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WI / IAT Workshops 2010: Toronto, Canada
- Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, Toronto, Canada, August 31 - September 3, 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010
The 3rd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social Networks (CISWSN 2010)
- Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Anna Musial, Katarzyna Musial, Piotr Bródka
Utilizing Dynamic Molecular Modelling Technique for Predicting Changes in Complex Social Networks. 1-4 - Przemyslaw Kazienko
, Piotr Bródka
, Katarzyna Musial:
Individual Neighbourhood Exploration in Complex Multi-layered Social Network. 5-8 - Janice Kwan-Wai Leung, Chun-hung Li:
Commentary-Based Social Network Analysis and Visualization of Hong Kong Singers. 9-12 - Ivan Srba
, Mária Bieliková:
Tracing Strength of Relationships in Social Networks. 13-16
The 4th International Workshop on Intelligent E-Government and Emergency Management (IEEM 2010)
- Xue-Long Chen, Yanzhang Wang, Ning Wang:
A Hierarchical Description Framework of Decision Model for Multilevel Users. 17-20 - Liming Li, Peng Zhang, Ning Wang, Yanzhang Wang:
The Information Resource Integration in E-government Based on EAI. 21-24 - Huaiming Li, Shuai Yang, Ning Wang, Yanzhang Wang:
Research on Organizational Collaboration Oriented OB4LAC in E-government. 25-28 - Teresa Susana Mendes Pereira
, Henrique M. Dinis Santos
A Security Framework for Audit and Manage Information System Security. 29-32 - Jiangnan Qiu, Hao Zhang, Rui Zhang, Qiuyan Zhong, Ning Wang:
Construction of Emergency Plan Network Model Supporting for Multi-plan-based Application. 33-36 - Ning Wang, Ke Chao, He Bai, Qiuyan Zhong, Yanzhang Wang:
Research on the Problem and Solution in Chinese E-government Development. 37-40 - Yanzhang Wang, Guirong Xiao, Shengju Han:
Chaotic Analysis on E-government System Development. 41-44 - Xin Ye, Junfeng Ma, Yanzhang Wang, Chao Zuo, Xinhua Bing:
The Inter-organizational Business Collaboration Oriented Role Model for E-government. 45-48 - Peng Zhang, Junde Xiao, Yanzhang Wang, Keyi Wang:
Research on Post Node Model in E-government. 49-52 - Qiuyan Zhong, Xiaonan Zhang, Su Guo, Xin Ye, Jiangnan Qiu:
The Method of Case Retrieving in the Emergency Field Based on CBR. 53-56
International Workshop on Computational Social Networks (IWCSN 2010)
- Gamila Obadi, Pavla Drázdilová, Lukas Hlavacek, Jan Martinovic
, Václav Snásel:
A Tolerance Rough Set Based Overlapping Clustering for the DBLP Data. 57-60 - Takashi Ishikawa:
The Effect of Transitive Linking on Information Diffusion in Dynamic Acquaintance Networks. 61-66 - Michal Laclavik
, Stefan Dlugolinsky
, Marcel Kvassay
, Ladislav Hluchý
Use of E-mail Social Networks for Enterprise Benefit. 67-70 - Walid K. Sharabati, Edward J. Wegman, Yasmin H. Said:
Predicting Edges and Vertices in a Network. 71-74 - Katerina Slaninová
, Radim Dolak
, Martin Miskus, Jan Martinovic
, Václav Snásel:
User Segmentation Based on Finding Communities with Similar Behavior on the Web Site. 75-78 - Naoki Yoshinaga, Satoko Itaya, Rie Tanaka, Taku Konishi, Shinichi Doi, Keiji Yamada, Peter Davis:
Content Propagation Analysis of E-mail Communications. 79-82 - Zhongfeng Zhang, Qiudan Li, Daniel Zeng:
Evolutionary Community Discovery from Dynamic Multi-relational CQA Networks. 83-86
International Workshop on Intelligent Web Interaction (IWI 2010)
- Minghuang Chen, Seiji Yamada, Yasufumi Takama:
Analysis of User Feedback Cost for Document Similarity Judgment. 87-90 - Matt Mullins, Perry Fizzano:
Treelicious: A System for Semantically Navigating Tagged Web Pages. 91-96 - Kazunori Fujimoto:
An Investigation of Potency of eWOM Messages with a Focus on Subjective Rank Expressions. 97-101 - Sabah Mohammed
, Daniel Servos
, Jinan Fiaidhi:
HCX: A Distributed OSGi Based Web Interaction System for Sharing Health Records in the Cloud. 102-107 - Masayuki Okabe, Seiji Yamada:
An Interactive Tool for Constrained Clustering with Human Sampling. 108-111 - Takashi Onoda, Miho Sakai, Seiji Yamada:
Careful Seeding Based on Independent Component Analysis for k-Means Clustering. 112-115 - Makoto Orino, Yasuhiko Kitamura:
An Approach to Create Persuasive Web Sites. 116-119 - Swit Phuvipadawat, Tsuyoshi Murata:
Breaking News Detection and Tracking in Twitter. 120-123 - Michele Ruta
, Floriano Scioscia
, Eugenio Di Sciascio
, Giacomo Piscitelli:
Location-Based Semantic Matchmaking in Ubiquitous Computing. 124-127 - Claudio Lucchese
, Salvatore Orlando
, Raffaele Perego
, Fabrizio Silvestri
, Gabriele Tolomei
Detecting Task-Based Query Sessions Using Collaborative Knowledge. 128-131 - Li Xue, Ming Chen, Yun Xiong, Yangyong Zhu:
User Navigation Behavior Mining Using Multiple Data Domain Description. 132-135
The 10th International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems (MCS)
- Bin Luo, Xijin Tang:
Visualized Clustering of Ideas for Group Argumentation. 136-141 - Cui-Ping Wei, Xijin Tang:
Possibility Degree Method for Ranking Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers. 142-145 - Liang Xiao, Yanli Pei:
Collaborative Distribution Knowledge Service System Based on Task Context Aware. 146-151 - Hang Yin, Yongming Gao, Hui Yan, Jiejuan Wang:
Simulation Data and Process Management System in the Development of Virtual Prototype. 152-155 - Di Zhao, Hongfu Liu, Hongyi Li:
A Method Based on Grey Correlation Clustering for Improving the Hierarchy of Analytic Hierarchy Process. 156-159 - Gengsheng Zhao, Ning Zhang, Zhaoxing Liu, Jiming Li:
A Case Investigation on the Scaling Behaviors in Web Browsing. 160-163 - Xiaoji Zhou, Jingyuan Yu:
Problem Solving Framework and Case Study in Meta-synthesis Workshop. 164-167
Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Ontology Engineering (NLPOE 2010)
- Zhen Zhen, Junyi Shen, Jinwei Zhao, Jianjun Qian:
LiSTOMS: A Light-Weighted Self-Tuning Ontology Mapping System. 168-173 - Ru Li, Lijun Zhong, Shuanghong Li, Zezheng Zhang:
Automatic Identification of Chinese Multiword Chunk Based on CRF. 174-177 - Shi-Li Ge, Rou Song:
Automated Error Detection of Vocabulary Usage in College English Writing. 178-181 - Ke Wang:
Automatic Semantic Role Labeling for Chinese. 182-185 - Zhimin Wang, Shiwen Yu, Zhifang Sui:
The Chinese Noun Metaphors Knowledge Base and its Use in the Recognition of Metaphors. 186-189 - Zhifang Sui, Yao Liu, Jun Zhao, Hong Zhang:
The Development of an NLP-Based Chinese Ontology Construction Platform. 190-194 - Pengyuan Liu, Shui Liu, Shiqi Li, Shiwen Yu:
One Sense per N-gram. 195-198
Workshop on Optimization-Based Data Mining and Web Intelligence (ODMWI 2010)
- Jing Yu, Bin Xu, Yong Shi:
The Domain Knowledge Driven Intelligent Data Auditing Model. 199-202 - Xingsen Li
, Aiguo Zhang, Jianling Duan, Zhengxiang Zhu:
Web Intelligence Meets Extenics: New Frontiers of Innovation for Small and Middle Business. 203-206 - Lingfeng Niu, Yong Shi:
Using Projection Gradient Method to Train Linear Support Vector Machines. 207-210 - R. Bhargavi
, Vijay Vaidehi, P. T. V. Bhuvaneswari, P. Balamurali, M. Girish Chandra:
Complex Event Processing for Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. 211-214 - Guoxun Wang, Liang Liu, Yi Peng, Guangli Nie, Gang Kou, Yong Shi:
Predicting Credit Card Holder Churn in Banks of China Using Data Mining and MCDM. 215-218 - Xiao Wang, Yuehua Zhang, Lingling Zhang, Yong Shi:
A Knowledge Discovery Case Study of Software Quality Prediction: ISBSG Database. 219-222 - Youshen Xia, Yu Ying:
A Cooperative Learning Algorithm for Multiclass Classification. 223-226 - Jinghua Yan, Xiao-chun Yun, Peng Zhang, Jianlong Tan, Li Guo:
A New Weighted Ensemble Model for Detecting DoS Attack Streams. 227-230 - Hao Lan Zhang
, Clement H. C. Leung, Xinghuo Yu
, Jing He
An Optimised Design for Agent Capability Reuse. 231-234
The 1st International Workshop on Opinion Mining for Business Intelligence (OMBI 2010)
- Giambattista Amati, Giuseppe Amodeo, Valerio Capozio, Giorgio Gambosi, Carlo Gaibisso:
Assessing the Quality of Opinion Retrieval Systems. 235-238 - Lipika Dey, S. K. Mirajul Haque, Nidhi Raj:
Mining Customer Feedbacks for Actionable Intelligence. 239-242 - Ting-Chun Peng, Chia Chun Shih:
An Unsupervised Snippet-Based Sentiment Classification Method for Chinese Unknown Phrases without Using Reference Word Pairs. 243-248 - Ning Yu, Sandra Kübler
Semi-supervised Learning for Opinion Detection. 249-252
International Workshop on Web-Scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3 2010)
- Mamdouh Farouk, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Semantic Structure Content for Dynamic Web Pages. 253-256 - Surjeet Mishra, Amarendra Gorai, Tavleen Oberoi, Hiranmay Ghosh:
Efficient Visualization of Content and Contextual Information of an Online Multimedia Digital Library for Effective Browsing. 257-260 - Manuel Salvadores, Gianluca Correndo, Tope Omitola, Nick Gibbins, Steve Harris, Nigel Shadbolt:
4s-reasoner: RDFS Backward Chained Reasoning Support in 4store. 261-264
International Workshop on Web Personalization and Recommender Systems (WebPRES 2010)
- Nawaf Alkharboush
, Yuefeng Li:
A Decision Rule Method for Assessing the Completeness and Consistency of a Data Warehouse. 265-268 - Noriaki Chikara, Miyuki Koshimura, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryuzo Hasegawa:
Rule Extraction from Blog Using Inductive Logic Programming. 269-272 - Calin Ciordas, Jeroen Doumen:
An Evaluation Framework for Content Recommender Systems The Industry Perspective. 273-277 - Vladimir Gorodetsky, Vladimir Samoilov, Sergey Serebryakov
Ontology - Based Context - Dependent Personalization Technology. 278-283 - Zhaoxing Liu, Ning Zhang, Jiming Li:
One Improved Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Information Transformation. 284-287 - Petr Saloun, Zdenek Velart:
Evaluation of Concept Space Rating Algorithm and Navigation Scheme. 288-291 - Hao Zang, Yue Xu
, Yuefeng Li:
Non-Redundant Sequential Association Rule Mining and Application in Recommender Systems. 292-295
The 3rd International Workshop on Web Information Retrieval Support Systems (WIRSS 2010)
- Daniel Abril, Guillermo Navarro-Arribas
, Vicenç Torra
Towards Privacy Preserving Information Retrieval through Semantic Microaggregation. 296-299 - Arijit De, Elizabeth D. Diaz, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Search Engine Result Aggregation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process. 300-303 - Fatih Mehmet Gulec, Tahir Bicakci, Ebru Akcapinar Sezer
, Hayri Sever, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Pruning and Grouping Methods Used in Literature-Based Discovery Tools. 304-308 - Orland Hoeber
, Hanze Liu:
Comparing Tag Clouds, Term Histograms, and Term Lists for Enhancing Personalized Web Search. 309-313 - Tomas Kuzar, Pavol Návrat
Preprocessing of Slovak Blog Articles for Clustering. 314-317 - Luepol Pipanmaekaporn, Yuefeng Li, Shlomo Geva
Deploying Top-k Specific Patterns for Relevance Feature Discovery. 318-321 - Frans van der Sluis, Egon L. van den Broek, Betsy van Dijk:
Information Retrieval eXperience (IRX): Towards a Human-Centered Personalized Model of Relevance. 322-325 - Michal Tvarozek, Mária Bieliková:
Bridging Semantic and Legacy Web Exploration: Orientation, Revisitation and Result Exploration Support. 326-329 - Branislav Vaclav, Alan Eckhardt, Peter Vojtás
Pref Shop A Web Shop with User Preference Search Capabilities. 330-333
The 2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Agents - REsearch and Development (CARE 2010)
- Ke Cheng, Prithviraj Dasgupta
Multi-agent Coalition Formation for Distributed Area Coverage: Analysis and Evaluation. 334-337 - Christian Gerstner, Robert Siegfried, Nane Kratzke
Collaboration in Network-Centric Warfare Modeling Joint Fire Support Teams. 338-341 - Christian Guttmann, Leelani Kumari Wickramasinghe, Ian E. Thomas, Michael P. Georgeff, Heinz W. Schmidt:
Intelligent Adherence Support to Manage Contractual Relationships. 342-345 - Soheil Keshmiri, Shahram Payandeh:
Isogonic Formation with Connectivity Preservation for a Team of Holonomic Robots in a Cluttered Environment. 346-349 - Sidhant Rajam, Ruth Cortez, Alexander Vazhenin, Subhash Bhalla
E-Learning Computational Cloud (eLC2): Web Services Platform to Enhance Task Collaboration. 350-355 - Ji Ruan, Wendy MacCaull, Heather Jewers:
Enhancing Patient-Centered Palliative Care with Collaborative Agents. 356-360
The 4th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human-Oriented Knowledge, and Applications (HAI 2010)
- Marc Böhlen
, Joe Atkinson:
Ambient Intelligence at the Beach. 361-364 - Tibor Bosse, Ghazanfar F. Siddiqui, Jan Treur:
Supporting Financial Decision Making by an Intelligent Agent Estimating Greed and Risk. 365-370 - Fahim Kawsar, Gerd Kortuem
, Bashar Altakrouri:
Designing Pervasive Interactions for Ambient Guidance with Situated Flows. 371-375 - Rianne van Lambalgen
, Peter-Paul van Maanen:
Personalisation of Computational Models of Attention by Simulated Annealing Parameter Tuning. 376-381 - Stuart Moran
, Keiichi Nakata
The Role of User Perceptions in Designing Ubiquitous Monitoring Systems. 382-385 - Fariba Sadri:
Intention Recognition with Event Calculus Graphs. 386-391
Workshop on Service Intelligence and Engineering (SIE 2010)
- Antônio Márcio Ferreira Crespo, Li Weigang
Agent Evaluation Function Considering Airspace Dynamic Density. 392-396 - Guowei Dong, Shizhong Wu, Guisi Wang, Tao Guo, Yonggang Huang:
Security Assurance with Metamorphic Testing and Genetic Algorithm. 397-401 - Myung Jin Hwang, Dae-Gun Kim, Hee Yong Youn:
Enhancing the Performance of Metadata Service for Cloud Computing. 402-405 - Weihong Liu, Hongbing Wang:
An Approach to Estimate Schema Quality of Web Service Composition. 406-409 - Shizhong Wu, Yongle Hao, Xinyu Gao, Baojiang Cui, Ce Bian:
Homology Detection Based on Abstract Syntax Tree Combined Simple Semantics Analysis. 410-414
The 3rd Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent Systems (WLIAMAS 2010)
- Ji Ma, Luigi Logrippo, Kamel Adi, Serge Mankovski:
Risk Analysis in Access Control Systems Based on Trust Theories. 415-418 - Emmanuel Sardis, Vasilios Anagnostopoulos, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
Multi-agent Based Surveillance of Workflows. 419-422 - Xinxin Sheng, David J. Thuente:
Predictive Sub-goal Analysis in a General Game Playing Agent. 423-427
The 3rd WI-IAT Doctoral Workshop (WI-IAT DW 2010)
- Alexa Breuing:
Improving Human-Agent Conversations by Accessing Contextual Knowledge from Wikipedia. 428-431 - Andrzej Janusz
Utilization of Dynamic Reducts to Improve Performance of the Rule-Based Similarity Model for Highly-Dimensional Data. 432-435 - Timothy Maciag, Daryl H. Hepting
Constructing Collaborative Online Communities for Visualizing Spimes. 436-439 - Gloria Virginia
, Hung Son Nguyen
Automatic Ontology Constructor for Indonesian Language. 440-443 - Matthias Wauer:
Determining Relevant Product Information Sources. 444-447

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