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29th ICSE 2007: Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 20-26, 2007. IEEE Computer Society 2007, ISBN 0-7695-2828-7
Research Papers
Program Analysis I
- Matthew B. Dwyer
, Sebastian G. Elbaum, Suzette Person, Rahul Purandare
Parallel Randomized State-Space Search. 3-12 - Fadi A. Zaraket
, Adnan Aziz, Sarfraz Khurshid:
Sequential Circuits for Relational Analysis. 13-22 - Patrice Chalin:
A Sound Assertion Semantics for the Dependable Systems Evolution Verifying Compiler. 23-33
- Sebastián Uchitel
, Greg Brunet, Marsha Chechik:
Behaviour Model Synthesis from Properties and Scenarios. 34-43 - Salvador Trujillo, Don S. Batory, Oscar Díaz
Feature Oriented Model Driven Development: A Case Study for Portlets. 44-53 - Shiva Nejati
, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
, Marsha Chechik, Steve M. Easterbrook
, Pamela Zave:
Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications. 54-64
Testing I
- Guoqing Xu, Atanas Rountev:
Regression Test Selection for AspectJ Software. 65-74 - Carlos Pacheco, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Michael D. Ernst, Thomas Ball:
Feedback-Directed Random Test Generation. 75-84 - Leonardo Mariani
, Sofia Papagiannakis, Mauro Pezzè
Compatibility and Regression Testing of COTS-Component-Based Software. 85-95
Clone Detection and Removal
- Lingxiao Jiang
, Ghassan Misherghi, Zhendong Su
, Stéphane Glondu
DECKARD: Scalable and Accurate Tree-Based Detection of Code Clones. 96-105 - Simone Livieri, Yoshiki Higo, Makoto Matsushita, Katsuro Inoue:
Very-Large Scale Code Clone Analysis and Visualization of Open Source Programs Using Distributed CCFinder: D-CCFinder. 106-115 - Damith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek:
Using Server Pages to Unify Clones in Web Applications: A Trade-Off Analysis. 116-126
Aspect Oriented Software Engineering
- Prasanth Anbalagan, Tao Xie:
Automated Inference of Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Refactoring. 127-136 - Mikhail Chalabine, Christoph W. Kessler:
A Formal Framework for Automated Round-Trip Software Engineering in Static Aspect Weaving and Transformations. 137-146 - Sergei Kojarski, David H. Lorenz:
Identifying Feature Interactions in Multi-Language Aspect-Oriented Frameworks. 147-157
- Ekwa Duala-Ekoko, Martin P. Robillard:
Tracking Code Clones in Evolving Software. 158-167 - T. H. Ng, Shing-Chi Cheung
, W. K. Chan
, Yuen-Tak Yu:
Do Maintainers Utilize Deployed Design Patterns Effectively?. 168-177 - Chris Tucker, David Shuffelton, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner:
OPIUM: Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager. 178-188
Software Architecture
- Scott A. Hendrickson, André van der Hoek:
Modeling Product Line Architectures through Change Sets and Relationships. 189-198 - Luciano Baresi
, Carlo Ghezzi, Luca Mottola
On Accurate Automatic Verification of Publish-Subscribe Architectures. 199-208 - Matthieu Leclercq, Ali Erdem Özcan
, Vivien Quéma, Jean-Bernard Stefani:
Supporting Heterogeneous Architecture Descriptions in an Extensible Toolset. 209-219
Program Analysis II
- Matthew B. Dwyer
, Alex Kinneer, Sebastian G. Elbaum:
Adaptive Online Program Analysis. 220-229 - Chen Fu, Barbara G. Ryder:
Exception-Chain Analysis: Revealing Exception Handling Architecture in Java Server Applications. 230-239 - Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Ananth Grama, Suresh Jagannathan:
Path-Sensitive Inference of Function Precedence Protocols. 240-250
Debugging and Fault Correction
- Robin Abraham
, Martin Erwig:
GoalDebug: A Spreadsheet Debugger for End Users. 251-260 - James A. Clause, Alessandro Orso:
A Technique for Enabling and Supporting Debugging of Field Failures. 261-270 - Haibo Chen, Jie Yu, Rong Chen, Binyu Zang, Pen-Chung Yew
POLUS: A POwerful Live Updating System. 271-281
Design I
- John C. Grundy
, John G. Hosking
Supporting Generic Sketching-Based Input of Diagrams in a Domain-Specific Visual Language Meta-Tool. 282-291 - Alexander Egyed:
Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models. 292-301 - Brian Ellis, Jeffrey Stylos, Brad A. Myers:
The Factory Pattern in API Design: A Usability Evaluation. 302-312
Program Analysis III
- Lorenz Froihofer, Gerhard Glos, Johannes Osrael, Karl M. Göschka:
Overview and Evaluation of Constraint Validation Approaches in Java. 313-322 - Yin Liu, Ana L. Milanova:
Ownership and Immutability Inference for UML-Based Object Access Control. 323-332 - Miryung Kim, David Notkin, Dan Grossman:
Automatic Inference of Structural Changes for Matching across Program Versions. 333-343
Human Aspects in Software Development
- Amy J. Ko, Robert DeLine, Gina Venolia:
Information Needs in Collocated Software Development Teams. 344-353 - Jan Chong, Tom Hurlbutt:
The Social Dynamics of Pair Programming. 354-363 - Chris Jensen, Walt Scacchi:
Role Migration and Advancement Processes in OSSD Projects: A Comparative Case Study. 364-374
Design II
- Filippo Ricca, Massimiliano Di Penta
, Marco Torchiano
, Paolo Tonella
, Mariano Ceccato
The Role of Experience and Ability in Comprehension Tasks Supported by UML Stereotypes. 375-384 - Gary T. Leavens, Peter Müller:
Information Hiding and Visibility in Interface Specifications. 385-395
Testing II
- Xun Yuan, Atif M. Memon:
Using GUI Run-Time State as Feedback to Generate Test Cases. 396-405 - Zhimin Wang, Sebastian G. Elbaum, David S. Rosenblum:
Automated Generation of Context-Aware Tests. 406-415 - Rupak Majumdar, Koushik Sen:
Hybrid Concolic Testing. 416-426
Refactoring and Reuse
- Danny Dig, Kashif Manzoor, Ralph E. Johnson, Tien N. Nguyen:
Refactoring-Aware Configuration Management for Object-Oriented Programs. 427-436 - Adam Kiezun, Michael D. Ernst, Frank Tip, Robert M. Fuhrer:
Refactoring for Parameterizing Java Classes. 437-446 - Reid Holmes, Robert J. Walker
Supporting the Investigation and Planning of Pragmatic Reuse Tasks. 447-457
- Vinod Ganapathy, Dave King, Trent Jaeger, Somesh Jha:
Mining Security-Sensitive Operations in Legacy Code Using Concept Analysis. 458-467 - Halvard Skogsrud, Boualem Benatallah
, Fabio Casati, Farouk Toumani:
Managing Impacts of Security Protocol Changes in Service-Oriented Applications. 468-477 - Marco Pistoia, Stephen J. Fink, Robert J. Flynn, Eran Yahav:
When Role Models Have Flaws: Static Validation of Enterprise Security Policies. 478-488
Software Defects
- Sunghun Kim, Thomas Zimmermann, E. James Whitehead Jr., Andreas Zeller
Predicting Faults from Cached History. 489-498 - Per Runeson
, Magnus Alexandersson, Oskar Nyholm:
Detection of Duplicate Defect Reports Using Natural Language Processing. 499-510
Experience Reports
Agile Methods and Software Design
- Andrea Capiluppi
, Juan Fernández-Ramil, J. Higman, Helen C. Sharp
, Neil Smith:
An Empirical Study of the Evolution of an Agile-Developed Software System. 511-518 - T. C. Nicholas Graham, Rick Kazman, Chris Walmsley:
Agility and Experimentation: Practical Techniques for Resolving Architectural Tradeoffs. 519-528 - Jeffrey Stylos, Steven Clarke:
Usability Implications of Requiring Parameters in Objects' Constructors. 529-539
Performance and Metrics
- Yan Jin, Antony Tang
, Jun Han, Yan Liu:
Performance Evaluation and Prediction for Legacy Information Systems. 540-549 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Richard P. Kendall, Susan E. Squires, Douglass E. Post:
Software Development Environments for Scientific and Engineering Software: A Series of Case Studies. 550-559 - Lars-Ola Damm, Lars Lundberg:
Company-Wide Implementation of Metrics for Early Software Fault Detection. 560-570
- Mika Karaila, Tarja Systä:
Applying Template Meta-Programming Techniques for a Domain-Specific Visual Language-An Industrial Experience Report. 571-580 - Bastian Best, Jan Jürjens, Bashar Nuseibeh:
Model-Based Security Engineering of Distributed Information Systems Using UMLsec. 581-590 - Sam Malek, Chiyoung Seo, Sharmila Ravula, Brad Petrus, Nenad Medvidovic:
Reconceptualizing a Family of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems via Explicit Architectural Support. 591-601
- David B. Martin, John Rooksby, Mark Rouncefield, Ian Sommerville:
'Good' Organisational Reasons for 'Bad' Software Testing: An Ethnographic Study of Testing in a Small Software Company. 602-611 - Stefan Berner, Roland Weber, Rudolf K. Keller:
Enhancing Software Testing by Judicious Use of Code Coverage Information. 612-620 - Alex Groce, Gerard J. Holzmann, Rajeev Joshi:
Randomized Differential Testing as a Prelude to Formal Verification. 621-631
Software Development Processes
- Neil A. M. Maiden, Cornelius Ncube, Suzanne Robertson:
Can Requirements Be Creative? Experiences with an Enhanced Air Space Management System. 632-641 - Analia Irigoyen Ferreiro Ferreira, Gleison Santos, Roberta Cerqueira, Mariano Montoni, Ahilton Silva Barreto, Andréa Oliveira Soares Barreto, Ana Regina Rocha:
Applying ISO 9001: 2000, MPS.BR and CMMI to Achieve Software Process Maturity: BL Informatica's Pathway. 642-651 - Mira Kajko-Mattsson:
Maturity Status within Front-End Support Organisations. 652-663
Education Papers
- Jayakanth Srinivasan, Kristina Lundqvist:
A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Software Processes. 664-672 - Miroslaw Staron
Using Experiments in Software Engineering as an Auxiliary Tool for Teaching-A Qualitative Evaluation from the Perspective of Students' Learning Process. 673-676 - Laurie A. Williams, Lucas Layman
, Kelli M. Slaten, Sarah B. Berenson, Carolyn B. Seaman:
On the Impact of a Collaborative Pedagogy on African American Millennial Students in Software Engineering. 677-687
Curricula and Course Design I
- Sebastian G. Elbaum, Suzette Person, Jonathan Dokulil, Matthew Jorde:
Bug Hunt: Making Early Software Testing Lessons Engaging and Affordable. 688-697 - Louwarnoud van der Duim, Jesper Andersson, Marco Sinnema:
Good Practices for Educational Software Engineering Projects. 698-707 - Shinichi Honiden, Yasuyuki Tahara, Nobukazu Yoshioka
, Kenji Taguchi, Hironori Washizaki
Top SE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan. 708-718
- David S. Janzen, Hossein Saiedian
A Leveled Examination of Test-Driven Development Acceptance. 719-722 - Imran A. Zualkernan
Using Soloman-Felder Learning Style Index to Evaluate Pedagogical Resources for Introductory Programming Classes. 723-726 - Shaohua Xie, Eileen T. Kraemer, R. E. Kurt Stirewalt:
Design and Evaluation of a Diagrammatic Notation to Aid in the Understanding of Concurrency Concepts. 727-731
Curricula and Course Design II
- Bradley S. Rubin, Bhabani S. Misra:
Creating a Computer Security Curriculum in a Software Engineering Program. 732-735 - Stephanie Ludi:
Introducing Accessibility Requirements through External Stakeholder Utilization in an Undergraduate Requirements Engineering Course. 736-743 - Christopher G. Jones:
Bringing the Systems Analysis and Design Course into 21^st Century: A Case Study in Implementing Modern Software Engineering Principles. 744-747 - Burak Turhan
, Ayse Basar Bener
A Template for Real World Team Projects for Highly Populated Software Engineering Classes. 748-753
Formal Rsearch Demonstrations
Software Evolution
- David Coppit, Robert R. Painter, Meghan Revelle:
Spotlight: A Prototype Tool for Software Plans. 754-757 - Marius Marin, Leon Moonen
, Arie van Deursen
SoQueT: Query-Based Documentation of Crosscutting Concerns. 758-761 - Eytan Adar, Miryung Kim:
SoftGUESS: Visualization and Exploration of Code Clones in Context. 762-766
Testing and Analysis
- Engin Uzuncaova, Sarfraz Khurshid:
Kato: A Program Slicing Tool for Declarative Specifications. 767-770 - Aleksandar Milicevic, Sasa Misailovic, Darko Marinov, Sarfraz Khurshid:
Korat: A Tool for Generating Structurally Complex Test Inputs. 771-774 - Ophelia C. Chesley, Xiaoxia Ren, Barbara G. Ryder, Frank Tip:
Crisp-A Fault Localization Tool for Java Programs. 775-779
Development, Integration, and Maintenance
- Frédéric Weigand Warr, Martin P. Robillard:
Suade: Topology-Based Searches for Software Investigation. 780-783 - Marco Autili
, Paola Inverardi, Alfredo Navarra
, Massimo Tivoli
SYNTHESIS: A Tool for Automatically Assembling Correct and Distributed Component-Based Systems. 784-787 - Li-Te Cheng, Michael Desmond, Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Presentations by Programmers for Programmers. 788-792
- Alexander Egyed:
UML/Analyzer: A Tool for the Instant Consistency Checking of UML Models. 793-796 - Liming Zhu
, Yan Liu, Ngoc Bao Bui, Ian Gorton:
Revel8or: Model Driven Capacity Planning Tool Suite. 797-800 - Sven Burmester, Holger Giese, Stefan Henkler, Martin Hirsch, Matthias Tichy, Alfonso Gambuzza, Eckehard Münch, Henner Vöcking:
Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View. 801-804

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