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HPEC 2017: Waltham, MA, USA
- 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2017, Waltham, MA, USA, September 12-14, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3472-1
- Selcuk Keskin, Taskin Koçak:
GPU accelerated gigabit level BCH and LDPC concatenated coding system. 1-4 - Ashok Kumar Krishnamurthy, Kira Bradford
, Chris Calloway
, Claris Castillo, Mike Conway, Jason Coposky, Yue Guo, Ray Idaszak, W. Christopher Lenhardt
, Kimberly Robasky
, Terrell G. Russell, Erik Scott, Marcin Sliwowski, Michael J. Stealey
, Kelsey Urgo
, Hao Xu, Hong Yi
, Stan Ahalt:
xDCI, a data science cyberinfrastructure for interdisciplinary research. 1-7 - Thomas B. Rolinger
, Tyler A. Simon, Christopher D. Krieger:
Performance challenges for heterogeneous distributed tensor decompositions. 1-7 - Doru-Thom Popovici, Franz Franchetti, Tze Meng Low:
Mixed data layout kernels for vectorized complex arithmetic. 1-7 - Philip Colangelo, Enno Lübbers, Randy Huang, Martin Margala
, Kevin Nealis:
Application of convolutional neural networks on Intel® Xeon® processor with integrated FPGA. 1-7 - Muthu Manikandan Baskaran, Tom Henretty, Benoît Pradelle, Matthew Harper Langston, David Bruns-Smith, James R. Ezick, Richard Lethin:
Memory-efficient parallel tensor decompositions. 1-7 - Siddharth Samsi, Brian S. Helfer, Jeremy Kepner, Albert Reuther, Darrell O. Ricke:
A linear algebra approach to fast DNA mixture analysis using GPUs. 1-6 - Tom Henretty, Muthu Manikandan Baskaran, James R. Ezick, David Bruns-Smith, Tyler A. Simon:
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of tensor decompositions on spatiotemporal data. 1-7 - Azzam Haidar, Khairul Kabir, Diana Fayad, Stanimire Tomov
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Out of memory SVD solver for big data. 1-7 - Aekyeung Moon, Jaeyoung Kim, Jialing Zhang, Seung Woo Son:
Lossy compression on IoT big data by exploiting spatiotemporal correlation. 1-7 - Piotr Luszczek, Jakub Kurzak, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Jack J. Dongarra:
Towards numerical benchmark for half-precision floating point arithmetic. 1-5 - Thejaka Amila Kanewala, Marcin Zalewski, Andrew Lumsdaine
Distributed-memory fast maximal independent set. 1-7 - Hari Sundar:
Efficient parallel streaming algorithms for large-scale inverse problems. 1-5 - Mauro Bisson, Massimiliano Fatica:
Static graph challenge on GPU. 1-8 - Timothy La Fond, Geoffrey Sanders, Christine Klymko, Van Emden Henson:
An ensemble framework for detecting community changes in dynamic networks. 1-6 - Yang Hu, Pradeep Kumar, Guy Swope, H. Howie Huang:
TriX: Triangle counting at extreme scale. 1-7 - Chad Voegele, Yi-Shan Lu, Sreepathi Pai
, Keshav Pingali:
Parallel triangle counting and k-truss identification using graph-centric methods. 1-7 - Oded Green, James Fox, Euna Kim, Federico Busato, Nicola Bombieri, Kartik Lakhotia, Shijie Zhou, Shreyas G. Singapura, Hanqing Zeng
, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna, David A. Bader
Quickly finding a truss in a haystack. 1-7 - Siddharth Samsi, Vijay Gadepally, Michael B. Hurley, Michael Jones, Edward K. Kao, Sanjeev Mohindra, Paul Monticciolo, Albert Reuther, Steven Thomas Smith, William Song, Diane Staheli, Jeremy Kepner:
Static graph challenge: Subgraph isomorphism. 1-6 - Edward K. Kao, Vijay Gadepally, Michael B. Hurley, Michael Jones, Jeremy Kepner, Sanjeev Mohindra, Paul Monticciolo, Albert Reuther, Siddharth Samsi, William Song, Diane Staheli, Steven Thomas Smith:
Streaming graph challenge: Stochastic block partition. 1-12 - Dylan Hutchison:
Distributed triangle counting in the Graphulo matrix math library. 1-7 - Ketan Date, Keven Feng, Rakesh Nagi
, Jinjun Xiong
, Nam Sung Kim, Wen-Mei W. Hwu:
Collaborative (CPU + GPU) algorithms for triangle counting and truss decomposition on the Minsky architecture: Static graph challenge: Subgraph isomorphism. 1-7 - Michael M. Wolf, Mehmet Deveci, Jonathan W. Berry, Simon D. Hammond, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam:
Fast linear algebra-based triangle counting with KokkosKernels. 1-7 - Erik P. DeBenedictis, Jeanine E. Cook, Sriseshan Srikanth, Thomas M. Conte
Superstrider associative array architecture: Approved for unlimited unclassified release: SAND2017-7089 C. 1-7 - David Zhuzhunashvili, Andrew Knyazev:
Preconditioned spectral clustering for stochastic block partition streaming graph challenge (Preliminary version at arXiv.). 1-6 - Tze Meng Low
, Varun Nagaraj Rao, Matthew Lee, Doru-Thom Popovici, Franz Franchetti, Scott McMillan:
First look: Linear algebra-based triangle counting without matrix multiplication. 1-6 - Shijie Zhou, Kartik Lakhotia, Shreyas G. Singapura, Hanqing Zeng
, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna, James Fox, Euna Kim, Oded Green, David A. Bader
Design and implementation of parallel PageRank on multicore platforms. 1-6 - Shaden Smith, Xing Liu, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Ancy Sarah Tom, Fabrizio Petrini, George Karypis
Truss decomposition on shared-memory parallel systems. 1-6 - Ahsen J. Uppal, Guy Swope, H. Howie Huang
Scalable stochastic block partition. 1-5 - Roger Pearce:
Triangle counting for scale-free graphs at scale in distributed memory. 1-4 - Humayun Kabir
, Kamesh Madduri:
Parallel k-truss decomposition on multicore systems. 1-7 - Shahir Mowlaei:
Triangle counting via vectorized set intersection. 1-5 - Ancy Sarah Tom, Narayanan Sundaram, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Shaden Smith, Stijn Eyerman, Midhunchandra Kodiyath, Ibrahim Hur, Fabrizio Petrini, George Karypis
Exploring optimizations on shared-memory platforms for parallel triangle counting algorithms. 1-7 - Glenn Volkema, Gaurav Khanna:
Scientific computing using consumer video-gaming embedded devices. 1-8 - Darrell O. Ricke:
FastID: Extremely fast forensic DNA comparisons. 1-4 - Rhaleb Zayer, Markus Steinberger, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Sparse matrix assembly on the GPU through multiplication patterns. 1-8 - Martin Winter
, Rhaleb Zayer, Markus Steinberger:
Autonomous, independent management of dynamic graphs on GPUs. 1-7 - Yijie Huangfu, Wei Zhang:
WCET analysis of the shared data cache in integrated CPU-GPU architectures. 1-7 - Yijie Huangfu, Wei Zhang:
Leakage energy reduction for hard real-time caches. 1-6 - Houssem Daoud, Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Michel R. Dagenais:
Dynamic trace-based sampling algorithm for memory usage tracking of enterprise applications. 1-7 - Boyou Zhou
, Manuel Egele, Ajay Joshi:
High-performance low-energy implementation of cryptographic algorithms on a programmable SoC for IoT devices. 1-6 - Sean Deaton
, David Brownfield, Leonard Kosta, Zhaozhong Zhu, Suzanne J. Matthews
Real-time regex matching with apache spark. 1-6 - Rasoul Rajaei, Amin Ramezani, Bahram Shafai:
Computing structural controllability of linearly-coupled complex networks. 1-6 - Rasoul Rajaei, Bahram Shafai, Amin Ramezani:
A top-down scheme of descriptive time series data analysis for healthy life: Introducing a fuzzy amended interaction network. 1-6 - Indar Sugiarto, Pedro B. Campos, Nizar Dahir
, Gianluca Tempesti, Steve B. Furber:
Optimized task graph mapping on a many-core neuromorphic supercomputer. 1-7 - Chansup Byun, Jeremy Kepner, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Michael Jones, Anna Klein, Peter Michaleas, Lauren Milechin, Julie Mullen, Andrew Prout, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Albert Reuther:
Benchmarking data analysis and machine learning applications on the Intel KNL many-core processor. 1-6 - Rohit Varkey Thankachan, Eric R. Hein, Brian Paul Swenson, James P. Fairbanks:
Integrating productivity-oriented programming languages with high-performance data structures. 1-8 - Gerald G. Pechanek, Nikos Pitsianis:
An introduction to an array memory processor for application specific acceleration. 1-7 - Shreyas G. Singapura, Ajitesh Srivastava, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
OSCAR: Optimizing SCrAtchpad reuse for graph processing. 1-7 - Vickie E. Lynch
, Jose Borreguero Calvo
, Ewa Deelman, Rafael Ferreira da Silva
, Monojoy Goswami, Yawei Hui
, Eric J. Lingerfelt, Jeffrey S. Vetter:
Distributed workflows for modeling experimental data. 1-5 - Nhut-Minh Ho, Weng-Fai Wong
Exploiting half precision arithmetic in Nvidia GPUs. 1-7 - Michael Jones, Jeremy Kepner, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Peter Michaleas, Andrew Prout, Albert Reuther, Siddharth Samsi, Paul Monticiollo:
Performance measurements of supercomputing and cloud storage solutions. 1-5 - Richard Michael Veras, Franz Franchetti:
A scale-free structure for real world networks. 1-7 - Jung-Ho Um, Sunggeun Han, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyongseok Park:
Study on distributed and parallel non-linear optimization algorithm for ocean color remote sensing data. 1-2 - Trevor M. Simonton, Gita Alaghband:
Efficient and accurate Word2Vec implementations in GPU and shared-memory multicore architectures. 1-7 - Vijay Gadepally, Kyle O'Brien, Adam Dziedzic, Aaron J. Elmore
, Jeremy Kepner, Samuel Madden, Tim Mattson, Jennie Rogers
, Zuohao She, Michael Stonebraker:
BigDAWG version 0.1. 1-7 - Chen Yang, Jiayi Sheng, Rushi Patel, Ahmed Sanaullah, Vipin Sachdeva
, Martin C. Herbordt:
OpenCL for HPC with FPGAs: Case study in molecular electrostatics. 1-8 - Chen Yang, Jiayi Sheng, Aravind Sridhar, Martin C. Herbordt, Catherine Nicoloff
, James B. R. Battat:
An FPGA-based data acquisition system for directional dark matter detection. 1-8 - Laura J. Brattain, Mihnea Bulugioiu, Adam Brewster, Mark Hernandez, Heejin Choi, Taeyun Ku, Kwanghun Chung, Vijay Gadepally:
A cloud-based brain connectivity analysis tool. 1-6 - Katherine Yu, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Stonebraker:
Database engine integration and performance analysis of the BigDAWG polystore system. 1-7 - Mark Barnell, Nathan Stokes, Jason Steeger, Jessie Grabowski:
Ultra-high fidelity radio frequency propagation modeling using distributed high performance graphical processing units: A simulator for multi-element non-stationary antenna systems. 1-6 - Lauren Milechin, Vijay Gadepally, Siddharth Samsi, Jeremy Kepner, Alexander Chen, Dylan Hutchison:
D4M 3.0: Extended database and language capabilities. 1-6 - Alex Popa, Marc Frîncu, Charalampos Chelmis
A distributed algorithm for the efficient computation of the unified model of social influence on massive datasets. 1-7 - Azzam Haidar, Heike Jagode
, Asim YarKhan
, Phil Vaccaro, Stanimire Tomov
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Power-aware computing: Measurement, control, and performance analysis for Intel Xeon Phi. 1-7 - Janki Bhimani, Zhengyu Yang, Miriam Leeser
, Ningfang Mi:
Accelerating big data applications using lightweight virtualization framework on enterprise cloud. 1-7 - Haitham Ghalwash
, Chun-Hsi Huang:
Software-defined extreme scale networks for bigdata applications. 1-7 - Shreyas G. Singapura, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Optimal data layout for block-level random accesses to scratchpad. 1-7 - Nazario Irizarry:
Model-based compute orchestration for resource-constrained repeating flows. 1-7 - Sungseob Whang, Tymani Rachford, Dimitra Papagiannopoulou, Tali Moreshet, R. Iris Bahar
Evaluating critical bits in arithmetic operations due to timing violations. 1-7 - Luca Piccolboni
, Paolo Mantovani, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Luca P. Carloni:
Broadening the exploration of the accelerator design space in embedded scalable platforms. 1-7 - Torben Kling Petersen, John Bent:
Hybrid flash arrays for HPC storage systems: An alternative to burst buffers. 1-7 - Kevin Verma, Kamil Szewc, Robert Wille:
Advanced load balancing for SPH simulations on multi-GPU architectures. 1-7 - Benjamin Schwaller, Barath Ramesh, Alan D. George
Investigating TI KeyStone II and quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 architectures for on-board space processing. 1-7 - Timothy G. Mattson, Carl Yang, Scott McMillan, Aydin Buluç
, José E. Moreira:
GraphBLAS C API: Ideas for future versions of the specification. 1-6 - Fazle Sadi, Larry T. Pileggi
, Franz Franchetti:
Algorithm and hardware co-optimized solution for large SpMV problems. 1-7 - Andrew Prout, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Chansup Byun, Vijay Gadepally, Matthew Hubbell, Michael Houle, Michael Jones, Peter Michaleas, Lauren Milechin, Julie Mullen, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Albert Reuther, Jeremy Kepner:
MIT SuperCloud portal workspace: Enabling HPC web application deployment. 1-6 - Jeremy Kepner, Manoj Kumar, José E. Moreira, Pratap Pattnaik, Mauricio J. Serrano, Henry M. Tufo:
Enabling massive deep neural networks with the GraphBLAS. 1-10

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