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IHI 2012: Miami, FL, USA
- Gang Luo, Jiming Liu, Christopher C. Yang:
ACM International Health Informatics Symposium, IHI '12, Miami, FL, USA, January 28-30, 2012. ACM 2012, ISBN 978-1-4503-0781-9
Keynote addresses
- Sophia Ananiadou:
Biomedical text mining for semantic search and knowledge discovery. 1-2 - Jonathan R. Wolpaw:
Brain-computer interfaces: progress, problems, and possibilities. 3-4
Regular full papers
- Abdelkader Gouaïch, Nadia Hocine, Liesjet Van Dokkum, Denis Mottet
Digital-pheromone based difficulty adaptation in post-stroke therapeutic games. 5-12 - Malek Alaoui, Myriam Lewkowicz
, Ahmed Seffah:
Increasing elderly social relationships through TV-based services. 13-20 - Jakob E. Bardram
, Mads Frost, Karoly Szántó, Gabriela Marcu:
The MONARCA self-assessment system: a persuasive personal monitoring system for bipolar patients. 21-30 - Christopher L. Barrett, Richard J. Beckman, Keith R. Bisset, Jiangzhuo Chen
, Thomas M. DuBois, Stephen G. Eubank
, V. S. Anil Kumar, Bryan L. Lewis, Madhav V. Marathe, Aravind Srinivasan, Paula Elaine Stretz:
Optimizing epidemic protection for socially essential workers. 31-40 - Asma Ben Abacha, Pierre Zweigenbaum:
Medical question answering: translating medical questions into sparql queries. 41-50 - Jinbo Bi, Arun Abraham:
An intelligent web-based decision support tool for enhancing asthma guideline adherence. 51-60 - Pavol Bielik, Michal Tomlein, Peter Krátky, Stefan Mitrík, Michal Barla, Mária Bieliková:
Move2Play: an innovative approach to encouraging people to be more physically active. 61-70 - Marko Borazio, Kristof Van Laerhoven
Combining wearable and environmental sensing into an unobtrusive tool for long-term sleep studies. 71-80 - Scott H. Burton, Richard G. Morris, Michael Dimond, Joshua Hansen, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier, Joshua H. West, Carl L. Hanson
, Michael Barnes:
Public health community mining in YouTube. 81-90 - Beenish Chaudry, Kay H. Connelly, Katie A. Siek
, Janet L. Welch:
Mobile interface design for low-literacy populations. 91-100 - Han-Bin Chen, Hen-Hsen Huang, Ching-Ting Tan
, Jengwei Tjiu, Hsin-Hsi Chen
A statistical medical summary translation system. 101-110 - Yang Chen, Guo-Qiang Zhang
, Rong Xu
Semi-supervised image classification for automatic construction of a health image library. 111-120 - Si-Chi Chin, Charisse R. Madlock-Brown, W. Nick Street, David Eichmann
Firework visualization: a model for local citation analysis. 121-130 - Huey-Eng Chua, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg
, Qing Zhao, C. Forbes Dewey Jr., Hanry Yu
In silico identification of endo16 regulators in the sea urchin endomesoderm gene regulatory network. 131-140 - Carlo Combi
, Mauro Gambini
, Sara Migliorini
, Roberto Posenato
Modelling temporal, data-centric medical processes. 141-150 - Tayfur Coskun, Amal Benzina, Eva Artinger, Clemens Binder, Gudrun Klinker
User-centered development of UI elements for selecting items on a digital map designed for heavy rugged tablet PCs in mass casualty incidents. 151-160 - Jeff Crow, Ramona Broussard, Lorrie Dong, Jeanine Finn, Brandon Wiley, Gary Geisler
A synthesis of research on ICT adoption and use by medical professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa. 161-170 - Suruchi Deodhar, Keith R. Bisset, Jiangzhuo Chen
, Yifei Ma, Madhav V. Marathe:
Enhancing user-productivity and capability through integration of distinct software in epidemiological systems. 171-180 - Marie Dupuch, Cédric Bousquet, Natalia Grabar:
Automatic creation and refinement of the clusters of pharmacovigilance terms. 181-190 - Alex D. Edgcomb, Frank Vahid:
MNFL: the monitoring and notification flow language for assistive monitoring. 191-200 - Aryya Gangopadhyay, Ashish Joshi, Ravinder Wali:
A spectral clustering technique for studying post-transplant kidney functions. 201-208 - Judith Gaspers, Kristina Thiele
, Philipp Cimiano
, Anouschka Foltz
, Prisca Stenneken
, Marko Tscherepanow:
An evaluation of measures to dissociate language and communication disorders from healthy controls using machine learning techniques. 209-218 - Lorraine Goeuriot, Jin-Cheon Na
, Wai Yan Min Kyaing, Christopher S. G. Khoo, Yun-Ke Chang, Yin Leng Theng
, Jung-Jae Kim
Sentiment lexicons for health-related opinion mining. 219-226 - Ramya Gopalan, Annie I. Antón, Jon Doyle
UCONLEGAL: a usage control model for HIPAA. 227-236 - Manan Gupta, Jeffrey W. Bertrand, Sabarish V. Babu, Philip Polgreen
, Alberto M. Segre:
An evolving multi-agent scenario generation framework for simulations in preventive medicine education. 237-246 - Derek L. Hansen, Christianne Johnson:
Veiled viral marketing: disseminating information on stigmatized illnesses via social networking sites. 247-254 - Mohammad S. Hashemian, Kevin G. Stanley, Dylan L. Knowles, Jonathan Calver, Nathaniel D. Osgood:
Human network data collection in the wild: the epidemiological utility of micro-contact and location data. 255-264 - Johan Hopstadius, G. Niklas Norén
Robust discovery of local patterns: subsets and stratification in adverse drug reaction surveillance. 265-274 - Ramakanth Kavuluru
, Christopher Thomas, Amit P. Sheth, Victor Chan, Wenbo Wang, Alan Smith, Armando Soto, Amy Walters:
An up-to-date knowledge-based literature search and exploration framework for focused bioscience domains. 275-284 - Ritu Khare, Yuan An, Jiexun Li, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu:
Exploiting semantic structure for mapping user-specified form terms to SNOMED CT concepts. 285-294 - Rajiv Khosla, Mei-Tai Chu, Reza Kachouie
, Keiji Yamada, Tomoharu Yamaguchi:
Embodying care in Matilda: an affective communication robot for the elderly in Australia. 295-304 - Jason Tyler King, Ben H. Smith, Laurie A. Williams:
Modifying without a trace: general audit guidelines are inadequate for open-source electronic health record audit mechanisms. 305-314 - Ashwini Lahane, Yelena Yesha, Michael A. Grasso
, Anupam Joshi
, Adrian Park, Jimmy Lo:
Detection of unsafe action from laparoscopic cholecystectomy video. 315-322 - Peifung E. Lam, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov
, Sharada Sundaram, Frank Wang:
Declarative privacy policy: finite models and attribute-based encryption. 323-332 - Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jonathan Woodbridge, Ani Nahapetian, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
MARHS: mobility assessment system with remote healthcare functionality for movement disorders. 333-342 - Kejia Li, Steve Warren, John Hatcliff:
Component-based app design for platform-oriented devices in a medical device coordination framework. 343-352 - Qingzi Vera Liao, Wai-Tat Fu:
Age differences in credibility judgment of online health information. 353-362 - Ying Liu, Bridget T. McInnes, Ted Pedersen
, Genevieve Melton-Meaux, Serguei V. S. Pakhomov:
Semantic relatedness study using second order co-occurrence vectors computed from biomedical corpora, UMLS and WordNet. 363-372 - Deepika Mahalingam, Javed Mostafa, Debbie A. Travers, Stephanie W. Haas, Anna E. Waller:
Automated syndrome classification using early phase emergency department data. 373-378 - Ronny Mans, Hajo A. Reijers, Michiel van Genuchten, Daniel Wismeijer:
Mining processes in dentistry. 379-388 - Benjamin M. Marlin
, David C. Kale, Robinder G. Khemani, Randall C. Wetzel:
Unsupervised pattern discovery in electronic health care data using probabilistic clustering models. 389-398 - Justin Martineau, Ronil Mokashi, David Chapman, Michael A. Grasso
, Mary Brady, Yelena Yesha, Yaacov Yesha, Antonio Cardone, Alden Dima:
Sub-cellular feature detection and automated extraction of collocalized actin and myosin regions. 399-408 - Daisuke Mashima, Mustaque Ahamad:
Enhancing accountability of electronic health record usage via patient-centric monitoring. 409-418 - Fieran Mason-Blakley, Jens H. Weber:
CIS system hazards derived from literature using systems and human factors perspectives. 419-428 - Stuart Morton, Malika Mahoui, P. Joseph Gibson:
Data anonymization using an improved utility measurement. 429-436 - Fleur Mougin
, Anita Burgun, Olivier Bodenreider:
Comparing drug-class membership in ATC and NDF-RT. 437-444 - Yubin Park, Joydeep Ghosh:
A probabilistic imputation framework for predictive analysis using variably aggregated, multi-source healthcare data. 445-454 - Jyotishman Pathak, Richard C. Kiefer, Christopher G. Chute:
Applying linked data principles to represent patient's electronic health records at Mayo clinic: a case report. 455-464 - Preethi Raghavan, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Chris Brew, Albert M. Lai
Medical event coreference resolution using the UMLS metathesaurus and temporal reasoning. 465-472 - Praveen R. Rao, Tivakar Komara Swami, Deepthi S. Rao, Michael J. Barnes, Swati G. Thorve, Prasad Natoo:
A software tool for large-scale sharing and querying of clinical documents modeled using HL7 version 3 standard. 473-482 - Rasmus Rasmussen:
Electronic whiteboards in emergency medicine: a systematic review. 483-492 - Ruty Rinott, Boaz Carmeli, Carmel Kent, Yonatan Maman, Yoav Rubin, Noam Slonim:
Utilizing assigned treatments as labels for supervised machine learning in clinical decision support. 493-502 - Christian Seeger, Alejandro P. Buchmann, Kristof Van Laerhoven
An event-based BSN middleware that supports seamless switching between sensor configurations. 503-512 - Mustafa Sofean, Kerstin Denecke
, Avaré Stewart, Matthew Smith:
Medical case-driven classification of microblogs: characteristics and annotation. 513-522 - A. Cheyenne Solomon, Raquel Hill, Erick Janssen
, Stephanie A. Sanders, Julia R. Heiman:
Uniqueness and how it impacts privacy in health-related social science datasets. 523-532 - Nicholas Stevens, Ana Rosa Giannareas, Vanessa Kern, Adrian Viesca Trevino, Margaret Fortino-Mullen, Andrew L. King, Insup Lee:
Smart alarms: multivariate medical alarm integration for post CABG surgery patients. 533-542 - Wang Chiew Tan, Peter J. Haas, Ronald L. Mak, Cheryl A. Kieliszewski, Patricia G. Selinger, Paul P. Maglio, Susanne Glissmann, Melissa Cefkin, Yinan Li:
Splash: a platform for analysis and simulation of health. 543-552 - Thomas Trojer, Basel Katt, Thomas Schabetsberger, Ruth Breu, Richard Mair:
Considering privacy and effectiveness of authorization policies for shared electronic health records. 553-562 - Shusaku Tsumoto, Shoji Hirano:
Multidimensional temporal mining in clinical data. 563-572 - Qihua Wang, Hongxia Jin:
An analytical solution for consent management in patient privacy preservation. 573-582 - Julia Werth, Dominic Furniss
Medical equipment library design: revealing issues and best practice using DiCoT. 583-592 - Ruoyu Wu, Gail-Joon Ahn
, Hongxin Hu:
Towards HIPAA-compliant healthcare systems. 593-602 - Chen Yang, W. Nick Street, Jennifer G. Robinson:
10-year CVD risk prediction and minimization via InverseClassification. 603-610 - Wen Yao, Akhil Kumar:
Integrating clinical pathways into CDSS using context and rules: a case study in heart disease. 611-620 - Tae-Jung Yun, Hee Young Jeong, Tanisha D. Hill, Burton Lesnick, Randall Brown, Gregory D. Abowd, Rosa I. Arriaga:
Using SMS to provide continuous assessment and improve health outcomes for children with asthma. 621-630 - Mi Zhang, Alexander A. Sawchuk:
Motion primitive-based human activity recognition using a bag-of-features approach. 631-640 - Yan Zhang
, Peiling Wang
, Amy Heaton, Heidi Winkler
Health information searching behavior in MedlinePlus and the impact of tasks. 641-650 - Michael Zuba, Joseph Gilbert, Yu Wu, Jinbo Bi, Howard Tennen, Stephen Armeli:
1-norm support vector machine for college drinking risk factor identification. 651-660
Short papers
- Yuan An, Ritu Khare, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu:
Data exploration and knowledge discovery in a patient wellness tracking (PWT) system at a nurse-managed health services center. 661-666 - Philip Asare
, Danyang Cong, Santosh G. Vattam, BaekGyu Kim
, Andrew L. King, Oleg Sokolsky
, Insup Lee, Shan Lin, Margaret Mullen-Fortino:
The medical device dongle: an open-source standards-based platform for interoperable medical device connectivity. 667-672 - Jorn Bakker, Leszek Holenderski, Rafal Kocielnik
, Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Natalia Sidorova
Stess@Work: from measuring stress to its understanding, prediction and handling with personalized coaching. 673-678 - Suresh K. Bhavnani, Mamta Abbas, Vickie McMicken, Numan Oezguen, Jeffry A. Tupa:
iCircos: visual analytics for translational bioinformatics. 679-684 - Kathrin M. Cresswell, Ann Robertson, Aziz Sheikh
Lessons learned from England's national electronic health record implementation: implications for the international community. 685-690 - Ivko Cvejic, Jun Zhang, James Marx, Judy Tjoe:
Automated search for patient records: classification of free-text medical reports using conditional random fields. 691-696 - Louise Deléger
, Cyril Grouin
Detecting negation of medical problems in French clinical notes. 697-702 - John A. Doucette, Atif Khan, Robin Cohen:
A comparative evaluation of an ontological medical decision support system (OMeD) for critical environments. 703-708 - Xiangyu Fan, Javed Mostafa, Ketan K. Mane, Cassidy R. Sugimoto
Personalization is not a panacea: balancing serendipity and personalization in medical news content delivery. 709-714 - Lucian Galescu, Nate Blaylock:
A corpus of clinical narratives annotated with temporal information. 715-720 - Antônio Tadeu A. Gomes
, Artur Ziviani
, Bruno Souza Pinto Marques Correa, Iuri Malinoski Teixeira, Vinícius Macedo Moreira:
SPLiCE: a software product line for healthcare. 721-726 - Thomas Hupperich
, Hans Löhr
, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Marcel Winandy:
Flexible patient-controlled security for electronic health records. 727-732 - Antonio Jimeno-Yepes
, Alan R. Aronson:
Knowledge-based and knowledge-lean methods combined in unsupervised word sense disambiguation. 733-736 - Antonio Jimeno-Yepes
, James G. Mork, Bartlomiej Wilkowski, Dina Demner-Fushman, Alan R. Aronson:
MEDLINE MeSH indexing: lessons learned from machine learning and future directions. 737-742 - Arvind Karunakaran, Young Hee-Nam, Madhu C. Reddy:
Investigating barriers to electronic medical record use during collaborative information seeking activities. 743-748 - Gondy Leroy, James E. Endicott:
Combining NLP with evidence-based methods to find text metrics related to perceived and actual text difficulty. 749-754 - Ketan K. Mane, Phillips Owen, Chris Bizon, Charles Schmitt
, Kenneth Gersing:
Mapping patient treatment profiles and electronic medical records to a clinical guideline for use in patient care. 755-760 - Susan McRoy, Vishnuvardhan Vaidhynathan, Amy May, Hayeon Song:
An open architecture for messaging-based consumer-health question-answering. 761-766 - Aurélie Névéol, Jiao Li, Zhiyong Lu:
Linking multiple disease-related resources through UMLS. 767-772 - Vivek Nigam, Tajana Ban Kirigin, Andre Scedrov
, Carolyn L. Talcott, Max I. Kanovich, Ranko Perovic:
Towards an automated assistant for clinical investigations. 773-778 - Penelope M. Sanderson, Tania Xiao, Clinton Freeman, Wendy Broxham:
Envisioning healthcare work: models for prospective evaluation of new systems. 779-784 - Oliver S. Schneider, Christopher Dutchyn, Nathaniel D. Osgood
Towards frabjous: a two-level system for functional reactive agent-based epidemic simulation. 785-790 - Kenneth C. Spry:
An infographical approach to designing the problem list. 791-794 - Yuriy Sverchkov, Shyam Visweswaran, Gilles Clermont, Milos Hauskrecht, Gregory F. Cooper:
A multivariate probabilistic method for comparing two clinical datasets. 795-800 - Cui Tao, Krist Wongsuphasawat, Kimberly Clark, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman, Christopher G. Chute:
Towards event sequence representation, reasoning and visualization for EHR data. 801-806 - Yin Leng Theng
, Lynette Ying Qin Goh, May Thet Tin, Rajkumar Sopra, Senthil Kumar Praveen Kumar:
Trust cues fostering initial consumers' trust: usability inspection of nutrition and healthcare websites. 807-812 - Nervo Xavier Verdezoto
, Jesper Wolff Olsen:
Personalized medication management: towards a design of individualized support for elderly citizens at home. 813-818 - Byron C. Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E. Brodley, Joseph Lau, Thomas A. Trikalinos:
Deploying an interactive machine learning system in an evidence-based practice center: abstrackr. 819-824 - Duo Helen Wei, Michael Halper, Gai Elhanan:
Using SNOMED semantic concept groupings to enhance semantic-type assignment consistency in the UMLS. 825-830 - Lauren Wilcox
, Steven Feiner, Andy Liu, Susan Restaino, Sarah A. Collins, David K. Vawdrey:
Designing inpatient technology to meet the medication information needs of cardiology patients. 831-836 - Rui Zhang, Serguei V. S. Pakhomov, Genevieve B. Melton:
Automated identification of relevant new information in clinical narrative. 837-842
- Joshua Hui, Sarah E. Knoop, Peter M. Schwarz:
Analyzing clinical data in XML: bridging the gaps. 843-846 - Boon-Siew Seah, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, C. Forbes Dewey Jr., Hanry Yu
FUSE: a system for data-driven multi-level functional summarization of protein interaction networks. 847-850 - Huey-Eng Chua, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg
, Yingqi Wang, C. Forbes Dewey Jr., Hanry Yu
PANI: an interactive data-driven tool for target prioritization in signaling networks. 851-854 - Ioannis Korkontzelos
, Sophia Ananiadou:
ASCOT: assisting search and creation of clinical trials. 855-858 - Bailey Miller, Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis:
Digital mockups for the testing of a medical ventilator. 859-862 - Kyle Thayer, Li Xiong
, Vicki Hertzberg:
IFC soft: visual comparison of flow cytometry data using self-organizing maps. 863-866 - Vasa Curcin
, Thomas Woodcock, Julie E. Reed
, Derek Bell
CLAHRC healthcare improvement support system (HISS). 867-870 - Alex Roederer, Andrew Hicks, Enny Oyeniran, Insup Lee, Soojin Park:
Clinical decision support for integrated cyber-physical systems: a mixed methods approach. 871-874
- Parisa Rashidi
Assisted living technologies for older adults. 875-878 - Ted Pedersen
, Serguei V. S. Pakhomov, Bridget T. McInnes, Ying Liu:
Measuring the similarity and relatedness of concepts in the medical domain: IHI 2012 tutorial overview. 879-880 - Satya Sanket Sahoo, Amit P. Sheth, Guo-Qiang Zhang
Role of semantic web in health informatics. 881-882
- Anita de Waard
, Sophia Ananiadou, Maryann E. Martone, Ágnes Sándor, Hagit Shatkay:
Detecting and using document structure in scientific text. 883-884 - Mohit Kumar:
Increasing data availability and focus of analytical research for 4P's of healthcare: trends, opportunities and gaps. 885-886 - Shusaku Tsumoto, Mihoko Otake
, Hiroshi Nakajima, Takayuki Fujita, Yan Chow:
Towards data: a human/machine-oriented approach of medical data collection. 887-888 - Yan Zhang, Prasenjit Mitra, John Yen, Wai-Tat Fu:
Panel on social media for consumer health. 889-890

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