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ICCSA 2008: Perugia, Italy
- Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Antonio Laganà, David Taniar, Youngsong Mun, Marina L. Gavrilova:
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008, International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5072, Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-69838-8
Workshop on Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics (GEO-AN-MOD 2008)
- Andrea Taramelli
, Laura Melelli
Detecting Alluvial Fans Using Quantitative Roughness Characterization and Fuzzy Logic Analysis. 1-15 - Gotthard Meinel
High Resolution Analysis of Settlement Structure on Base of Topographic Raster Maps - Method and Implementation. 16-25 - Valerio Cutini:
Working on the Edge of Town: The Periphery as a Spatial Pattern. 26-41 - Markus Wolff, Hartmut Asche:
Geospatial Modelling of Urban Security: A Novel Approach with Virtual 3D City Models. 42-51 - Devis Tuia
, Christian Kaiser, Antonio Da Cunha, Mikhail F. Kanevski
Socio-economic Data Analysis with Scan Statistics and Self-organizing Maps. 52-64 - Giorgio Beccali
, Maurizio Cellura
, Simona Culotta, Valerio Lo Brano
, Antonino Marvuglia
A Web-Based Autonomous Weather Monitoring System of the Town of Palermo and Its Utilization for Temperature Nowcasting. 65-80 - Norma Serra-Sogas
, Patrick O'Hara, Rosaline Canessa, Stefania Bertazzon
, Marina L. Gavrilova:
Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Illegal Oil Discharges Detected off Canada's Pacific Coast. 81-95 - Luca D'Acci
Growths, Urban Transformations, Real Estate Positional Value: Econometric Cellular Automata for the Simulation of the Positional Value: An Application for Turin. 96-110 - Massimiliano Petri
, Silvana Lombardo:
Renewable Energy Sources: The Case of Wind Farms Analysis. 111-125 - Manuel Abellanas, Belén Palop
Urban Data Visualization with Voronoi Diagrams. 126-136 - Paola Perchinunno
, Francesco Rotondo
, Carmelo Maria Torre
A Multivariate Fuzzy Analysis for the Regeneration of Urban Poverty Areas. 137-152 - Farid Karimipour
, Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Andrew U. Frank
A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations to Higher Dimensions. 153-164 - Marta García Vivanco
, Mauricio Correa, Oier Azula, Inmaculada Palomino, Fernando Martín:
Influence of Model Resolution on Ozone Predictions over Madrid Area (Spain). 165-178 - Vítor Silva, Corinne Plazanet, Cláudio Carneiro, François Golay:
3D LIDAR Data Application for Urban Morphogenesis Multi-agent Vector Based Geosimulation. 179-193 - Alex Hagen-Zanker
, Pim Martens
Map Comparison Methods for Comprehensive Assessment of Geosimulation Models. 194-209 - Christine Voiron-Canicio:
A Spatio-morphological Modelling for Spread Predicting. 210-220 - Elke Moons, Tom Brijs
, Geert Wets:
Hot Spot Analysis: Improving a Local Indicator of Spatial Association for Application in Traffic Safety. 221-231 - Francesco Campobasso
, Annarita Fanizzi
, Paola Perchinunno
Homogenous Urban Poverty Clusterswithin the City of Bari. 232-244 - Henning Sten Hansen:
The Impact of Climate Change on Future Land-Use in a Coastal Zone Planning Context. 245-257 - Yong Ge, Hexiang Bai, Sanping Li:
Geo-spatial Data Analysis, Quality Assessment and Visualization. 258-267 - Maria Ioannilli, Alessandro Paregiani:
Automated Unsupervised Geomorphometric Classification of Earth Surface for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment. 268-283 - Maria Ioannilli, Enrico Rocchi:
Urban Roughness Parameters Calculation in the City of Rome by Applying Analytical and Simplified Formulations: Comparison of Results. 284-299 - Alberta Bianchin, Laura Bravin:
Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis. 300-315 - Sandro Bimonte, Anne Tchounikine, Michela Bertolotto
Integration of Geographic Information into Multidimensional Models. 316-329 - Massimiliano Petri
, Alessandra Lapucci, Diana Poletti:
The Behavioural Rules in Multi Agent Systems: A "Not a Toy" Approach. 330-345 - Marco Rotonda, Massimiliano Petri
New Cycle-Lane Project: A Participative Approach. 346-360 - Stefania Bertazzon
, Scott Olson:
Alternative Distance Metrics for Enhanced Reliability of Spatial Regression Analysis of Health Data. 361-374 - Ivan Blecic
, Arnaldo Cecchini
, Giuseppe A. Trunfio
A Software Infrastructure for Multi-agent Geosimulation Applications. 375-388 - Pablo Vanegas
, Dirk Cattrysse
, Jos Van Orshoven
Comparing Exact and Heuristic Methods for Site Location Based on Multiple Attributes: An Afforestation Application. 389-404 - Luciano Telesca
, Rosa Coluzzi
, Rosa Lasaponara
Temporal Variation of Urban Pattern Morphology in Southern Italy Explored by Using Landsat Data. 405-414 - Maria Danese
, Maurizio Lazzari
, Beniamino Murgante
Kernel Density Estimation Methods for a Geostatistical Approach in Seismic Risk Analysis: The Case Study of Potenza Hilltop Town (Southern Italy). 415-429 - Maria Danese
, Giuseppe B. Las Casas, Beniamino Murgante
3D Simulations in Environmental Impact Assessment. 430-443 - S. J. Melles, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Chris J. W. Twenhöfel, Ulrich Stöhlker:
Sampling Optimization Trade-Offs for Long-Term Monitoring of Gamma Dose Rates. 444-458 - Giuseppe Borruso
Geographical Analysis of Foreign Immigration and Spatial Patterns in Urban Areas: Density Estimation and Spatial Segregation. 459-474 - Dmitry Kurtener, H. Allen Torbert, Elena Krueger:
Evaluation of Agricultural Land Suitability: Application of Fuzzy Indicators. 475-490 - Michael Arkhipov, Elena Krueger, Dmitry Kurtener:
Evaluation of Ecological Conditions Using Bioindicators: Application of Fuzzy Modeling. 491-500
Workshop on Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL 2007)
- Tai-Jong Kim, Min-Cheol Kim
Context Awareness Using Semantic Web Technology in the Ubiquitous Learning Service. 501-515 - Mohamed Hamada
Web-Based Environment for Active Computing Learners. 516-529 - Onur Dönmez
, Mustafa Murat Inceoglu
A Web Based Tool for Novice Programmers: Interaction in Use. 530-540 - Beril Ceylan
, Mustafa Murat Inceoglu
Materializing Learning Objects with SCORM Specifications. 541-554
Workshop on Computer Aided Information (CAI) Technology (CAIT 2008)
- Samira Kooshkestani, Mohammad Pooyan, Hamed Sadjedi:
A New Method for Iris Recognition Systems Based on Fast Pupil Localization. 555-564 - Suhong Ahn, Sangwon Lee, Yang Na
Elasticity Effect on the Ink Transfer Process in Gravure Printing. 565-575 - Dong-Jun Bang, Tae-Gun Jeong:
Perturbation Analysis of the Combination Resonances of a Thin Cantilever Beam under Vertical Excitations. 576-586 - Seoung Soo Lee, Chang-Wan Kim
, Kyung Tae Kim, Nam Ki Lee, Keun-Sang Park:
A Study on the Design Supporting System for Cylinder Using Pro/PROGRAM. 587-600 - Keun-Sang Park, Sin Hee Ann, Chang-Han Kim, Milda Park, Seoung Soo Lee:
The Effects of Hangul Font and Character Size on the Readability in PDA. 601-614
Workshop on Computational GeoInformatics (COMPGEO 2008)
- Yutaka Yanagisawa:
Predictive Indexing for Position Data of Moving Objects in the Real World. 615-630 - Seda Unal Calargun, Adnan Yazici
Fuzzy Association Rule Mining from Spatio-temporal Data. 631-646 - Niels Charlier, Guy De Tré, Sidharta Gautama
, Rik Bellens:
A Twofold Fuzzy Region Model for Imprecise Quality Control of Geographic Information. 647-662 - Astrid Jurisch, David M. Mountain:
Evaluating the Viability of Pictometry Imagery for Creating Models of the Built Environment. 663-677 - Mikhail F. Kanevski
, Vadim Timonin, Alexei Pozdnoukhov:
Automatic Decision-Oriented Mapping of Pollution Data. 678-691 - Tomislav Hengl
, E. Emiel van Loon
, Henk Sierdsema, Willem Bouten:
Advancing Spatio-temporal Analysis of Ecological Data: Examples in R. 692-707 - Rüdiger Göbel, Alexander Zipf
How to Define 3D Geoprocessing Operations for the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS)? Towards a Classification of 3D Operations. 708-723 - Ivan Lizarazo
, Paul Elsner
Fuzzy Regions for Handling Uncertainty in Remote Sensing Image Segmentation. 724-739 - Arie Croitoru:
Deriving and Mining Spatiotemporal Event Schemas in In-Situ Sensor Data. 740-755 - Pravesh Debba
, Alfred Stein, Freek D. van der Meer
, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
, Arko Lucieer
Field Sampling from a Segmented Image. 756-768
Workshop on Embedded Systems for Ubiquitous Computing (ESUC 2008)
- Junghoon Lee, Gyung-Leen Park, Min-Jae Kang:
A Message Scheduling Scheme in Hybrid Telematics Networks. 769-779 - Yongyun Cho
, Jaeyoung Choi:
An Embedded Software Testing Tool Supporting Multi-paradigm Views. 780-789 - H. H. Park, Jiman Hong, S. M. Yang:
Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Tool for Embedded Operating Systems. 790-799 - Sangho Yi, Hong Min, Yookun Cho, Jiman Hong:
SensorMaker: A Wireless Sensor Network Simulator for Scalable and Fine-Grained Instrumentation. 800-810 - Boncheol Gu, Junyoung Heo
, Yookun Cho, Younghwan Kim:
Linked Stack Buffer Management for Shared-Stacks. 811-819 - Hong Min, Junyoung Heo
, Yookun Cho, Kahyun Lee, Jaegi Son, Byunghun Song:
A Module Management Scheme for Dynamic Reconfiguration. 820-828
Workshop on High-Performance Computing and Information Visualization (HPCIV 2008)
- Rohayu Yusof, Shuzlina Abdul Rahman
, Marina Yusoff, Sofianita Mutalib
, Azlinah Mohamed
Online Slant Identification Algorithm Using Vector Rules. 829-840 - Yong-Hyuk Kim:
An Enzyme-Inspired Approach to Surmount Barriers in Graph Bisection. 841-851 - Mohammad Zubair, Ravi Mukkamala:
High Performance Implementation of Binomial Option Pricing. 852-866 - Philippe Cerfontaine, Thomas Beer, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Christian H. Bischof:
Towards a Flexible and Distributed Simulation Platform. 867-882 - Jinbock Lee, Sangkeon Lee, Jaeyoung Choi:
A Workflow System Based on Meta Services in Grid Environments. 883-895
Workshop on Mobile Communications (MC 2008)
- Sueng Jae Bae, Hyung Joo Ki, Min Young Chung:
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e EDCA with DCF Improvement Algorithms. 896-905 - SungDae Jung, Xu Shenglei, SangSun Lee:
RV-CSMA/CA: Relative Velocity-CSMA/CA Mechanism for Inter-vehicle Network. 906-916 - Bum-Gon Choi, Woo Jin Jung, Min Young Chung, Byung Jun Ahn:
Hybrid Medium Access Control Scheme to Enhance the Performance of IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks. 917-927 - Jaewan Seo, Moonseong Kim, Sang-Hun Cho, Hyunseung Choo:
An Energy and Distance Aware Data Dissemination Protocol Based on SPIN in Wireless Sensor Networks. 928-937 - Kyunghye Lee, Miyoung Kim, Gye-Young Kim, Youngsong Mun:
Supporting Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6 in IEEE 802.16e Based Network. 938-947 - Faraz Idris Khan, Eui-nam Huh:
Buffer Tuning Mechanism for Stripped Transport Layer Connections Using PID Controller on Multi-homed Mobile Host. 948-959 - Jaehyung Lee, Soobeen Ahn, Hyunseung Choo:
BCR: Balanced Congestion Control after Spurious RTO. 960-971 - Md. Shariful Islam, Young Yig Yoon, Md. Abdul Hamid
, Choong Seon Hong
A Secure Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol for 802.11s Mesh Network. 972-985
Workshop on Molecular Simulations Structures and Processes (MOSSAP 2008)
- Irene Luque Ruiz
, Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto
A Tool for the Calculation of Molecular Descriptors in the Development of QSAR Models. 986-996 - Javier Díaz, Sebastián Reyes
, Camelia Muñoz-Caro
, Alfonso Niño
MSSML: A Molecular Spectroscopic Simulations Markup Language for Rovibrational Studies. 997-1010 - María Eugenia Castro, Alfonso Niño
, Camelia Muñoz-Caro
Accurate Numerical Computation of Rovibrational G Matrices in Molecules of Arbitrary Size. 1011-1025 - Margarita Albertí, Antonio Aguilar, Massimiliano Bartolomei
, David Cappelletti, Antonio Laganà, Josep M. Lucas, Fernando Pirani:
Small Water Clusters: The Cases of Rare Gas-Water, Alkali Ion-Water and Water Dimer. 1026-1035 - Siegfried Benkner, Christian Schröder, Mária Lucká, Othmar Steinhauser:
Grid Services for Parallel Molecular Dynamics with NAMD and CHARMM. 1036-1051 - Alessandro Costantini
, Antonio Laganà:
Investigation of Propane and Methane Bulk Properties Structure Using Two Different Force Fields. 1052-1064 - Amaia Saracibar, Carlos Sánchez, Ernesto Garcia
, Antonio Laganà, Dimitris Skouteris:
Grid Computing in Time-Dependent Quantum Reactive Dynamics. 1065-1080 - Sergio Rampino
, Dimitris Skouteris, Antonio Laganà, Ernesto Garcia
A Comparison of the Isotope Effect for the N + N2 Reaction Calculated on Two Potential Energy Surfaces. 1081-1093 - Anthony Scemama
, Antonio Monari
, Celestino Angeli
, Stefano Borini, Stefano Evangelisti, Elda Rossi
Common Format for Quantum Chemistry Interoperability: Q5Cost Format and Library. 1094-1107 - Dimitris Skouteris, Alessandro Costantini
, Antonio Laganà, Gergely Sipos, Ákos Balaskó, Péter Kacsuk:
Implementation of the ABC Quantum Mechanical Reactive Scattering Program on the EGEE Grid Platform. 1108-1120 - Hoang Duc Minh, Hans Georg Bock, Steffen Tischer, Olaf Deutschmann:
Fast Solution for Large-Scale 2-D Convection-Diffusion, Reacting Flows. 1121-1130 - Savino Longo, Paola Diomede
, Annarita Laricchiuta
, Gianpiero Colonna
, Mario Capitelli, Daniela Ascenzi
, Mario Scotoni, Paolo Tosi
, Fernando Pirani:
From Microscopic to Macroscopic Modeling of Supersonic Seeded Atomic Beam. 1131-1140 - Anna Amat, Antonio Sgamellotti, Simona Fantacci
Theoretical Study of the Structural and Electronic Properties of Luteolin and Apigenin Dyes. 1141-1155
Workshop on PULSES - Logical, Technical and Computational Aspects of Transformations and Suddenly Emerging Phenomena (PULSES 2008)
- Masoud Mirmomeni, Caro Lucas, Babak Nadjar Araabi
Using Neurofuzzy Models and Spectral Analysis for Prediction of the Exotic Phenomena with Catastrophic Jumps. 1156-1170 - Carlo Cattani
, Aleksey Kudreyko
Mutiscale Analysis of the Fisher Equation. 1171-1180 - Carlo Cattani
, Ekaterina Nosova:
Transversal Waves in Nonlinear Signorini Model. 1181-1190 - Carlo Cattani
, Massimo Scalia:
Wavelet Analysis of Pulses in the Fitzhugh Model. 1191-1201 - Carlo Cattani
Wavelet Extraction of a Pulse from a Periodic Signal. 1202-1211 - Matilde P. Legua, Isabel Morales, Luis Manuel Sánchez Ruiz
The Heaviside Step Function and MATLAB. 1212-1221 - Marina Yusoff, Junaidah Ariffin, Azlinah Mohamed
Vehicle Priority Selection Algorithm for Evacuation Planning. 1222-1234
General Track
- Arash Shamaei, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad:
An Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Meshes. 1235-1248 - Joonsang Baek
, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Willy Susilo
Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited. 1249-1259

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