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8th ICDM 2008: Pisa, Italy
- Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008), December 15-19, 2008, Pisa, Italy. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3502-9
Regular Papers
- Loulwah AlSumait, Daniel Barbará, Carlotta Domeniconi:
On-line LDA: Adaptive Topic Models for Mining Text Streams with Applications to Topic Detection and Tracking. 3-12 - Shin Ando
, Einoshin Suzuki:
Unsupervised Cross-Domain Learning by Interaction Information Co-clustering. 13-22 - Stephen H. Bach, Marcus A. Maloof:
Paired Learners for Concept Drift. 23-32 - Mirko Böttcher, Martin Spott
, Rudolf Kruse:
Predicting Future Decision Trees from Evolving Data. 33-42 - Mario Boley
, Henrik Grosskreutz:
A Randomized Approach for Approximating the Number of Frequent Sets. 43-52 - Alexis Bondu, Marc Boullé, Vincent Lemaire, Stéphane Loiseau, Béatrice Duval:
A Non-parametric Semi-supervised Discretization Method. 53-62 - Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Xiaoyun Wu, Jiawei Han:
Non-negative Matrix Factorization on Manifold. 63-72 - Toon Calders, Jan Ramon, Dries Van Dyck:
Anti-monotonic Overlap-Graph Support Measures. 73-82 - Lei Chang, Tengjiao Wang, Dongqing Yang, Hua Luan:
SeqStream: Mining Closed Sequential Patterns over Stream Sliding Windows. 83-92 - Vineet Chaoji
, Mohammad Al Hasan, Saeed Salem, Mohammed J. Zaki
SPARCL: Efficient and Effective Shape-Based Clustering. 93-102 - Chen Chen, Xifeng Yan, Feida Zhu
, Jiawei Han, Philip S. Yu:
Graph OLAP: Towards Online Analytical Processing on Graphs. 103-112 - Haifeng Chen, Haibin Cheng, Guofei Jiang, Kenji Yoshihira:
Exploiting Local and Global Invariants for the Management of Large Scale Information Systems. 113-122 - Ling Chen
, Yiqun Hu, Wolfgang Nejdl
DECK: Detecting Events from Web Click-Through Data. 123-132 - Chun Kit Chui, Ben Kao, Kevin Y. Yip
, Sau Dan Lee:
Mining Order-Preserving Submatrices from Data with Repeated Measurements. 133-142 - David A. Cieslak, Nitesh V. Chawla
Start Globally, Optimize Locally, Predict Globally: Improving Performance on Imbalanced Data. 143-152 - Bonaventura Coppola, Alessandro Moschitti
, Daniele Pighin:
Generalized Framework for Syntax-Based Relation Mining. 153-162 - Hongbo Deng, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
Formal Models for Expert Finding on DBLP Bibliography Data. 163-172 - Denny, Graham J. Williams
, Peter Christen:
ReDSOM: Relative Density Visualization of Temporal Changes in Cluster Structures Using Self-Organizing Maps. 173-182 - Chris H. Q. Ding, Tao Li, Michael I. Jordan
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Combinatorial Optimization: Spectral Clustering, Graph Matching, and Clique Finding. 183-192 - Johannes Fischer, Veli Mäkinen, Niko Välimäki:
Space Efficient String Mining under Frequency Constraints. 193-202 - Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Matti Nykänen:
Efficient Discovery of Statistically Significant Association Rules. 203-212 - Andreas Hapfelmeier, Jana Schmidt, Marianne Mueller, Stefan Kramer, Robert Perneczky
, Alexander Kurz, Alexander Drzezga
Interpreting PET Scans by Structured Patient Data: A Data Mining Case Study in Dementia Research. 213-222 - Shohei Hido, Yuta Tsuboi, Hisashi Kashima, Masashi Sugiyama, Takafumi Kanamori:
Inlier-Based Outlier Detection via Direct Density Ratio Estimation. 223-232 - Karen Hovsepian, Peter Anselmo, Subhasish Mazumdar:
Supervised Inductive Learning with Lotka-Volterra Derived Models. 233-242 - Jen-Hao Hsiao, Chu-Song Chen, Ming-Syan Chen
A Novel Language-Model-Based Approach for Image Object Mining and Re-ranking. 243-252 - Yang Hu, Jingdong Wang
, Nenghai Yu, Xian-Sheng Hua:
Maximum Margin Clustering with Pairwise Constraints. 253-262 - Yifan Hu, Yehuda Koren, Chris Volinsky:
Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets. 263-272 - Kaizhu Huang
, Zenglin Xu, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
Semi-supervised Learning from General Unlabeled Data. 273-282 - Christian Hübler, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Karsten M. Borgwardt
, Zoubin Ghahramani:
Metropolis Algorithms for Representative Subgraph Sampling. 283-292 - TaeHyun Hwang, Ze Tian, Rui Kuang, Jean-Pierre A. Kocher:
Learning on Weighted Hypergraphs to Integrate Protein Interactions and Gene Expressions for Cancer Outcome Prediction. 293-302 - Akihiro Inokuchi, Takashi Washio:
A Fast Method to Mine Frequent Subsequences from Graph Sequence Data. 303-312 - Ruoming Jin, Yang Xiang, David Fuhry, Feodor F. Dragan:
Overlapping Matrix Pattern Visualization: A Hypergraph Approach. 313-322 - Khurum Nazir Junejo, Asim Karim:
A Robust Discriminative Term Weighting Based Linear Discriminant Method for Text Classification. 323-332 - Ben Kao, Sau Dan Lee, David W. Cheung, Wai-Shing Ho, K. F. Chan:
Clustering Uncertain Data Using Voronoi Diagrams. 333-342 - Abdellali Kelil
, Shengrui Wang:
SCS: A New Similarity Measure for Categorical Sequences. 343-352 - Jingu Kim, Haesun Park:
Toward Faster Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: A New Algorithm and Comparisons. 353-362 - Tamara G. Kolda
, Jimeng Sun
Scalable Tensor Decompositions for Multi-aspect Data Mining. 363-372 - Mayank Lahiri, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf
Mining Periodic Behavior in Dynamic Social Networks. 373-382 - Duy-Dinh Le, Shin'ichi Satoh:
Unsupervised Face Annotation by Mining the Web. 383-392 - Guichong Li, Nathalie Japkowicz
, Trevor J. Stocki, R. Kurt Ungar:
Border Sampling through Coupling Markov Chain Monte Carlo. 393-402 - Ping Li:
Computationally Efficient Estimators for Dimension Reductions UsingStable Random Projections. 403-412 - Fei Tony Liu, Kai Ming Ting, Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Isolation Forest. 413-422 - Li-Ping Liu, Yang Yu, Yuan Jiang, Zhi-Hua Zhou:
TEFE: A Time-Efficient Approach to Feature Extraction. 423-432 - Wei Liu, Dacheng Tao, Jianzhuang Liu:
Transductive Component Analysis. 433-442 - Yang Liu, Xiangji Huang
, Aijun An
, Xiaohui Yu
Modeling and Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Reviews. 443-452 - Francisco Martínez-Álvarez
, Alicia Troncoso Lora
, José C. Riquelme, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
LBF: A Labeled-Based Forecasting Algorithm and Its Application to Electricity Price Time Series. 453-461 - Dimitrios Mavroeidis, Ella Bingham
Enhancing the Stability of Spectral Ordering with Sparsification and Partial Supervision: Application to Paleontological Data. 462-471 - Christopher Moretti, Karsten Steinhaeuser, Douglas Thain
, Nitesh V. Chawla
Scaling up Classifiers to Cloud Computers. 472-481 - Atsuyoshi Nakamura
, Mineichi Kudo
What Sperner Family Concept Class is Easy to Be Enumerated? 482-491 - Bingbing Ni, Shuicheng Yan, Ashraf A. Kassim
, Loong Fah Cheong:
Learning by Propagability. 492-501 - Rong Pan, Yunhong Zhou, Bin Cao
, Nathan Nan Liu, Rajan M. Lukose, Martin Scholz, Qiang Yang:
One-Class Collaborative Filtering. 502-511 - Spiros Papadimitriou, Jimeng Sun:
DisCo: Distributed Co-clustering with Map-Reduce: A Case Study towards Petabyte-Scale End-to-End Mining. 512-521 - Carsten Riggelsen:
Learning Bayesian Networks: A MAP Criterion for Joint Selection of Model Structure and Parameter. 522-529 - Hanhuai Shan, Arindam Banerjee:
Bayesian Co-clustering. 530-539 - Umang Sharan, Jennifer Neville:
Temporal-Relational Classifiers for Prediction in Evolving Domains. 540-549 - Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin
, Dietmar Jannach, Gerhard Friedrich:
xCrawl: A High-Recall Crawling Method for Web Mining. 550-559 - Mingzhou (Joe) Song
, Lin Zhang:
Comparison of Cluster Representations from Partial Second- to Full Fourth-Order Cross Moments for Data Stream Clustering. 560-569 - Ilija Subasic, Bettina Berendt:
Web Mining for Understanding Stories through Graph Visualisation. 570-579 - Bálint Takács, Yiannis Demiris
Balancing Spectral Clustering for Segmenting Spatio-temporal Observations of Multi-agent Systems. 580-587 - Nikolaj Tatti
, Jilles Vreeken
Finding Good Itemsets by Packing Data. 588-597 - Hanghang Tong
, Huiming Qu, Hani Jamjoom:
Measuring Proximity on Graphs with Side Information. 598-607 - Charalampos E. Tsourakakis
Fast Counting of Triangles in Large Real Networks without Counting: Algorithms and Laws. 608-617 - Akhmed Umyarov, Alexander Tuzhilin:
Improving Collaborative Filtering Recommendations Using External Data. 618-627 - Hongning Wang
, Minlie Huang, Xiaoyan Zhu:
A Generative Probabilistic Model for Multi-label Classification. 628-637 - Liang Wang, Xin Geng, James C. Bezdek, Christopher Leckie
, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
SpecVAT: Enhanced Visual Cluster Analysis. 638-647 - Tianbing Xu, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Philip S. Yu, Bo Long:
Dirichlet Process Based Evolutionary Clustering. 648-657 - Tianbing Xu, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Philip S. Yu, Bo Long:
Evolutionary Clustering by Hierarchical Dirichlet Process with Hidden Markov State. 658-667 - Jun Yan, Ning Liu, Qiang Yang, Weiguo Fan
, Zheng Chen:
TOFA: Trace Oriented Feature Analysis in Text Categorization. 668-677 - Jie Yin, Mohamed Medhat Gaber
Clustering Distributed Time Series in Sensor Networks. 678-687 - Min-Ling Zhang
, Zhi-Hua Zhou:
M3MIML: A Maximum Margin Method for Multi-instance Multi-label Learning. 688-697
Short Papers
- Leman Akoglu, Mary McGlohon, Christos Faloutsos
RTM: Laws and a Recursive Generator for Weighted Time-Evolving Graphs. 701-706 - Pelin Angin
, Jennifer Neville:
A Shrinkage Approach for Modeling Non-stationary Relational Autocorrelation. 707-712 - Rachit Arora, Balaraman Ravindran
Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Singular Value Decomposition Based Multi-document Summarization. 713-718 - Ira Assent
, Ralph Krieger, Emmanuel Müller
, Thomas Seidl
INSCY: Indexing Subspace Clusters with In-Process-Removal of Redundancy. 719-724 - Alex Aussem, Sergio Rodrigues de Morais:
A Conservative Feature Subset Selection Algorithm with Missing Data. 725-730 - Nicola Barile, Ad Feelders:
Nonparametric Monotone Classification with MOCA. 731-736 - Ilaria Bordino, Debora Donato, Aristides Gionis, Stefano Leonardi:
Mining Large Networks with Subgraph Counting. 737-742 - Varun Chandola, Varun Mithal, Vipin Kumar:
Comparative Evaluation of Anomaly Detection Techniques for Sequence Data. 743-748 - Feng Chen, Chang-Tien Lu
, Arnold P. Boedihardjo:
On Locally Linear Classification by Pairwise Coupling. 749-754 - Lifei Chen
, Qingshan Jiang, Shengrui Wang:
A Probability Model for Projective Clustering on High Dimensional Data. 755-760 - Edith Cohen, Haim Kaplan:
Estimating Aggregates over Multiple Sets. 761-766 - Peng Cui, Fei Wang, Lifeng Sun, Shi-Qiang Yang:
A Joint Matrix Factorization Approach to Unsupervised Action Categorization. 767-772 - Ian Davidson, Zijie Qi:
Finding Alternative Clusterings Using Constraints. 773-778 - Paramveer S. Dhillon, Dean P. Foster, Lyle H. Ungar:
Efficient Feature Selection in the Presence of Multiple Feature Classes. 779-784 - Andrew S. Fast, David D. Jensen:
Why Stacked Models Perform Effective Collective Classification. 785-790 - Qiang Fu, Arindam Banerjee:
Multiplicative Mixture Models for Overlapping Clustering. 791-796 - Ryohei Fujimaki:
Anomaly Detection Support Vector Machine and Its Application to Fault Diagnosis. 797-802 - Thomas George, Anshul Gupta, Vivek Sarin:
A Recommendation System for Preconditioned Iterative Solvers. 803-808 - Robby Goetschalckx, Kurt Driessens, Scott Sanner:
Cost-Sensitive Parsimonious Linear Regression. 809-814 - Tianxia Gong, Chew Lim Tan, Tze-Yun Leong
, Cheng Kiang Lee, Boon Chuan Pang, C. C. Tchoyoson Lim
, Qi Tian, Suisheng Tang, Zhuo Zhang:
Text Mining in Radiology Reports. 815-820 - Francesco Gullo
, Giovanni Ponti
, Andrea Tagarelli
, Sergio Greco
A Hierarchical Algorithm for Clustering Uncertain Data via an Information-Theoretic Approach. 821-826 - Robert Gwadera, Fabio Crestani
Discovering Significant Patterns in Multi-stream Sequences. 827-832 - Jingrui He, Yan Liu, Richard D. Lawrence:
Graph-Based Rare Category Detection. 833-838 - Anna-Lan Huang, David N. Milne
, Eibe Frank
, Ian H. Witten
Clustering Documents with Active Learning Using Wikipedia. 839-844 - Kaizhu Huang
, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
Direct Zero-Norm Optimization for Feature Selection. 845-850 - James M. Kang, Shashi Shekhar, Christine Wennen, Paige J. Novak:
Discovering Flow Anomalies: A SWEET Approach. 851-856 - Andreas Karwath
, Kristian Kersting, Niels Landwehr:
Boosting Relational Sequence Alignments. 857-862 - Faisal M. Khan, Valentina Bayer Zubek:
Support Vector Regression for Censored Data (SVRc): A Novel Tool for Survival Analysis. 863-868 - Ludmila I. Kuncheva
, J. Salvador Sánchez
Nearest Neighbour Classifiers for Streaming Data with Delayed Labelling. 869-874 - Carson Kai-Sang Leung
, Pourang Irani, Christopher L. Carmichael:
WiFIsViz: Effective Visualization of Frequent Itemsets. 875-880 - Hua-Fu Li, Hsin-Yun Huang, Yi-Cheng Chen, Yu-Jiun Liu, Suh-Yin Lee:
Fast and Memory Efficient Mining of High Utility Itemsets in Data Streams. 881-886 - Tao Li, Sarabjot S. Anand:
HIREL: An Incremental Clustering Algorithm for Relational Datasets. 887-892 - Xin Li, Bing Liu, Philip S. Yu:
Time Sensitive Ranking with Application to Publication Search. 893-898 - Keng-Pei Lin, Ming-Syan Chen
Releasing the SVM Classifier with Privacy-Preservation. 899-904 - Cindy Xide Lin, Bolin Ding, Jiawei Han, Feida Zhu
, Bo Zhao:
Text Cube: Computing IR Measures for Multidimensional Text Database Analysis. 905-910 - Bo Liu, Longbing Cao
, Philip S. Yu, Chengqi Zhang
Multi-Space-Mapped SVMs for Multi-class Classification. 911-916 - Zheng Liu
, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Yiping Ke
, Xuemin Lin
, Lei Chen
Spotting Significant Changing Subgraphs in Evolving Graphs. 917-922 - Hassan H. Malik, John R. Kender:
Classifying High-Dimensional Text and Web Data Using Very Short Patterns. 923-928 - Mohammad M. Masud
, Jing Gao, Latifur Khan
, Jiawei Han, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
A Practical Approach to Classify Evolving Data Streams: Training with Limited Amount of Labeled Data. 929-934 - Amy McGovern, Nathan C. Hiers, Matthew W. Collier, David John Gagne II
, Rodger A. Brown:
Spatiotemporal Relational Probability Trees: An Introduction. 935-940 - Luiz F. Mendes, Bolin Ding, Jiawei Han:
Stream Sequential Pattern Mining with Precise Error Bounds. 941-946 - Fabian Mörchen:
Organic Pie Charts. 947-952 - Sebastian Nowozin, Koji Tsuda:
Frequent Subgraph Retrieval in Geometric Graph Databases. 953-958 - Adam J. Oliner, Alex Aiken
, Jon Stearley:
Alert Detection in System Logs. 959-964 - Róbert Ormándi:
Variance Minimization Least Squares Support Vector Machines for Time Series Analysis. 965-970 - Feng Pan, Lynda Yang, Leonard McMillan
, Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, David Threadgill
, Wei Wang
Quantitative Association Analysis Using Tree Hierarchies. 971-976 - Sabyasachi Patra
, Kripa Shanker, Debasis Kundu:
Sparse Maximum Margin Logistic Regression for Credit Scoring. 977-982 - Ali Mustafa Qamar
, Éric Gaussier, Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Joo-Hwee Lim:
Similarity Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification. 983-988 - Pratibha Rani, Vikram Pudi
RBNBC: Repeat Based Naive Bayes Classifier for Biological Sequences. 989-994 - Jesse Read, Bernhard Pfahringer, Geoffrey Holmes
Multi-label Classification Using Ensembles of Pruned Sets. 995-1000 - Steffen Rendle, Lars Schmidt-Thieme
Active Learning of Equivalence Relations by Minimizing the Expected Loss Using Constraint Inference. 1001-1006 - Hiroto Saigo
, Koji Tsuda:
Iterative Subgraph Mining for Principal Component Analysis. 1007-1012 - Makoto Sato, Shuichiro Imahara:
Clustering Geospatial Objects via Hidden Markov Random Fields. 1013-1018 - Zhiyong Shen, Jun Sun, Yi-Dong Shen:
Collective Latent Dirichlet Allocation. 1019-1024 - Vikas Sindhwani, Prem Melville:
Document-Word Co-regularization for Semi-supervised Sentiment Analysis. 1025-1030 - Yang Song, Lu Zhang, C. Lee Giles
A Non-parametric Approach to Pair-Wise Dynamic Topic Correlation Detection. 1031-1036 - Suvrit Sra
Block-Iterative Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Approximation. 1037-1042 - Tingkai Sun, Songcan Chen, Jing-Yu Yang, Pengfei Shi:
A Novel Method of Combined Feature Extraction for Recognition. 1043-1048 - Yi Sun, Gary P. Moss, Maria Prapopoulou, Rod Adams, Marc B. Brown
, Neil Davey:
Prediction of Skin Penetration Using Machine Learning Methods. 1049-1054 - Jie Tang, Ruoming Jin, Jing Zhang:
A Topic Modeling Approach and Its Integration into the Random Walk Framework for Academic Search. 1055-1060 - Roberto Trasarti
, Francesco Bonchi, Bart Goethals
Sequence Mining Automata: A New Technique for Mining Frequent Sequences under Regular Expressions. 1061-1066 - Jilles Vreeken
, Arno Siebes:
Filling in the Blanks - Krimp Minimisation for Missing Data. 1067-1072 - Dianhui Wang, Nung Kion Lee
Computational Discovery of Motifs Using Hierarchical Clustering Techniques. 1073-1078 - Guan Wang, Zutao Zhu, Wenliang Du, Zhouxuan Teng:
Inference Analysis in Privacy-Preserving Data Re-publishing. 1079-1084 - Pu Wang, Carlotta Domeniconi, Jian Hu:
Using Wikipedia for Co-clustering Based Cross-Domain Text Classification. 1085-1090 - Richard C. Wang, William W. Cohen:
Iterative Set Expansion of Named Entities Using the Web. 1091-1096 - Guillaume Wisniewski, Patrick Gallinari:
Experimental Evaluation of the Value of Structure: How to Efficiently Exploit Interdependencies in Sequence Labeling. 1097-1102 - Rongjing Xiang, Jennifer Neville:
Pseudolikelihood EM for Within-network Relational Learning. 1103-1108 - Yabo Xu, Benjamin C. M. Fung
, Ke Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Jian Pei
Publishing Sensitive Transactions for Itemset Utility. 1109-1114 - Jun Yan, Shuicheng Yan, Ning Liu, Zheng Chen:
Learning the Latent Semantic Space for Ranking in Text Retrieval. 1115-1120 - Hyunjin Yoon, Cyrus Shahabi
Robust Time-Referenced Segmentation of Moving Object Trajectories. 1121-1126 - Bin Zhao, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang:
Maximum Margin Embedding. 1127-1132 - ErHeng Zhong, Sihong Xie, Wei Fan, Jiangtao Ren
, Jing Peng, Kun Zhang:
Graph-Based Iterative Hybrid Feature Selection. 1133-1138 - Xingquan Zhu
, Peng Zhang, Xindong Wu, Dan He, Chengqi Zhang
, Yong Shi:
Cleansing Noisy Data Streams. 1139-1144

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