technology Diffusion in the Society: Analyzing Digital Divide in the Context of Social Class. 1-10
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Digital Libraries
- Jieh Hsiang
, Shu-Fen H. Lin:
Breathing New Life into Static Materials. 1-5 - Lin Tingji Jovian, Olivier Amprimo:
OCR Correction via Human Computational Game. 1-10 - Margaret Meiling Luo, Diane Nahl, Sophea Chea:
Uncertainty, Affect, and Information Search. 1-10
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Documenting Work and Working Documents
- Paul Scifleet
, Susan P. Williams
Constructing Digital Documents: Emerging Themes in Documentary Practice. 1-11 - Ciaran B. Trace
Documenting Work and Working Documents: Perspectives from Workplace Studies, CSCW, and Genre Studies. 1-10 - R. Stuart Geiger
, David Ribes:
Trace Ethnography: Following Coordination through Documentary Practices. 1-10 - Judy E. Scott:
User Perceptions of an Enterprise Content Management System. 1-9 - Carsten S. Østerlund
, Kevin Crowston
What Characterize Documents That Bridge Boundaries Compared to Documents That Do Not? An Exploratory Study of Documentation in FLOSS Teams. 1-10
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Information Access and Retrieval
- Li Ma
, David Mease, Daniel M. Russell:
A Four Group Cross-Over Design for Measuring Irreversible Treatments on Web Search Tasks. 1-9 - Christina Aperjis, Bernardo A. Huberman, Fang Wu:
Human Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Search. 1-10 - Sanna Malinen:
Strategies for Gaining Visibility on Flickr. 1-9 - Anwar Alhenshiri, Carolyn R. Watters, Michael A. Shepherd:
User Behaviour during Web Search as Part of Information Gathering. 1-10
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Visualizing and Analyzing Digital Media Across Scales
- Abish Malik, Ross Maciejewski, Erin Hodgess, David S. Ebert
Describing Temporal Correlation Spatially in a Visual Analytics Environment. 1-8 - Alexandros Panagiotidis, Harald Bosch, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl:
EdgeAnalyzer: Exploratory Analysis through Advanced Edge Interaction. 1-10 - Tera Marie Green, Ron Wakkary
, Richard Arias-Hernández:
Expanding the Scope: Interaction Design Perspectives for Visual Analytics. 1-10 - Richard Arias-Hernández
, Linda T. Kaastra, Tera Marie Green, Brian D. Fisher
Pair Analytics: Capturing Reasoning Processes in Collaborative Visual Analytics. 1-10 - KyungTae Kim, Sungahn Ko, Niklas Elmqvist
, David S. Ebert
WordBridge: Using Composite Tag Clouds in Node-Link Diagrams for Visualizing Content and Relations in Text Corpora. 1-8
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track: Web Information Credibility Analysis
- Keiji Sawada, Fuminori Kimura, Taro Tezuka, Akira Maeda:
Clustering of Videos on a Video Sharing Site Using User-Contributed Comments. 1-7 - Irit Askira Gelman, Ningning Wu:
Combining Structured and Unstructured Information Sources for a Study of Data Quality: A Case Study of Zillow.Com. 1-12 - Daisuke Kitayama, Ryong Lee, Kazutoshi Sumiya:
Deformation Analysis of Modified Maps Based on Geographical Accuracy and Spatial Context. 1-9 - Ling Xu, Takayuki Yumoto, Shinya Aoki, Qiang Ma
, Masatoshi Yoshikawa:
Discovering Inconsistency in Multimedia News Based on a Material-Opinion Model. 1-10 - Akiyo Nadamoto, Yu Suzuki, Takeshi Abekawa:
Gist of a Thread in Social Network Services Based on Credibility of Wikipedia. 1-10 - Jianwei Zhang, Yukiko Kawai, Shinsuke Nakajima, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Katsumi Tanaka:
Sentiment Bias Detection in Support of News Credibility Judgment. 1-10 - Andrew J. Flanagin, Miriam J. Metzger
, Rebekah Pure, Alex Markov:
User-Generated Ratings and the Evaluation of Credibility and Product Quality in Ecommerce Transactions. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: Development Methods in Electronic Government
- Sandeep Purao
, Kevin C. Desouza
Looking for Clues to Failures in Large-Scale, Public Sector Projects: A Case Study. 1-10 - Gustav Aagesen, Anne Fleur van Veenstra, Marijn Janssen
, John Krogstie
The Entanglement of Enterprise Architecture and IT-Governance: The Cases of Norway and the Netherlands. 1-10 - Henning Heitkoetter:
Transforming PICTURE to BPMN 2.0 as Part of the Model-Driven Development of Electronic Government Systems. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: Emerging Topics
- Kevin Wallsten:
Beyond Agenda Setting: The Role of Political Blogs as Sources in Newspaper Coverage of Government. 1-10 - Jing Zhang, Luis F. Luna-Reyes
, Manabu Nakashima, J. Ramón Gil-García
, Djoko Sigit Sayogo, Sehl Mellouli
Building and Sustaining a Transnational and Interdisciplinary Research Group: Lessons Learned from a North American Experience. 1-10 - Monika Magnusson:
Intentions to Adopt Open Source Software ERP Systems - A Case Study of Four Swedish Municipalities. 1-10 - Joseph V. Treglia
, Lee W. McKnight
, Andreas Kuehn, Angela Usha Ramnarine-Rieks, Murali Venkatesh, Tamal Bose:
Interoperability by 'Edgeware': Wireless Grids for Emergency Response. 1-10 - Sharon S. Dawes, Mohammed A. Gharawi, G. Brian Burke:
Knowledge and Information Sharing in Transnational Knowledge Networks: A Contextual Perspective. 1-10 - Marco Prandini
, Marco Ramilli:
Taking the Best of Both Worlds: A Comparison and Integration of the U.S. and EU Approaches to E-Voting Systems Evaluation. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: E-Policy, e-Governance, Ethics, and Law
- Vachiraporn Khayun, Peter Ractham
Measuring e-Excise Tax Success Factors: Applying the DeLone & McLean Information Systems Success Model. 1-10 - Stan Kurkovsky
, Ewa Syta
Monitoring of Electronic Communications at Universities: Policies and Perceptions of Privacy. 1-10 - Frank Bannister, Regina Connolly
New Problems for Old? Defining e-Governance. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: Interoperability and Cloud Infrastructure
- Daniel Veit
, Nils P. Parasie, Jan C. Huntgeburth:
E-Procurement Adoption at the Municipal Level: Influence of Organizational, Technological and Environmental Factors. 1-10 - Stanley Y. W. Su, Xuelian Xiao, Jeff DePree, Howard W. Beck, Carla S. Thomas, Andrew Coggeshall, Richard Bostock:
Interoperation of Organizational Data, Rules, Processes and Services for Achieving Inter-Organizational Coordination and Collaboration. 1-10 - Eric K. Clemons, Yuanyuan Chen:
Making the Decision to Contract for Cloud Services: Managing the Risk of an Extreme Form of IT Outsourcing. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: Interoperability and Cloud Infrastructure
- Taewoo Nam
Analyzing the Democratic Potential of the Internet: A Comparative Study of Offline and Online Modes. 1-10 - Melanie Bicking, Maria A. Wimmer:
Concept to Integrate Open Collaboration in Technology Roadmapping: Stakeholder Involvement in Strategic E-Government Planning. 1-12 - Karine Nahon, Jeff J. Hemsley
Democracy.com: A Tale of Political Blogs and Content. 1-11 - Taewoo Nam
New Ends, New Means, but Old Attitudes: Citizens' Views on Open Government and Government 2.0. 1-10 - Dirk Heckmann:
Open Government - Retooling Democracy for the 21st Century. 1-11 - Michael Kaschesky, Reinhard Riedl:
Tracing Opinion-Formation on Political Issues on the Internet: A Model and Methodology for Qualitative Analysis and Results. 1-10 - Hans Jochen Scholl
, Luis F. Luna-Reyes
Uncovering Dynamics of Open Government, Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration. 1-11
Electronic Government Track: Security and Critical Infrastructure
- Keith Harrison, Gregory White:
A Taxonomy of Cyber Events Affecting Communities. 1-9 - Raymond R. Panko:
Identity Content Assurance and Tracking Systems (ICATSs) for Military Supply Chain Risk Management: A Preliminary Design. 1-6 - Peter Lory:
On Petri Net Representations of Cryptographic Workflows in Electronic Government. 1-10 - Wm. Arthur Conklin:
Software Assurance: The Need for Definitions. 1-7 - Stephen D. Burd, Gregory Gaillard, Eugene Rooney, Alessandro F. Seazzu:
Virtual Computing Laboratories Using VMware Lab Manager. 1-9 - Sébastien Tricaud, Kara Nance, Philippe Saadé:
Visualizing Network Activity Using Parallel Coordinates. 1-8 - Amit Vasudevan, Ning Qu, Adrian Perrig:
XTRec: Secure Real-Time Execution Trace Recording on Commodity Platforms. 1-10
Electronic Government Track: Services and Information
- Benjamin L. Schooley, Dolly A. Harold, Thomas A. Horan, Richard J. Burkhard:
Citizen Perspectives on Trust in a Public Online Advanced Traveler Information System. 1-9 - Jaffar Alalwan, Manoj A. Thomas
Designing ERM Ontology to Evaluate Records Management System. 1-9 - Benjamin L. Schooley, Sue S. Feldman, Nagla S. Alnosayan:
Development of a Disability Employment Information System: An Information Systems Design Theory Approach. 1-10 - Martin Barth, Daniel Veit
Electronic Service Delivery in the Public Sector: Understanding the Variance of Citizens' Resistance. 1-11
Electronic Government Track: Social Networking and Government
- Scott P. Robertson
Changes in Referents and Emotions over Time in Election-Related Social Networking Dialog. 1-9 - Marko M. Skoric
, Nathaniel D. Poor, Youqing Liao, Stanley Wei Hong Tang:
Online Organization of an Offline Protest: From Social to Traditional Media and Back. 1-8 - Rowena Cullen, Sarah Morse:
Who's Contributing: Do Personality Traits Influence the Level and Type of Participation in Online Communities. 1-11
Electronic Government Track: Transformational Government: Strategy, Management, Organization, and Users
- Björn Niehaves:
Democratizing Process Innovation: A Comparative Study of Public Sector Business Process Management Networks. 1-9 - Arild Jansen:
E-Government - Just a Matter of Technology? 1-9 - M. Lynne Markus, Quang "Neo" Bui
Governing Public Sector Interorganizational Network Infrastructures-The Importance of Formal and Legal Arrangements. 1-10 - Tung-Mou Yang
, Theresa A. Pardo:
How Is Information Shared across Boundaries? 1-10
Future Electric Power Systems Smart Grids, Engineering, Economics, SecurityTrack: Engineering and Economics Interactions
- Richard E. Schuler:
Efficient Pricing and Capital Recovery for Infrastructure over Time: Incentives and Applications for Electric Transmission Expansion. 1-9 - Eric Druenne, Andreas Ehrenmann, Gauthier de Maere d'Aertrycke, Yves Smeers:
Good-Deal Investment Valuation in Stochastic Generation Capacity Expansion Problems. 1-9 - Timothy D. Mount, Alberto Lamadrid, Surin Maneevitjit, Ray Zimmerman, Robert J. Thomas:
Integrating Wind Power: Can Controllable Load Substitute for Transmission Upgrades? 1-9 - Aleksandr Rudkevich, Pablo A. Ruiz, Rebecca C. Carroll:
Locational Carbon Footprint and Renewable Portfolio Policies: A Theory and its Implications for the Eastern Interconnection of the US. 1-12 - David P. Chassin, Jason C. Fuller:
On the Equilibrium Dynamics of Demand Response in Thermostatic Loads. 1-6 - Kory W. Hedman, Shmuel S. Oren, Richard P. O'Neill:
Revenue Adequacy Constrained Optimal Transmission Switching. 1-10 - Daniel R. Schwarting, Daniel K. Molzahn, Christopher L. DeMarco, Bernard C. Lesieutre:
Topological and Impedance Element Ranking (TIER) of the Bulk-Power System. 1-10
Future Electric Power Systems Smart Grids, Engineering, Economics, Security Track: Integrating Emerging Infrastructures
- Dong-Joo Kang, Sunju Park:
A Case Study on the Grid Impact of PHEVs to Distribution Power System. 1-6 - Stephen B. Wicker, Robert J. Thomas:
A Privacy-Aware Architecture for Demand Response Systems. 1-9 - Katherine M. Rogers
, Thomas J. Overbye
Clustering of Power System Data and Its Use in Load Pocket Identification. 1-10 - Paras Choudhary, Seth Blumsack
, George Young:
Comparing Decision Rules for Siting Interconnected Wind Farms. 1-10 - A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George J. Cokkinides, Renke Huang, Evangelos Farantatos, Sungyun Choi
, Yonghee Lee, Xuebei Yu:
Smart Grid Infrastructure for Distribution Systems and Applications. 1-11 - Vladimir V. Terzija, Mladen Kezunovic:
Synchronised Measurement Technology for Analysis of Transmission Lines Faults. 1-8
Future Electric Power Systems Smart Grids, Engineering, Economics, Security Track: Monitoring and Control
- Yan Liu, Xueping Gu:
An Evolved Skeleton-Network Reconfiguration Strategy Based on Topological Characteristic of Complex Networks for Power System Restoration. 1-9 - Yu Christine Chen, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García:
Assessing the Impact of Wind Variability on Power System Small-Signal Reachability. 1-8 - Nandakishore Santhi
, Feng Pan:
Detecting and Mitigating Abnormal Events in Large Scale Networks: Budget Constrained Placement on Smart Grids. 1-6 - Hairong Qi, Yilu Liu, Fran Li, Jiajia Luo, Li He, Kevin Tomsovic, Leon M. Tolbert
, Qing Cao:
Increasing the Resolution of Wide-Area Situational Awareness of the Power Grid through Event Unmixing. 1-8 - Jeff Dagle:
North American SynchroPhasor Initiative - An Update of Progress. 1-4 - Yang Song, Miroslav Begovic, Petar M. Djuric
On Localized Techniques for Detection of Voltage Stability Related Problems. 1-8 - Kenneth E. Martin:
Synchrophasor Standards Development - IEEE C37.118 & IEC 61850. 1-8 - Tianshu Bi, Hao Liu
, Mladen Kezunovic:
The Discussion on the Key Issues Affecting the Accuracy and the Application of PMU Technology. 1-6 - David E. Newman, Benjamin A. Carreras, Marc Kirschner, Ian Dobson
The Impact of Distributed Generation on Power Transmission Grid Dynamics. 1-8 - Paul Hines, Eduardo Cotilla Sanchez, Seth Blumsack
Topological Models and Critical Slowing down: Two Approaches to Power System Blackout Risk Analysis. 1-10 - Zhenyu Huang, Ning Zhou, Francis K. Tuffner, Daniel J. Trudnowski:
Use of Modal Sensitivity to Operating Conditions for Damping Control in Power Systems. 1-9
Future Electric Power Systems Smart Grids, Engineering, Economics, SecurityTrack: Reliability, Security and Trust
- Brian McKay:
Lessons to Learn for U.S. Electric Grid Critical Infrastructure Protection: Organizational Challenges for Utilities in Identification of Critical Assets and Adequate Security Measures. 1-9 - Jose Fadul, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Christopher Sheffield, James T. Moore, Todd R. Andel:
Trust Management and Security in the Future Communication-Based "Smart" Electric Power Grid. 1-10
Information Technology in Health Care Track: Cyberinfrastructure for Public Health and Health Services
- Sue S. Feldman, Thomas A. Horan:
Cyberinfrastructure for Secondary Use of EHR Data: SSA's Use of the Nationwide Health Information Network. 1-7 - Ann Séror:
Design of Virtual Infrastructures for Public and Private Services: The Indian Health Care System. 1-9 - James W. Brady:
Securing Health Care: Assessing Factors That Affect HIPAA Security Compliance in Academic Medical Centers. 1-10 - M. Eric Johnson, Nicholas D. Willey:
Will HITECH Heal Patient Data Hemorrhages? 1-10
Information Technology in Health Care Track: HCI and Consumer Health Informatics Issues in Healthcare IT
- Daniel O. Kutz, Hamid R. Ekbia:
Designing for the Invincible: Health Engagement and Information Management. 1-10 - Cherie Noteboom, Sajda Qureshi
Physician Interaction with Electronic Health Records: The Influences on Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. 1-10 - Manning Li, Andrzej Ceglowski, Tjung Rendy Lesmana:
Prototyping an Online Elective Surgery Waitlist Management System. 1-10 - Ann L. Fruhling
, Sharmila Raman, Anthony R. Sambol:
Strategies for Developing a Mobile e-Health Emergency Response Consultation System. 1-10
Information Technology in Health Care Track: Innovative Data Analysis and Data Mining Tools in Biomedical Informatics
- James Richard Gurr:
A Model for the Ordering and Distribution of the Influenza Vaccine. 1-10 - Kathryn Dempsey, Stephen Bonasera
, Dhundy Bastola, Hesham H. Ali:
A Novel Correlation Networks Approach for the Identification of Gene Targets. 1-8 - Ashraf Mohammed Iqbal, Michael A. Shepherd, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
An Ontology-Based Electronic Medical Record for Chronic Disease Management. 1-10 - Joshua Alfred Lospinoso, Danielle J. Satchell:
Smoking Behavior and Friendship Formation: The Importance of Time Heterogeneity in Studying Social Network Dynamics. 1-11
Information Technology in Health Care Track: IT Adoption and Evaluation in Healthcare
- Balaraman Rajan, Abraham Seidmann, Earl Ray Dorsey, Kevin M. Biglan, Jason Reminick:
Analyzing the Clinical and Competitive Impact of Telemedicine -Experience with Treating Parkinson Disease Patients via Telemedicine. 1-10 - Matthew J. Wills, Omar F. El-Gayar
, Surendra Sarnikar:
Beyond Meaningful Use: A Model for Evaluating Electronic Health Record Success. 1-10 - Stefan Klein, Stefan Schellhammer:
Developing IOIS as Collective Action: A Cross-Country Comparison in the Health Care Sector. 1-10 - Guy Paré, Claude Sicotte, Marie-Pierre Moreault, Placide Poba-Nzaou, Mathieu Templier
, Georgette Nahas:
Effects of Mobile Computing on the Quality of Homecare Nursing Practice. 1-11 - Chulmo Koo, Yulia Wati:
E-Healthcare Service: An Investigation of the Antecedents, Moderating Roles, and Consequences. 1-10 - Omar A. Alnuaimi, Timothy Paul Cronan, David E. Douglas, Moez Limayem:
Healthcare Professionals' Reactions to Health Enterprise System Implementations: A Theory of Cynicism Perspective. 1-10 - Thomas G. Lechler, Susanne Wetzel, Richard Jankowski:
Identifying and Evaluating the Threat of Transitive Information Leakage in Healthcare Systems. 1-10 - Valerie M. Sue, Matthew T. Griffin, Jill Y. Allen:
Individual Characteristics Associated with PHR Use in an Integrated Care Organization. 1-9 - Linda W. Byrd, Terry Anthony Byrd, Laura Jacome Madariaga, Victor Wacham A. Mbarika:
Investigating the Mediating Effect of the Accuracy of Information in the Relationship between IT and the Quality of Healthcare in Hospitals. 1-11 - Viswanath Venkatesh, Tracy Ann Sykes, Xiaojun Zhang:
'Just What the Doctor Ordered': A Revised UTAUT for EMR System Adoption and Use by Doctors. 1-10 - Mirou Jaana, Haitham Tamim, Guy Paré, Mari Teitelbaum:
Key IT Management Issues in Canadian Hospitals: A Delphi Study. 1-11 - Leigh W. Cellucci, Kenneth J. Trimmer, Tracy Farnsworth, Adam Waldron:
The Implementation of a Health-IT Academic Focus: A Case Study. 1-11 - Susan A. Sherer:
Value Realization from Adoption of Integrated Electronic Health Records. 1-10
Information Technology in Health Care Track: IT Architectures and Applications in Healthcare Environments
- Jim Ryan, Carmen Lewis, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily:
Analyzing Block Scheduling Heuristics for Perioperative Scheduling Flexibility: A Case Study Perspective. 1-10 - Bendik Bygstad, Ole Hanseth:
Complexity and Risk in Health Information Infrastructures: An Options Analysis. 1-10 - Scott L. DuVall
, Keith W. Boone
, Adi V. Gundlapalli, Brett R. South, Shuying Shen, Jonathan R. Nebeker, Leonard W. D'Avolio, Matthew H. Samore:
Creating Reusable Annotated Corpora with the Clinical Document Architecture. 1-10 - Daniel Abouakil, Johannes Heurix, Thomas Neubauer:
Data Models for the Pseudonymization of DICOM Data. 1-11 - William N. Robinson, Arash Akhlaghi, Tianjie Deng, Ali Raza Syed:
Diagnosing Stream-Mined Model Changes of Monitored Requirements for Cognitive Rehabilitation. 1-11 - Alina M. Chircu, Janis L. Gogan, Ryan J. Baxter, Scott R. Boss:
Handoffs and Medication Errors: A Community Hospital Case Study. 1-10 - M. Jamal Afridi, Muddassar Farooq:
OG-Miner: An Intelligent Health Tool for Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in m-Health Environments. 1-10 - Giacomo Bucci, Valeriano Sandrucci, Enrico Vicario
Ontologies and Bayesian Networks in Medical Diagnosis. 1-8 - Kenric W. Hammond, Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Ryan Laundry, Stephen M. Thielke, Charlene R. Weir, Peter J. Embí, Ashley N. Hedeen:
Preliminary Validation of a Method to Measure Information Value in Clinical Documentation. 1-7 - Yugyung Lee, Nikhilesh Katakam, Deendayal Dinakarpandian, Dennis Owens:
VirtualMindTrial: Virtual Clinical Trials for Mental Healthcare. 1-10
Information Technology in Health Care Track: Technology-Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare (* cross-listed in Collaboration Track)
- Kristoffer Røed, Gunnar Ellingsen:
Users as Heterogeneous Engineers - The Challenge of Designing Sustainable Information Systems in Health Care. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: Electronic Marketing
- Yung-Ming Li, Tsung-Ying Li:
Deriving Marketing Intelligence over Microblogs. 1-10 - Laura Connors, Susan M. Mudambi, David Schuff:
Is It the Review or the Reviewer? a Multi-Method Approach to Determine the Antecedents of Online Review Helpfulness. 1-10 - Ling-Ling Wu, Yuh-Jzer Joung
, Tzung-En Chiang:
Recommendation Systems and Sales Concentration: The Moderating Effects of Consumers' Product Awareness and Acceptance to Recommendations. 1-10 - Jarrod Trevathan
, Wayne Read, Yong Jin Lee, Ian Atkinson
Targeting the Strategies of a Bid Sniper. 1-10 - Matthew L. Jensen:
The Effects of Compensation Disclosure and Consensus on Perceptions of Online Product Reviews. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: Emerging Risks and Systemic Concerns in Information Security Research and Applications
- Kimberley Dunkerley, Gurvirender Tejay:
A Confirmatory Analysis of Information Systems Security Success Factors. 1-10 - Sergio Pastrana
, Agustín Orfila, Arturo Ribagorda:
A Functional Framework to Evade Network IDS. 1-10 - Humayun Zafar, Myung Ko, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson:
Does a CIO Matter? Investigating the Impact of IT Security Breaches on Firm Performance Using Tobin's q. 1-7 - Robert P. Minch:
Issues in the Development of Location Privacy Theory. 1-10 - Ping An Wang, Easwar A. Nyshadham:
Knowledge of Online Security Risks and Consumer Decision Making: An Experimental Study. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: Innovation and the Digital Economy
- Per Kristensson, Anders Gustafsson
, Lars Witell
Collaboration with Customers - Understanding the Effect of Customer-Company Interaction in New Product Development. 1-9 - Daniel Schlagwein
, Detlef Schoder:
The Management of Open Value Creation. 1-11 - Richard T. Vidgen
, Phillip Allen, Patrick Finnegan:
Towards 'Open' IS Managers: An Exploration of Individual-Level Connectedness, Ambidexterity, and Performance. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: Open Movements -- FLOSS, Open Contents, Open Access and Open Communities (*cross-listed in Software Track)
- Jeffrey V. Nickerson
, Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Appropriation and Creativity: User-Initiated Contests in Scratch. 1-10 - Andrea Wiggins
, Kevin Crowston
From Conservation to Crowdsourcing: A Typology of Citizen Science. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: Social Networking and Communities
- Ray M. Chang, Sung-Byung Yang, Jae Yun Moon, Wonseok Oh, Alain Pinsonneault:
A Social Capital Perspective of Participant Contribution in Open Source Communities: The Case of Linux. 1-10 - Maarten de Laat
Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Using Social Network Methodology for Detecting, Connecting and Facilitating Informal Networked Learning in Organizations. 1-8 - Mary Beth Rosson, Elizabeth Thiry, Dejin Zhao, John M. Carroll
Developing an Online Community for Women in Computer and Information Sciences: A Design Rationale Analysis. 1-10 - Bau-Min Tu, Hsiao-Chi Wu, Ching-Cha Hsieh, Pin-Hung Chen:
Establishing New Friendships-from Face-to-Face to Facebook: A Case Study of College Students. 1-10 - Ludwig Christian Schaupp, Lemuria D. Carter
, Dietrich L. Schaupp:
Ethics in Social Networking: A Framework for Evaluating Online Information Disclosure. 1-7 - Derek L. Hansen, Marc A. Smith, Ben Shneiderman:
EventGraphs: Charting Collections of Conference Connections. 1-10 - Anatoliy A. Gruzd
, Sophie Doiron, Philip Mai
Is Happiness Contagious Online? A Case of Twitter and the 2010 Winter Olympics. 1-9 - James A. Dove, Dawn L. Eubanks, Niki Panteli
, Leon A. Watts
, Adam N. Joinson:
Making an Entrance 2.0: The Linguistics of Introductory Success in Virtual Communities. 1-10 - Cory Allen Heidelberger, Omar F. El-Gayar
, Surendra Sarnikar:
Online Health Social Networks and Patient Health Decision Behavior: A Research Agenda. 1-7 - Caitlin McLaughlin, Jessica Vitak
, Julia Crouse:
Online Identity Construction and Expectation of Future Interaction. 1-10 - Dimple R. Thadani
, Christy M. K. Cheung
Online Social Network Dependency: Theoretical Development and Testing of Competing Models. 1-9 - Maria M. Plummer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Linda Plotnick:
Predicting Intentions to Apply for Jobs Using Social Networking Sites: An Exploratory Study. 1-10 - D. Harrison McKnight, Nancy K. Lankton, John Tripp:
Social Networking Information Disclosure and Continuance Intention: A Disconnect. 1-10 - Donghee Yvette Wohn
, Cliff Lampe, Rick Wash
, Nicole B. Ellison, Jessica Vitak
The "S" in Social Network Games: Initiating, Maintaining, and Enhancing Relationships. 1-10 - Jessica Vitak
, Nicole B. Ellison, Charles Steinfield
The Ties That Bond: Re-Examining the Relationship between Facebook Use and Bonding Social Capital. 1-10 - Pirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson, Alexandros Papageorgiou:
Travel Information Search - The Presence of Social Media. 1-10 - Christopher Sibona, Steven Walczak
Unfriending on Facebook: Friend Request and Online/Offline Behavior Analysis. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy Track: The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society
- Bau-Min Tu, Hsiao-Chi Wu, Ching-Cha Hsieh, Jui-Yi Lin:
Applying the Perspective of Technology Sensemaking to Plurk User Behaviors: An Exploratory Study. 1-8 - Devinder Thapa, Øystein Sæbø:
Demystifying the Possibilities of ICT4D in the Mountain Regions of Nepal. 1-10 - Kenneth L. Kraemer, Jason L. Dedrick, Prakul Sharma:
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC): A Novel Computerization Movement? 1-10 - Miira Juntumaa, Anssi Öörni:
Partial Adoption of E-Invoice: An Unexpected Phenomenon within IS Adoption. 1-10 - Saggi Nevo, Dorit Nevo:
Re-Invention of Applicable Innovations: The Case of Virtual Worlds. 1-10 - Song Yang, Sherah Kurnia, Stephen P. Smith:
The Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Individual Social Capital. 1-10 - Dongwon Lee
, Insoo Son, Myunghwan Yoo, Jong-Ho Lee:
Understanding the Adoption of Convergent Services: The Case of IPTV. 1-10
Knowledge Systems Track: KM in a Changing Society -- Using Knowledge to Impact Societies
- Suzanne Zyngier
, Clare D'Souza, Priscilla Robinson, Morgan Schlotterlein:
Knowledge Transfer: Examining a Public Vaccination Initiative in a Digital Age. 1-10
Knowledge Systems Track: Knowledge and Innovation Systems
- Pamela R. Dowling, Charles J. Budney, Deborah S. Bass:
Defining Groups: Identifying Characteristics of the Mars Scientific Community. 1-9 - Pengyi Zhang, Yan Qu, Chen Huang:
Designing a Multi-Layered Ontology for the Science and Technology Innovation Concept Knowledge-Base. 1-10 - Rosann W. Collins, Alan R. Hevner, Richard C. Linger:
Evaluating a Disruptive Innovation: Function Extraction Technology in Software Development. 1-8 - Dorit Nevo, Izak Benbasat, Yair Wand:
The Knowledge Demands of Expertise Seekers in Two Different Contexts: Knowledge Allocation versus Knowledge Retrieval. 1-10 - Bernhard Moos, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Beimborn, Tim Weitzel:
The Role of Innovation Governance and Knowledge Management for Innovation Success. 1-10
Knowledge Systems Track: Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations
- Anukrati Agrawal, K. D. Joshi:
A Review of Community of Practice in Organizations: Key Findings and Emerging Themes. 1-10 - KwangWook Gang, T. Ravichandran
Accessing External Knowledge: Intention of Knowledge Exchange in Virtual Community of Practice. 1-10 - Ramon R. Palacio, Alberto L. Morán
, Aurora Vizcaíno
, Víctor M. González
Knowledge Flow as Facilitator for Getting into Collaboration in Distributed Software Development. 1-10 - Eva-Maria Hempe:
Knowledge Flows in Service Design - A Framework. 1-10 - Max Erik Rohde, David Sundaram:
Knowledge Orchestration for Sustained Competitive Advantage. 1-10 - Ronald D. Freeze, Peggy Lane
, Sharath Sasidharan:
Management Teams: The Case for Balancing or Unbalancing. 1-9 - Darin A. Ladd:
Separating the Effects of Professional Association from Organizational Culture in Knowledge Transfer: A Hierarchical Investigation. 1-11 - Heinz-Theo Wagner, Thorsten Dum, André Schäfferling, Martin Schulz:
The Effect of Knowledge Management Systems on Absorptive Capacity: The Case of a German Law Firm. 1-10 - Yi-Wen Fan, Cheng-Chieh Wu:
The Role of Social Capital in Knowledge Sharing: A Meta-Analytic Review. 1-10
Knowledge Systems Track: Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes
- Julian Bahrs, Carsten Brockmann, Norbert Gronau:
A Concept for Model Driven Design and Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer. 1-10 - Burkhard Weiß, Axel Winkelmann:
Developing a Process-Oriented Notation for Modeling Operational Risks - A Conceptual Metamodel Approach to Operational Risk Management in Knowledge Intensive Business Processes within the Financial Industry. 1-10 - Olivera Marjanovic
, Ronald D. Freeze:
Knowledge Intensive Business Processes: Theoretical Foundations and Research Challenges. 1-10 - Irina Rychkova, Selmin Nurcan:
Towards Adaptability and Control for Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes: Declarative Configurable Process Specifications. 1-10
Knowledge Systems Track: Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements
- Nicole F. Velasquez, Rajiv Sabherwal
, Alexandra Durcikova:
Adoption of an Electronic Knowledge Repository: A Feature-Based Approach. 1-10 - Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang:
Antecedents and Outcomes of Boundary Objects in Knowledge Interaction in the Context of Software Systems Analysis. 1-9 - Vladimir Riecicky:
Case Study: Replacement Cost Based Approach to Risk Management of Knowledge Assets. 1-10 - James F. Courtney, Kristen L. Brewer, Julia C. Graham, James L. Parrish Jr.
DSS & Knowledge Management in Inquiring Organizations: An Update. 1-9 - R. Mitch Casselman
, Danny A. Samson:
Internal, Collaborative and Competitive Knowledge Capability. 1-10 - Ian P. McCarthy
, Michael R. Johnson, Brian R. Gordon:
Knowledge Management in R&D Organizations: A Management Control System Approach. 1-10 - Tharanga Goonesekera, Suzanne Zyngier
Measuring Knowledge Management Maturity Levels in Organisation's Production Area Using Fuzzy Linguistic Variables. 1-10 - Nikolaus Fischer, Michael Hertlein, Stefan Smolnik, Murray E. Jennex
Measuring Value of Knowledge-Based Initiatives - Evaluation of Existing Models and Development of a New Measurement Framework. 1-10 - Hossam Ali-Hassan, Dorit Nevo, Henry M. Kim
, Stephen Perelgut:
Organizational Social Computing and Employee Job Performance: The Knowledge Access Route. 1-10 - Matjaz Roblek, Maja Zajec, Tomaz Kern:
The Lack of Knowledge? Change the Way You Work. 1-6
Knowledge Systems Track: Web 2.0/3.0 Technologies, Mashups, KM Tools, & Design Sciences Approaches
- Richard L. Baskerville
, Jan Pries-Heje, John R. Venable
A Risk Management Framework for Design Science Research. 1-10 - Xuesong Zhang, Lorne Olfman, Daniel Firpo:
An Information Systems Design Theory for Collaborative ePortfolio Systems. 1-10 - Albert Weichselbraun
, Gerhard Wohlgenannt, Arno Scharl
Applying Optimal Stopping Theory to Improve the Performance of Ontology Refinement Methods. 1-10 - Mark B. Rober, Lynne P. Cooper:
Capturing Knowledge via an "Intrapedia": A Case Study. 1-10 - Max Erik Rohde, David Sundaram:
Towards a Network-Based Design Framework for Knowledge Systems. 1-10 - Volker Hoyer, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Simone Kramer, Andrea Giessmann:
What Are the Business Benefits of Enterprise Mashups? 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Process Analytics
- Gerrit Lahrmann, Frederik Marx, Robert Winter, Felix Wortmann:
Business Intelligence Maturity: Development and Evaluation of a Theoretical Model. 1-10 - Thomas Foulquier, Louis Perreault, Claude Caron, Jessica Levesque:
Combining BI Technologies with Microgeomatics at a Clothing Retailer. 1-10 - Alex Schick, Mark N. Frolick, Thilini Ariyachandra:
Competing with BI and Analytics at Monster Worldwide. 1-10 - Michael L. Gonzales, Kallol Kumar Bagchi, Godwin J. Udo, Peeter Kirs:
Diffusion of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing: An Exploratory Investigation of Research and Practice. 1-9 - Joseph W. Clark:
Exceptions and Other Rare and Irregular Events: Two Modes of Learning in Business Intelligence (Research in Progress). 1-10 - Dongwon Lee, Sung-Hyuk Park
, Songchun Moon:
High-Utility Rule Mining for Cross-Selling. 1-10 - Lipyeow Lim, Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee:
Optimizing Access across Multiple Hierarchies in Data Warehouses. 1-10 - Christophe Othenin-Girard, Claude Caron, Manon Ghislaine Guillemette
When Competitive Intelligence Meets Geospatial Intelligence. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Business Process Management (BPM)
- Daniel Grgecic:
Applying Structuration Theory to Investigate Business Process Change. 1-10 - Olivera Marjanovic
, Richard Roose:
BI-Enabled, Human-Centric Business Process Improvement in a Large Retail Company. 1-9 - Feras Abou Moghdeb, Peter F. Green
, Marta Indulska
Business Process Improvement: The Retailers' Perception. 1-10 - Björn Niehaves, Jörn Henser:
Business Process Management beyond Boundaries? - A Multiple Case Study Exploration of Obstacles to Collaborative BPM. 1-13 - Peter Busch
, Peter Fettke:
Business Process Management under the Microscope: The Potential of Social Network Analysis. 1-10 - Willem Mertens
, Joachim Van den Bergh, Stijn Viaene, Friederike Schröder-Pander:
How BPM Impacts Jobs: An Exploratory Field Study. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Communication Networks
- Daniel D. Suthers:
Interaction, Mediation, and Ties: An Analytic Hierarchy for Socio-Technical Systems. 1-10 - Michael A. Stefanone, Yu Chao Huang, Derek Lackaff
Negotiating Social Belonging: Online, Offline, and In-Between. 1-10 - Jarrid Wong, Mirit Shoham:
The Emotional Strength of Weak Ties: Reevaluating Social Support Online. 1-9 - Devan Rosen, Kar-Hai Chu:
The Utility of Communication Network Ties: Reconceptualizing the Social Network Tie Measure. 1-8
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Competitive Strategy, Economics and IS
- Florian Teschner, Stephan Stathel, Christof Weinhardt
A Prediction Market for Macro-Economic Variables. 1-9 - Charles W. Steinfield
, M. Lynne Markus, Rolf T. Wigand:
Cooperative Advantage and Vertical Information System Standards: An Automotive Supply Chain Case Study. 1-10 - Rajiv D. Banker, Sunil Wattal, Iny Hwang:
Determinants of Firm Survival in E-Markets: An Analysis with Software Service Providers. 1-7 - Rajiv D. Banker, Sunil Wattal, Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich:
Determinants of Mode of Innovation in IT Firms. 1-11 - Rajiv Garg, Michael D. Smith
, Rahul Telang
Discovery of Music through Peers in an Online Community. 1-10 - Mei Lin
, Shaojin Li, Andrew B. Whinston:
Dynamic Innovation in a Two-Sided Platform. 1-9 - C. Jason Woodard
, Eric K. Clemons:
From Primordial Soup to Platform-Based Competition: Exploring the Emergence of Products, Systems, and Platforms. 1-10 - Minh Chau, Eric K. Clemons:
Individual Privacy and Online Services. 1-10 - Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Lihong Zhang:
Internet-Facilitated Feedback Trading. 1-10 - Matt E. Thatcher, Hoon S. Cha, Manju K. Ahuja, David E. Pingry:
IT Outsourcing: Assessing the Antecedents and Impacts of Knowledge Integration. 1-10 - Byungjoon Yoo, Vidyanand Choudhary
, Tridas Mukhopadhyay
Marketplaces or Web Services? Alternate Business Models for Electronic B2B Transactions. 1-10 - Jie Zhang, Bing Jing:
The Impacts of Shopbots on Online Consumer Search. 1-10 - S. Sarah Zhang
, Martin Wagener, Andreas Storkenmaier, Christof Weinhardt
The Quality of Electronic Markets. 1-10 - Nelson F. Granados, Robert J. Kauffman, Hsiangchu Lai, Huang-chi Lin:
The Value to Consumers of IT-Supported a la Carte Pricing: An Empirical Test of the Strategic Decommoditization Hypothesis. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Enterprise Architecture: Processes, Approaches and Products
- Susanne Glissmann, Jorge L. C. Sanz:
An Approach to Building Effective Enterprise Architectures. 1-10 - Sabine Buckl, Thomas Dierl, Florian Matthes
, Christian M. Schweda:
Complementing the Open Group Architecture Framework with Best Practice Solution Building Blocks. 1-9 - Robert Lagerström
, Teodor Sommestad, Markus Buschle, Mathias Ekstedt:
Enterprise Architecture Management's Impact on Information Technology Success. 1-10 - Stephen H. Kaisler, William H. Money:
Service Migration in a Cloud Architecture. 1-10 - Bendik Bygstad, Tor-Morten Grønli:
Service Oriented Architecture and Business Innovation. 1-10 - J. Alberto Espinosa, Wai Fong Boh
, William H. DeLone:
The Organizational Impact of Enterprise Architecture: A Research Framework. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: ERP/EAI System Issues and Answers: A Research Journey
- Pamela J. Schmidt, Fred D. Davis, Christine C. Davis, Timothy Paul Cronan:
Acquiring ERP Business Process Knowledge: A Network Structure Analysis. 1-10 - Lionel Robert
, Alexander J. McLeod Jr., Ashley R. Davis:
ERP Configuration: Does Situation Awareness Impact Team Performance? 1-8 - Saquib Anwar, Rubana Mohsin:
ERP Project Management in Public Sector - Key Issues and Strategies. 1-10 - Ondrej Zach, Dag H. Olsen:
ERP System Implementation in Make-to-Order SMEs: An Exploratory Case Study. 1-10 - Moutaz Haddara
, Ondrej Zach:
ERP Systems in SMEs: A Literature Review. 1-10 - Piotr Soja
, Marinos Themistocleous
, Paulo Rupino da Cunha
Playing Catch up: How Different Is Large Scale Enterprise Systems Implementation in Transition Countries and Organizations? 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Implementation and Usage of RFID in the Healthcare Industry
- Matthieu-P. Schapranow
, Alexander Zeier, Hasso Plattner:
A Formal Model for Enabling RFID in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains. 1-10 - Yannick Meiller, Sylvain Bureau, Wei Zhou
, Selwyn Piramuthu:
RFID-Embedded Decision Support for Tracking Surgical Equipment. 1-6 - Samuel Fosso Wamba
, Eric W. T. Ngai
Unveiling the Potential of RFID-Enabled Intelligent Patient Management: Results of a Delphi Study. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Information Issues in Supply Chain and in Service System Design
- Stefan Guericke
, Achim Koberstein, Frank Schwartz, Stefan Voß
A Stochastic Model for Implementing Postponement Strategies in Distribution Networks. 1-10 - Ashis Kumar Pani, Arpan Kumar Kar
A Study to Compare Relative Importance of Criteria for Supplier Evaluation in e-Procurement. 1-8 - James Aitken
, Emanuela Todeva
Co-Alignment of Supply Chain Strategies and the Knowledge Outcomes for Buyer-Supplier Network Relationships. 1-12 - Bing Jing, Rajiv M. Dewan, Abraham Seidmann:
Finance Sourcing in a Supply Chain. 1-9 - Nick Butler, Frances Slack, John Walton:
IS/IT Backsourcing - A Case of Outsourcing in Reverse? 1-10 - Ravi Mantena, Vera Tilson, Xiaobo Zheng:
Literature Survey: Mathematical Models in the Analysis of Durable Goods with Applications to IS Research. 1-10 - Yuliang Yao, Jie Zhang:
Pricing for Shipping Services of Online Retailers: Analytical and Empirical Approaches. 1-10 - Atanu Lahiri:
Revisiting the Incentive to Tolerate Illegal Distribution of Software Products. 1-9 - Ian D. Blackman, Christopher P. Holland, Tim Westcott:
The Evolution of Motorola's Global Financial Supply Chain Strategy. 1-10 - Holger Schrödl, Patrick Gugel, Klaus Turowski:
Towards a Reference Model for the Identification of Strategic Supply Chains for Value Bundles. 1-10 - Rajib L. Saha
, Abraham Seidmann, Vera Tilson:
Unexpected Motivations behind Joining Group Purchasing Organization (GPO). 1-8
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: IT and Project Management
- Jill Owen, Henry Linger
Addressing Complexity in ISD: An Empirical Case Study. 1-9 - W. Alec Cram:
Aligning Organizational Values in Systems Development Projects: An Empirical Study. 1-10 - Gamze Karayaz
, Charles B. Keating, Morgan Henrie:
Designing Project Management Systems. 1-10 - Hsin-Lu Chang
, Jeff Chang, Kai Wang:
Developing an IT Portfolio Approach to Justify IT Investments. 1-10 - Riitta Hekkala, Michael Newman, Cathy Urquhart, Ari Heiskanen:
Emotions in Leadership in an IOIS Project. 1-10 - Hazel Taylor, Jill Palzkill Woelfer:
Leadership Behaviors in Information Technology Project Management: An Exploratory Study. 1-10 - Wilfred W. Wu, Gregory M. Rose, Kalle Lyytinen:
Managing Black Swan Information Technology Projects. 1-10 - Maxine Robertson, Robert D. Galliers, Cliff Oswick, Harry Scarbrough
Managing Interactive Innovation: From Project Management to Process Mobilization. 1-10 - Anne Live Vaagaasar:
Stakeholders, Decisions and Narrations. 1-9
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: IT Governance and its Mechanisms
- Zheng Wang, Eliane Jing Chen, Shan Ling Pan
, Yi Wu:
Bridging Boundaries in Offshore Outsourcing Organizations: A Case Study of Promoting KM System Initiatives in Wipro Technologies. 1-10 - Randy V. Bradley, Renee M. E. Pratt:
Exploring the Relationships among Corporate Entrepreneurship, IT Governance, and Risk Management. 1-10 - Kim Maes, Steven De Haes, Wim Van Grembergen:
How IT Enabled Investments Bring Value to the Business : A Literature Review. 1-10 - A. J. Gilbert Silvius
, Jakobus Smit
Maturing Business and IT Alignment Capability; the Practitioner's View. 1-10 - Mohamed El Mekawy, Lazar Rusu:
Organizational Culture Impact on Business-IT Alignment: A Case Study of a Multinational Organization. 1-11 - Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo
, Adriano Olímpio Tonelli:
Planning and Implementing IT Governance in Brazilian Public Organizations. 1-10 - Marcus W. Vogt
, Dieter Hertweck, Kieth Hales:
Strategic ICT Alignment in Uncertain Environments: An Empirical Study in Emergency Management Organizations. 1-11 - Katja Walentowitz, Daniel Beimborn, Anna Schroiff, Tim Weitzel:
The Social Network Structure of Alignment - A Literature Review. 1-10 - Thomas Herz, Florian Hamel, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
Towards a Multisourcing Maturity Model as an Instrument of IT Governance at a Multinational Enterprise. 1-10 - Anne-Marie Croteau, Jason Dubsky:
Uncovering Modes of Interorganizational Governance of IT. 1-10 - Nils Joachim, Daniel Beimborn, Tim Weitzel:
What Are Important Governance and Management Mechanisms to Achieve IT Flexibility in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA)?: An Empirical Exploration. 1-10 - Moutaz Haddara
, Tero Päivärinta
Why Benefits Realization from ERP in SMEs Doesn't Seem to Matter? 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: IT Personnel: The IT Artifact the Field Cannot Do Without
- Kevin P. Gallagher, Tim Goles, Stephen Hawk, Judith C. Simon, Kate M. Kaiser, Cynthia Mathis Beath, Wm. Benjamin Martz Jr.:
A Typology of Requisite Skills for Information Technology Professionals. 1-10 - Dawn Owens, Deepak Khazanchi
Best Practices for Retaining Global IT Talent. 1-12 - Jo Ellen Moore:
Illuminating the Other Road: The Role of Voice in IT Turnover. 1-7 - Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, Dominik Birkmeier, Jonas Miller:
What Makes IT Personnel Adopt Scrum? A Framework of Drivers and Inhibitors to Developer Acceptance. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Organizational Design and Engineering
- Burkhard Weiß, Axel Winkelmann:
A Metamodel Based Perspective on the Adaptation of a Semantic Business Process Modeling Language to the Financial Sector. 1-10 - Roberto Poles, France Cheong
An Investigation on Capacity Planning and Lead Times for Remanufacturing Systems Using System Dynamics. 1-10 - Matthias Kiessling, Hannes Wilke, Lutz M. Kolbe:
An Organizational Model for Managing IT Innovations in Non-IT Companies. 1-10 - Jan Saat, Robert Winter, Ulrik Franke
, Robert Lagerström
, Mathias Ekstedt:
Analysis of IT/Business Alignment Situations as a Precondition for the Design and Engineering of Situated IT/Business Alignment Solutions. 1-9 - Stefanie Hain, Andrea Back:
Towards a Maturity Model for E-Collaboration - A Design Science Research Approach. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Social Issues for Information Systems
- Kenneth R. Fleischmann, William A. Wallace, Justin M. Grimes:
Computational Modeling and Human Values: A Comparative Study of Corporate, Academic, and Government Research Labs. 1-10 - Kee-Young Kwahk:
Investigating the Coping Mechanism Towards Technochanges: A Perspective of Social Network Theory. 1-10 - Jukka-Pekka Kauppinen, Hannu Kivijärvi, Jari M. Talvinen:
Managing Organizational Change and Commitment in a Global IT Company. 1-10 - Alan E. Singer:
Robotics as Moral Philosophy. 1-9 - Melanie Steinhüser, Stefan Smolnik, Uwe Hoppe:
Towards a Measurement Model of Corporate Social Software Success - Evidences from an Exploratory Multiple Case Study. 1-10 - Yu-Tzu Lin, Carol Hsu:
Unfolding the Organizing Vision for Straight-Through-Processing in Taiwan Financial Industry. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Theoretical Approaches to IS Research
- Jennie Carroll, Justin Fidock:
Beyond Resistance to Technology Appropriation. 1-9 - Ronald D. Freeze, Robyn L. Raschke:
Construct Transportability: A Choice That Matters. 1-10 - Jennifer L. Claggett, Dale Goodhue:
Have IS Researchers Lost Bandura's Self-Efficacy Concept? A Discussion of the Definition and Measurement of Computer Self-Efficacy. 1-10 - Suzanne Rivard, Yannik St-James, Ann Frances Cameron:
Software Project Risk Drivers as Project Manager Stressors and Coping Resources. 1-10 - EunRyung Chong, Bo Xie:
The Use of Theory in Social Studies of Web 2.0. 1-10 - Andrew Burton-Jones, Allen S. Lee
Thinking about Measures and Measurement. 1-10 - Stefan Schellhammer:
Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Interorganizational Information Systems (IOIS). 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology Track: Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology
- Mehruz Kamal:
An Approach to Designing IT Interventions in Micro-Enterprises to Facilitate Development. 1-10 - Nicolas Racz, Edgar R. Weippl, Andreas Seufert:
Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Software - An Exploratory Study of Software Vendor and Market Research Perspectives. 1-10 - Linying Dong, Eric Mei:
How Does a Union Environment Affect Information System (IS) Implementation? A Longitudinal Case Study from the Institutional Framework Perspective. 1-10 - Karen Vizecky, Omar F. El-Gayar
Increasing Research Relevance in DSS: Looking Forward by Reflecting on 40 Years of Progress. 1-9 - Todd A. Little:
Knowledge, Intellectual Capital, and Protection: A Literature Review. 1-7 - Jimmy C. Huang, Carol Hsu, Robert D. Galliers, Yu-Tzu Lin, Sue Newell:
The Rhetorics of System Adoption and Diffusion in the Taiwan Mutual Fund Industry. 1-10
Software Technology Track: Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable
- Thomas Kowark, Jürgen Müller, Stephan Müller, Alexander Zeier:
An Educational Testbed for the Computational Analysis of Collaboration in Early Stages of Software Development Processes. 1-10 - Dana Edberg, Polina Ivanova:
Embracing or Constraining Change: An Exploration of Methodologies for Maintaining Software. 1-10 - Jeff Sutherland, Robert Frohman:
Hitting the Wall: What to Do When High Performing Scrum Teams Overwhelm Operations and Infrastructure. 1-6 - Peter F. Green
Measuring the Impact of Scrum on Product Development at Adobe Systems. 1-10 - Kristian Rautiainen
, Joachim von Schantz, Jarno Vähäniitty:
Supporting Scaling Agile with Portfolio Management: Case Paf.com. 1-10 - Aaron Read, Nicholas Arreola, Robert O. Briggs
The Role of the Story Master: A Case Study of the Cognitive Load of Story Management Tasks. 1-10 - Dina Friis, Jens Ostergaard, Jeff Sutherland:
Virtual Reality Meets Scrum: How a Senior Team Moved from Management to Leadership. 1-7
Software Technology Track: Assurance Research for Dependable Software Systems (ARDSS)
- Christopher J. Alberts, Audrey J. Dorofee, Rita Creel, Robert J. Ellison, Carol Woody:
A Systemic Approach for Assessing Software Supply-Chain Risk. 1-8 - Matt Bishop
, Brian Hay, Kara L. Nance:
Applying Formal Methods Informally. 1-8 - Robert Baird, Rose F. Gamble:
Developing a Security Meta-Language Framework. 1-10 - Luanne Burns, J. Aaron Pendergrass, Julian B. Grizzard:
KAFE: Kernel Analysis Front-End for Software Assurance. 1-9 - Daniel Port, Allen P. Nikora, Jane Huffman Hayes, LiGuo Huang
Text Mining Support for Software Requirements: Traceability Assurance. 1-11
Software Technology Track: Cloud Computing
- Wayne A. Jansen:
Cloud Hooks: Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing. 1-10 - Kresimir Kasal, Johannes Heurix, Thomas Neubauer:
Model-Driven Development Meets Security: An Evaluation of Current Approaches. 1-9 - Brian Hay, Kara L. Nance, Matt Bishop
Storm Clouds Rising: Security Challenges for IaaS Cloud Computing. 1-7 - Mohammed Abdullatif Alzain
, Eric Pardede
Using Multi Shares for Ensuring Privacy in Database-as-a-Service. 1-9
Software Technology Track: Digital Forensics -- Education and Research
- Stephen D. Burd, Darrin E. Jones, Alessandro F. Seazzu:
Bridging Differences in Digital Forensics for Law Enforcement and National Security. 1-6 - Amelia Phillips:
E-Evidence and International Jurisdictions: Creating Laws for the 21st Century. 1-5 - Kara L. Nance, Daniel J. Ryan:
Legal Aspects of Digital Forensics: A Research Agenda. 1-6 - Vincent Nestler, Devshikha Bose:
Leveraging Advances in Remote Virtualization to Improve Online Instruction of Information Assurance. 1-8 - Timothy Vidas:
MemCorp: An Open Data Corpus for Memory Analysis. 1-6 - Alex Levinson, Bill Stackpole, Daryl Johnson:
Third Party Application Forensics on Apple Mobile Devices. 1-9
Software Technology Track: Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents, Open Access and Open Communities (*cross-listed in Internet Track)
- Radu E. Vlas, William N. Robinson:
A Rule-Based Natural Language Technique for Requirements Discovery and Classification in Open-Source Software Development Projects. 1-10 - Carlos Jensen, Scott King, Victor Kuechler:
Joining Free/Open Source Software Communities: An Analysis of Newbies' First Interactions on Project Mailing Lists. 1-10 - Amir Hossein Ghapanchi
, Aybüke Aurum:
Measuring the Effectiveness of the Defect-Fixing Process in Open Source Software Projects. 1-11 - Kuang-Yuan Huang, Namjoo Choi:
Relating and Clustering Free/Libre Open Source Software Projects and Developers: A Social Network Perspective. 1-10
Software Technology Track: Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence
- Javier Palanca Cámara
, Vicente Julián
, Ana García-Fornes
A Goal-Oriented Execution Module Based on Agents. 1-10 - Robert M. Patton
, Justin M. Beaver, Thomas E. Potok
Classification of Distributed Data Using Topic Modeling and Maximum Variation Sampling. 1-5 - Xiaohui Cui, Justin M. Beaver
, Thomas E. Potok
, Li Yang:
Visual Mining Intrusion Behaviors by Using Swarm Technology. 1-7
Software Technology Track: Software Product and Process Assurance
- Daniel Port, Joel M. Wilf:
A Study on the Perceived Value of Software Quality Assurance at JPL. 1-10 - Jairus Hihn, Scott Lewicki, Scott Morgan:
Bootstrapping Process Improvement Metrics: CMMI Level 4 Process Improvement Metrics in a Level 3 World. 1-10 - Janaki Krishnamurthy, Easwar A. Nyshadham:
Quality Market: Design and Field Study of Prediction Market for Software Quality Control. 1-9 - Kenneth D. Evensen:
Reducing Uncertainty in Architectural Decisions with AADL. 1-9
Software Technology Track: Software Product Lines: Engineering, Services, and Management
- Juan Manuel Moreno-Rivera, Elena Navarro
Evaluation of SPL Approaches for WebGIS Development: SIGTel, a Case Study. 1-10 - Yikun Lu, Timo Käkölä:
Which Test Artifacts Testing Service Providers Should Reuse and How? Experiences from a Case Study in the Chinese ICT Sourcing Market. 1-10
Software Technology Track: Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
- Marjan Hericko, Marjana Hericko, Ales Zivkovic:
An Evaluation of Different Functional Solutions for Satellite-Based Tolling in Europe. 1-10 - Juan Antonio Cordero, Thomas H. Clausen
, Emmanuel Baccelli
MPR+SP: Towards a Unified MPR-Based MANET Extension for OSPF. 1-10 - Nader Mohamed, Jameela Al-Jaroodi:
Service-Oriented Middleware Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9

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