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28th ICMC 2002: Gothenburg, Sweden
- Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2002, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 16-21, 2002. Michigan Publishing 2002
- Takafumi Hikichi, Naotoshi Osaka, Fumitada Itakura:
A Physical Model of the Sho and Its Application to Articulation Synthesis. - Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, Naotoshi Osaka:
Synthesis of the laryngeal source of throat singing using a 2x2-mass model. - Gary P. Scavone:
Time-Domain Synthesis of Conical Bore Instrument Sounds. - Vincent Tsui, W. James MacLean:
Harmonic Analysis Using Neural Networks. - Olivier Lartillot:
Musical Analysis by Computer Following Cognitive Model of Induction Analogies. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
Listening to "Naima": An Automated Structural Analysis of Music from Recorded Audio. - Viviane Gal, Cécile Le Prado, J. B. Merland, Stéphane Natkin, Liliana Vega:
Processes and tools used in the sound design for computer games. - Ambrose Field:
The implications of commercial 5.1 and 7.1 surround formats for computer music sound design: an environmental approach to aesthetics and practical techniques. - Julien Bensa, Stefan Bilbao, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Julius O. Smith III:
From the Physics of Piano Strings to Digital Waveguides. - Georg Essl, Perry R. Cook:
Banded Waveguides on Circular Topologies and of Beating Modes: Tibetan Singing Bowls and Glass Harmonicas. - Patricio de la Cuadra, Christophe Vergez, René Caussé:
Use of physical-model synthesis for developing experimental techniques in ethnomusicology - The case of the Ouldémé flute. - Stefania Serafin, Patty Huang, Sølvi Ystad, Chris Chafe, Julius O. Smith III:
Analysis and synthesis of unusual friction-driven musical instruments. - Kenji Suzuki, Yoichiro Taki, Hisaki Konogaya, Pitoyo Hartono, Shuji Hashimoto:
Machine Listening for Autonomous Musical Performance Systems. - Belinda Thom, Christian Spevak, Karin Höthker:
Melodic segmentation: evaluating the performance of algorithms and musical experts. - Kalev Tiits:
On SOM based time-series analysis and motivation of generic methods of musical pattern recognition. - Mara Helmuth:
StochGran on OSX. - Ivica Ico Bukvic:
RTMix: a Real-Time Interactive Electroacoustic Music Performance, Composition and Coaching Interface. - Mark Feldmeier, Joseph A. Paradiso, Mateusz Malinowski:
Large Group Musical Interaction using Disposable Wireless Motion Sensors. - Farhan Mohamed, Sidney S. Fels:
KEYed user interface: Tools for expressive music production. - Gilles Dubost, Atau Tanaka:
A Wireless, Network-based Biosensor Interface for Music. - Georgios N. Marentakis, Kristoffer Jensen:
Sinusoidal Synthesis Optimization. - Pierre Hanna, Myriam Desainte-Catherine:
Detection of Sinusoidal Components in Sounds Using Statistical Analysis of Intensity Fluctuations. - Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli, Gian Antonio Mian, Alessandro Scarpa:
Comparison of different audio restoration methods based on frequency and time domains with applications on electronic music repertoire. - Rodney Berry, Makoto Tadenuma:
Augmented Reality for Music. - Stuart Rimell, David M. Howard, Andy M. Tyrrell, Ross Kirk, Andy Hunt:
Cymatic. Restoring the Physical Manifestation of Digital Sound Using Haptic Interfaces to Control a New Computer Based Musical Instrument. - Lonny L. Chu:
Using Haptics for Digital Audio Navigation. - Axel Röbel:
Estimating partial frequency and frequency slope using reassignment operators. - Richard Dudas:
Spectral Envelope Correction for Real-Time Transposition: Proposal of a "Floating-Formant" Method. - William J. DeMeo
Characterizing Musical Signals with Wigner-Ville Interfaces. - Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
The Planet CCRMA software collection. - Mikael Laurson, Mika Kuuskankare:
PWGL: A Novel Visual Language based on Common Lisp, CLOS and OpenGL. - Andreas Mahling:
MusicTalk: A Tool Driven Approach to Computer Aided Composition. - Torsten Anders:
A wizard's aid: efficient music constraint programming with Oz. - Moreno Andreatta, Carlos Agón, Emmanuel Amiot:
Tiling problems in music composition: Theory and Implementation. - Camilo Rueda, Frank Valencia:
Proving Musical Properties using a temporal Concurrent Constraint Calculus. - Phil Burk, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, Daniel N. Rockmore, Mary Lee Roberts:
Description of an interactive, sound making, online computer music tutorial web book. Available for any browser on a Windows or Apple platform. - George Tzanetakis, Andreye Ermolinskyi, Perry R. Cook:
Beyond the Query-By-Example Paradigm: New Query Interfaces for Music Information Retrieval. - Miller S. Puckette:
Using Pd as a score language. - Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takafumi Hikichi:
The Sound Synthesis System "Otkinshi": Its Data Structure and Graphical User Interface. - David Topper:
GAIA: Graphical Audio Interface Application. - Gary P. Scavone:
RtAudio: A Cross-Platform C++ Class for Realtime Audio Input/Output. - Ian Whalley:
Towards a Closed System Automated Composition Engine: Linking 'Kansei' and Musical Language Recombinicity. - Paul Doornbusch:
A Brief Survey of Mapping in Algorithmic Composition. - François Pachet:
The Continuator: Musical Interaction with Style. - Carr Wilkerson, Stefania Serafin, Carmen Ng:
Physical Model Synthesis and Performance Mappings of Bowl Resonators. - Federico Avanzini, Matthias Rath, Davide Rocchesso:
Physically-based realtime synthesis of contact sounds. - Erica Schattle, Mary Simoni:
Collaboration Software for Music Analysis: A Case Study. - Yuichi Yoshida, Yasunori Yamagishi, Kazuki Kanamori, Naoki Saiwaki, Shogo Nishida:
The Musical Session System with the Visual Interface. - Carola Boehm:
Between Technology and Creativity, Challenges and Opportunity for Music Technology in Higher Education. - Shahrokh Yadegari, F. Richard Moore, Harry D. Castle, Anthony Burr, Ted Apel:
Real-Time Implementation of a General Model for Spatial Processing of Sounds. - Felipe Otondo, Jens Holger Rindel:
New Method for the Directional Representation of Musical Instruments in Auralizations. - Tor Halmrast:
Combfilters and coloration in music. - Tristran Jehan, Tod Machover, Mike Fabio:
Sparkler: An Audio-Driven Interactive Live Computer Performance for Symphony Orchestra. - Bryan Pardo, William P. Birmingham:
Improved Score Following for Acoustic Performances. - Özgür Izmirli, Robert Seward, Noel Zahler:
Compositional Imperatives for Implementing an Audio Alignment Program in MAX/MSP. - Bob L. Sturm:
Water Music: Sonificiation of Ocean Buoy Spectral Data. - Masahiko Kimoto, Hiroyuki Ohno:
Design and Implementation of Stetho: Network Sonificiation System. - Jan-Markus Holm:
Estimation of frequency dependent damping and implementation for physical modeling sound synthesis of violin. - Janne Riionheimo, Vesa Välimäki:
Parameter Estimation of a Plucked String Synthesis Model with Genetic Algorithm. - Hanna Järveläinen:
Perception-based control of vibrato parameters in string instrument synthesis. - Damián Keller, Ariadna Capasso, Scott R. Wilson:
Urban Corridor: Accumulation and Interaction as Form-Bearing Process. - Atau Tanaka, Bert Bongers:
Global String: A Musical Instrument for Hybrid Space. - Claude Cadoz:
The Physical Model as Metaphor for Musical Creation: "pico..TERA", a piece generated by physical model. - Nick Collins:
The BBCut Library. - Shu Matsuda, Chikashi Miyama, Daichi Ando, Takayuki Rai:
DIPS for Linux and Mac OS X. - Axel Nackaerts, Bart De Moor, Rudy Lauwereins:
Measurement of guitar string coupling. - Gary P. Scavone, Matti Karjalainen:
Tonehole Radiation Directivity: A Comparison of Theory to Measurements. - Nicolas Castagné, Claude Cadoz:
GENESIS: A Friendly Musician-Oriented Environment for Mass-Interaction Physical Modeling. - Flavio Tariffi, Stefano Cuomo, Carola Boehm, Nick Bailey, Phil Kerr, Barry Short:
OPENDRAMA: Networking Opera: a report of a project in progress. - John Young:
The Interaction of Sound Identities in Electroacoustic Music. - Gil Weinberg:
The Aesthetics, History and Future Challenges of Interconnected Music Networks. - Rumi Hiraga, Mitsuyo Hashida, Keiji Hirata, Haruhiro Katayose, Kenzi Noike:
RENCON: toward a new evaluation system for performance rendering systems. - Simon Dixon, Werner Goebl, Gerhard Widmer:
The Performance Worm: Real Time Visualisation of Expression based on Langner's Tempo-Loudness Animation. - Anders Friberg, Erwin Schoonderwaldt, Patrik Juslin, Roberto Bresin:
Automatic Real-Time Extraction of Musical Expression. - W. James MacLean:
A Bayesian Technique for Distinguishing Between Melody Notes and Grace Notes in Recorded Performances. - Efstathios Stamatatos:
Quantifying the Differences between Music Performers: Score vs. Norm. - Parham Zolfaghari, Hideki Banno, Hiromitsu Ban, Kei Igarashi, Kazuya Takeda, Fumitada Itakura:
Spectral Modification and MIDI Control for Improved Quality of Violin Sound Synthesis. - Pietro Polotti:
Fractal Additive Synthesis: A Pitch-Synchronous Extension of the Method for the Analysis and Synthesis of Natural Voiced-Sounds. - Kelly Fitz, Lippold Haken, Susanne Lefvert, Mike O'Donnell:
Sound Morphing using Loris and the Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Model: Practice and Applications. - Judith Shatin, Matthew Burtner, David Topper:
The Virginia Center for Computer Music. - Juan Reyes, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
CCRMA Studio Report. - William Brunson, Örjan Sandred, Fredrik Hedelin:
Studio Report - Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm. - Patrick Zanon, Giovanni De Poli, Alessandro Dorigatti:
Time-varying estimation of parameters in rule systems for music performance. - Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli, Antonio Rodà, Giulio Soleni, Patrick Zanon:
Real Time Analysis of Expressive Contents in Piano Performances. - Ali Taylan Cemgil, Bert Kappen:
Integrating Tempo Tracking and Quantization using Particle Filtering. - Antonio Camurri, Riccardo Trocca, Gualtiero Volpe:
Real-time analysis of expressive cues in human movement. - Steven Trautmann:
Differential PCM Representation of Acoustic Instruments and Wavetable Synthesis. - John ffitch, Julian A. Padget:
Learning to Play and Perform on Synthetic Instruments. - Richard Polfreman:
MfOM: a Library for Building and Controlling Physical Model Instruments in Open Music. - Richard Andrews:
Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT): Studio Report. - Kai Lassfolk:
University of Helsinki Music Research Laboratory and Electronic Music Studio - A Studio Report. - Pitoyo Hartono, Kenji Suzuki, Hai Qi, Shuji Hashimoto:
Subjective Preference Oriented Global Sound Database. - Hugues Vinet, Perfecto Herrera, François Pachet:
The CUIDADO Project: New Applications based on Audio and Music Content Description. - Geoffroy Peeters, Xavier Rodet:
Automatically selecting signal descriptors for SoundClassification. - Royce J. Neagle, Kia Ng, Roy A. Ruddle:
Notation and 3D Animation of Dance Movement. - Ning Hu, Roger B. Dannenberg, Ann L. Lewis:
A Probabilistic Model of Melodic Similarity. - Kai Renz:
An Improved Algorithm for Spacing a Line of Music. - Karl MacMillan, Michael Droettboom, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Gamera: Optical music recognition in a new shell. - Dan Overholt:
New Mappings for the MATRIX Interface. - Diana Young:
The Hyperbow: A Precision Violin Interface. - Mark T. Marshall, Breege Moynihan, Matthias Rath:
The Vodhran - Design and Development of a Virtual Instrument. - Günter Geiger:
An Interpreted Language for Real Time Signal Processing. - Vincent Rioux, Manuel Poletti:
An experimental SDIF-sampler in Max/MSP. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
A Language for Interactive Audio Applications. - Rajmil Fischman:
Application of Mathematical Models to the Generation of Organic Musical Structure and Discourse in Composition: Research Summary. - Charles Nichols:
The vBow: A Four Degrees of Freedom Haptic Musical Controller Human-Computer Interface. - Mikael Fernström, Lisa McElligott, Michelle Dillon, Colm McGettrick:
"PuSH-Overture" - Extending the Playability of the Traditional Musical Instrument. - Matthew Burtner:
The Metasaxophone: Design of a New Computer Music Controller. - Kia Ng, Jon Scott:
A Distributed Real-time System for Interactive Music Mapping with Multiple Inputs. - François Thibault, Philippe Depalle:
OLW: An Extension to MSP for the Implementation of Overlap-Windowing Techniques. - Eduardo Reck Miranda:
Voices of Artificial Life: On Making Music with Computer Models of Nature. - Christopher Ariza:
Prokaryotic Groove: Rhythmic Cycles as Real-Value Encoded Genetic Algorithms. - Christopher Burns:
Tracing Compositional Process: Software synthesis code as documentary evidence. - Ralf Nuhn, Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford, Adrian Moore, Guy J. Brown:
A Qualitative Analysis of Composers at Work. - Yann Geslin, Pascal Mullon, Max Jacob:
Ecrins: an audio-content description environment for sound samples. - Brian Whitman, Steve Lawrence:
Inferring Descriptions and Similarity for Music from Community Metadata. - Momilani Ramstrum:
Hegel, Heidegger and Borgmann's Substantive Implications for Music and Technology.

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